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Ramble City


  1. I think the Transformers wiki is my favorite wiki ever... (0 Replies)
  2. Super Thomas (3 Replies)
  3. How to stop the evolving superbug drug resistance problem (6 Replies)
  4. Children, be ware of the evil subway man. (4 Replies)
  5. I... just... what is WRONG with you hill billies?! (14 Replies)
  6. How are randomized card packs still legal? (15 Replies)
  7. The Lard of the Wrongs (0 Replies)
  8. HTML code that should just not work any more (5 Replies)
  9. Japanese livestreamer burns down his apartment (0 Replies)
  10. This month in movies I don't get but everyone else seems to love... (10 Replies)
  11. Muppets: You philistines need to LEARN (5 Replies)
  12. Roko's Basilisk is what happens when futurists eat themselves (2 Replies)
  13. The Tommy Wi-Show (0 Replies)
  14. Prosthetics, once more with feeling (3 Replies)
  15. Calvin Klein ads are getting weird. (0 Replies)
  16. Fhqwhgads to the sun (4 Replies)
  17. Break your vision with this one trick! (4 Replies)
  18. Ashley Madison hack gets... weird comments (4 Replies)
  19. Bonobo plays Ms. Pac-Man (2 Replies)
  20. Brought to you by the scarlet letter (0 Replies)
  21. Aztec Death Whistle (0 Replies)
  22. I found the brothers chaps! (3 Replies)
  23. My state's governor has lost it (59 Replies)
  24. Most futuristic article title I've read all day (0 Replies)
  25. Kerry would've stopped Hurricane Katrina! (14 Replies)
  26. Fear and Loathing in Skynet (0 Replies)
  27. Why is Emoji part of the Unicode standard? (2 Replies)
  28. Explain this to me... (10 Replies)
  29. AI: some thoughts (0 Replies)
  30. Does anyone here use the Twitter? (0 Replies)
  31. Moral Torture, the new hit reality show! (2 Replies)
  32. What a lovely day! (10 Replies)
  33. "The truth is somewhere in between" (1 Reply)
  34. DMT users are more annoying than any other drug user... (3 Replies)
  35. I need to get me one of these... (1 Reply)
  36. A dub of an American drama... (0 Replies)
  37. Phrases I don't think anyone says any more. (11 Replies)
  38. Sleeping in your bed... (4 Replies)
  39. Simultaneously the saddest and best promotional web site ever (15 Replies)
  40. Who needs human pilots in airplanes? Computers will do just fine on their own! (8 Replies)
  41. Bilbo Baggin's troubadour is dead! (5 Replies)
  42. So... (4 Replies)
  43. Frankly I thought Yolo was some sort of yogert brand... (15 Replies)
  44. The Creed (1 Reply)
  45. My pretentious and poorly drawn political comic... (3 Replies)
  46. Did you get that thing I sent you? (0 Replies)
  47. Cyclists running through stop signs... (3 Replies)
  48. UPS doesn't like delivering to your house (6 Replies)
  49. Hello (23 Replies)
  50. 2015! (3 Replies)