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I've just run into this, uh, cult or something, regarding "DMT".


Read that article, and all you'll find at first is a description of it as a common chemical reused and repurposed throughout many living creatures. As this is incredibly common (numerous chemicals are reused and repurposed throughout living things), it doesn't sound particularly more noteworthy than any other chemicals. Then you read the "conjecture" section (which seems to have been a concession Wikipedia made to the weird cult), and things go off the rails, with description of mechanical elves and otherworldly beings mixed in with the notion that this chemical is linked to "higher perception" and so on. As reigned in as that section is, the implication seems to be that this chemical, in drug form, is somehow unlocking psychic stuff.

If you go too far beyond this initial relatively safe description, you find this:


Just... check out a few of the reviews. There is a long tradition on Amazon of wanna-be comedians first testing their craft with comedic reviews (some hilarious... some... needing some work), and this book is no exception. What IS exceptional is how quickly you lose the ability to discern which ones are genuine and which ones are mocking, almost as some mad parallel to how detached from reality this drug can make someone. Going a bit further down the rabbit hole you'll find whole communities have popped up with the mad fervor normally reserved for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the god made man who WALKS AMONG US NOW.


What the hell is going on here? Why am I listening to nose-ring guy wearing the most boring shirt outside of a 1950's prison? "Spirit molecule"?

You'll quickly find they aren't being metaphorical with that title. They literally believe that DMT isn't just a drug that functions as a gateway, it is, in actual fact, REAL spirit particles, the stuff souls are made out of, "embedded in all living things". They keep repeating that last part there, as though it's the ultimate proof of just how magical it is.

As commenter tomfable at Cracked states:

First of all, to all those who think DMT is a drug, you're wrong. The spirit molecule is much more than a substance that makes you hallucinate. In order to understand this, you'll have to observe it on the 5th dimension (or in other words, experience it). In our world we have hundreds or even thousands of trees or maybe even plants (probably many undiscovered) containing enough DMT for use. Each one of those sacred trees is a teacher, with knowledge rooting thousands of years ago and a unique lesson for every individual who asks to learn. Afterall plants have probably even been here before us, why not choose them as your teacher?!

I think it's great that the fabled Tom here thinks that plants have "probably" been here before us. Someone who paid that much attention in biology/theology (BOTH of which make it clear they came first) is certainly someone we can trust to inform us about 5th dimensional meta-chemistry and which ents we need to listen to.

That's the part that gets me. Pot heads can get a bit annoying about their particular crusade at times, but generally I'm on the side of legalization purely because punishing an addict solves nothing. These days, most pot heads don't try to argue the hippy dippy "weed reveals the truth of the soul" stuff and stick with "I enjoy it so I'd like to do it without getting arrested" part, which is basically all you need. Most alcohol drinkers will say the same (outside of a few bizarre rants from the lazy fat bums of the world). These ones are WAY worse about this thing than ANY other drug promoter I've ever dealt with online though. There's trying to sell me on an experience, and trying to sell me my SALVATION, and these people are certainly in the latter camp. Most of the time, just saying no is enough, but I get the distinct impression DMT promoters are just crazy enough to want to trick people into taking it "for their own good". I'd be wary of this group.
I've never taken DMT personally, but I'm happy all the hippie dippies found a new pet drug. Marijuana, LSD, these are old hat, your parents path to enlightenment. Screw all that free love, let's talk about aliens and elves.

Amazon Review for DMT: The Sprit Molecule Wrote:As Strassman explains, it was these consistently similar experiences with what could only be identified as "aliens" or "elves" that he found most baffling in the course of his DMT research, and these reports eventually persuaded him to alter his whole relational approach to his volunteers. Rather than interpret and explain away, as psychiatrists are wont to do with just about everything, he decided to proceed with an open mind, to listen and encourage, and then later try to fit the pieces into some coherent theoretical framework, perhaps even invent one if current preconceptions of the nature of reality couldn't accommodate the data (such a novel approach!, sadly enough).

If only more psychiatrists would indulge schizophrenics' fantasies about the government coming out to get them. :( They're just, like, not open-minded. How do you KNOW the FBI, CIA, NSA, and Secret Service aren't all listening to a microscopic radio they implanted into the patient's skull? Now let me tell you about chemtrails.

Quote:It is this open, inquisitive attitude that makes this book eminently satisfying, despite any narrative sluggishness, because rarely does one find this caliber of fastidious, empirical-phenomenological research coupled with investigations into alien encounters, near-death experiences, and ecstatic glimpses of God. Usually, a researcher with this degree of scientific experience has already been too thoroughly digested by the modern religion of scientism to be able to see the very real duality between mind and matter, let alone to entertain such ideas as these.

Curse you Scientism!! :cuss: Getcher rigorous hands offa muh mind and matter!

Quote:(1) that DMT is produced naturally in the human body by the pineal gland, and the appearance of the pineal gland in the developing human fetus at 49 days post-conception corresponds to the arrival of the soul in the body (with the DMT chemical serving as a kind of doorway between material and astral worlds);

I think this dude just solved that whole sticky abortion problem. 49 days out, your fetus has a soul. Ladies, you better be swift with that coat hanger.

Quote:(2) that certain meditative practices, such as chanting, cause a vibratory effect in the brain that stimulates the pineal gland to release DMT, thus inciting certain spiritual experiences; and (3) that the phenomenon of alien abduction is so similar to certain DMT trips that they're likely the same thing, which in no way diminishes the "reality" of alien encounters, because, as Strassman theorizes, "Returning to the TV analogy . . . DMT provides regular, repeated, and reliable access to `other' channels. The other planes of existence are always there. . . . But we cannot perceive them because we are not designed to do so; our hard-wiring keeps us tuned in to Channel Normal. It takes only a second or two--the few heartbeats the spirit molecule requires to make its way to the brain--to change the channel, to open our mind to these other planes of existence" (pp. 315-316).

Tune in to DMToday, Channel 53, and see what those wacky aliens are probing into you this time!

Some nutter in a Cracked.com comments section Wrote:First of all, to all those who think DMT is a drug, you're wrong. The spirit molecule is much more than a substance that makes you hallucinate. In order to understand this, you'll have to observe it on the 5th dimension (or in other words, experience it). In our world we have hundreds or even thousands of trees or maybe even plants (probably many undiscovered) containing enough DMT for use. Each one of those sacred trees is a teacher, with knowledge rooting thousands of years ago and a unique lesson for every individual who asks to learn. Afterall plants have probably even been here before us, why not choose them as your teacher?!

Hey bruh, screw the water cooler, meet me by the tree, we'll chew off the bark and rub our faces on the tree skin and go to the FIFTH DIMENSION. What, you haven't experienced it yet? You don't know what you're missing, looks like you've got a lot of learning to do. This tree can teach you all sorts of things about shoving your feet in the ground and letting birds build nests in your hair. But only if you're only willing to listen.

Dark Jaguar Wrote:Most of the time, just saying no is enough, but I get the distinct impression DMT promoters are just crazy enough to want to trick people into taking it "for their own good". I'd be wary of this group.

Ahh, the good ol' Acid Test. There was one radical in that group who used to put LSD in people's orange juice without telling them, just to see how they'd react. Ugh.
The Acid Tests? I thought those were for web standard compliance...

I'm always amazed at the whole "but those experiences are so SIMILAR" line of reasoning, as though the notion that maybe we're all growing up exposed to the same notions in society and might have similar dreams because of that is crazier than actually talking to mecha-gnomes.
I would love to try DMT. I'm not a spiritual person in the slightest, but I think I would really enjoy the experience for the entertainment value.

I use cannabis with some frequency, but it's not a Canadian Space Magic sort of thing. It's because I feel relaxed, thinking is more fun, and (despite the stereotype) I'm much more able to concentrate and remain focused on tasks.