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Um... how is saying 'you said the same thing I did' contradicting you? Erm
Fable was a major dissapointment. It was still a fun game for the 10 hours it took to beat, but it was supposed to be much more.
I'm not saying it's a BAD thing, it's just annoying that I got the game under the assumption that I wouldn't be wasting money, that a superior version released on some other system was NOT going to come out. Apparently, yes, PCs "don't count".

As it stands, I'm trying to sell my XBox version of Fable to someone who has no idea the PC version will exist, or just won't be able to play that version anyway...

And yeah, I know it's not a complete remake, but it's still a lot of extra content.
Sorry, but it'll take more than a some new weapons/magic/buildings to get me to buy Fable again, even if they do increase the size of the game by 30%.
I mentioned the new Zelda on another board and someone laughed, saying Zelda is so 1986. I have no problem with that though, as 1986 was the year in which I was born. :D

Not only that, but as everyone knows, I'm quite the lover of old school games. :)
Yes, I see what you mean. I'm just saying I honestly am not a fan of this game I have anyway. The way I see it, if I just sell my XBox version for as much as I can, I can sort of evaluate whether or not having access to the game again is worth giving up the money I just got. If the answer is "no", then the sale was worth it, otherwise selling my old game was a mistake and I will remedy it by just putting that money into the new version.
1986 was an awesome year! We got the NES, Aliens, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Star Trek IV, I was born that year, and people had weird hair!
And the Red Sox were in the world series (though they lost), and the Celtics won... :)
1986 ruled except for two things: the Challenger explosion and Cliff Burton getting killed. I think there was also a nuclear explosion a day or two after my birth. Otherwise, it was an awesome year.
Quote:I think there was also a nuclear explosion a day or two after my birth.

That would be the explosoin at the nuclear plant in Chernobyl.
Ah. Yeah, I remember reading something about that on the Today in History thing on HistoryChannel.com.
1985 was cooler. ;)
Maybe in Insane Backwords Reverse Land!

1986 > 1985

The above statement is true as far as both mathematics and awesomeness are concerned.
There can be no dispute!
Yes there can. I dispute it! 1985 rules all.

Quote:Bruce Springsteen, Madonna
way before Nirvana
there was U2 and Blondie
and music still on MTV
her two kids in high school
they tell her that she’s uncool
cuz she's still preoccupied
with 19, 19, 1985
Dude, Crocodile Dundee came out in 1986.
1986 was definitely cooler.

To seal the deal, 1986 is also when what is probably my favorite Lego set came out...

How can you not see the greatness of 1981? Not only did Prince Charles and Princess Di get married (how is that working out?), but there were assassination attempts on the Pope and President Reagan! Wow, what an exciting year!
Yeah, that sure overrides the events of 1986... yup... :)
1982 is the unsung hero of years.
Oh yeah? Well in 1986 we had the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear generator AND the Challenger! Beat that, 1981!
1979 makes all the other years its bitches.
Nuh-uh! Although, 1979 was pretty cool.
Nothing beats 1979.
Tells us then, oh great one, what makes 1979 so great. It certainly can't be better than '69.
1612 has all of your dumb years beat.
2380 B.C. all the way, baby!
Great Rumbler Wrote:2380 B.C. all the way, baby!

Now you're just being silly. I've been there and it isn't all it's cracked up to be.
You know what era ROCKS? 65000000 BC!


I rather enjoyed 600 A.D. Maybe it's that Middle Ages overworld music.
When did they do away with overworld music on earth? Or maybe I just haven't traveled enough and there are countries outside the US that have their own overworld music.
I don't know, it's weird. There was overworld music in 1000 A.D., so it couldn't have been before then. Does anybody remember Lavos emerging in 1999? I think I felt some sort of rumbling then. Apparently, overworld music is going to return by the year 2300.
That's what I always wanted to do. Build my own town and then put speakers everywhere that played the town's theme song, but then I figured that after a while it would probably get annoying and everyone would leave.
Not if it were the Zelda overworld theme. That shit just doesn't get old.
There's an overworld theme here in Colorado, just ask LL.
*rubs magic lamp*

I wish I had my OWN THEME MUSIC! Oh, and none of that cheesy sitcom stuff, I want like epic grandious stuff from like RPGs and stuff!

Genie: Done!

Yeah! That would NEVER get old!

Some big angry guy: Hey, would you mind turning that down?

You know, come to think of it, I better ask that genie to let me turn it on and off as I see fit too...
I find it amusing that most of you are picking the year you were born. You can't even fucking remember the year you were born! I can remember 1985 and let me tell you, it beats the shit out of 2005.
I can remember something from the year I was born. I remember it being very dark, and then I saw a light. A force propelled me toward this light as I prepared to escape from my dark prison, but I was stopped by the Man in White. He proceeded to interrupt my escape and then physically assault me. I shall get my revenge on this man when he least expects it.
Actually, he's dead... Died in a tragic car accident a few months ago. It was all over the news.
Yeah, it was on the Channel 2 news with Dan Rather. Although, I think Connie Chung may have been filling in for him that night.
I wasn't born in 1986, Smoke... :)
Two Family Guy quotes in one thread! w00t!

You couldn't make me laugh if I was already laughin' my ass off and you were makin' me do it! If there was a stupid and ugly contest, you'd all win! Or lose... whichever's funnier...
As for years... umm... 1995 was cool. Yeah. We got Toy Story and Chrono Trigger out of that year. Plus, the Alfred P. Murrah building a sploded!

Another awesome one was 1963, too bad I wasn't alive then. But c'mon, MLK's I Have a Dream Speech, JFK's ich bin ein Berliner speech, not to mention that JFK was assassinated and LBJ became president then! Soon, the Vietnam conflict would be elevated out of proportion!

1941 was cool too. PEARLHARBORIFFIC!
And now for the Blacky weather forcast.

Weatherman: It's gonna rain!

DJ: That is OFFENSIVE on so many levels! But, I laugh!
Aw bloody 'ell! I've gone n' wet meself!

Brian: I'm telling.
Stewie: I said vacuum!
Morrowind is cool and all, but my past comments stand. :)
So do mine.
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