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Wow. This is kind of susprising. But what I want to know is why isn't FRD working on it?? EA has a publishing deal with them and it's obvious that they're still trying to make a Bond game as good as Goldeneye, so why not let the guys who made it do the sequel? Yeesh.
Oh joy, another mediocre EA Bond game...
Remember TWINE? Unless they do get Free Radical on this, I won't be expecting much.
TWINE wasn't very good, and Agent Under Fire was even worse, but Nightfire almost got it right (the main problem being the shitty aiming). I wonder what they'll do with the story though. Bring back the Goldeneye satellite? woo..
Halo is much better with exceptions of GE proximity mines.
Proximity mines in multiplayer are the epitome of awesomeness.

FRD should be working on this, though I guess they're probably busy on TS3.
Oh no, this is bad--they've slandered bad Bond movies with bad Bond games, but now they're going to slander a good Bond movie and an old good Bond game with a new bad Bond game! Quick, somebody stop them!
We don't even know this is true quite yet. The report was pretty vague, and EA didn't confirm it. I don't know if I even want a sequel to one of my favorite games ever, and the last FPS I really loved.
Perhaps it's not exactly a sequal in story, but just in gameplay. Sort of a new take on the same story expanding on the whole thing... or something.... I dunno I'm just making this up as I go.

Perfect Dark, now that was totally awesome. The only thing is I wish they included an option to disable gun functions so you could go in with a super dragon that could only fire grenades or a proximity mine that DIDN'T have the ability to detect proximity mines. I will say that the sensor added a whole new element of finding even more out of the way places to hide mines, and of course the challenge of preventing the person from scanning by either hogging the rest of the mines or just engaging them right around the mine you planted so they don't have a chance to scan. That also let me scare people into mines :D.
Goldeneye 2 has been confirmed! I just got my new EGM in the mail today and in their preview section for next month they list Goldeneye: Dr. No vs. Goldfinger, a Bond game where you play as the villains instead of Bond himself. Nintendojo reported on this last week as a rumor, and it's turned out to be true. Here's Nintendojo's report on it:

Quote:Nintendojo has received several UNCONFIRMED reports that EA's new Bond game, a remake/sequel of GoldenEye, will in fact not have James Bond as a playable character in the single player mode.

Instead players will play as various Bond villains attempting to stop Bond from stopping you. It is also possible that the game will feature some sort of time traveling aspect. One possible title for the game that we have heard is GoldenEye: Dr. No vs. Goldfinger. It would be important to note that all of this is still a rumor and should be taken as that.

We will be sure to bring you more info on this mysterious game as soon as we have it. (zp)
It's the April issue of EGM.
Indeed, and also you should take into account OB1 how utterly ridiculous that whole concept is.
Yeah, but you know how desperate EA is to cash in on GE's success. It is the April issue but would they use their all-important preview section for the joke? I seriously doubt it. And they already have a joke in it, which is a PSP LotR racing game.
That one actually sounds plausible, if it was horse racing. Actually, we need a good horse racing game, so if that one was ever made, right AFTER it someone should make a good one.

It just sounds far too ridiculous to ever actually be the case, and I mean EVER. Especially the part with time travel. Doesn't James Bond usually stick with extreme takes on currently existing technology?
Meh, it's EA.

And it's a LotR GP game, DJ. They also mention a LotR kart racer and show a picture of Gandolf riding a go-kart. :D
But even EA has standards. Granted, those standards concern only producing stuff that will sell, and even then they don't do that good a job, but considering their marketting department is in charge of the company, I don't think this would make it past them. Besides, SOMETIMES EA makes a game that's actually good.
Yeah but this was already mentioned weeks ago by gameindustry.biz before this issue went to the presses. And then Nintendojo reports on this a week ago, citing "several UNCONFIRMED reports", without ever mentioning EGM.
Dojo never reports the right sources, which pisses off a lot of people in the industry. Even so, I can see this whole thing stemming from EGM as the reports just started last week and this issue went to print around that time. It might have slipped out from someone who saw an early copy.
gameindustry.biz reported it on the 12th. That's almost two weeks ago.
Let me guess you go back in time bringing in all the past bond villains.
How is the April issue out when it is not even March yet?
Because the current issue is always the one for "next month", in gaming magazines at least... and subscribers get them earlier than newsstands. It's to give them a longer shelf life I think -- that "April" issue could be on newsstands for over two months and not look old at a glance... :)
They replace the issues every month, ABF.

I'm still not quite sure what to think of this. It could either be EGM's greatest April Fool's joke of all time (since two news sites reported on it), or EA's weirdest game ever.
HAHA you guys are stupid and I'm not! :p

From IGN:

Quote:February 25, 2004 - Having heard about the greatest James Bond game for more than seven years now, nobody knows more about the popularity, success and unbelievably long-lasting lore of GoldenEye 007 than the current owner of the videogame rights to that property, Electronic Arts. According to several recent reports, IGN has learned that a spiritual successor to the Rare-developed first-person shooter is indeed in the works.

Called Goldeneye II, the upcoming first-person shooter takes a different spin on the Bond formula, giving players the ability to play as a bad guy, fighting against James Bond. Goldeneye II takes place in the Bond universe, and according to EGM magazine (which will have the cover story on it in its next issue), players will fight against James Bond and they might be able to pair up with other well-known Bond villains.

Since the first game was developed by Rare and published by Nintendo there is likely to be very little in common with the first game, except the notoriously well received name.

What official comment did EA have on the game that will appear in the next EGM? "No comment," said an EA representative. All other questions were also answered by "no comment."

The game is believed to be in development with EA LA, according to the Website gamesindustry.biz, and not Free Radical, the development studio that split from Rare's GoldenEye team back in the day.

There is a lot of speculation sure to spring from this news tidbit, news that is actually not so new. But let us at least get our crack at the speculation fest. We suspect the game is planned for a PS2, Xbox and GameCube release, perhaps this fall, and the PS2 game will be online (as has been the case with all of EA's most recent games). We'll have more news and speculation on Goldeneye II in the near future.

Told ya it wasn't an April Fool's joke and that not even this would be beneath EA!

*does the "I love being right" dance*
*does the "I will kill OB1" dance*
Hahahaha... :shakeit:
*does "I never cared in the first place since EA is stupid anyway and a lot of their games suck" dance*
Everything or Nothing is pretty darn-tootin' fun...
Well, EA is still stupid.
Well yeah...
Quote:They replace the issues every month, ABF.

They put out the new ones but if there are ones from last month left over I think they leave them...

And I agree with GR.
Not in my town, they don't. Crazy New Englanders. :D
They don't around here either.
*whispers to GR about how crazy Maine people are*
*whispers to OB1 about how he totally knows that*
*points and giggles at ABF*
Hey hey, OB1! Post the picture! Do it, it'll be so funny!!
I'm... I'm too lazy to find it...
I was too busy making my Bo sig!
I know!
I sent a DRC to Nintendodorks about Bo Jackson, soo *crosses fingers*
I got a DRC in a couple of days ago. Look!
I saw it! :D
I'm so famous!!
Me too!
You got in??
Two or three of mine have been posted.
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