24th March 2009, 10:31 PM
Jaguar Part II! :)
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Both the Jaguar and Jaguar CD are indeed well known for their unreliablity. Really, their reliability records are poor at best. Just look at the base Jaguar -- the signs of cheapness are everywhere. Note the lack of cart door, open back connections, etc. Add a CD drive full of moving parts to that and it's no surprise that a lot of them don't work. Just check Atari-Age, there's plenty more on it there, and likely help for those broken Jag CD drives of his, too.
Anyway, pretty good episode... not perfect, but pretty good. Too bad about the Jag CDs though, hopefully something can be done, with how much they cost and how few of them there are! :)
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Both the Jaguar and Jaguar CD are indeed well known for their unreliablity. Really, their reliability records are poor at best. Just look at the base Jaguar -- the signs of cheapness are everywhere. Note the lack of cart door, open back connections, etc. Add a CD drive full of moving parts to that and it's no surprise that a lot of them don't work. Just check Atari-Age, there's plenty more on it there, and likely help for those broken Jag CD drives of his, too.
Anyway, pretty good episode... not perfect, but pretty good. Too bad about the Jag CDs though, hopefully something can be done, with how much they cost and how few of them there are! :)