13th February 2004, 7:50 PM
Power corrupts.
May I add how did Bush become a Lieutenant? Probaily the same way he got into Yale through his dads freinds otherwise he wouldnt have made it with a average grades like everyone who isnt part of the elite.
How is it in politics in general that the rich elite can honnestly relate to poor middle class people that vote ,If they never have had financial hardships or ever had to work hard on a part time job just to get into college? So why would they give a damn that loads of white collar jobs are being shiped to india and china were the labour is cheap and there is no regulation on worker safety.
May I add how did Bush become a Lieutenant? Probaily the same way he got into Yale through his dads freinds otherwise he wouldnt have made it with a average grades like everyone who isnt part of the elite.
How is it in politics in general that the rich elite can honnestly relate to poor middle class people that vote ,If they never have had financial hardships or ever had to work hard on a part time job just to get into college? So why would they give a damn that loads of white collar jobs are being shiped to india and china were the labour is cheap and there is no regulation on worker safety.