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Is pot smoking evil?! - Printable Version

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Is pot smoking evil?! - alien space marine - 1st June 2003

Recently Canada just decriminalized pot smoking .The idea was to take the focus on heavier far more dangerous drug abusers.

My opinion is the goverment trying to make another tabbaco cash cow off the backs of its citizens.

First of all recently hand full of tokers started lighting up in front of their schools which hadint happen before the new bill was passed.Not only was the policed called in again and now things are worse then before the bill was passed ,Alot of crackheads actually thought it was legal to smoke weed and thought they could do it publicly.
Why dont we now make it legal to bring beer to school and have mad parties were we can puke everywhere.

Just behind my house we have an ruined rubble of an old ice arena that burnt down 50 years ago, It is now owned by my neighbor. Recently a bunch of punks decided they would camp out there and have a stoning party , They started being loud and destructive and even one of them urinated on my street.

The police were called and they had to send in the swat teams through our neighborhood and round these bitches up. But in the process caused some damage to our properties and our houses.

What I would like too do is beat the living shit out of Jean chrietien for ruining our society and helping to increase drug abuse in our towns and cities. Most of all ruining our freindship with the U.S thanks to his imoral Liberal phycho babble!

All I can say is if you want to toke do it in your house if you want to do it on my property be prepared to bring a bullet proof vest.

I hope the Tories win the next election so we can finally bring some inteligence back into our goverment.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Weltall - 1st June 2003

I know Jean Cretin is pretty stupid even for a commie lib, but the logic of this makes no sense to me. Decrease the drug problem by making them legal? Wow hey, great logic. You know, if you inject cyanide into someone's veins, their malignant cancer or HIV won't be bothering them very long either!

I swear to God, how can people think of stuff like this and worse, how can such a sizable minority take them seriously!?

I feel for you up there, when I the damage liberal socialism has done to your economy and society, to say nothing of Europe's, I pray that liberals never again achieve a majority here in America.

Is pot smoking evil?! - alien space marine - 1st June 2003

Plus I dont see why the PM would want to take advice from people who smoke weed.

"Truth is I refuse to have my tax dollars go to Rehab fucks who dont take care of themselves".
" A police officer actual qoute".

This new bill was not needed as pot isnt a problem , I like that anti drug abuse ad in the U.S were a kid shoots himself dead being so high on weed thought the gun was a cap gun.

Jean Chreitian undoubtly smokes weed , why else do such absurdity.
His crappy comments about Bush were really foolish and wreckless especially with Mad cow, and Sars,He just sprayed piss in our farmers faces.

Vote for the conservative party!

Is pot smoking evil?! - Dark Jaguar - 1st June 2003

Yeah, stupid manuver. Also note I'm for making tobacco illegal as well I should add. I feel I either gotta be for or against both, just like the rest of the drugs. Though, I actually have a plan to just get cigs to stop being made. Step 1, become a multigragillionaire. Step 2, buy all the tobacco companies, they WILL sell out. Step 3, convert them all into toy companies. Problem solved, you can't smoke cigs if someone is constantly buying out the suppliers :D.

Is pot smoking evil?! - alien space marine - 1st June 2003

LOL! thats funny.

The goverment will probaily start their own tabbaco company to continue raking Dough off taxes.

Smoking is now being restricted in many areas , You cant smoke tabbaco in a public restaurant anymore.

Banning cigerrates would be the best decision since that would help lower Lung cancer and also give our health care system the needed rest it needs.

Smokers cause the majority of accidental fires as well , thats why it was baned in almost all airlines, Air canada was the first to do so since a god damn smoker left his cig butts in the garbage can in a washroom on board the plane which caused a fire killing alot of people in the 70's. The air line save millions of dollars off replacing ventalition systems since Tabbaco smoke kept erroiding the air shafts faster then normal.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Weltall - 1st June 2003

Now, cigarettes I don't feel the same about. They don't alter your mind and perception the way marijuana does. I don't defend cigarettes out of love, I actually hate them and I think it's a terribly filthy and worthless activity, but I don't mind people who wish to smoke in their own cars or homes, hell, even segregated smoking areas in restaurants are fine with me.

Alcohol in my opinion is far more dangerous and destructive than tobacco, and it's funny how not only does the government ignore alcohol, it also is sympathetic to weed, both being substances that can rob you of your cognitive ability and can impair your ability to operate a vehicle or even walk straight, yet they pursue tobacco with zeal, when the worst it can do to someone else is give them cancer from secondhand smoke exposure after fifty years.

Actually, I'm in favor of making illegal drug trafficking a capital crime, as that practice is responsible for (wild guess) a good half of the murders in America. Our legal system needs to get it's priorities in check and start going after the root of the problem.

In China, possession of weed carries a mandatory seven year sentence, and dealers of that and others are executed. For once, they have the right idea.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Dark Jaguar - 1st June 2003

Ah yes, I see your point. I too then agree with that. Alchohol is worse than cigs. I guess I was just being a little upset about sharing the same air often enough with one who is smoking. To be honest, my plan would just make it impossible to get a cig, not make it illegal :D. I just wanna know why they don't just all get on the patch. They get nicotine, and they don't HAVE to quit then, plus I don't have a single complaint. I think the main reason alcohol is still legal is because we all know just how well making it illegal went last time they tried it...

Is pot smoking evil?! - Dark Lord Neo - 1st June 2003

It is still illigal, it's just decriminalized.
They decide that maybe since Joe made a mistake when he was young and got caught smoking weed he shouldn't have a criminal record following him for the rest of his life. Instead they fine him if he has less than 15 grams. But they made harsher laws and punishments for those caught dealing.
ASM, maybe they were high but the same thing could happen with alchohol.
I think smoking should be banned in public areas though, and wherever kids are because when your drinking you are choosing to wreck your own body, but when your smoking there is second hand smoke etc.
Quote:Originally posted by Weltaii
I feel for you up there, when I the damage liberal socialism has done to your economy and society, to say nothing of Europe's, I pray that liberals never again achieve a majority here in America.

Why then does Canada have the fastest growing economy in the G8 while everyone else's economy is slowing down

Is pot smoking evil?! - A Black Falcon - 1st June 2003

I know that lots of liberals are for looser drug laws, but I'm not... I think they should stay illegal. And tobacco should be illegal too. Nothing that does nothing but harm and harms many others as well should be legal. Alchohol is trickier... it has some good uses it seems... but its the biggest killer of them all, or close to it (road fatalities!). I don't know.

As for Canada decriminalizing marijuana, its not a good step... for one it'll mean it will be far easier to get it into the US -- like we needed a bigger drug problem! And for Canada, while it'll lead to less crime because of drug lords, probably, it will also increase the number of addicted people... NOT A GOOD THING!

Is pot smoking evil?! - alien space marine - 2nd June 2003

Today another bunch of punks just got busted again in the school parking lot.This proves that decriminalizing the laws would not make it any easier for police as it seems their now working overtime trying to crack down on idiots who think their free to toke anywhere they want.

Canada is the biggest supplier of weed to U.S , Jesus christ Mexico has gotten better then us busting trafficers.
We dont want the U.S to think Columbia when they look up here .

Booze is a problem , Most traffic accidents are caused by drunk drivers. In brittish columbia 60% of death on the road are cuased by drug impared drivers, High on weed and beer mixed.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Sacred Jellybean - 2nd June 2003

Quote:"Truth is I refuse to have my tax dollars go to Rehab fucks who dont take care of themselves".

And I refuse to have my tax dollars wasted on treating pot-smokers like criminals and locking them up for unfair amounts of time.

I've had experience with both alcohol and pot, and to tell you the truth, alcohol seems much more dangerous. Virtually every frat party I've went to, I've had a drunken encounter with aggressive brainless frat morons who want to pick a fight with me. Alcohol makes you sociopathical, doing things before you think about them. You shoot your mouth off to people bigger than you, you say and do things on impulse... I've only had experience with the latter, but let me tell you, I've been more of an asshole than I'd like to think while drunk.

I've never, EVER seen stoned people get in a fight... it just doesn't happen. When you're stoned on marijuana, you feel uncharacteristically mellow and happy, not sociopathical or malevolent. I've never felt my judgment impaired as a result of being stoned, and my pothead sister (who smokes much more than I do) hasn't gotten into one accident, despite the many times she's gotten behind the wheel while stoned (I witnessed it first-hand several times). The ONLY experience I've had with poor judgment while stoned was when I drank more beer than my stomach would allow, because while stoned, it tasted so damned good (my thereafter vomitting was also the result of smoking packaged cigarettes, which gives me mild nausea and isn't a good combination with alcohol to begin with).

I remember seeing a drug documentary in which they showed a silly commercial where a "stoned" boy bites the head off of his glass bottle and swallows the shards. This was a commercial that was aired sometime in the 50s or 60s to discourage pot-smoking. Good to know that our marijuana propaganda hasn't gotten any better. Shooting someone with a gun, thinking it's a capgun, simply because you're stoned? That's just silly...

Is pot smoking evil?! - alien space marine - 2nd June 2003

I was on medicated Morphiene(i dont think I spelled that right).

I can say it is pretty easy to be a heartless killer when your high on that stuff, Your concious is gone for a short period.
I was glad to be off that after my surgerey as I was going nuts.

But the people who I know who smoke weed are always lazy bastards who are unproductive ,Though I find it amusing to hear their stories about how stoned they were. They always seem sluggish and dead afterwards.Alot of people I know who do weed have also tried Coke and acid, I just feel Marayuna is just the key to further more serious things.

There was a 12 year old boy in our town who broke into houses to steal VCRS and Tvs so he could get enough money to buy some more Pot to feed is drug habbait.

Ive seen tons of freinds steal school equipement to pay off some buddy who gave them that gram of good weed the other night.

As for booze it effect some people in different ways then others would, You either become more freindly or more violent and agressive. But unlike weed it isnt potent in such tiny doses.
Though It definently should be kept away from younger kids.
Adults have more tolerance to it ,It some areas you have a restricted amount of consumption per day.
Weed stays in your system and effect you even days after you last toked up, were as beer wares off the next day.

Remeber that guy who was putting bombs in peoples mail boxes a year or so ago. His plan was to make a smiley face across 3 states lines of all the places he set bombs.They found a statch of weed in his car and thought the fact that he injured a few people was funny and amusing.

Not to say everyone to lights up is a Uni bomber.


Some neat facts about Marayuna that dont go into exaderation.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Sacred Jellybean - 2nd June 2003

As someone who's used all three (pot, alcohol, and tobacco), I've found tobacco to be physically addictive and alcohol/weed to be emotionally addictive. I've never felt it to a point where I couldn't function without any of the 3, though.

It's true, you'll see some stereotypical young pothead losers, but let me ask you this: what wastes more of the taxpayers money, incarcerating these people as though they're harmful criminals to society, or to let them be free to waste their lives away?

As we've seen with our success (or lackthereof) on the war on drugs, putting harsh laws against marijuana dealers and users simply isn't practical in stopping people from obtaining/smoking pot. I certainly don't have a problem.

Quote:Remeber that guy who was putting bombs in peoples mail boxes a year or so ago. His plan was to make a smiley face across 3 states lines of all the places he set bombs.They found a statch of weed in his car and thought the fact that he injured a few people was funny and amusing.

As you said, not everyone who lights up is a unibomber, but that doesn't take away from the fact that this is a ridiculous, fear-mongering factoid (if it's true to begin with). Who says this guy was a saint before marijuana "tainted his mind and body" to turn him evil? Is it so impractical to think... I don't know... he was a psychotic bastard to begin with?

Is pot smoking evil?! - Dark Lord Neo - 2nd June 2003

I don't care if Canada is the biggest supplier of weed to the US. It's the US's responsibility to keep it out of their own country, not Canada's.
It's just like when the September 11th hijackers entered the US through Canada, yes they shouldn't have gotten into Canada but it was ultimitly the US's responsibility to prevent them from entering the US

Is pot smoking evil?! - alien space marine - 2nd June 2003

Thing is as allies the U.S doesnt want to feel insecure , They can retaliate economically.
Its called being a good neighbor keeping our dogs off their lawn.
How would like it if your neighbor let his dog shit on your lawn and then blaim you for not keeping his pet off your property.

As for sacred jelly bean , I never lit up anything even a ciggerate, I have had a few bruskeys in my time, But never gotten myself drunk ever, One beer usually does me.

But when you make the comparison about weed and Booze being almost the same thing, You seem to forget you cant just freely drink beer anywhere you want like at school or work,So same applies with weed.Plus unlike Cigs second hand weed as adverse effects on anyone nearby look at that snowboarder in the 1998 winter olympics they detected second hand Marayuna right in his blood.

I believe like booze marayuna also is a depresser , So why wreck your life for a few cheap thrills?Why put yourself in a situation that could lead to serious problems down the road.What about self esteem?Dont you think your capable of more.

I dont like the idea of people profiting off other people by getting them addicted to subtences which could harm their lives.

I dont like the idea of a dazed person behind the wheel of a car ,Better yet a lighter.

We already have problems with Ciggerates and Achohol in our countries, why make this one worse.

I am for responsible goverment that can see past votes or polls and put the needs of their people first.

Like I said this new decriminalization has just done nothing but problems to law enforcement and educators.

So the idea locking you up is a waste of money , Like i said earlier I didnt apreicate having a stoning party by some uninvited guest right behind my yard , making a big mess disrupting our homes and neighborhood which in the end required the police to be involved, Unfortunately force was also necessary as they crack heads decided to toss abusive language at the cops.

Nore do like seeing cops all the time busting people at my high school becuase some of them decided they could start puffing right on campus or even in the school in some cases.

I am tired of having drunks walking across the street and stoned fucks driving by shouting "suck my balls"!.

This is not what I want my Neece to go through nore my own kids for that matter.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Sacred Jellybean - 2nd June 2003

Quote:But when you make the comparison about weed and Booze being almost the same thing, You seem to forget you cant just freely drink beer anywhere you want like at school or work,So same applies with weed.

...I never (intentionally) implied that I think mind-altering substances should be consumed during times where responsibility needs to be taken. Of course you shouldn't engage in such behavior during class or a test, or when you're supposed to be working. Of course these substances shouldn't be given to children. I'm simply using alcohol as a point-of-reference. If alcohol is legal, it's hypocritical to have pot be criminalized at the very least.

Quote:Plus unlike Cigs second hand weed as adverse effects on anyone nearby look at that snowboarder in the 1998 winter olympics they detected second hand Marayuna right in his blood.

Since when does second-hand cigarette smoke not have an adverse effect on other people...? It (used to) bug the hell out of me when people would smoke around me, as I hated its smell and taste. Weltaii hates it, too. It's possible to get cancer through second-hand smoke. What relevance does the snowboarder have...? Did he claim that it was from second-hand marijuana smoke? It sounds like a weak excuse for failing a drug me, anyway. Why would you hang around pot-smokers if you KNOW you're going to recieve a drug test? Thinking the stuff won't get into your system is simply naive.

Quote:I believe like booze marayuna also is a depresser , So why wreck your life for a few cheap thrills?Why put yourself in a situation that could lead to serious problems down the road.What about self esteem?Dont you think your capable of more.

I've smoked marijuana, and I personally don't believe like my life is being wrecked. I'm getting good grades, I'm socializing more than before (not saying *any* of this is connected to pot), and I'm just as regularly depressed/plagued by lack of confidence and self-esteem as before I had smoked marijuana... I personally see no connection between it and failure/depression.

Quote:I dont like the idea of people profiting off other people by getting them addicted to subtences which could harm their lives.

Hello, and welcome to the tobacco industry. Hello, and welcome to the alcoholic industry. I respect that you don't believe in all three of the substances (marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco), I'm simply saying that these industries exist, while marijuana is criminalized.

I'll tell you what's really ruining these people's lives: getting punished with stringent penalties and incarceration for a drug that (in my experience) is virtually harmless.

My college has recently passed a strict anti-drug policy for students; under it, any ONE-TIME OFFENDER in possession of any amount of any illegal drugs will be expelled. In the course of the 8 or so months that this policy has been enforced, many people I know have already been punished with expulsion. The drug that most of them engaged in experimenting with, to my knowledge, is marijuana. It blows my mind that such stringent measures are taken against people who are simply trying something new, a drug whose effects are no worse than that of alcohol. These people's lives have been ruined not because of marijuana, but from our school's unfair, unsympathetic drug policy.

Quote:I am for responsible goverment that can see past votes or polls and put the needs of their people first.

Isn't everyone? It's your opinion that criminalization is the answer, scaring people with harsh laws that will ultimately protect them from something that'll harm them. It's my opinion that people's lives shouldn't be ruined with incarceration and criminal records for marijuana use, something I've experienced and don't see as the hardcore threat that law enforcers make it out to be.

Quote:Nore do like seeing cops all the time busting people at my high school becuase some of them decided they could start puffing right on campus or even in the school in some cases.

Was this before decriminalization or after? As I said, my school enforces an environment where one should be afraid to be caught in possession of any drugs, considering the severe consequences. That still doesn't stop the people who want to acquire marijuana from doing so, showing the inadequacy of attempting to stop all drug trafficking in our community at the expense of students who've been expelled already for their offenses.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Dark Lord Neo - 2nd June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by alien space marine
Nore do like seeing cops all the time busting people at my high school becuase some of them decided they could start puffing right on campus or even in the school in some cases.

Oh that happens at my school all the time cops busting people and tickiting them for puffing, but I guess that's fine since it tobbaco they are smoking

Is pot smoking evil?! - Dark Jaguar - 2nd June 2003

SJ, you say that as though we are saying those other substances should stay legal. We see the hypocrasy but want the opposite solution to it is all :D.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Weltall - 2nd June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Dark Lord Neo
I think smoking should be banned in public areas though, and wherever kids are because when your drinking you are choosing to wreck your own body, but when your smoking there is second hand smoke etc.

That's not always true. It doesn't happen to everyone, granted, but when some people get on the ol' firewater, they become nasty and abusive, thus the sad image of the drunken lush who beats his wife and kids every time he has a few drinks in him, to say nothing of the alcohol-related deaths that occur every day on the road. Alcohol is a much more malignant vice than cigarettes, even though both can be used in moderation without problem. But to say cigarettes are more dangerous is perhaps true in the long run, but I really do not buy the story that causal contact with secondhand smoke is more dangerous than lighting one yourself. [/quote]

Quote:Why then does Canada have the fastest growing economy in the G8 while everyone else's economy is slowing down

Because beaverskin boots and Celine Dion are both fabulous this year :love:

Is pot smoking evil?! - Weltall - 2nd June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Dark Lord Neo
I don't care if Canada is the biggest supplier of weed to the US. It's the US's responsibility to keep it out of their own country, not Canada's.
It's just like when the September 11th hijackers entered the US through Canada, yes they shouldn't have gotten into Canada but it was ultimitly the US's responsibility to prevent them from entering the US

I like that logic. So when someone breaks in your house and kills your kid, it's your fault because it was your responsibility to keep them out.


Is pot smoking evil?! - A Black Falcon - 3rd June 2003

Well I have no personal experience with alchohol (I turn 21 in 2 1/2 months, but have no intention of drinking anytime soon), tobacco, or marijuana... and plan to keep it that way. I don't see why people would do those things... all it does is make you stupider and/or kill you... Confused

And I have nothing against harsh anti-drug laws... its your own dumb fault if you do that stuff and should get what you deserve...

Is pot smoking evil?! - Dark Jaguar - 3rd June 2003

Not QUITE perfect logic there. That logic actually is more like saying it's the person who's house was broken into over the neighborhood watch, rather than over the actual criminal. I doubt this person denies that sep 11th wouldn't have happened if the criminals themselves didn't do it, thus the responsibility lies with them.

Is pot smoking evil?! - alien space marine - 3rd June 2003

Alot of people feel ectasy is harmless, when in reality alot of people die from overdosing on it or mixing it with Achohol.

Marayuna isnt harmless , Like any potent drug it should be respected. Just the same as sniffing Gasoline is bad for you if you just sit around sniffing it all day.

If you just ate jars full of salt that could kill you if you overdose on it . There is no such thing as recreational or Casual Marijuna you do have a dependency on it.When ever somthing goes bad you go to the drugs , You have a hard addiction you should'nt be a fool to underestimate it.

If you just drank beer all day that would be bad too.

As for second hand Tabbaco , You wont get cancer for being exposed everynow and again but if you worked in a smoking enviroment for like 10 years it will effect you down the road.

Is pot smoking evil?! - A Black Falcon - 3rd June 2003

There's this guy in our town who used to be smart, but then he spent lots of time sniffing paint and basically blew out his mind... he's still around but is stupid and can't hold a job or an apartment because of how he is... its sad, but it IS his own fault...

Is pot smoking evil?! - Darunia - 3rd June 2003

I'm not sure if it should be legal or not, but I think if alcohol is legal past 21, then why not drugs? They have such an evil connotation, but that doesn't mean anything...maybe they should just be taxed and really expensive like cigarettes to discourage them.

Is pot smoking evil?! - alien space marine - 3rd June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Darunia
I'm not sure if it should be legal or not, but I think if alcohol is legal past 21, then why not drugs? They have such an evil connotation, but that doesn't mean anything...maybe they should just be taxed and really expensive like cigarettes to discourage them.

Taxes have no effect since jail clearly doesnt either, As soon as people are hooked to heavy hard drugs there no going back for the majority of them,You will just see more theift.

It would be unresponsibility for the goverment to allow people to pump poison into themselves till they die.

Thats why I oppose these dense ideas like giving Cochain addicts little centres for them safely stick poison into themselves off tax payers dollars. It would be wrong of us to encourage them to continue to harm themselves in this defiling manner.

In regards to Marijuna I feel people should be arrested if they smoke outside their homes in public places. Not permited in univeristy dormitories or apartments unless the owners permits it.

Your only permited one little gram if your over the age of 21, You must get a permit to be abled to smoke it in your home.

Anyone who doesnt have a permit will be given 5 years in jail or a bail of 50,000.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Dark Lord Neo - 3rd June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Weltaii
I like that logic. So when someone breaks in your house and kills your kid, it's your fault because it was your responsibility to keep them out.


Same logic as the US uses in regards to 50% of Canada's air polution origionating the the US

Is pot smoking evil?! - alien space marine - 3rd June 2003

We get pollution from all over the place even china ,Yes the U.S has a bad enviromental policy , being anti Koyoto and all.

But the Russians lefted a Nuclear sub to radiate shit all over our artic terroritories killing alot of our aboriginals giving them colan cancer and alot of radiation Poisoning.

So in reality its not just the U.S.

But we should do what we can to stop terrorism as they can attack us, I belived they had planed to blow up a jewish comunity in toronto before 9/11 but Al'qeada decided to target the U.S full force instead.Our two countries share bodies what happens to us will effect them vice versa.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Fittisize - 3rd June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by A Black Falcon
Well I have no personal experience with alchohol (I turn 21 in 2 1/2 months, but have no intention of drinking anytime soon), tobacco, or marijuana... and plan to keep it that way. I don't see why people would do those things... all it does is make you stupider and/or kill you... Confused

And I have nothing against harsh anti-drug laws... its your own dumb fault if you do that stuff and should get what you deserve...

For starters...it is pretty fun.

Sure, if you do it irresponsibly, then that can result in bad stuff happening to you and those around you.

But if you do it responsibly...then it's fun.

Decriminalizing pot is a good thing. If you smoked pot in high school, got busted for it and had it put on your criminal record, then it would be extremely hard to get a decent job after that. Just for a couple of joints you smoked in high school! People do lots of things in high school that they shouldn't, and those few years shouldn't be held against you for your entire life.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Sacred Jellybean - 3rd June 2003

Quote:SJ, you say that as though we are saying those other substances should stay legal. We see the hypocrasy but want the opposite solution to it is all :D.

I recognize and respect that... I guess my arguments are mainly against alien space marine.

Quote:And I have nothing against harsh anti-drug laws... its your own dumb fault if you do that stuff and should get what you deserve...

If the people doing the drugs are at fault, and are using them to their own disadvantage, then why not just let them do what they want to their bodies? If you're going to incarcerate these people for extented amounts of time, they won't be contributing to society anyway, except for taking more of the tax payer's money away for their prison time.

Perhaps you can't sympathize with the feeling that life is so mundane and pointless and depressing that an occasional escape (aided by a mind-altering substance) is desired. If legislators are trying to achieve a nation with sparse drug use by passing harsh drug laws, I think people should at least be given second and third chances, with oppurtunities to clean up and turn their life around.

Quote:Alot of people feel ectasy is harmless, when in reality alot of people die from overdosing on it or mixing it with Achohol.

Marayuna isnt harmless , Like any potent drug it should be respected. Just the same as sniffing Gasoline is bad for you if you just sit around sniffing it all day.

From http://www.drug-overdose.com/marijuana.htm :

"The Drug Awareness Warning Network Annual Report, published by the US federal government contains a statistical compilation of all drug deaths which occur in the United States. According to this report, there has <u><b>never been a death recorded from the use of marijuana by natural causes</b></u>. Unlike opiates, barbiturates or amphetamines, there seems to be little risk from the use of large amounts of marijuana. When a person smokes too much they feel very tired and lie down. When people swallow large amounts of hashish, occasionally they get sick to their stomach."

Quote:As for second hand Tabbaco , You wont get cancer for being exposed everynow and again but if you worked in a smoking enviroment for like 10 years it will effect you down the road.

Who's to say that marijuana is any worse...? Do you have any scientific reports, any actual proof, other than anti-marijuana propaganda merchants?

Quote:Taxes have no effect since jail clearly doesnt either, As soon as people are hooked to heavy hard drugs there no going back for the majority of them,You will just see more theift.

It would be unresponsibility for the goverment to allow people to pump poison into themselves till they die.

First you suggest that drug-users should be locked up.

Marijuana shouldn't be put into that category... how many people's parents here have smoked marijuana? I know my Dad did when he was younger, yet now, he's a hard-working accountant, a responsible citizen, and a good father who's managing to put both of his children through expensive schools to pursue their dreams. Are you suggesting that he's the minority among every single person who has smoked pot?

Honestly, the underground marjuana industry would be a LOT larger and we'd have a shitload more chaos if the majority of people who've smoked marijuana would soon become addicted to it and ruin their lives. You may be able to apply this to other drugs, like ecstacy and heroin- I don't know or care, and it's irrelevant to this topic. Of course, this IS Tendo City, land of OB1 and Falcon arguing and the topic changing every 3 seconds. Erm

Quote:In regards to Marijuna I feel people should be arrested if they smoke outside their homes in public places. Not permited in univeristy dormitories or apartments unless the owners permits it.

Your only permited one little gram if your over the age of 21, You must get a permit to be abled to smoke it in your home.

Anyone who doesnt have a permit will be given 5 years in jail or a bail of 50,000.

Actually, (aside from the penalties you listed, I don't know how they stand) that sounds similar to how it is in the US already, as long as you aren't caught by the cops.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Darunia - 3rd June 2003

Well Space Marine, Alcohol is far more deadly, and causes many more deaths...so I think if that can be legalized, to some extent so can drugs. I know I'm taking a stance contrary to my Republican affiliation, but I think this is correct for America.

Is pot smoking evil?! - EdenMaster - 4th June 2003

Without reading most of the novels you people have posted, I'll just give my feelings on the issue.

Is smoking marijuana evil? Not at all. Is it monumentally stupid? In every conceivable way. I can't come up with a single reason why I'd want to injest something which could potentially be dangerous to myself and others. I'd rather play Melee. Lets do a comparison, shall we? Try and stay with me, potheads, I'll speak slowly.

Super Smash Bros. Melee: One time cost, then you can enjoy it anytime you wish. You can enjoy it with friends or alone, and best of all, if a cop pulls you over and you've got a copy of Melee, you won't get punished (unless the cop is a PS2 or XBox fanboy)

Marijuana: Have to keep paying for it, and when you get addicted, it adds up. If you have friends just as idiotic as you that want to do it with you, then great. Cops don't smile much when they find marijuana in a car, and if you're high, then they're really not laughing. They've got a little 6 by 9 room for you with a barred door for you to stay in for a while.

See? Now doesn't playing Melee seem like it'd be a lot more sensible? Truly, I can't imagine some mind-altering drug being more fun than sitting down in a comfortable chair with a game controller in my hand, or going out and having legal fun with my friends.

So if you want to smoke pot, you go right ahead. I think of it as weeding out the weak and stupid.

Oh, and Sacred Jellybean? Marijuana doesn't kill you directly. What kills you is the stupid shit you think you can do when you're high on it, like drive.

(note: Please don't turn this into a Melee argument. I just used Melee because t's one of my favorite games. If you don't like Melee, replace it with your favorite games instead)

That's what I have to say on the matter, now I'll step off my soapbox (you're right DJ, that <i>is</i> the stupidest word ever created!)

Is pot smoking evil?! - Sacred Jellybean - 4th June 2003

Quote:Oh, and Sacred Jellybean? Marijuana doesn't kill you directly. What kills you is the stupid shit you think you can do when you're high on it, like drive.

As you said, you haven't read the "novels" we posted (you must have an attention span even lower than mine, the alleged pothead! ;)), so I'll recap for you:

Quote:and my pothead sister (who smokes much more than I do) hasn't gotten into one accident, despite the many times she's gotten behind the wheel while stoned (I witnessed it first-hand several times).

I'VE even driven while stoned, and had absolutely no problem. I've also had no problem with knowing not to drive when feeling too stoned for such an involving responsibility.

Admittedly, though:

Quote:The ONLY experience I've had with poor judgment while stoned was when I drank more beer than my stomach would allow, because while stoned, it tasted so damned good (my thereafter vomitting was also the result of smoking packaged cigarettes, which gives me mild nausea and isn't a good combination with alcohol to begin with).

...which relates to what you were saying about doing stupid things. That's the *only* bad experience I've had with poor stoned judgment, though, not to mention other variables (the packaged cigarettes) along with it. I highly doubt it'll happen again, as I learn from my experiences.

Is pot smoking evil?! - alien space marine - 4th June 2003

Sure I believe people who have straightend themselves out should be given a clean slate.

Quote:I'VE even driven while stoned, and had absolutely no problem. I've also had no problem with knowing not to drive when feeling too stoned for such an involving responsibility.

Admittedly, though:

Driving while talking on a cell phone is dangerous and has caused accidents , Any kind of Imparement can be disasterous, Marijuna would effect your concentration and slow down your thinking, effect your vision.

There are people who are dangeorus even while Sobre so just add little more imparement to them and you got yourself a wreckless driver.

Is pot smoking evil?! - A Black Falcon - 4th June 2003

Marijuana may be slightly less evil than other drugs because it doesn't kill you directly. Oh joy. That is such a great endorsement! Its slightly less bad for you !

Is pot smoking evil?! - Dark Jaguar - 4th June 2003

Thing about pot is that you're still SMOKING it, and thus all the bad effects of smoke in your lungs are there, thus pot can still kill you using one of the ways cigarette smoking kills people.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Fittisize - 4th June 2003

Yeah, but it can be fun as hell.


Is pot smoking evil?! - Dark Lord Neo - 4th June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Sacred Jellybean
I've also had no problem with knowing not to drive when feeling too stoned for such an involving responsibility.

That's the same thing as alot of drunk drivers who run over little kids say. I'd never drive while high, especially after the incident with my bike

Is pot smoking evil?! - Sacred Jellybean - 4th June 2003

Quote:Marijuana may be slightly less evil than other drugs because it doesn't kill you directly. Oh joy. That is such a great endorsement! Its slightly less bad for you !

Right... one of the main reasons to outlaw drugs is that they're hazardous to one's health, and citizens need to be kept from endangering themselves. Unlike alcohol, cocain, crack, heroin, ecstacy, etc, though, you can't die from the toxicity of marijuana. I also still maintain that stoned people are a lot less harmful to each other than drunk people.

I personally think baseball is a mindless and pointless activity, but I don't knock you or anyone else for getting involved in it. The same should go for you, you shouldn't knock people who enjoy the recreational use of marijuana. You may not understand the fun in it, as I don't understand the fun in baseball, but that doesn't mean others shouldn't be allowed to engage in the activity.

Quote:Driving while talking on a cell phone is dangerous and has caused accidents , Any kind of Imparement can be disasterous, Marijuna would effect your concentration and slow down your thinking, effect your vision.

There are people who are dangeorus even while Sobre so just add little more imparement to them and you got yourself a wreckless driver.

Responsibility should rest on the shoulders of the drug user, not the government.

Quote:Thing about pot is that you're still SMOKING it, and thus all the bad effects of smoke in your lungs are there, thus pot can still kill you using one of the ways cigarette smoking kills people.

I would say "But teh tobacco is legal!!!11!!11", but you don't think that should be legal either, so there wouldn't be a point. I will, though, say that there are alternatives to smoking. Medical marijuana isn't smoked, is it? I read about a THC pill (THC is a main component in marijuana) somewhere, but I haven't had any incentive to do research on it. There's also another device I read about... a vaporizer, or something? I could dig around to look for it again, but supposedly it lets you enjoy marijuana without the adverse effects of smoking it.

Personally, I think smoking it with people is part of the fun. Rolling and passing a joint/pipe feels good, like everyone in the group is sharing the same great mellow high. It takes away my social anxiety and opens me up, too, so I can share more of my mind with the group as well.

And, as Fittisize said, it's fun as hell, god dammit.

Quote:That's the same thing as alot of drunk drivers who run over little kids say. I'd never drive while high, especially after the incident with my bike

I guess you'd just have to trust me when I say that I would never get behind the wheel if I felt too stoned to concentrate. There's nothing else I can really convince you with.

Quote:Decriminalizing pot is a good thing. If you smoked pot in high school, got busted for it and had it put on your criminal record, then it would be extremely hard to get a decent job after that. Just for a couple of joints you smoked in high school! People do lots of things in high school that they shouldn't, and those few years shouldn't be held against you for your entire life.

I forgot to say that I agree whole-heartedly with this.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Dark Lord Neo - 4th June 2003

I know that in the past getting busted for having pot was almost a class thing.
My parents said the only people they new who got busted were the poorer people who lived in bad neighborhoods, none of the university students(ie at that time came from richer families) who were caught by the cops got in trouble, they just got it taken away.

Medicinal Marijuana is mainly smoked because unless an easily accesable government supply is avalible you have to buy from a dealer

Is pot smoking evil?! - Sacred Jellybean - 4th June 2003

Actually, I read that doctors supply it...

Is pot smoking evil?! - Weltall - 4th June 2003

Drugs are for the weak-minded and the weak-willed :)

Is pot smoking evil?! - EdenMaster - 4th June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Weltaii
Drugs are for the weak-minded and the weak-willed :)


Is pot smoking evil?! - Dark Lord Neo - 4th June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Sacred Jellybean
Actually, I read that doctors supply it...

Depends on the juristiction. For example in Canada they get a permit saying that if they want they can grow it for their own use

Is pot smoking evil?! - A Black Falcon - 4th June 2003

Lots of things are "fun" that shouldn't be done. Drugs are one of those. Comparing it to sports? Uhh... sports don't slowly kill you... drugs do. Any drugs. They should all be either illegal or perscription...

Quote:Drugs are for the weak-minded and the weak-willed


Of course, as Karl Marx said, religion is the same (remember, "Religion is the Opiate of the Masses"). One thing I agree with him on, at least. :)

Is pot smoking evil?! - Sacred Jellybean - 4th June 2003

Baseball's for the weakminded. I mean, honestly, who can actually manage to stay entertained by hours of watching person after person have a ball hurled at them in attempt to hit it with a stick, only to then run around bases set up in a diamond formation? What's the point? Chuckle :shake:

Is pot smoking evil?! - A Black Falcon - 5th June 2003

I watched parts of both ends of the Red Sox' doubleheader with the Pirates (it was the first time the Sox and Pirates have played in the regular season since the first world series in 1903...)... fun. I always like watching them, and watch parts of almost every one of their games... I often don't watch the whole games, but keep checking back and watching some of it while in between I watch or do something else. Though it often is a lot of fun to watch whole games... :)

None of the rest of the sports ever intrest me enough to make me even think about watching whole games, though.

Is pot smoking evil?! - Weltall - 5th June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by A Black Falcon
Of course, as Karl Marx said, religion is the same (remember, "Religion is the Opiate of the Masses"). One thing I agree with him on, at least. :)

Karl Marx was completely full of shit.

Jesus Christ's Crazy Capitalists 1, Karl Marx's Krazy Kommies 0

Quote:Baseball's for the weakminded. I mean, honestly, who can actually manage to stay entertained by hours of watching person after person have a ball hurled at them in attempt to hit it with a stick, only to then run around bases set up in a diamond formation? What's the point?

I don't know that either.

Is pot smoking evil?! - alien space marine - 5th June 2003

a very sad sight indeed.


This kids sniffs gasoline 24/7 , a hole gang of them are addicted to it even despite goverment attempts to detox them.

All of them suffer from brain damage from breathing powerful chemicals on a daily basis.

Sure we could say its their right to poison themselves , but that would be careless of us ,atleast out of 50 kids , 2 were rehebilitated.

Is pot smoking evil?! - A Black Falcon - 5th June 2003

Sniffing gas is like sniffing paint, or butane, or something... all it does is kill your brain cells. If you do it enough you will end up severely mentally retarded. Quite literally.

As for Marx, I've said it before -- his ideas sound great and would be perfect if not for human nature. I know you are selfish and don't want anyone being equal, but the whole POINT of my argument is that that is EXACTLY what is stopping it from working -- and if people were perfect no one would feel that way!

So it was funny before when your posts in rebuttal to mine just proved my point better. :)