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THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - Printable Version

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THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - Geno - 12th November 2012

So I'm hearing lately that twenty states are petitioning to secede from the union since President Obama was reelected Tuesday night. Although I doubt this crock of cow dung will come to fruition, if it did, hypothetically speaking, I would be directly impacted by it, being a native and resident Alabamian. The Republicans would be quick to cut off my student loans, so I would have to finish graduate school (and pursue a Ph.D) elsewhere. My only choice would be to move back to the United States.

My question then is... why? Why is there so much talk of secession? What is it about Obama that makes him the most unbearably, god-awfully, indisputably worst president of all time, as well as Hitler reincarnated, the Anti-Christ, etc.? What has he done that is so catastrophically appalling that we would have to break away from the union? Don't get me wrong--it's fine to disagree with him, it's fine to criticize his policies, it's fine to just plain dislike him and to have voted for Romney. That's the beauty of living in a free, democratic society: you don't have to pretend to like your leader and you can vote for someone else. Sometimes, though, you have to tolerate having a leader you don't like. I didn't like George W. Bush, but I survived eight years of him and I made the most of my life during his administration. But back to Obama--yes, the deficit is a problem; yes, the economic recovery is sluggish; yes, the housing market is in a bind (the inverse effect of deregulating the banks). These are all genuine concerns, but it's not as if Obama hasn't tried to resolve these issues, his biggest obstacle being Republican obstructionism.

So then why? Have Fox News and conservative talk radio so successfully painted their picture of Adolf Obama that the ignorant masses are now seriously petitioning for secession? Weren't these idiots trying to pass themselves off as patriotic Americans just a week ago, and throughout the midterms, etc.? Secession isn't patriotic--it's treason. They try to compare themselves to the Founding Fathers in that regard, but the Founding Fathers did not try to pass themselves off as patriotic Englishmen, and they knew that they would be labelled as traitors to the English crown. Furthermore, their issue was taxation without representation, about not having a voice in the government. Damn straight conservatives have a voice in the American government and media. What exactly is their beef? A healthcare mandate. Is Obama overreaching the constitutional authority of the federal government as outlined in the tenth amendment? Yes, he is (despite what the Supreme Court says). Are his intentions evil? Is this a diabolical scheme to turn America communist? No. That is the image that Fox News and Rush Limbaugh have painted of Barack Obama, and it's the image these idiots believe in. He's a Kenyan Muslim Socialist who wants to destroy America from the inside out, rather than the duly elected leader of the free world.

What gets me is that these idiots don't know that they've been brainwashed. They actually believe that they're free thinkers. If you fact check them with a website such as Snopes or Politifact, they'll accuse you of drinking the Kool-Aid and say that Snopes and Politifact are run by liberals (both sites run fact checks on lies that are made about conservative politicians as well, mind you). They believe in this myth called the liberal media. They believe that everyone else is brainwashed, and they're among the select few who are intelligent enough to resist the mind-controlling powers of MSNBC and Michael Moore. They believe whatever they want to believe if it suits their political agenda. They believe those stupid chain letters they get from their co-workers and distant cousins about the healthcare mandate killing old people. The most dangerous thing about these idiots is that THEY DON'T KNOW THAT THEY'RE IDIOTS. THEY THINK THEY'RE THE INTELLIGENT ONES.

It's going to be an interesting four years, I'll tell you that.

THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - Dark Jaguar - 12th November 2012

Got any links to this? I haven't heard a word of it myself, and it sounds rather suspicious. I have no doubt some southern states would make noise about secession now and again, but I doubt any of them would have the tenacity to actually go through with it.

It sounds like something I'd read off of Snopes to be honest.

THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - Geno - 12th November 2012

It was reported on the local news, for one. You can also find some online articles here:

It's nothing official, of course, just citizens signing petitions, but it's a very widespread and vocal effort to encourage state politicians to declare their independence, or in a few less extreme cases, politely ask Obama if they can leave the Union.

THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - Great Rumbler - 12th November 2012

It's a few thousand hardcore racialists mewling over a black man getting a second term in the White House, not really worthy of much attention.

THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - Dark Jaguar - 13th November 2012

Ah, just some crazy citizens. I'd say there's nothing much to see here.

Oklahoma isn't a southern state (well, geographically it is, but not in the sense that most people mean, which is "confederate state", as OK wasn't even a state during the war), so I've yet to hear a single person here make secession sound like a good idea, and generally whenever the confederacy is mentioned, it's mentioned like the north mention it, always "they seceded, over there, traitors".

THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - alien space marine - 13th November 2012

Dark Jaguar Wrote:Ah, just some crazy citizens. I'd say there's nothing much to see here.

Oklahoma isn't a southern state (well, geographically it is, but not in the sense that most people mean, which is "confederate state", as OK wasn't even a state during the war), so I've yet to hear a single person here make secession sound like a good idea, and generally whenever the confederacy is mentioned, it's mentioned like the north mention it, always "they seceded, over there, traitors".

Didn't Puerto Rico just passe a referendum to join the union as nĂºmero cincuenta uno?

THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - Dark Jaguar - 13th November 2012

I don't think they want to join as the greatest, just as a state (they're already a US territory). At any rate, why did you quote my post for that? I'm not sure how that has anything to do with what I said.

THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - A Black Falcon - 13th November 2012

DJ, while Oklahoma didn't secede, that is true, I think there was strong secessionist support there... had it been a state, I'd guess it'd have probably joined the South. There was some slavery in Oklahoma, yes?

Anyway, yeah, this secessionist thing isn't going to go anywhere, but sure, the conservatives should be frustrated... in the popular vote they've lost five of the last six presidential elections, after all, and it looks like things are going to get even worse for them in the future unless they can manage to somehow attract women, latinos, and/or black people... and I'm very doubtful about any of that. As much as some Republicans admit that their current older white male focus is a losing proposition longer-term, they don't want to change any of their actual policy positions, and that's what really matters!

THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - Dark Jaguar - 14th November 2012

You seem to be missing a LOT of the history of Oklahoma. No worries, us Oklahomans get our sad pathetic origin story drilled into us at a very young age.

Welcome to Oklahoma, last stop on the trail of tears. During the civil war, Oklahoma was native American territory. It's true that confed forces attempted to utilize Oklahoma, but no real strong presence was ever really set up there (especially after union forces showed up later and led a decisive charge). It was outsiders coming in and concripting aid from native American tribes, you see. There are no "had Oklahoma been a state" imaginings to be had, because Oklahoma was pretty much entirely inhabited by native Americans who wouldn't have wanted to be a state. The question of support of secession is nonsensical in this case. They were already an independent territory and didn't want to join the confederacy either. And yes, the native American tribes used slaves themselves, but that's got pretty much no bearing on Oklahoma after being forcibly settled by white Americans. They were two completely different societies, one stepping on the other to make room for themselves.

It's a sad and pathetic history, but my point is, Oklahoma was essentially a non-player in the civil war, and never really could have been one. Heck, when Oklahoma was first drafted as a state, it was a democrat leaning state. It actually stayed democrat for many decades at that, and it's relatively recent in it's history that it got to a 2/3 republican majority. This makes sense since immigrants to the state came from both above and below.


Saying southern support is Oklahoma history is like saying thunder bird worship is part of American history. Technically true by region, but it ignores the vast changes in population and which society was in charge at the time. Oklahoma is, in many ways, a sort of mini-America.

THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - Dark Jaguar - 15th November 2012


Turns out, the internet is itself.

A lot of these signatures for various states are from residents of OTHER states. In other words, this really was nothing at all.

Motorcycle Judge Dredds? That's something to get excited about.

THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - Geno - 17th November 2012

Dark Jaguar Wrote:http://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/why-E28098anti-obama-states-secede21E28099-story-lie/

Turns out, the internet is itself.

A lot of these signatures for various states are from residents of OTHER states. In other words, this really was nothing at all.

Motorcycle Judge Dredds? That's something to get excited about.

Haha, fail. There's no filter to determine if the person signing the petition is from the state to which the petition applies.

I signed a petition to have everyone who signed the secession petitions stripped of their citizenship and deported. I know this petition is equally unlikely to come to fruition, but still... it's a way of making a statement. Conservatives certainly can't parade around as patriotic Americans after this most recent asinine display. There's nothing patriotic about being a traitor.

Also, this:
[Image: 2ia992a.jpg]

THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN! - Dark Jaguar - 17th November 2012

The PS makes me wonder if that ends up simply becoming the "Texas national debt".

I wonder though. All this bogus talk of secession... Was each state going to go independent, or were they going to join together in a confederacy again?

One person suggested EVERY state should secede, so if it's the latter, that would be weird. It would be like that quote in Sealab 2021, "Let's cut his ENTIRE BODY off!"