Tendo City
What I learned from anime about Japan - Printable Version

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What I learned from anime about Japan - etoven - 16th August 2012

Apparently, Japan is 7000 years more advanced than we are, with flying spaceships, cyborg brains, and watches that connect to the internet and video conference. Also, in Japan everyone has mystical powers, can control the elements, and ride dragons. Yes, there are dragons running around, ice dragons, and people trap them in Poké Balls, and then battle them for sport. In Japan spinning tops are controlled by your will and spirit, contain animal gods, and are made by man. Also, if you lose the battle someone will still your sole.

Am I missing anything?

Robots run around with soles, sometimes burst through your head, solve crimes, and clean your house while solving crimes. Wolf spirits run around hot and naked, are responsible for a good harvest and are great at economics. If you wear a cape, you’re evil, if you wear a white cape you’re not. People, can force you to do things with their red glowing eye which spawns graphic cinematics that for a brief moment replace the world just for effect. People can turn metal rods into sculptures using only their mind, and its called a science. If you lose an arm or leg you can replace it with a machine that functions just like the original organ. And, finally the dead walk around and fight evil.
Wow, their department of tourism must be a busy place.

What I learned from anime about Japan - Great Rumbler - 16th August 2012

Pokemon wasn't set in Japan, though...

What I learned from anime about Japan - A Black Falcon - 16th August 2012

All anime is set in Japan, though, whether you know it or not! But yeah, etoven's post is about right, I think. :)