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Guild Wars - Printable Version

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Guild Wars - Great Rumbler - 7th May 2010

For those that don't know, Guild Wars is an online RPG. It's not quite an MMO because the only places where you'll see other people in town, except for the people you recruit to be in your party. Okay, now you know.

ABF, you wanna go questing together? Going out alone is a bit boring and I'd rather go questing with people that aren't complete strangers.

Guild Wars - A Black Falcon - 7th May 2010

Awesome... it's such a great, addictive game. But I know I've been saying that for years.

Which chapters do you have (Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North...)? And what's your username ingame?

Also, this: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=359593&page=8

Guild Wars - Great Rumbler - 7th May 2010

I've got the main game and Factions.

My character name is Jezahra Illandra.

Guild Wars - A Black Falcon - 7th May 2010

"That character name does not exist."

Guild Wars - Great Rumbler - 7th May 2010

There, I fixed it.

Guild Wars - A Black Falcon - 7th May 2010

There, now I added you. :)

Guild Wars - lazyfatbum - 8th May 2010

...WoW is better. >.>


Guild Wars - A Black Falcon - 8th May 2010

No it isn't. I'd play WoW too though if it had no monthly fees like Guild Wars, though... but while I have played a bit of WoW and it is really good, it's just not quite as good as GW, in my opinion.

(Note: this comparison is partially GW vs. WoW, partially GW vs. MMOs in general.)

Graphics: Guild Wars (fantastic graphics which still look amazing and at times awe-inspiring!)
Art design: Guild Wars (absolutely stunning art design, still some of the best ever in games)
Strategy required in playing: Guild Wars (having to choose just 8 skills makes for a very different feel from MMOs)
Grind: Guild Wars (very little is required, instead of vast numbers of hours! Say "thank you, designers not forced to make a game designed to suck up hours (to keep you paying them your monthly fees) instead of actually be fun!") (That is, I like that the level cap is low, that expensive armors are mostly a visual upgrade, that better items often have a downside as well as a benefit, etc. Balance, in an online RPG! Wow!)
Size of userbase: WoW (though GW has sold millions and still has a large active player base, of course it can't match WoW.)
Grouping for people not in guilds or whatever WoW calls them: Guild Wars, probably (what I played of WoW was mostly solo... while in GW hundreds of hours have been in PvE groups).
PvP: I can't judge, as i haven't played WoW in PvP, but the barrier to entry certainly is a whole heck of a lot lower in GW, at least. That is, in GW there is no barrier, you can create a PvP character straight out and go right in to the extremely well balanced PvP aspect of the game. Is that true in any standard MMO?
Music: Not sure
Story presentation: Guild Wars. No MMO has a story told as clearly as GW, with a clear mission path in each campaign that brings you through a very single player RPG style campaign and story.

What am I missing? :)

Guild Wars - A Black Falcon - 8th May 2010

Anyway, when are you online (in the game)? We should play it sometime, that is why you made this thread right? :)

Guild Wars - Great Rumbler - 8th May 2010

I actually haven't played it at all today. I was downloading at testing out a bunch of Fallout 3 mods.

Guild Wars - A Black Falcon - 8th May 2010

What's the best way to actually play at the same time then... luck?

Guild Wars - Great Rumbler - 8th May 2010

Uh...I don't know. I suppose we'd have to decide in advance.

Guild Wars - A Black Falcon - 8th May 2010

Good idea.

Guild Wars - lazyfatbum - 9th May 2010

Only noobs grind. lrn2server. And everything you mentioned is vastly superior in WoW, GW is free and that's its only saving grace from being a complete waste. You might as well play Runescape, which I stopped at level 30 and had nothing to accomplish but rearrange my furniture. At least in Animal Crossing I could make my own Dickbutt shirts.

GW battles can be great but you get a lot of pussy interference and retards who dont know how to teamwerk or lead. Then they're too scared to use voice chat and type like inane third-world acronym-speaking assholes hu ecpt u2udrstd impt ttcl mnvs wil ppfly disrgrd all com. And the ones who DO type? Model/karate teachers and/or boxers who, between modeling gigs/matches/tours apparently relax by whining for half an hour about how Robert ONLY HEALS THE GIRLS and "Doesn't have a mic or cam" for their $4000 quad-core triple-monitor setup and the majority of the conversation is around what to dip pizza rolls in to or what XX:XX:XX has the best frame of Na'vi tit. Yeah sign me the fuck UP.


Guild Wars - A Black Falcon - 13th May 2010

... So when could we play this, GR? Anytime soon?

Guild Wars - Great Rumbler - 13th May 2010

I haven't even played it since I made this thread. :(

Guild Wars - lazyfatbum - 13th May 2010

Oh that's too bad, maybe it's because it SUCKS SO HARD


Guild Wars - A Black Falcon - 13th May 2010

Great Rumbler Wrote:I haven't even played it since I made this thread. :(


Play it soon! It's such a great game...

Guild Wars - lazyfatbum - 13th May 2010