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Spider-Man 4' Scrapped - Printable Version

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Spider-Man 4' Scrapped - alien space marine - 11th January 2010


Quote:Mike Fleming and I have just confirmed that Sony Pictures decided today to reboot the Spider-Man franchise after Sam Raimi pulled out of Spider-Man 4 because he felt he couldn't make its summer release date and keep the film's creative integrity. This means that Raimi and the cast including star Tobey Maguire are out. There will be no Spider-Man 4. Instead, the studio will focus on a reboot script by Jamie Vanderbilt with a new director and a new cast. All this took place today at meeting on the lot today. An official Sony Pictures news release about it is

I could take a recasting but not a reset, Its way too soon to rewind back to the beginning again!!

Who should be the new Peter Parker? Micheal Cera?

Spider-Man 4' Scrapped - A Black Falcon - 11th January 2010

I watched the first two in theaters, but didn't care about them too much and never bothered to watch the third... eh, they were okay, but not great.

Spider-Man 4' Scrapped - lazyfatbum - 12th January 2010

Oh brother.

If we're gonna get in to re-boots that's fine, lets get Mayday as Spidergirl and tear off Parker's leg. For film reasons, have a subplot of May trying to find a 'cure' to give him his leg back - it'll be perfect for introducing Lizard.

If no one read Spidey, MC2 has Parker and Jane have a kid (a daughter at first) but Parker loses his leg to a dying Green Goblin in their last battle. They raise the daughter (May) who finds Parker's suit when she's older, oh and of course she has Spidey's powers. For the film, her powers could be somewhat updated or changed.

The real show stopper would be Elseworlds. That would be amazing to watch since you basically have Spidey team up with every superhero at some point. He even fought Superboy one on one and there was a plot of Dr. Doom using a G-Virus type parasite to re-create hulk like changes and give non mutants Wonder Woman's powers. Shit got hardcore in that story.

Ultimately, they could go a route that I would hate as much as I would love. Re-tell the original Spiderman except Peter Parker is 10 years old. This would be hilarious to me, Peter is bitten by the spider while living in Nevada and playing with his friend in the desert. Peter gets deathly ill and is taken to the hospital, the friend says it was a spider bite and no one believes him because Peter is dying from radiation. So friend goes out to the place where the spider bit him to find it and bring it back, unfortunately, its a nuclear testing site. A bomb goes off in the distance and the shockwave can be seen traveling towards him, so he hides behind a 5 foot thick lead wall used for protecting onlookers. The gamma radiation passes through the wall in to his friend, rendering him in to a 10 year old Hulk. Wanna make it more badass? It's 10 year old She-Hulk.

Yes. Recreate the universe from the perspective of 10 year olds. They meet in a abandoned house in the woods, they have to go to school, etc. Use 'The Explorers' and 'The Goonies' as a basis for the scope of the film.

One thing that's never thought about in these types of stories, for example Teen Titans, is that a child with psychic powers or some super ability involving the mind is that a child's imagination is limitless because they have no understanding of limits, so a child's interpretation of using those powers would be bizarre and immense.

Of course, this would do nothing more than piss off all the fans. Again, their beloved franchises would be 'kiddified'. But the film or filmseries would be a lot of fun.

Spider-Man 4' Scrapped - Geno - 14th January 2010

Get Joel Schumacher to direct--*is shot*

I mean... Christopher... Nolan... *dies*

Spider-Man 4' Scrapped - Dark Jaguar - 14th January 2010

A reboot so soon is dumb, but I like your total reimagining as a Goonies style kid's story lazy.

Ditch the friend becoming the Hulk though. That's just leading into the "too many characters" issues that Spiderman 3 had. Never did like the "no one believes me because I'm just a KID" angle. Maybe just have Spiderman and a bunch of his kid friends, and when he becomes Spiderman he has to get all their help to be a hero and still be in time for schools and chores and such. One of them will be a zany inventor friend, and one will be fat without any other defining character attributes, because that's funny. The Goblin can be the school bully.