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Camcast busness class tech support - Printable Version

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Camcast busness class tech support - etoven - 19th June 2009

I can only say that not once have I called Comcast business class tech support and not felt frustrated and angry afterwords.

The whole experience is nothing more than really really stupid people talking down to you for a minium of 45 minutes of agonizing pain and frustraition. Comcast employees the dregs on the planet... They are soleless creatures who hate all beings, their hatred for human kind is only matched by their complete stupidety. These uneducated, special bus riding wigger ass holes know nothing about networks, nothing about busness class networking, nothing about the email and collaboration tools they offer, and have no certifications to speak of, of any kind. Their only redeming attribute is a demonic like power to run away from their desk at near inhuman speeds after pissing you off on the phone.

They are the bain of human kind and I hate them....

If it warnt for the outstanding products and afordable prices Comcast offers, I would have pissed on all their parents graves long ago...

I have to fix every thing my self, and it shouldn't be that way... And when they fuck up on their end, god help me I have to pray it works itself out....

You can't call them....

They deny they fucked up
They deny anyone else is having problems

Then they hang up on you.
And then deny you had called before.

I wish a billion plegs appon then. And then a million more.

I hate them all
