Tendo City
EL OH EL - Printable Version

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EL OH EL - Weltall - 28th April 2009


I swear, I thought for years that Angelfire had just deleted this page (as with most of the others I had). Yet, it still lives, and has been consuming resources on their servers for almost ten glorious years!

Still, I was a pretty terrific webmaster in my day.

And by terrific I mean awesome.

EL OH EL - alien space marine - 28th April 2009

The Ironic twist of fate in making the official Nintendo sucks page and to be now running a Tendite fan site.

We all played and even owned N64's , Yet we devoted our spare time to bashing the hell out of it as if we enlisted into some national army of the holy PlayStation honor guard ... :o

The site devolved from being a playful debate amongst freinds , To a nasty exchange of verbally denigrating hate speech.

I admit that some blame lays with me in that regard, Once all the good people departed it was left infested by mouthy pompous jerks.

EL OH EL - lazyfatbum - 29th April 2009

Quote:Why Nintendo hasn't completely died out Sure, Playstation has totally and completely humiliated Nintendo by showing them what a real system is, but Nintendo has not completely dies out... yet... For one thing, they still market the hell outof Pokemon. This and this alone is what kept Nintendo from meeting the fate of Atari, becasue they were in some serious trouble. Milk it for all it's worth, until it's dry. Once Pokemon goes the way of Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles, Nintendo will likely bow out of the games business. The other reason, the reason why N64 didn't suffer the way Sega did, beasue Nintendo is riding on the coattails of it's past. The glory days when every kid and his brother owned Nintendo products, when they owned the market. The days when games lived or died on gameplay, the times when Zelda and Mario Brothers and Metroid were the biggiest names in videogames. But today, to milk it, Nintendo no longer puts the same level of quality in thier games. Now all that matters is that the game looks pretty, to hell with gameplay. You don't see Sony doing that. Every month, we are treated to new experiences in gameplay. Now that Playstation2 is coming in little more than a month, and Nintendo's Dolphin coming out God know when, if ever, Nintendo certainly lives on borrowed time.

EL OH EL - etoven - 29th April 2009

Amongst all the popup ads and banners ads, Ryan's page is in there.... Some ware.
Man angel fire was horrible! I'm surprised that company still exists.

And Lazy....What the hell... Seriously that image is like two cats fucking. Only one cat has some huge fucking camel tow. And the others a 'little feline' who had to be quickly taken away from her mother because she was small and looked delicious.

EL OH EL - alien space marine - 29th April 2009

Toven were you ever part of the gaming flame war back then ?

EL OH EL - Weltall - 29th April 2009

He wasn't. I didn't meet him until years after.