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The Hudson River Landing - Printable Version

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The Hudson River Landing - Dark Jaguar - 23rd January 2009

Well I'm sure you've all heard of this.

Here's what gets me, there's already a conspiracy theory saying it was all faked. For the life of me I can't imagine why anyone would bother.


The biggest argument is that the plane wings couldn't support the weight of "more than 20" people.

Um... this is why conspiracy theorists never seem to have an engineering background. Do they not realize that for a plane to fly, the wings have to support the weight of the ENTIRE PLANE against the force of the upward lift of the air flowing over the wing? Do they honestly think the weight of the passengers alone compares at all?

To drive it home, watch this:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/pe9PVaFGl3o&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/pe9PVaFGl3o&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Now that wing snap was epic, now imagine the forces you'd need to get it to snap that hard. Do you think a bunch of people standing around are going to compare to this?

Other than that is the typical cry of "photo shop!".

I am not of the opinion that everyone's opinion should be respected. A lot of them are idiotic, and I'm going to call them on it. Heck, the video calls this conspiracy stupid from 7 different angles. MORONS! /Farnsworth

The Hudson River Landing - A Black Falcon - 23rd January 2009

Conspiracy theorists are crazy... "The Twin Towers would never have fallen down straight like that without BOMBS!", for instance...

Sure, once in a while a crazy conspiracy theory is true. That doesn't mean that people should generally start believing in them. :)

The Hudson River Landing - Dark Jaguar - 24th January 2009

9/11 was a conspiracy, it was a conspiracy of a terrorist group :D.

What makes this conspiracy different? Evidence. Not only did that terrorist group take credit for it, there's the videos of the planes crashing, the recorded conversations of some passengers describing the terrorists, and records of some of those terrorists booking passsage on those flights as well as taking flying lessons. "Hey teacher, let's say I wanted to land my plane really REALLY fast... vertically, how would I do that?"

It's true that through history there HAVE been actual factual conspiracies, but not a one of them are on the insanely huge scale of the crazy conspiracies most of the deluded convince themselves of today. They're usually much smaller affairs, and the majority of them that involve coverups took place long before our information age, and even then never lasted that long.

Generally, the flaws in things like massive coverups of the JFK assasination, 9/11 being done by our own government, and "Big Pharma" is you have to believe in a PERFECT conspiracy of millions, the idea that everyone in the goverment knows it, and not a single one of them ever had a crisis of conciouse and came forward, and not just our goverment. They require that all the witnesses were paid off to lie, and that every one of them has no morality and would accept being paid off to lie. They require that all engineers, everywhere, across the globe, are "in" on the conspiracy (in the case of big pharma, that all doctors everywhere are in on it). And lastly, that the expertise of the conspiracy theorist, with no training in any major scientific field, or at best training in a field unrelated to the conspiracy, somehow puts them in a better position to say this building collapsed not because of planes, but bombs. That takes utterly massive ego, to fly in the face of all the evidence and still say "I know I'm right because I'm just that awesome", and it takes a very massive dose of misanthropic outlook to say "every single person in the world is evil, except my little group, they are the only ones uncorrupted by the Big Lie".

The DaVinci Code conspiracy is particularly bizarre in that that book was INTENDED as fiction from the start, and somehow people took it seriously, but it's no less ridiculous. Not that the Catholic Church hasn't been guilty of false things before, like that shroud of Turin (which tastes DELICIOUS) that by the dating methods that have been done to it, in those very rare instances where those not already convinced have been allowed to test it, show it as being not old enough (by a few centuries) to have been around during that time.

Edit: The moon landing conspiracy is also stupid.

The Hudson River Landing - Great Rumbler - 24th January 2009

Even if the wings of the plane weren't designed to hold the weight of even just 20 passengers, the plane [and the wings] were being bouyed by the water and so any weight from the passengers would be more evenly distributed than if the plane was just sitting on the tarmac. Plus the passengers were all spread out on the wings on both sides of the plane. So there guys that part of the theory.

And there IS footage of the plane being ditched in the water. So there goes the rest of the theory.