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Fox news slip the beans - Printable Version

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Fox news slip the beans - alien space marine - 6th November 2008

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/oZfM5LluYqw&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/oZfM5LluYqw&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>\

The news is in though your probaily wont be surprised, Palin is dumb as a bag of nails!

Fair and biased fox news finally comes forward saying the obvious.

You saved yourselves the embarrassment of having this scatterbrain as Vp, You dodged a bullet!

I think its bad enough that she is Governor of a state!

Fox news slip the beans - Dark Jaguar - 6th November 2008

There is no such expression as "slip the beans"! You just strung words together!

Yes she's an uneducated moron, this has been pretty well established by her. Apparently though, that's just fine because she's... folksy...

Fox news slip the beans - Geno - 6th November 2008

She thinks being between Russia and Canada and "keeping an eye on them" makes her knowledgable about foreign affairs. Better watch out for those Canadians! You never know when they'll come charging with their hockey sticks!

As a southerner, what annoyed me most during this campaign was the sheer number of people praising Sarah Palin. She might as well have been running for president since people seemed to care more about her than McCain. I honestly could not and still cannot understand the appeal. She's a proven moron, yet has been sanctified in these parts. I guess idiots just like other idiots.

Half the time, I can't even understand what she's trying to say (nor does it seem like she can figure it out herself). As horrible as Bush "the Decider" is at getting across his message (granted, his is often a stretch to begin with since he's trying to link Iraq to the War on Terror), I at least get the gist of what he's saying most of the time.

Fox news slip the beans - alien space marine - 6th November 2008

Dark Jaguar Wrote:There is no such expression as "slip the beans"! You just strung words together!

Yes she's an uneducated moron, this has been pretty well established by her. Apparently though, that's just fine because she's... folksy...

I meant to say "Fox news let the cat out of the bag", .

Oh well I just invented a new saying or just strung words together, take your pick DJ!

I am not sure," Slip the beans" could be a idiom for farting just like "cut the cheese".

Fox news slip the beans - lazyfatbum - 6th November 2008

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/YxAO7cH-xrE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/YxAO7cH-xrE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Fox news slip the beans - Geno - 6th November 2008

I think the idiom you were looking for was "spilled the beans."

Fox news slip the beans - lazyfatbum - 6th November 2008

Hoo boy, I was wrong. She's a bag of hammers.


Fox news slip the beans - Dark Jaguar - 6th November 2008


Fox news slip the beans - Geno - 6th November 2008


Damn it. The forum's restraints wordwrapped my ASCII Mudkip that I found on a Google search. :(

Fox news slip the beans - Dark Jaguar - 6th November 2008

Good news everyone! Terrible news!

Fox news slip the beans - Geno - 6th November 2008

Good news, everyone! There's a report on TV with some very bad news!

Fox news slip the beans - alien space marine - 6th November 2008

Geno Wrote:I think the idiom you were looking for was "spilled the beans."


Fox news slip the beans - lazyfatbum - 6th November 2008

Thank God Geno said it was supposed to be a Mudkip, I kept seeing a cat with a man erupting from its spine like something out of Carpenter's The Thing. I was having a mild freak out.

Fox news slip the beans - Geno - 6th November 2008


So I heard you like cats with men erupting from their spines like something out of Carpenter's The Thing.

[Image: crazy_fat_kid.gif]

Fox news slip the beans - alien space marine - 6th November 2008

The thing was a awesome movie!

I don't recall any cats in "the thing" ?

[Image: thing3.jpg]

[Image: alien%20cat.gif]

Fox news slip the beans - lazyfatbum - 6th November 2008


Fox news slip the beans - lazyfatbum - 6th November 2008

Well... The Thing was a combo of the people it ate'd along with a pack of dogs, a few wolves and any insects it found scattering around. Mostly cockroaches or spiders. And if my imagination wants to see a Carpenter Cat then guess what? It happened, it's happening right now. Done and done.


Fox news slip the beans - Geno - 6th November 2008

Postmodern art is whatever you interpret it to be.

And spiders are arachnids, damn it! Unless you're a postmodernist, then you can interpret them to be whatever you like. They could be reptiles, birds, or whatever the hell platypi are.

Fox news slip the beans - lazyfatbum - 6th November 2008


????? ??? ????

Fox news slip the beans - Darunia - 6th November 2008

Well, I mean, McCain was going to lose anyway... an unpopular lame duck imcumbent Bush, people (incorrectly) blaming the economy on the GOP, the Dems' pinning McCain as a Bush clone... I don't know, I don't blame her for anything, though in the end I do believe she cost him some votes. I don't see her rising any further than perhaps Alaskan state senate in the future; certainly not on the GOP ticket in 2012.

Fox news slip the beans - A Black Falcon - 6th November 2008

Yeah, Palin didn't cause McCain to lose. He was going to lose either way. People in the campaign are just looking for excuses for their defeat that don't include "there was almost no way we could win" and "the Republican party has fundamental problems"... it's much easier to say "see, it's HER fault! Listen to this bad stuff I (remember/just made up) about her!"

This internal war between the Palin and McCain camps is only indicative of the serious problems the Republican party has right now. Just look at that map in the election thread... can the Republican party really claim to be a fully national party when it is falling apart everywhere except for the Deep South and Great Plains (and even in those places inroads are being made against it in some places)?

A few years ago Democrats were the ones faced with this -- "Democrats only represent the Northeast, part of the Upper Midwest, and the West Coast, not the rest (middle) of the country", but this election has fundamentally changed that, and the Republican party just keeps collapsing in those blue areas... and even in some red ones.

For instance, how there are now ZERO Republicans from New England in the US House, and only three in the Senate now that one was just voted out. New England is the original Republican stronghold... that it has changed so dramatically says a lot about the direction the party has taken in recent decades as they have abandoned moderates of all kinds, fiscal conservatives who don't really care about "social issues" and who used to be a core Republican demographic, and more. And now with the cracking on the edges of the "Southern Strategy" (Virginia and North Carolina, key states in the Confederacy, voting for a black man for President? Simply astounding!), what do the Republicans have left?

They'll probably eventually come up with something... but if they decide to go even harder right and even more towards the base, they will continue to lose like they did in 2006 and 2008, I believe. Not that I dislike the results... :) ... but the Republicans used to be an actual respectable political party in places like New England. Now the only way one can win is by desperately trying to prove that they have nothing to do with the national party and then hoping for some good luck on election day... and aside from our two senators (Snowe and Collins), that strategy isn't working.

The same thing's happening in New York too, it still has some Republicans in the House, but three fewer this year than two years ago... run hard on social issues and you lose the Northeast. 2000 and 2004 showed that in order to get a functional majority from that period of an extremely divided electorate, one party needed to crack into the other party's core areas... the Democrats figured out how to do that in 2006 and expanded on it this year. Republicans seem to be heading in the opposite direction.