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Well, this is completely horrible... - Printable Version

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Well, this is completely horrible... - Dark Jaguar - 1st September 2008


Just to be clear, yes a similar thing also happened at the democratic convention, and it was as horrible there as it is here.

What I'm saying is this is terrible, and honestly neither political party, which is to say, a frickin' gathering, should have this sort of political control over the police forces of these two cities.

It's oppression and violation of human rights, pure and simple. We judged China guilty of the same sorts of actions (done to a greater degree, admittedly) during the olympics and rightfully so. It's a shame how easily ideals are forgotten when you preach them in a building while they are broken outside it.

Well, this is completely horrible... - Fittisize - 1st September 2008

I agree, this is a violation of the constitutional right to protest. This story cannot be ignored and failure to take action only makes you part of the problem. We can't be passive on this, because if we are, what will the government take next? To quote Bill Hicks, "I love the freedoms this country used to have."

But I think that this story will make bigger headlines:

SARAH PALIN ACTUALLY WORE THAT SHIRT IN COLLEGE. Are the people going to allow such a whore to become the vice president??

Well, this is completely horrible... - alien space marine - 1st September 2008

Well, this is completely horrible... - Dark Jaguar - 1st September 2008

I hope in the name of all that is good and just that you were doing a parody there ASM. That was some concentrated illogical stupid right there. Oh dear, what if she "gets pregnant", as though that just sort of happens. Something like this...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/RSg4eW3AiIM&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/RSg4eW3AiIM&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

On reading that again, it seems like you are actually serious. The entire point of femenism, outside the "militant" angle that an extremely small subset get into (and which doesn't really apply to the movement at large) is to say that females are just fine in any position that doesn't require testicles. Very few jobs have such a technical requirement.

Are you honestly saying that you think that if she were vice president, you truly fear she would be "controlled" by her husband into doing what he wanted? Seriously? That's about as legitimate as fears that a married man would be controlled by the wife. How do you justify that? Your history doesn't apply either. That applies to backwards civilizations and frickin' kingships where oppression of the minority was the rule anyway.

You seem to be suggesting that because women CAN be abused and oppressed, we shouldn't vote for one because it "could happen" here, in spite of the fact that that's just a circular cycle you're talking about. It's an invented issue, not a real one.

If she actually had to have "maternity leave" for whatever reason (and your argument has much to be desired), then our consitution already sets up who replaces someone in the event they can't perform their duties. No, it would not be the husband. That's just stupid. Who's been taking over for Bush whenever he takes off on one of his many vacations? Read the consitution.

Seriously, that actually is the EXACT thing that defines mysoginistic, so don't even try to pretend it's not.

Well, this is completely horrible... - alien space marine - 1st September 2008

Dark Jaguar Wrote:On reading that again, it seems like you are actually serious. The entire point of femenism, outside the "militant" angle that an extremely small subset get into (and which doesn't really apply to the movement at large) is to say that females are just fine in any position that doesn't require testicles. Very few jobs have such a technical requirement.

Are you honestly saying that you think that if she were vice president, you truly fear she would be "controlled" by her husband into doing what he wanted? Seriously? That's about as legitimate as fears that a married man would be controlled by the wife. How do you justify that? Your history doesn't apply either. That applies to backwards civilizations and frickin' kingships where oppression of the minority was the rule anyway.

You seem to be suggesting that because women CAN be abused and oppressed, we shouldn't vote for one because it "could happen" here, in spite of the fact that that's just a circular cycle you're talking about. It's an invented issue, not a real one.

If she actually had to have "maternity leave" for whatever reason (and your argument has much to be desired), then our consitution already sets up who replaces someone in the event they can't perform their duties. No, it would not be the husband. That's just stupid. Who's been taking over for Bush whenever he takes off on one of his many vacations? Read the consitution.

Seriously, that actually is the EXACT thing that defines mysoginistic, so don't even try to pretend it's not.

Fitisize remark sounded serious Erm

No scheme goes unpunished ,I only wanted to make you shit your pants and fish out suckers who bite the bait.

Quote: Men are a modification of women, Thats why we retain "nipples" and stretchable anuses like Lazyfatbum has discovered, The female orgaism and clitoris is also a metamorphical "leftover" from the early fetal period when the foetus has not been assigned a gender, Had it been a male the fetuses proto snatch would morph into a ball sac and the clit would shoot into a penis.

You'd think that would be hint enough!!

Well, this is completely horrible... - Dark Jaguar - 1st September 2008

Not with you. You never speak all that clearly. Just for the record, stating you think something with the intention of getting people to respond as if you actually meant it doesn't make the responder look like a fool, it makes you a troll.

Fittisize was making fun of how the news focuses on complete non-issues all the time, like if someone's wife stole a cookie recipe or not.

Well, this is completely horrible... - A Black Falcon - 1st September 2008

There have been so MANY of these things. though... "free speech zones" which are cordoned off, barbed wire enclosed spaces far from convention or meeting sites, etc...

Of course it's a massive violation of civil rights, and I agree, people shouldn't just accept it. but after a while most people just people stop complaining, when things become 'normal'.

"I mean, it's not like they don't have free speech... they just have to do it in a way that follows the rules (even if those rules make it nearly impossible for their message to be heard)!" is the general thinking, I think. It's really too bad, but understandable.

Quote:It's oppression and violation of human rights, pure and simple. We judged China guilty of the same sorts of actions (done to a greater degree, admittedly) during the olympics and rightfully so. It's a shame how easily ideals are forgotten when you preach them in a building while they are broken outside it.

Degree does matter, and it matters a lot, but you are right... while it's just a little ways down that road, versus China where they have gone all the way and enforce that as strongly as they are able, it's still a very bad thing, no question about that. Just because China is almost immeasurably worse doesn't make it at all acceptable.

Well, this is completely horrible... - alien space marine - 1st September 2008

Dark Jaguar Wrote:Just for the record, stating you think something with the intention of getting people to respond as if you actually meant it doesn't make the responder look like a fool, it makes you a troll.

Fittisize was making fun of how the news focuses on complete non-issues all the time, like if someone's wife stole a cookie recipe or not.

I apologize for the deception , Its better to make these kinds of indiscretions online with anonymity then in person.

Quote:"That was some concentrated illogical stupid right there"

Stupid is as stupid does.

Well, this is completely horrible... - A Black Falcon - 1st September 2008

Oh, and I should add. Note that this was not needed to this degree for the Democratic convention. I know some of it happened, but less... squelching protests as justified as ones protesting the last eight years of misrule, and thus giving the Republicans free rein to lie...

Now, any protesters who are getting violent should of course be arrested, but unreasonable restrictions on free speech in the name of security?

... Given how bad the last eight years have been, it'd take a police state to stop the American people from protesting it... so that's what they think they have to do, evidently. :(

Here's some more: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/9/1/141945/1803/487/582256

Well, this is completely horrible... - Dark Jaguar - 2nd September 2008

alien space marine Wrote:Stupid is as stupid does.

Er.... you see I'm so classy I'm not even going to touch that one. I'd just recommend tracking back the grammar to understand who you were actually insulting.

Well, this is completely horrible... - Dark Jaguar - 2nd September 2008

We're talking about people peacably assembling (as reported by legal witnesses) being repeatedly sprayed in the eyes, while restrained, with pepper spray.

We're talking, in this case, of police breaking into houses and arresting people who are peace demonstraters for "conspiracy to start a riot", which as near as I can tell is utterly baseless.

There's no excusing these things.

Well, this is completely horrible... - A Black Falcon - 3rd September 2008

There most certainly is not.

Well, this is completely horrible... - alien space marine - 3rd September 2008

Dark Jaguar Wrote:We're talking about people peacably assembling (as reported by legal witnesses) being repeatedly sprayed in the eyes, while restrained, with pepper spray.

We're talking, in this case, of police breaking into houses and arresting people who are peace demonstrators for "conspiracy to start a riot", which as near as I can tell is utterly baseless.

There's no excusing these things.

If it Works for Putin, Its works for Bush.

Unless you can find an audio recording or a written plan,The "conspiracy charge" is a bogus ploy often used by authoritarians to suppress dissidents.

It wont be long untill Cicero's severed arms get strung up atop the white house fence.

Well, this is completely horrible... - A Black Falcon - 5th September 2008

More on this subject... watch this video.

<object width="450" height="370"><param name="movie" value="http://www.ireport.com/themes/custom/resources/swfplayer/mediaplayer.swf"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="menu" value="false"></param><param name="flashvars" value="height=370&width=448&autostart=false&autoscroll=false&showstop=false&showicons=false&showdigits=total&controlbar=34&backcolor=0xFFFFFF&screencolor=0x000000&frontcolor=0xDEDEDE&lightcolor=0x00A2FF&logo=http%3A//www.ireport.com/themes/custom/resources/swfplayer/data/images/ireport_wm.gif&file=http%3A//ht.cdn.turner.com/ireport/big/prod/2008/09/05/WE00077072/195508/Anon1220623701-DidDemocracyDieInStPaul970011.flv&image=http%3A//i.cdn.turner.com/ireport/sm/prod/2008/09/05/WE00077072/195508/Anon1220623701-DidDemocracyDieInStPaul970011_lg.jpg"></param><embed src="http://www.ireport.com/themes/custom/resources/swfplayer/mediaplayer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="370" menu="false" flashvars="height=370&width=448&autostart=false&autoscroll=false&showstop=false&showicons=false&showdigits=total&controlbar=34&backcolor=0xFFFFFF&screencolor=0x000000&frontcolor=0xDEDEDE&lightcolor=0x00A2FF&logo=http%3A//www.ireport.com/themes/custom/resources/swfplayer/data/images/ireport_wm.gif&file=http%3A//ht.cdn.turner.com/ireport/big/prod/2008/09/05/WE00077072/195508/Anon1220623701-DidDemocracyDieInStPaul970011.flv&image=http%3A//i.cdn.turner.com/ireport/sm/prod/2008/09/05/WE00077072/195508/Anon1220623701-DidDemocracyDieInStPaul970011_lg.jpg"></embed></object>

Well, this is completely horrible... - alien space marine - 5th September 2008

A Black Falcon Wrote:More on this subject... watch this video.

<object width="450" height="370"><param name="movie" value="http://www.ireport.com/themes/custom/resources/swfplayer/mediaplayer.swf"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="menu" value="false"></param><param name="flashvars" value="height=370&width=448&autostart=false&autoscroll=false&showstop=false&showicons=false&showdigits=total&controlbar=34&backcolor=0xFFFFFF&screencolor=0x000000&frontcolor=0xDEDEDE&lightcolor=0x00A2FF&logo=http%3A//www.ireport.com/themes/custom/resources/swfplayer/data/images/ireport_wm.gif&file=http%3A//ht.cdn.turner.com/ireport/big/prod/2008/09/05/WE00077072/195508/Anon1220623701-DidDemocracyDieInStPaul970011.flv&image=http%3A//i.cdn.turner.com/ireport/sm/prod/2008/09/05/WE00077072/195508/Anon1220623701-DidDemocracyDieInStPaul970011_lg.jpg"></param><embed src="http://www.ireport.com/themes/custom/resources/swfplayer/mediaplayer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="370" menu="false" flashvars="height=370&width=448&autostart=false&autoscroll=false&showstop=false&showicons=false&showdigits=total&controlbar=34&backcolor=0xFFFFFF&screencolor=0x000000&frontcolor=0xDEDEDE&lightcolor=0x00A2FF&logo=http%3A//www.ireport.com/themes/custom/resources/swfplayer/data/images/ireport_wm.gif&file=http%3A//ht.cdn.turner.com/ireport/big/prod/2008/09/05/WE00077072/195508/Anon1220623701-DidDemocracyDieInStPaul970011.flv&image=http%3A//i.cdn.turner.com/ireport/sm/prod/2008/09/05/WE00077072/195508/Anon1220623701-DidDemocracyDieInStPaul970011_lg.jpg"></embed></object>

If the excuse is terrorism, Why couldn't they have a check point in front of building with airport security style stuff? Protesters would be allowed in only after being inspected, Rather cordoning off a building.