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Russia v. Georgia - Printable Version

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Russia v. Georgia - A Black Falcon - 10th August 2008

It's been coming for years, with all the pro-US sentiment in Georgia against all the resurgent Russian nationalism coming out of Russia... and it finally exploded.

The main question is, who started it, Russia, trying to deal with the Georgian threat -- that is, that Georgia wants to be part of Europe and the West, not part of the Russian orbit -- or by Georgia, trying to retake South Ossetia?


The fact that, as that article says, Russia continues to attack despite Georgia's attempts to give up and let them have South Ossetia and Abkhazia suggests that Russia may be at fault... but they could be simply using the excuse to carry out this plan. We just don't know...

Either way though, Russia's actions are clearly aimed at wrecking Georgia. Bombing Georgia, attacking its military in the country, blockading the coast, bombing the Tblisi airport...

This video interview with Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili is also interesting.


Russia v. Georgia - alien space marine - 10th August 2008

A Black Falcon Wrote:It's been coming for years, with all the pro-US sentiment in Georgia against all the resurgent Russian nationalism coming out of Russia... and it finally exploded.

The main question is, who started it, Russia, trying to deal with the Georgian threat -- that is, that Georgia wants to be part of Europe and the West, not part of the Russian orbit -- or by Georgia, trying to retake South Ossetia?


The fact that, as that article says, Russia continues to attack despite Georgia's attempts to give up and let them have South Ossetia and Abkhazia suggests that Russia may be at fault... but they could be simply using the excuse to carry out this plan. We just don't know...

Either way though, Russia's actions are clearly aimed at wrecking Georgia. Bombing Georgia, attacking its military in the country, blockading the coast, bombing the Tblisi airport...

This video interview with Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili is also interesting.


Moscow is trying to break any nation that doesn't give it submission, Its all over oil pipelines.

Russia is arming and training separatists and are trying to provoke Georgia into starting a blood feud amongst the ethnic groups in order to break up Georgia Using south Ossetia,Abkhazia, Even Armenian communities.

The new Russia is a Byzantine operation, Trying to build its power off Oil and energy.

Russia v. Georgia - Dark Jaguar - 10th August 2008

OH, a different Georgia. Wow did I have the wrong idea. You did that on purpose!

Russia v. Georgia - A Black Falcon - 10th August 2008

Dark Jaguar Wrote:OH, a different Georgia. Wow did I have the wrong idea. You did that on purpose!

Partially. :) It's been top headline news for several days now, though...

The country is called Georgia, though. It's just a coincidence, the US state is named in honor of King George...

alien space marine Wrote:Moscow is trying to break any nation that doesn't give it submission, Its all over oil pipelines.

Most certainly true. Russia has been trying hard to beat all of the former Soviet countries they can get their hands on into submission... the Baltic states, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Czech Republic and Slovakia are out of reach, but not the states in the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), and not Belarus and the Ukraine. Ukraine and Georgia are the particular targets of Russia's wrath, for wanting to become more like the West...

Quote:Russia is arming and training separatists and are trying to provoke Georgia into starting a blood feud amongst the ethnic groups in order to break up Georgia Using south Ossetia,Abkhazia, Even Armenian communities.

If you read the article I linked, it says how the Russian army is driving into Georgia, attacking the Georgian army within the country -- not just in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. They're trying to destroy it and destabilize the country, it seems... and yeah, breaking it up does seem like a plausible followup to that, if we don't somehow calm down the situation.

Quote:The new Russia is a Byzantine operation, Trying to build its power off Oil and energy.

It's getting back to Russia's roots, really... the Russian and Soviet Empires were very powerful. Russia couldn't stand a lesser position in the world for long.

Russia v. Georgia - DMiller - 10th August 2008

This situation seems very Cold Warish. It's reminiscent of Russia's incursions into countries or satellites that didn't submit to their will. Even if Georgia provoked the attack, Russia has gone way too far in punishing the country.

Russia v. Georgia - A Black Falcon - 10th August 2008

Indeed, one point that seems to be mentioned often is that in the Caucasus, the Cold War didn't really end... it just sort of got put on hold.

Russia v. Georgia - alien space marine - 11th August 2008

DMiller Wrote:This situation seems very Cold Warish. It's reminiscent of Russia's incursions into countries or satellites that didn't submit to their will. Even if Georgia provoked the attack, Russia has gone way too far in punishing the country.

They hole conflict was instigated and stirred by Russia, If Georgia was a person we would classify it as agravated assault, Someone hurls water in your face and you slug them back in rage.

North Ossetia is a Russian territory, Will this lead to a independent state or territorial expansion for Russia? Armenia and Abkhazia are pretty much Russian satrapies.

This hole conflict could have been resolved had Georgia ran itself like the Swiss confederation.

Russia v. Georgia - DMiller - 11th August 2008

An interesting article on the views of the Russian people:


Russia v. Georgia - alien space marine - 11th August 2008

DMiller Wrote:An interesting article on the views of the Russian people:


Russians seem to have this xenophobic attitude that everyone out to get them, I guess hole brainwashed generations of USSRers raising the next gen with that old mentality.

Media = Control mechanism, American should be in a up roar over your own "Media barons", This is what a Orwellian society looks like.

The soviet union was built over the Russian empire, They reverted back to pre 1918 ways.

Russia v. Georgia - alien space marine - 14th August 2008


Quote:The US defence chief has warned relations with Russia could be damaged for years if Moscow does not step back from "aggressive" actions in Georgia.

But Robert Gates said he did not see a need for US military force in Georgia.

His words came as Moscow said the idea of Georgian territorial integrity was an irrelevance.

Georgia's breakaway regions - Abkhazia and South Ossetia - would never agree to being part of Georgia again, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

Earlier, Russia said it had began handing back the town of Gori to Georgian police but insisted its troops would stay in the area.

See map of the region

A Russian general said his forces were there to remove weaponry and help restore law and order in Gori, which lies some 15km (10 miles) from South Ossetia and on a key route to the Georgian capital, Tbilisi.

The BBC's Natalia Antelava in Tbilisi said plans for a joint patrol force by the Georgian police and Russian military had failed.

Our correspondent says there are also reports of Russian military vehicles moving around the town of Senaki and the Georgian Black Sea port of Poti in western Georgia.

US military aircraft unload relief supplies at Tbilisi airport
Russia has questioned what is in US aid deliveries to Georgia

Moscow had earlier denied the reports but Russia's deputy chief of staff, Gen Anatoly Nogovitsyn, told a televised news conference it was legitimate for Russians to be in Poti as part of intelligence-gathering operations.

[Image: georgia-area.gif]

[Image: ethnicMap.jpg]

If I was Georgia, Id go into the fetal position and wait till the Russian Bear loses interest, If it waisnt for nuclear weapons the world would be heading into a world war.

Something we might see next is a Russian sponsored Armenian uprising, In southern Georgia, Those Ajari's might also go haywire.

Quote:Georgia's coast guard said Russian troops had burned patrol boats and destroyed radars and other equipment at the port city of Poti, home to Georgia's main naval base and a major hub for oil exports to Europe.

It seems that the Russian army has taken the time to sabotage and disrupt as much Georgian infrastructure as possible.

Russia v. Georgia - A Black Falcon - 15th August 2008

Why even bother signing a cease-fire agreement if you're just going to ignore it? To make it look like you're doing something the US and Europe want? But when actions are the opposite, it's pretty clear that you consider the agreement irrelevant... so why bother in the first place?

To Russia "cease fire" seems to clearly mean "take and keep for some time all of the Georgian territory we're currently holding and more, until we can change their government in favor of a pro-Russian one"...


Russia v. Georgia - A Black Falcon - 18th August 2008


Russia v. Georgia - Darunia - 25th August 2008

I think that the reason why Russia bailed out is that the Goron Empire pledged militant support to back Georgia. Putin doesn't want to cross us.