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douche tits - Printable Version

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douche tits - lazyfatbum - 2nd May 2008


Your face is kinda pretty. :FuckYou:

[Image: InthePink.jpg]

Your butt - tiny and strong. :FuckYou:

[Image: bendy-german-horse.JPG]

You have a good career going. :FuckYou:

[Image: 2trees.jpg]

But it wont last that long. :crap:

[Image: 500px-Thin_filament_formation.svg.png]

You see, there is a problem. :(

[Image: thin_mint1_1.jpg]

Life for you cannot be sweet. :shake:

[Image: wom_u_anti_chicken_med.png]

The reason is quite simple... :shobon:

[Image: donkey-sign.jpg]

Your legs have no meat. :FuckYou:






[Image: RF5377861.jpg?size=572&uid=%7B2FAAA575-E...A503D28%7D]


[Image: shining_twins_1.jpg]


[Image: GoingHome_002.JPG]

When you run real fast, you hear them knock!
Like a tick-tick-tock on a hairy clock!
When you go swimming, you sink like a rock!
You dont need pants - Just a big tube sock!


I forgot your birthday, sir. And for that I will be flogged like a Catholic boy on a street corner in front of all his friends, especially Suzy Whatsername that winked at me during PE because she knows I saw her Teddy Ruxpin panties.

[Image: Wonder%20what%20put%20a%20big%20smile%20...ce_jpg.jpg]


*exuberant man love*

douche tits - Sacred Jellybean - 3rd May 2008


Happy belated birthday, DMiller! Now go stab lazy for forgetting it (but spare me, your humble messenger, even though lazy already admitted that it's belated) with those disgusting tapered swords you call legs. Christ, how do you even walk? I bet a gust of wind could blow you over, mister. <[Image: mad.gif]>

[Image: pointe-ballet.jpg]

[Image: laurenjump.jpg]

All our birthday threads should turn into roasts. But just to add some sweetness to counter the sour, I'm sure you've gotten better at Smash Brothers and are no longer the equivalent to a girl scout (see: Lazy's post) in terms of threat level. :love:

douche tits - DMiller - 3rd May 2008

My birthday celebration can now officially end. Thanks you lazy.

douche tits - alien space marine - 3rd May 2008


Settle for a classic

douche tits - EdenMaster - 3rd May 2008

How many years has it been? With one picture, DMiller cemented his appearance for all time to be Derek "No-Meat Legs" Miller!

douche tits - DMiller - 3rd May 2008

That picture was from my first year teaching at camp, which would have been 2001. Those no-meat legs work pretty well, though. I'm running my first marathon this year.

And I have gotten better at Smash, SJ. It helps that I have a new game to play so I can stay in practice.

douche tits - lazyfatbum - 4th May 2008

hahahahah look how he defends them.

douche tits - Sacred Jellybean - 5th May 2008

He's right, though, less meat = less weight to carry during the marathon. You'll see all the buff guys lose endurance and fall to the ground in cramps and spasms, while our nerdy hero will just sail to the finish.

[edit] Anyone remember when we were talking about going commando and DMiller made some comment about running without proper underwear to keep his junk secure, and lazy took some head shot of his and added the caption "Hello, I have a large penis"? I'm laughing just thinking about it. God, the things I remember.

douche tits - etoven - 5th May 2008

alien space marine Wrote:[HAPPYBDAY]Dmiller[/HAPPYBDAY]

Settle for a classic
Damn!! You beat me to it!!

Ow well happy bday Miller! May the .Net debugger of your life never forcefully through an exception so hard that the process of your sole throughs it back (Error code 0x80005000).

douche tits - DMiller - 5th May 2008

Sacred Jellybean Wrote:[edit] Anyone remember when we were talking about going commando and DMiller made some comment about running without proper underwear to keep his junk secure, and lazy took some head shot of his and added the caption "Hello, I have a large penis"? I'm laughing just thinking about it. God, the things I remember.

I would have never remembered that. Lazy makes so many comments like that they all blend together. I wonder if that one is in the archive?

douche tits - DMiller - 5th May 2008

etoven Wrote:Damn!! You beat me to it!!

Ow well happy bday Miller! May the .Net debugger of your life never forcefully through an exception so hard that the process of your sole throughs it back (Error code 0x80005000).

I would have taken exception (ha! get it?) to the fact that you used .Net in your example, but I've been programming using .Net more than anything else in the past 2 years so I guess I can't complain.

douche tits - lazyfatbum - 6th May 2008

That was our first picture thread, I still remember practically choking to death upon the glory that is Nickdaddyg. It was so surreal and yet so fitting. I'm still curious as to what Smoke looks like, I just picture this grown man in white satin pajamas with "Hurt Me" - "Rape Me" etc written in thick scars across his abdomen with symbols that only he understands, like a carrot wearing eyeglasses or an open box that says "Free Puppies" except there's human body parts inside, trapezoids vaguely taking the form of the Ichthus with the word AGOGE set inside a Vesical piscis as a symbolic vagina.

Post your picture Smoke! I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU

douche tits - Weltall - 7th May 2008

I guess there are advantages to having meat-free legs:

[Image: 322px-Tissue_necrosis_following_bite_fro...dicine.jpg]

Happy VPD, Millar

douche tits - lazyfatbum - 8th May 2008

On weekends Joey and his 7 brothers ran an X-TREME Cricket guild in Northern Asia on a converted active volcano. "Everything went fine for years" said Joey to the press last Wednesday, "But the explosive pantyhose was probably a bad choice."