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Final Fantasy Movie - Printable Version

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Final Fantasy Movie - Darunia - 6th March 2003

Alright, I just saw this movie for the first time, and I'm willing to bet that you've all already seen it. That being said, can someone explain to me what the hell was the point of it? It was going so cool, until they killed everybody. What the hell happened at the end? Is that supposed to leave me feeling happy or suicidal? Any insight is welcome here.

Final Fantasy Movie - Private Hudson - 6th March 2003

Well, it was originally meant to be part 1 in a 3 part series. But because it flopped so badly (and was so expensive to make), they didn't make parts 2 & 3.. so perhaps it was all part in the grand scheme of things.

Personally, it was just an elaborate rip-off of Aliens, and as such, they tried to take you on the emotional roller-coaster ride that Aliens did. Didn't work, though.

Final Fantasy Movie - OB1 - 6th March 2003

Awesome CGI though. Can't wait to see Square's Animatrix short showing after "Dreamcatcher" in a few weeks.

Final Fantasy Movie - A Black Falcon - 8th March 2003

That was a good movie... well I liked it anyway...

Final Fantasy Movie - OB1 - 8th March 2003

The villain was very lame. He didn't have any motivation for his actions.

Final Fantasy Movie - Weltall - 8th March 2003

Quote:Originally posted by OB1
The villain was very lame. He didn't have any motivation for his actions.

Sure he did. His intentions were to destroy the phantoms, to save humanity. He of course went about it the wrong way, but he had a motive and his intentions were generally good.

Final Fantasy Movie - Dark Jaguar - 8th March 2003

Wait, was ABF talking about Dreamcatcher or Spirits Within?


Final Fantasy Movie - A Black Falcon - 9th March 2003

What is Dreamcatcher? Is it a FF movie?

*reads thread*

Ohhh... um of course I was referring to TSW... I don't like horror movies and don't watch them...

Final Fantasy Movie - Dark Jaguar - 9th March 2003

Oh, there seem to be two FF movies actually. Spirits Within is the one we all know about. The other one is a name I forget, and it's based 100 years after Final Fantasy V. Actually, it seems to be a 4 part series (they really should have just made it a movie, unless it was in translation that it became a series), of which I only have seen two parts when I rented one tape. Most Blockbusters around here have the first two episodes, but none have the last two!

Final Fantasy Movie - Great Rumbler - 9th March 2003

DJ, it's Final Fantasy and the Legend of the Seven Crystals. Or something to the effect.

Final Fantasy Movie - OB1 - 9th March 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Weltall
Sure he did. His intentions were to destroy the phantoms, to save humanity. He of course went about it the wrong way, but he had a motive and his intentions were generally good.

But they never explained why he wanted to do anything that he did. He was just the bad guy who wanted to do the opposite of the good guys.

Final Fantasy Movie - Darunia - 9th March 2003

The badguy, General Hanes (or however it's spelled,) was just a stereotypical bad military guy, because let's all remember: the military is only comprised of evil bad guys who want power. An example is in Planet of the Apes. I thought it was a very good movie; up until they killed everybody! And the ending was so sudden and pointless; why make a moving about saving humanity if you wipe out an entire city, and kill all but two of the main characters? I thought that in the end, they'd be revived somehow...now knowing that the phantoms are just evil killing ghosts, they SHOULD be annihilated! The general was right. A sequel should be made, in which those who were killed are revived. That'd make me happy :p

Final Fantasy Movie - Weltall - 9th March 2003

Quote:Originally posted by OB1
But they never explained why he wanted to do anything that he did. He was just the bad guy who wanted to do the opposite of the good guys.

I just explained why, fool. It was really obvious. He thought he was doing the right thing, his overall intentions weren't evil. Sure, he fucked things up big time, but that wasn't his plan. The only reason he's even the bad guy is because he is taking an approach to the Phantoms that directly clashes with Ross and company's approach.

Final Fantasy Movie - Darunia - 13th March 2003

That bad guy from the movie...? I just found him, alive and well, in Wilwaukee. I granted him a $260,000 per annum salary to serve the glorious Goron Empire...he consented and I fitted him with the Goron 107th Light Infantry Division; so ...ya know...now you know.

BTW, Weltall, he did NOT appreciate your comments one bit.

Final Fantasy Movie - Dark Jaguar - 13th March 2003

You found a computer animated fellow eh? *snicker*

Don't you know CG constructs grow stupider and stupider over time, until eventually they end up living in a gutter selling bits for bites?

Final Fantasy Movie - Darunia - 14th March 2003

If that's true, than explain Agent Smith.

Final Fantasy Movie - Weltall - 14th March 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Darunia
If that's true, than explain Agent Smith.

He's the king of the elves.

Final Fantasy Movie - Laser Link - 14th March 2003

Yeah, the fair folk are immortal, they don't get fragmented. And they have pointy ears. Dude.

Final Fantasy Movie - OB1 - 14th March 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Weltall
I just explained why, fool. It was really obvious. He thought he was doing the right thing, his overall intentions weren't evil. Sure, he fucked things up big time, but that wasn't his plan. The only reason he's even the bad guy is because he is taking an approach to the Phantoms that directly clashes with Ross and company's approach.

He was a shallow villain, just admit it already. One of the worst movie villains I've seen in a long time.

"I want to kill anything I don't understand and no one will get in my way! Arrgghh!"

Final Fantasy Movie - Dark Jaguar - 15th March 2003

All he's saying is that he's very easy to understand. He's an archetype. The thing is, it's very sad that our action movies have become so predictable that other cultures see it like some deep meaningful symbolic motif we repeat to understand ourselves or something, so they go and imitate it. Makes ya wonder if they feel the same way about their anime...

Final Fantasy Movie - Weltall - 15th March 2003

Quote:Originally posted by OB1
He was a shallow villain, just admit it already. One of the worst movie villains I've seen in a long time.

"I want to kill anything I don't understand and no one will get in my way! Arrgghh!"

This coming from a Star Wars fan. Priceless. Cool

Final Fantasy Movie - OB1 - 15th March 2003

Hey the villains in Star Wars have very good reasons for doing what they do.

Final Fantasy Movie - Weltall - 15th March 2003

Okay. Explain Emperor Palpatine, who seems to like being evil for the sake of being evil.

Final Fantasy Movie - Darunia - 16th March 2003

Palpatine is a shrew political opportunist, aspiring for power. A plain evil-for-the sake of being evil badguy is more like Moff Tarkin...who arbitrarily blew up Alderaan. That guy was bad ass.

Final Fantasy Movie - OB1 - 16th March 2003

Palpatine is pure evil like Sauruman (or however you spell it) from LotR. But Palpsy is also a genius who overthrew an entire intergalactic government with cunning manipulation. He also made "the chosen one" turn evil and become his right-hand man.

Final Fantasy Movie - Dark Jaguar - 16th March 2003

Sauruman had a huge explanation in many parts of the book for why he turned like that. I mean, there's a lot of soul analysis going on for why he became "dark". Now, Sauron, he's pure evil.

Final Fantasy Movie - OB1 - 16th March 2003

I meant Sauron.

Final Fantasy Movie - A Black Falcon - 16th March 2003

Palpatine? He is a power hungry megalomaniac and wants to rule the galaxy absolutely, but he is also extremely smart.. as OB1 said, he managed to take over a ancient republic and destroy it from inside so that when he came to power the people actually welcomed him into the role... and that requires brains, or luck. He had the former...

Final Fantasy Movie - Dark Jaguar - 17th March 2003

We weren't debating smarts here. We were debating character. He's just a stereotypical evil genius to me. That's all I have to say about that.

Final Fantasy Movie - A Black Falcon - 17th March 2003

Stereotypical evil geniuses do not succeed in their goal... he did, and for several decades ruled the galaxy... until he was brought down by some Ewoks and the betrayal of his apprentice...

Final Fantasy Movie - Dark Jaguar - 17th March 2003

Yeah, and that's a stereotype as well :D. I can't count the number of times an evil empire has come to rule under some great evil overlord only to be overthrown by that one harmless seeming yound lad way out on the fringe.

Eh, but I'm just messin' with ya. It's all entertaining.

Final Fantasy Movie - Weltall - 17th March 2003

Quote:Originally posted by A Black Falcon
Stereotypical evil geniuses do not succeed in their goal... he did, and for several decades ruled the galaxy... until he was brought down by some Ewoks and the betrayal of his apprentice...

Then I'd say he ultimately failed in his goals. Miserably, I might add... how many evil emperors have fallen to the wiles of teddy bears?

I do not argue that Palpo was a bad guy who saw more success than most generic evil characters, but I still fail to see what reasons he had to take over the Galaxy by overthrowing the Republic, except for his own personal lust for power, and that's about as generic a reason as any two bit evil genius has ever had. He was just bad for the sake of being bad, and had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Nothing he did served any purposes except his own. Thus, he is a two-dimensional character.

Final Fantasy Movie - A Black Falcon - 17th March 2003

His goal was complete power... but his bid to get it would never have succeeded if not for so many people he could use to realize that goal because of how corrupt, decrepit, and useless the Senate had become, spawning those Seperatists he used...

So he did it for his own power... but in the process "fixed" a system that had completely broken down.

The problem of course was that he replaced it with a dictatorship...

Final Fantasy Movie - Darunia - 17th March 2003

His rise to power echoes that of Napoleon and Hitler. He shrewdly used political turmoil to play on the emotions of people, and appeared as a savior...even through episode II....this only means that Episode III has A LOT OF GROUND TO COVER! In Episode III, they have to:

1.) Show Palpatine come out of hiding as Sidious

2.) End the Republic as we know it

3.) Establish the Empire

4.) Kill most all of the Jedi

5.) Show the birth of Luke and Leia

6.) Show their mother's death

7.) Show Anakin turn evil

Final Fantasy Movie - OB1 - 17th March 2003

They don't to show most all of the Jedi dying. Vader helped kill a lot of the Jedi, and he's only going to have around five minutes of screen time. They just need to show a good amount of Jedi being killed, and then show Yoda and Obi-wan going into hiding. Then you find out in A New Hope that they're the only Jedi alive.

Don't worry, there will plenty of time to cover everything in Episode III. It starts with the end of the Clone Wars so most of it will be moving the plot along.

Final Fantasy Movie - A Black Falcon - 17th March 2003

You know they don't NEED to do most of those things... all that the movie MUST do is to make Anakin into Vader, establish Palpatine as the leader of the new Galactic Empire, turn Anakin into Vader, kill some Jedis, and have Luke and Leia be born... other than that its uncertain exactly what will happen... though showing Palpatine as Sidious is pretty likely too, its technically not necessary... and Padme doesn't have to die. Since Leia remembers her, she well might have died several years after the movie ends... unless it skips ahead at the end or something...

Final Fantasy Movie - OB1 - 17th March 2003

She'll die. I'm sure that's going to be what pushes Anakin over the edge. First the death of his mother and then his wife. You can't really blame the poor guy (although what could happen is that Anakin thinks that Padme dies and then goes over the edge, and he never finds out the truth or something like that). But Lucas does have to establish some sort of connection between Padme and Leia otherwise that part in RotJ with Leia remembering her mother will be completely useless. She doesn't have to be old to remember her since she's Force-sensitive and everything, but I hope it's explained somehow. A lot of the prequel/sequel connections will most likely be in the archive trilogy, which is why Lucas plans on adding new scenes to the OT. It's vital to the story.

Final Fantasy Movie - Darunia - 18th March 2003

I've heard of this Archive Trilogy; tell me more about it...

Final Fantasy Movie - OB1 - 18th March 2003

There are certain things unexplained in the OT that make it kind of difficult for all six chapters to act as one whole story, so Lucas has been filming new scenes for the OT so that the two trilogies tie together more closely. He talked about it in the Episode II DVD special features.

Final Fantasy Movie - Darunia - 19th March 2003

...So in short, it's just another $50 billion-dollar gimmick....making everyone buy the trilogy for the third time because, once again, he's just now created his "ultimate vision" of Star Wars.