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King's Quest III remake - Printable Version

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King's Quest III remake - Great Rumbler - 19th June 2006


I wish they'd start doing the Space Quest games too, but I'll take what I can get.

King's Quest III remake - Dark Jaguar - 19th June 2006

Just link directly to the executable eh?

Here's some info before you download so you know you aren't getting virus'd.

Once the download is complete sometime this year I'll play it. Among that music they better have maintained all the original goodness. I love that opening theme with the DEFINITIVE evil wizard of gaming.

King's Quest III remake - Great Rumbler - 19th June 2006

The music sounds good, although I've never played the original so I couldn't tell you how similar it is.

King's Quest III remake - A Black Falcon - 19th June 2006

I only have KQs 1, 5, and 7...

King's Quest III remake - Great Rumbler - 19th June 2006

The first three have been re-released, although the first two are by a different group than this one.

King's Quest III remake - A Black Falcon - 19th June 2006

Yes, AGI, the people who have been making QFGII for the past four or five years... :)

But I'd say that the legality of these things is questionable, especially if you don't own the original versions... it seems that they're mostly "legal" just because Vivendi doesn't bother going after groups that are just making updates of previous titles -- they have stopped a few projects (such as "King's Quest IX", if you remember that incident), but those were all unofficial sequels, not remakes... I'm not sure why they make a distinction there (and it's not one all companies share -- Square always kills any fanmade remakes/updates of their titles they find, as far as I know...), but Vivendi seems to...

King's Quest III remake - Great Rumbler - 20th June 2006

King's Quest IX is still on track, they had to change the name though. So now it's just "The Silver Lining" instead of "King's Quest IX: Every Cloak Has a Silver Lining".

King's Quest III remake - Dark Jaguar - 20th June 2006

The Williams duo don't seem to take issue either. They just warn that Sierra might, which so far Sierra is shying away from. Sad to see that the original makers of the series don't have legal ownership of it... Sierra, ah the days when it was still awesome...

But anyway, yeah "Silver Lining". That should be interesting. To be honest I'm glad they took off the "IX" part anyway because they'd just have to rename it if in some distant alternate future Sierra actually decided to MAKE KQ9.

Still intend on playing what amounts to interactive fanfiction. KQ2 was fun, and almost a different game. What I had issue with is that apparently they had a vampire writing the story, like IN ALL FANFICTION, and so they had to take Dracula, rename him Alucard, and make him essentially the greatest misunderstood "dark hero" in the game. The whole thing reeked of the same stink that permeated Sword of Mana's "all the monsters are actually misunderstood, I'm a Japanese goth writing fanfiction!" story :D.

Screw vampires! If people are running around pretending to be vampires, there should be vampire hunters running around too!


That meaningless inane rant aside, fun game with fun puzzles and apparently the cross was rendered powerless "SURPRISE! You're dead!".

But anyway, KQ3 should be great fun once I get around to actually installing it. Get KQIV remade and some decent frontloaders for KQ5-7 (all they need are front loaders, they are already up to the same graphical standard) and you have a done deal. For KQMask I ended up having to install a "glide wrapper" (special program that emulates 3DFX functionality for select games and only those select games) just so I could enable a lot of the higher graphical functions in the game, but it works fine outside of that (so long as I enable XP's "compatible with windows 98" option in the shortcut to the game).

Onto another rant, I'm getting closer and closer to saying "autorun is overrated" and just permanently disabling the autorun functionality of my cd/dvd drives. Too many horror stories of things like Sony's rootkit CDs and stuff to warrent having it on anymore and to be honest what did it ever save me? A couple of clicks?

King's Quest III remake - Great Rumbler - 20th June 2006

Quote:They just warn that Sierra might, which so far Sierra is shying away from.

Sierra was the one that had them change the name, so it's unlikely that they'll do anything else.

King's Quest III remake - A Black Falcon - 20th June 2006

Quote:King's Quest IX is still on track, they had to change the name though. So now it's just "The Silver Lining" instead of "King's Quest IX: Every Cloak Has a Silver Lining".

Yes, after far more fan protests than Vivendi probably expected. Remember, they were initially completely shut down, and then people started to protest, more than anyone probably thought would, so Vivendi allowed them to continue, once they'd dropped the "KQIX" name (which was a stupid name to use... I know KQ is probably dead, but if it ever IS brought back, it'd need that name...)...

Quote:The Williams duo don't seem to take issue either. They just warn that Sierra might, which so far Sierra is shying away from. Sad to see that the original makers of the series don't have legal ownership of it... Sierra, ah the days when it was still awesome...

As I said, while they could really crack down on this stuff, like other companies, Vivendi has been pretty lenient... they may have nothing left of the Sierra legacy themselves (and they don't), but at least they aren't completely stopping fans from trying to continue it...

Quote:(all they need are front loaders, they are already up to the same graphical standard)

I believe SCUMMVM's next project will be getting the Sierra adventure games working... good luck, they'll need it... :)

Quote:Onto another rant, I'm getting closer and closer to saying "autorun is overrated" and just permanently disabling the autorun functionality of my cd/dvd drives. Too many horror stories of things like Sony's rootkit CDs and stuff to warrent having it on anymore and to be honest what did it ever save me? A couple of clicks?

I've had autorun disabled on this machine for years, but that's because some software (I forget what) killed it at some point and I got used to being without it... :)