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Red Steel in Game Informer - Printable Version

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Red Steel in Game Informer - cppcrusader - 18th April 2006

Since it was requested that someone start a thread when they got their issue in, here we go.

The article is rather lengthy but full of good information. One of the key nuggets of info I believe is that Red Steel is considered as the game that will teach you how to use the Rev controller, and not just use it, but master it. The orientation of the controller is reflected onscreen, so you wanna go gangsta and hold your pistol sideways, go ahead.

They seem to be taking a Half-Life approach to cutscenes in that there are none. No cutscenes at all, all conversations happen in real-time. Also just like Half-Life your character doesn't talk, at least I'm assuming that. The only interactions you have there is by nodding or shaking or head in response, of course that's done with the controller. They are discussing the use of other interactions such as bowing.

Story of the game, pretty simplistic, but I'm guessing well written since they keep talking about how deep it is.

You are Joe Blow westerner meeting your Japaneese-American's Fiancee' for the first time. Someone shows up, kidnaps the girl, kills the father. Now the father is head of a Yakuza gang and carries a special ceremonial sword, this is what the kidnapper was after, so, with his dying breath he gives you the sword and tells you to kick ass and take names. Ok I might be paraphrasing that one.

Another thing they're touting is that you will likely be more clumsy and destructive in the beginning of the game as you get used to the controller. You will most likely favor weapons like machine guns, but as you progress through the game your skill will improve and you will lean towards the pistols more. The goal would be of course to take out five enemies with five bullets.

The music will reflect your skill as well. When you are more precise the music and sounds will be more calm and peaceful, while more destructive will be more chaotic.

The game will support 4 player split screen, no word yet on whether or not it will be online.

The Rev controller uses an unobtrusive, thin sensor that sits on top the tv. I'm guessing this goes with the controller to other tvs. It was kind of unclear there saying that you could take your controller to a friend's house and not have to resynch it. It also said that in split screen your actions are not impeded by the real estate you get. You can still make large gestures and not interfere with others. The sensor bar is also what allows you to play from any angle.

The GI crew said though you can shoot anywhere on the screen the game never feels like a light gun game. You'll also be able to throw grenades by mimicing a throwing motion or underhanded for rolling it along the ground.

I think that's the good majority of major highlights, they said the controller feels very natural and takes seconds to get used to. To qoute the last line of the article, "If every game for the system looks as promising as Red Steel, then the Revolution has a bright future indeed."

There was an interview with George Harrision, but I didn't read it yet. I mean c'mon, a guy can only sit on the can for so long.

Red Steel in Game Informer - cppcrusader - 19th April 2006

Everyone might like to know that Game Informer is running a countdown to E3 contest.

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2nd prize - Revolution
3rd prize - Xbox 360
4th prize - DS Lite
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Grand Prize - All Five

You can enter once a day from April 7 - May 20.