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RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Printable Version

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RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Nintendarse - 26th February 2003

Mega-what? Metal Gear Solid is coming to Gamecube, according to France-based Newtechnix. Nintendo is working with Konami to develop a new installment in the series. In addition, Nintendo is working with EA to develop sports games. With an announcement this big, it pays to scrutinize your sources. While NEWTECHNIX is pretty reliable, this news has been passed from an Italian media interview with Miyamoto through the oft-mistaken hands of Nintendo Europe and finally to NEWTECHNIX.

Konami's Hideo Kojima has, in the past, considered Gamecube unfit for the MGS series. If this rumor turns out to be true, I get the sense that some compensation (read:money) was involved.

This news is the crown diamond in a necklace of high-profile revelations that have been unleashed by Nintendo in Europe. In the UK, NOE unveiled Pikmin 2 and Kirby's Air Ride, while a French interview with Miyamoto revealed information on the inner workings of EAD. It seems likely that this is Nintendo's way of saying, "We're serious about Europe."

I'm not ripping off my clothes and celebrating quite yet, but the raised probability of an MGS game on Gamecube has awakened an excitement in my spirit.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - OB1 - 26th February 2003

MGS on GC rumors have been around before the system even came out. I don't buy it. Hideo Kojima thinks that the GC is only fit for Sesame Street games.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - OB1 - 26th February 2003

It sure would be nice though! Although I can only imagine a MGS Jr. or something like that.

"Play as Solid Snake Jr., before he became en elite covert operative and had to deal with the world's crulest enemy: bullies in elementary school! Fight your way through an entire elementary school and use all of your stealth skills to avoid teachers and defeat the bullies! The super-sophisticated AI allows you to leave animal cracker trails in the hallway and lead people to wherever you want. Fight through eight bully bosses and SEND THEM TO THE NURSE'S OFFICE!!

Rated "K" for Kiddy, because that's the Gamecube is"

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - A Black Falcon - 26th February 2003

Unfortunately, I wouldn't think we'd get a MGS game unless its kiddified... stupid Konami...

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Dark Jaguar - 26th February 2003

I used my stealth to avoid bullies, and get the attention of teachers! That is a hilarious idea though. That's actually a good idea too, they could do all sorts of fun stuff, but instead of guns you would have all the assortment of the Kids Next Door! In fact, if they made a game like that, they could base it on that very show. There's enough conspiracy in there to work out a plot like this. I can see it now...

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Great Rumbler - 26th February 2003

Quote:Originally posted by OB1
It sure would be nice though! Although I can only imagine a MGS Jr. or something like that.

"Play as Solid Snake Jr., before he became en elite covert operative and had to deal with the world's crulest enemy: bullies in elementary school! Fight your way through an entire elementary school and use all of your stealth skills to avoid teachers and defeat the bullies! The super-sophisticated AI allows you to leave animal cracker trails in the hallway and lead people to wherever you want. Fight through eight bully bosses and SEND THEM TO THE NURSE'S OFFICE!!

Rated "K" for Kiddy, because that's the Gamecube is"

Actually, that sounds like it would be a cool game!!

These rumors just don't seem very likely. Hideo Kojima thinks that the GC is for kids only and from what Konami has released on the GC so far, it seems they think that too. Then there's the other part of the rumor, Nintendo and EA jointly developing sports titles. While Nintendo is in need of some sports titles I just don't see this happening, but perhaps Nintendo decided that a realistic sports line with their name on would sell a heap.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - OB1 - 26th February 2003

Yeah it probably would be a fun game, but it would be oh-so patronizing if Konami actually made it.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Dark Jaguar - 26th February 2003

Oh get over yourself, fun is fun!

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - OB1 - 26th February 2003

And I'm sure that Shade Kid would have been as fun as Shadowman, but thankfully Acclaim had enough respect for Nintendo owners to give us the real thing.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - A Black Falcon - 26th February 2003

Yeah... it really is insulting to see Konami only give us stupid Disney and kids games... Mad

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Nintendarse - 26th February 2003

Wow...I know you guys are Nintendo fans, but talk about cynical...

The reason I took the time to post this is that this rumor seems to be convincing the veterans of the Gaming-Age board. On the IGN board, someone posted an interview (no link), which means that this is for real or someone took the time to write a fake interview:

************START ITALIAN******************

Mister Miyamoto, può spiegarci le ragioni che stanno dietro il successo di un titolo come Zelda, sempre al top nonostante il passare degli anni?

Miyamoto: “Non è semplice rispondere a questa domanda… Del resto anche Mario ha riscontrato un analogo successo durante questi anni.
In Mario c’è una sorta di feeling che, con il passare del tempo, si ripropone in maniera uguale ma, allo stesso tempo, diversa.
In Zelda, invece, c’è un’atmosfera molto particolare… Chi gioca a Zelda quasi si immedesima nel personaggio che vive nel videogioco e si sente come trasportato in esso.
Quanti di voi hanno già avuto modo di provare la versione giapponese del gioco? (ndr, tutti alzano le mani e Miyamoto ride contento…). Ecco, allora potete davvero capirmi…
Quando abbiamo sviluppato Ocarina of Time abbiamo cercato di creare una specie di film che fosse molto realistico, con The Wind Waker, invece, abbiamo voluto prediligere l’animazione rispetto al realismo. The Wind Waker è risultato, di conseguenza, molto più simile ad un cartone animato.
Ma, attenzione, non fermatevi solo alla particolare grafica e osservate attentamente tutto quello che vi gira intorno.
Giocare a Zelda significa entrare nell’avventura, viverla dal di dentro, costruirla passo dopo passo insieme al protagonista.”

In che modo avete coniugato le cinematiche con il gameplay? E, in futuro, come pensate di procedere?

Miyamoto: “Questo è un argomento che molti hanno trattato. Quello che posso dire è che, nel caso di Zelda, le cinematiche sono una parte integrante del gioco proprio perché vogliamo che qui sia tutto interattivo. I filmati non devono spezzare l’azione di gioco, ma tutto deve amalgamarsi insieme alla perfezione, con naturalezza.
Osservate, poi, attentamente i movimenti dei diversi personaggi e noterete quanto siano realistici. Fate attenzione agli occhi di Link, a come si muovono, alle sue espressioni: sono quelle di una persona viva!
In determinate occasioni Link può addirittura alzare lo sguardo senza che gli sia stato dato l’input di farlo: ditemi se questo non è tipico di una persona vera…
Per quanto riguarda il futuro ritengo che tutte le tecniche sperimentate in Zelda potranno essere positivamente utilizzate in molti altri giochi.
Quello che è certo è che noi, come Nintendo, cerchiamo e cercheremo sempre di fare nuovi passi verso il futuro.”

Prima abbiamo visto il video del nuovo titolo dedicato a Kirby e ci è sembrato un poco simile a Super Mario Kart. Che cosa ci può dire in proposito?

Miyamoto: “Sì, effettivamente è vero, ci sono delle somiglianze. Il gioco, però, è strutturalmente più facile, intuitivo, immediato e per questo adatto anche agli utenti più giovani. Come ben sapete ci sono giochi disegnati appositamente per gli hardcore gamers ed altri, invece, pensati per il grande pubblico.
Purtroppo, però, può capitare che, per soddisfare gli hardcore gamers, il gioco rischi davvero di diventare troppo complicato.
Quello che Nintendo vuole fare è sviluppare giochi che possano andare bene per tutti, dal bambino fino al nonno, cosicché questi possano addirittura giocarci insieme.
Noi vogliamo soddisfare le esigenze di tutti. Non a caso per gli hardcore gamers abbiamo prodotto Metroid Prime ed Eternal Darkness.”

Ritornando a Zelda potete dirci qualcosa a proposito del doppiaggio?

Aonuma (smette di giocare per rispondere in prima persona): ”Il doppiaggio in un videogioco riveste un ruolo fondamentale. Le voci, infatti, sono quelle che trasmettono un certo feeling al giocatore, che stimolano la sua immaginazione, lo emozionano, lo conquistano…

Mister Miyamoto, se dovesse scegliere, comprerebbe una Xbox o una Playstation 2?

Miyamoto (ridendo di gusto): “Ma, vi dirò, la Xbox costa di più della Playstation 2… Comunque credo che, a parte questo, comprerei una Playstation 2, ma solo perché alcuni dei miei vecchi compagni di studi ora lavorano proprio alla Sony…”

Parliamo un attimo di Link: è un uomo o un elfo? E lei si riconosce in questo personaggio?

Miyamoto (ridendo): “No, no davvero… Può darsi, invece, che assomigli a qualche mio altro collega…”

Veniamo ad un argomento abbastanza delicato. Su GameCube c’è un’effettiva carenza di giochi di ruolo. Come pensate di muovervi?

Miyamoto: “Siamo consci che questo sia un genere molto apprezzato dal pubblico e per questo abbiamo compiuto precise scelte che vanno in questa direzione.
Non a caso Square sta lavorando a Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicle che sfrutterà addirittura la connettività tra GameCube e Gba.
Anzi, vi dirò di più. Per competere con i nostri concorrenti la connettività tra GC e Gba sarà fondamentale (ndr, Miyamoto prende in mano un Gba SP di colore argento).
Anche l’introduzione del Game Boy Player, che consentirà di giocare sul televisore di casa i titoli per Game Boy va in questa direzione.
Analogo discorso per l’ E-Card Reader che vivrà di molteplici utilizzi in relazione ai diversi tipi di gioco.
All’E3 saranno comunque svelati ulteriori particolari…
Non dimentichiamo poi che stiamo lavorando con Kojima ad un progetto Metal Gear Solid per GameCube che sfrutterà anch’esso la connettività tra GC e Gba.
E anche Electronic Arts si sta muovendo con noi in questa direzione per sviluppare nuovi titoli sportivi nei quali tale connettività sarà un fattore determinante.”

Mister Miyamoto che cosa pensa dei giochi di oggi? Non si sta forze calcando troppo la mano sull’aspetto grafico a scapito dell’originalità e dell’innovazione?

Miyamoto: “Non vorrei criticare il trend attuale dei videogames, ma mi sembra proprio che tutti stiano andando in un’unica direzione: la massima resa grafica. Purtroppo, in questo modo, i giochi finiscono con l’assomigliarsi tutti..
Noi, invece, vogliamo sì fare ‘cool looking games’, ma creare in essi e con essi un’atmosfera unica, capace di differenziarli qualitativamente dalla massa.
La stessa cosa sta accadendo anche nel mondo del cinema, con film tutti uguali e nessuno che può dirsi davvero unico…
Non bisogna seguire sempre la moda. Certo anche noi sviluppiamo dei sequel, ma i nostri sequel, se vogliamo chiamarli così, sono comunque “unici”, non sono mere riproduzioni dei loro prequel con qualche aggiunta di contorno.
Il bello dell’industria dei videogame è che ci dà l’opportunità di osare qualcosa di nuovo.
Bisogna allora tentare, provare, esprimere noi stessi… perché la gioia di creare è la cosa più bella che ci sia.”

********END ITALIAN************

I guess someone could contact Italian Pyro to see if this is real Italian or if someone fabricated an English interview and translated it using Babelfish to Italian (the reported source of the interview).

Using Babelfish to translate:

***************START ENGLIAN********************

Mister Miyamoto, can explain the reasons to us that are behind happened of a title it like Zelda, always to top although passing of the years?

Miyamoto: he is simple to answer to this question? Of the rest also Mario happening has found an analogous one during these years. In Mario c?è rising of feeling that, with passing of the time, ripropone in equal way but, at the same time, various. In Zelda, instead, c?è un?atmosfera much particular one? Who plays nearly to Zelda immedesima in the personage who lives in the video game and he feels himself like transported in it. How many of you have already had way to try the Japanese version of the game? (ndr, all raise the hands and Miyamoto laughs content). Here, then you can indeed understand to me? When we have developed Ocarina of Time we have tried to create a film species that was much realistic one, with The Wind Waker, instead, we have intentional to preprefer l?animazione regarding the realism. The Wind Waker has turned out, consequently, the much most similar one to an animated cardboard. But, attention, you do not only stop yourselves to the particular diagram and observed carefully all which turns to you around.

To play to Zelda means to enter nell?avventura, to live it from of within, to construct it step after step with to the protagonist? In that way you have conjugated the cinematic ones with the gameplay? And, in future, like thoughts to proceed?

Miyamoto: is a argument that many have dealt. What I can say is that, in the case of Zelda, the cinematic ones are an integrating part of the game just because we want that here it is all interactive. The filmati ones do not have to break l?azione of game, but all it must be amalgamated with to the perfection, with nature. Observed, then, carefully the movements of the various personages and you will notice how much are realistic. Fairies attention to the eyes of Link, to as they move, to its expressions: they are those of one person alive! In determined Link occasions it can quite raise the look without that it it has been given l?input to make it: you say to me if this is not typical of one true person? As far as the future I think that all the techniques experienced in Zelda could positively be used in many other games. What it is sure it is that we, like Nintendo, try and we will always try to make new steps towards the future? Before we have seen the video of the new one tito dedicated it to Kirby and us he has seemed a little similar one to Super Mario Kart.

Which thing can say to us in purpose?

Miyamoto: effectively it is true, are of the likenesses. The game, but, is structurally easier, intuitivo, immediate and for this adapted also the young customers. As very sapete there are games purposely designs you for the hardcore gamers and others, instead, it thinks you for the great public. Unfortunately, but, it can capitare that, in order to satisfy the hardcore gamers, the game indeed risks to become complicated too much. What Nintendo wants to make is to develop games that they can go well for all, from the child until to the grandfather, so that these can quite play to us together. We want to satisfy the requirements of all. To case for the hardcore gamers we have not produced Metroid First and Eternal Darkness.? Returning to Zelda you on purpose can dirci something of the doppiaggio? Aonuma (stops to play in order to answer in first person): doppiaggio in a video game plays a fundamental role. The voices, in fact, are those that transmit a sure one feeling to the player, that they stimulate its imagination, move it, conquer it?

Mister Miyamoto, if it had to choose, would buy one Xbox or one Playstation 2? Miyamoto (laughing of taste): I will say to you, the Xbox costs more of Playstation 2? However creed that, to part this, I would buy a Playstation 2, but because some of my old companions of studies hour only work just to the Sony?

We speak a moment about Link: he is a man or a elfo? And it acknowledges in this personage?

Miyamoto (laughing): not indeed? It can are given instead, that he resembles some mine other colleague? We come to a enough delicate argument.

On GameCube c?è un?effettiva deficiency of role games. How thoughts to move to you?

Miyamoto: conscious that this is a kind a lot appreciated from the public and for this we have completed precise chosen that they go in this direction. To Square case it is not working to Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicle that will quite take advantage of the connettività between GameCube and Gba. Indeed, I will say you more. In order to compete with concurrent ours the connettività between GC and Gba he will be fundamental (ndr, Miyamoto takes in hand a Gba SP of color silver). Also l?introduzione of the Game Boy Player, that it will concur to play on the house television set the titles them for Game Boy goes in this direction. Analogous speech for l? E-Card Reader that will live of multiple uses in relation to the various types of game. All?E3 will be however it reveals ulterior particular to you? We do not forget then that we are working with Kojima to a plan Metal Gear Solid for GameCube that will take advantage of anch?esso the connettività between GC and Gba. And also Electronic Arts is muovendo with we in this direction in order to develop new tito them sportswomen in the which such connettività will be a determining factor?

Mister Miyamoto that what thinks today about the games? Is not forces treading too much the graphical hand sull?aspetto to scapito dell?originalità and dell?innovazione?

Miyamoto: I would want to criticize the trend puts into effect them of the videogames, but me it seems just that all are going in un?unica direction: the rendered principle graphical. Unfortunately, in this way, the games end with l?assomigliarsi all. We, instead, want yes to make?cool looking games, but to create in they and with they un?atmosfera only, able to differentiate them from the mass qualitatively. The same thing is happening also in the world of the cinema, with film all equal and nobody that can dirsi indeed only? It does not have to always follow the fashion. Sure also we develop of the sequel, but ours sequel, if we want to call them therefore, are however?unici, they are not mere reproductions of theirs those with some adding of contour. The beautiful dell?industria of the videogame is that it gives l?opportunità to us to dare something of new. It then must try, try, express same we? why the joy to create is the beautifulr thing that is?

****************END ENGLIAN*********************

Take this as you will...

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - OB1 - 26th February 2003

Hmm, that's interesting.

We're cynical because none of those rumors ever come true. And the MGS rumors have been around since the N64 days.

But this looks pretty hopeful!

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - A Black Falcon - 26th February 2003

Its not called cynicism, its called realism! :)

I very much doubt that MGS will ever come to the Cube. I'll need more than some probably fake interview to change that...

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - lazyfatbum - 27th February 2003

Quote:From Gamecube Europe.

News: Metal Gear Solid Confirmed!!
Feb 27th 2003 12:29 by Tim

We just got off the phone with Nintendo of Europe!

We just got off the phone with Nintendo of Europe and we are pleased to be able to report that they have confirmed there is indeed a Metal Gear Solid in development for the Nintendo GameCube.

The Nintendo spokesperson we talked to said: "I can confirm that Nintendo is working with Konami on Metal Gear Solid for the GameCube."

The fact that Nintendo is working together with Konami on this new Metal Gear Solid game could mean that the game is exclusive for the Nitendo GameCube. It could also confirm that yesterday's rumours are true - that there will be a GC-GBA connectivity feature.

Unfortunately our contact could not tell us any specific details on the title. We will keep you updated!

*sings* Konami & Gamecube, sittin in a tree. K - I - S - S - I - N - G

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Private Hudson - 27th February 2003

As much as I still doubt it, it would be awesome if this came true.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Sacred Jellybean - 27th February 2003

I'm extremely skeptical as well; I'll believe it when a more reliable source confirms it. Isn't cube-europe only semi-trustworthy, anyway?

This would be awesome news if true, though. One less reason to spend $200+ for a PS2.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Great Rumbler - 27th February 2003

Well, they got it from a Nintendo spokesperson, so I'd say that's as much confirmation as one would need.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - The Former DMiller - 27th February 2003

Except Cube-Europe also got word from a Nintendo spokesman that the megaton announcement was going to happen within the week and that was late last year. I don't generally trust Cube-Europe anymore. I emailed Beth Llewelyn at NOA about the MGS rumor and she didn't get back to me which generally means it's not true, or they don't want to say anything yet because Beth usually replies really quickly.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - The Former DMiller - 27th February 2003

It's official. Not only did Beth confirm it to me a few minutes ago, but a Konami representative has confirmed the news. However, they aren't giving any details on the game yet. I, for one, am shocked that this one came true. Rumors of MGS on GameCube have been around since the days when it was called Dolphin.

Source: <a href=http://www.n-philes.com/php/epuyfaplzuafalzfkl.php>N-Philes</a>

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Great Rumbler - 27th February 2003

This news is big. Very big.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - OB1 - 27th February 2003

Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome.

Unfortunately it doesn't look like it's going to be Gamecube-exclusive.

Too bad they're not remaking the original Metal Gear. That would have been so cool.

Still great news though!!

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - The Former DMiller - 27th February 2003

Wow, <a href=http://www.planetgamecube.com/news.cfm?action=item&id=4014>Planet GameCube</a> actually sourced N-Philes. I'm surprised to say the least.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - OB1 - 27th February 2003


RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Nintendarse - 27th February 2003

Wow. Quite a coup on Nintendo's part. Hopefully, Nintendo won't pull a Resident Evil and leave all of the marketing to the third party. I mean, why hold a Victoria Secret fashion show with no lights? If nobody can see the beauty, what's the point? This is a big deal by itself, but Nintendo can make it an even bigger deal.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Laser Link - 27th February 2003

Go N-Philes! YAY!

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - A Black Falcon - 27th February 2003

Wow... now THAT's unexpected. I never thought Konami would be actually smart for once and release games not just for kids on the Cube... even if they are ports, its still great, given how before we didn't get anything worth getting at all from them...

So how about Gradius V for the Cube? :)

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Sacred Jellybean - 27th February 2003

A remake? That's not even exclusive? That isn't a whole lot to get excited over. I already own MGS for PSX, and I don't care too much to pay $50 for the same game with revamped graphics and a tweaked engine.

Maybe there'd be a little more incentive if it had bonus material...

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - OB1 - 27th February 2003

Well it might be exclusive. No one knows yet. And according to Gamesarefun.com (who actually broke this story several months ago), this will be a sort of test for Konami, and if it sells well enough then they'll release Castlevania and Contra on the 'cube. Although considering the good sales of Castlevania on the GBA, I have no idea why Konami won't release one for the Gamecube.

I really hope that it's a remake of the original Metal Gear rather than a graphical update to MGS1. I'd love to see the original game using the MGS2 engine. The jungle atmosphere would be such a welcome change for the series.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - A Black Falcon - 27th February 2003

I'd say hoping for a remake of Metal Gear is a bit more than you'll ever get... given that this sure seems to be confirmed to be Metal Gear Solid that's being remade...

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - Weltall - 27th February 2003

And if Konami gets close enough to Nintendo, perhaps the Cube might be graced with the perfection that is Silent Hill.

RUMOR: Metal Gear Solid Coming to Gamecube - OB1 - 28th February 2003

Silent Hill.... JR!!!