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Happy New Year!! - Printable Version

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Happy New Year!! - Great Rumbler - 31st December 2005

It's 2006!! Wooo!!!

Happy New Year!! - Smoke - 31st December 2005

Happy New Year everyone! I spent New Year's Eve partying in Stormwind drinking make believe beer and dancing with naked Night Elf chicks who are probably really guys! Wooo!

Happy New Year!! - lazyfatbum - 1st January 2006

smoke likes tranny i knew it

hey happy god damn ney year! i've had an erection for 4 hours and now my face hurts lmao

Happy New Year!! - lazyfatbum - 1st January 2006

well trheres no other threads to post in so i
ll post here again whatever but haoppy new year!!!!!!!!!!! hey 2006 they year od of tyh rooster?? someone get N_A ineh r that chinese bastard

2006!!!!! you KNOW the atleast the first horseman is here! HAPPY NEY YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! DRINK TYILL IT THROWS UP

btw: how come there 6 people on this board wtf

Happy New Year!! - A Black Falcon - 1st January 2006

2006! Yay! ... wait, it feels just like yesterday did though...

Happy New Year!! - Weltall - 1st January 2006

Well, so far I've spent all of 2006 either drunk or sleeping.

I wish I could say that more often.

Happy New Year!! - Great Rumbler - 1st January 2006

lazyfatbum Wrote:well trheres no other threads to post in so i
ll post here again whatever but haoppy new year!!!!!!!!!!! hey 2006 they year od of tyh rooster?? someone get N_A ineh r that chinese bastard

2006!!!!! you KNOW the atleast the first horseman is here! HAPPY NEY YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! DRINK TYILL IT THROWS UP

btw: how come there 6 people on this board wtf

Drunken posting for the win!

Happy New Year!! - Weltall - 1st January 2006

I would have posted but I was kinda beyond that point by the time I made it near the pooter.

Happy New Year!! - lazyfatbum - 1st January 2006

Oh dear God my head hurts. Every key I type feels like a balpine hammer striking the crown of my skull.

Happy New Year!! - Great Rumbler - 1st January 2006

And that's why you never drink to extreme excess! *arm is ripped off*

Happy New Year!! - A Black Falcon - 1st January 2006

Quote:And that's why you never drink to extreme excess!

A good idea, but not one that people who like to do that are too likely to listen to...

Happy New Year!! - The Former DMiller - 1st January 2006

Great AD reference GR. I actually didn't get drunk on New Year's. I went to a concert with some friends and I sure as hell am not paying $7 per beer. Apparently New Year's can be fun without alcohol. Sounds strange I know, but apparently it's true. Happy New Year Tendo City!

Happy New Year!! - nickdaddyg - 1st January 2006

i was on ketamine at the park by myself
someone pissed me off, and i was like what the hell.
midnight came and i said "this is what i think about the new year" *sniiiiiiiiff*

indeed. but it was a cool trip

Happy New Year!! - Great Rumbler - 1st January 2006

What? It's possible to have fun without alcohol?! Uncredible!

Happy New Year!! - nickdaddyg - 1st January 2006

if you're trying to say you think ppl that drink too much are lame, i agree with you. drinking (in many cases that i've observed in college lol) is for ppl that are ashamed or not confident with their real selves.

ketamine however, is a moving, psychedelic dream-like experience, opens your mind. and it's done in about 45 minutes, and no hangover or any of that bullshit.

Happy New Year!! - Great Rumbler - 1st January 2006

Quote:The effects of a ketamine 'high' usually last an hour but they can last for 4-6 hours, and 24-48 hours are generally required before the user will feel completely "normal" again. Effects of chronic use of ketamine may take from several months to two years to wear off completely. Low doses (25-100mg) produce psychedelic effects quickly. Large doses can produce vomiting and convulsions and may lead to oxygen starvation to the brain and muscles; one gram can cause death. Flashbacks may even occur one year after use. Long-term effects include tolerance and possible physical and/or psychological dependence.


Happy New Year!! - nickdaddyg - 1st January 2006

Great Rumbler Wrote:http://www.health.org/nongovpubs/ketamine/

a site who's real objective is to tell you what to do...fuck them

Happy New Year!! - nickdaddyg - 1st January 2006


non biased info...

some pastes:

"Ketamine blocks nerve paths without depressing respiratory and circulatory functions, and therefore acts as a safe and reliable anaesthetic."
"Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic, developed in the mid 1960's, used primarily for veterinary anaesthesiology. Although Ketamine is not used medically on humans much because it induces psychedelic episodes in patients, it is still used for some limited human applications because it does not depress breathing or circulation."

Happy New Year!! - Great Rumbler - 1st January 2006

I'll stick with 2001: A Space Odyssey for all my psychadelic, mind-altering experiences if you don't mind.

Happy New Year!! - A Black Falcon - 1st January 2006

Quote:a site who's real objective is to tell you what to do

In order to protect people from themselves... they can only do so much when people insist on hurting themselves, though... I know, the argument is 'if I want to I should be able to since it's my body', but... there is a point where something should be done... and many things harm society too (the #1 example of THAT, of course, is drunken driving (or driving while on drugs)... well, that and second-hand smoke...).

Happy New Year!! - Weltall - 1st January 2006

So now nickdaddyg can add 'drug user' to his impressive resume.

Your site also clearly favors drug use, so calling it unbiased is hardly accurate. It just tells you want you want to hear and justify your destructive behavior.

Happy New Year!! - lazyfatbum - 2nd January 2006

hey what's this stuff about getting drunk being lame? If its in moderation (ie: you dont do it every weekend) there shouldn't be a problem with it. It's just a way to have fun socially and go out of bounds; escapism. I dont dig getting drunk at clubs, but hanging out with family and watching Sky High while drinking vodka and mudslides is definitely something everyone should try. Though I'd change the film of choice to something that isn't ass on top of ass. It was cute and all and worth 7 bucks but in the grande scheme of things it was essentially the urine stain of film.

Now, getting drunk because you feel depressed, that's dangerous and I agree it should be avoided. But if you're with family and friends during a celebration there shouldn't be any negative connotations attached to it, not by anyone.

Now drug use..... is always the worst possible choice to go for. All mind altering drugs fuck you adversely... that's why they're mind altering. However, trying it or eperimenting is fine. again moderation if the key. If you're doing more than a handful of times in your LIFE you've got an issue.

And masturbation should be slathered on; moderation has no meaning in the realm of yummy naked things. Though as dictionary.com puts it:


self-a·buse (slf-bys)

1. Abuse of oneself or one's abilities.
2. Masturbation.


Happy New Year!! - The Former DMiller - 2nd January 2006

I never said getting drunk was lame. I just said you can have fun without doing it.

Happy New Year!! - Dark Jaguar - 2nd January 2006

If you can drink in moderation, with some actual self control, hey, go for it. I for one take the coward's way out and obstain completely rather than develop the self discipline to enjoy it responsibly. That's a true statement made by me in a way that makes my argument look as bad as possible.

Happy New Year!! - Great Rumbler - 2nd January 2006

I never had much interest in the practice myself.

Happy New Year!! - lazyfatbum - 2nd January 2006

DJ (and grumbler)/ That's exactly how I felt. In all honesty I was afraid of it growing up because I watched my sister (major drinking problem) go through hell because of it. But it's nothing to be afraid of, it's a form of entertainment that has its positives and negatives like anything else.

beer was invented by the egyptians but not as entertainment really, it was a liqued food high in carbs and proteins to quickly feed slaves while they worked and kept them in a buzzed state that was easy to control. Imagine hundreds of thousands of slaves with only a few guards with small sting whips standing between them and freedom, keeping them in an altered state with the ideal of absolute fear is the only way to control huge masses. Even today people believe the harder you work the more you should have a beer, it's ingrained in every culture around the world.

The romans (whom we base all western society after) loved the idea and decided that because being drunk or buzzed is a form of entertainment, other forms of entertainment might work on the same level as well. But instead of giving it to their jewish slaves, they gave it to their own people. Imagine living in a country ruled by Caligula or Nero, everyone should have been depressed 24/7 as they watch the empire crumble within a two or three lifetimes, they'd stop working, stop attenting temples, etc. But keep them entertained with sports, public executions, comedians and musicians and of course alcohol all they'll worry about is where the next big party is going to be.

So alcohol definitely has some powerful destructive roots but as Europe evolved after the fall of the Romans the ideas of alcohol turned in to something to be enjoyed privately in the home with friends. The idea of getting drunk was only secondary, the experience centered around tasting strange mixtures and enjoying the acquired tastes, using it in banquets of cheeses, fruits and chocolates to highten the natural flavors of the alcohol. And slowly it became a social celebration between friends, a practice that the irish created loooong before Mr. Peter came to say hello. Drinking to them is a practice to bring out the soul of a person to your bare core and say what you want about your love for a best friend or hate for a co-worker.

And today you still have these two views of the stuff. People who are slaves to it, and people who enjoy it as a kind of private social celebration. I'm guessing you grew up seeing more of the negative than the positive, but in the end it's just a slightly non-lethal (if prepared and consumed correctly) poisonous drink used eleviate stress and take down emotional barriers created out of need to live and work in a highly unstable society. Having a fear of a particular type of escapism is common because you only know what you know, but certainly trying it a few times in your life would only be beneficial.

As a kid we spin in place and over-dose on sugar to get natural highs and alter our state, as an adult those methods hold less gratification so we create more sophisticated ways of altering our state, whether it be escaping in to the art of certain types of media, relationships of friends and lovers and of course chemically induced escapism. It's all the same to our brains.

Happy New Year!! - Great Rumbler - 2nd January 2006

Well, the main difference is that with one you often lose at least marginal control of mental and physical faculties, while with the others you generally do not.

Happy New Year!! - EdenMaster - 2nd January 2006

Well, before I can even post my "happy new year" post, this thread has already shifted topics :D.

Personally, I don't drink, don't smoke, and don't do any drugs (besides, of course, medicinal drugs such as acetaminophen). That is a personal choice I made long ago after witnessing the tragic results of smoking and alcohol, and you don't need to be even borderline intelligent to realize how bad illegal substances are for you. I don't preach though, if you choose to do such things to your body, nobody (least of all me) will or can convince you to stop. So, if it's your wish, then do as you please with your own body. So long as it does not affect me, you may shorten your lifespan just as much as you like.


Ah, such a pleasant thread turned so deathly serious :D

Happy New Year!! - lazyfatbum - 2nd January 2006

hahaha 'Tendo City - "We turn any random conversation in to profound theology for no good raison"'

You only 'lose control' after you've done too much of it, ie: fall on your ass drunk. The idea is to stay in a comfort zone and enjoy the tastes of the liquer, not down as much as possible. It doesn't have to be an extreme. The same can be said about smoking, if its in moderation you will never bring any permanent harm to your body. Unfortunately its addictive properties mean that NO ONE smokes in moderation. :D

But really though, chemical alteration shouldn't be considered a negative right out of the gate. Anything is harmful in huge amounts, hell you can over-dose on vitamins. You guys have unfortunately been exposed to idiots who have no control to begin with and go way off the deep end, but an intelligent and mature person can have alot of fun without being borderline psychotic from chemical over-doses and completely losing their mind. Getting a little drunk after a night of fun is alot different than drinking for the sole purpose of getting wasted.

I know people that only smoke a cigarette after sex like the classic movies, they'll go for weeks, months, etc never smoking and then light up right after sex, that's the best example of moderation in smoking I can think of. And it's just as harmful as eating a slice of cheesecake.

I guess i'm just trying to get you guys turned on to the idea that it's not inherently wrong or bad to drink; it's what you make of it, how you use it and knowing your limits. Having said that, I think every person on earth needs to get passed-out drunk atleast 5 times in their life and have someone take pictures or record it... alcohol acts as a kind truth serum and the shit that comes out of your mouth can be amazing. :D

Sometimes that's what people fear the most.

Happy New Year!! - A Black Falcon - 2nd January 2006

Drinking alchohol can probably be done safely in moderation... cigarettes, though, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that just one does immediate permanant harm to your health... as I've said before, I wish they were illegal. It's clearly bad, and has absolutely no redeeming qualities. Quite the opposite is true. Again as I've said before, this is why the people who say "marijuana isn't as bad as cigarettes (but it's close)" don't have a good point... even if they are right, that isn't exactly an argument I'd take as one in favor of legalizing the stuff. :) We are making good steps towards reducing smoking, though, with things like banning smoking in restaurants and bars (in this state, at least), and public buildings, etc... progress, anyway. Public building smoking bans are nationwide, but I hope to see the restaurant/bar ones spread too... a couple of European countries have done it (Ireland, not sure if any others have yet, maybe one or two), and a few US cities and states (New York City, Boston, Maine, etc)...

alchohol? Yeah, it's very damaging too, though I don't think scientific evidence clearly says 'even one is bad'... you know, those studies that say some wine might be good for you, etc... I don't drink, but my parents do (a glass of wine with dinner, for instance), and never had any problems with abuse of alchohol or anything... I'm just not interested. (oh yes, and when they did try to ban alchohol, it failed miserably. Leaving it legal,while making the best effort possible to keep people from drinking and driving, is probably the best we can do...)

Happy New Year!! - Great Rumbler - 2nd January 2006

Quote:I think every person on earth needs to get passed-out drunk atleast 5 times in their life and have someone take pictures or record it

No thanks.

Happy New Year!! - EdenMaster - 2nd January 2006

Number 1 reason not do do as lazy says:

[Image: boompow.jpg]


Happy New Year!! - Great Rumbler - 2nd January 2006

[Image: buttsecks.jpg]

Happy New Year!! - lazyfatbum - 2nd January 2006


But for the record, we hadn't drank anything when that picture was taken.

Fuck I wish my scanner worked....

Happy New Year!! - etoven - 3rd January 2006

I completly gave up alcohol, it's just karacene and antidepresents for me.

Oww. and Happy New Year, and I wish you all many more passed out drunken glass ball counting fun throughout the years to come.

Except 2009, when jesus returns to send me and lazy to hell.

*jesus * Damn he knows!
*God * Don't worry Im prepping the obis.
*Saten* Thank God they both scare the hell out of me.
*etoven* I'll give you fify bucks if you just take lazy.
*Saten* well I dont know...
*etoven* plus a toster and a bag of kittens!
*saten* done! But only for an hour or so then I sending him to distroy downtown tokio.
*etoven* what happons to me?
*Saten* you get bashed from the earth!
*etoven* and off track random posts?
*Saten* I suppose...
*etoven* YES!

Happy New Year!! - Geno - 10th January 2006

2006 is going to be the best year ever. Don't believe me? Watch! It's already the best year of my life and it's been barely over a week!