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WinMX. Morpheus. - Printable Version

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WinMX. Morpheus. - Darunia - 15th November 2005

Why won't these two programs work for me anymore. I used WinMX for years, and then just one day a few months ago, it stopped downloading. It searches, and finds the files, but it never downloads them anymore.

So, I got Morpheus. For a few days, it worked... I got a couple of songs, and now that too has ceased to download properly. It'll find myriads of files, but it won't download them anymore. It puts them in queue, but then it says retrying host, making contact with blah blah, etc.

What is up with this.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Great Rumbler - 15th November 2005

The RIAA is looking for you right now.

WinMX. Morpheus. - EdenMaster - 15th November 2005

Use BitTorrent to download whole albums (if you can find them).

<a href="http://www.jinx.com/scripts/details.asp?affid=-1&productID=285">The greatest thing ever. Fight the RIAA...with your ass.</a>

WinMX. Morpheus. - Fittisize - 15th November 2005

Yeah, definetly use BitTorrent. And Limewire if you're looking for single songs.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Dark Jaguar - 16th November 2005

Oh that's what this is.

Oh well, won't stop me from butting in.

Yeah, I've used this "bittorrent" before. I hate it. Last thing I tried downloading was a long movie for some game and it took literally a WEEK. Honestly if it wasn't that I really wanted to see that video I would have just cancelled it right there. This whole idea of "seeding" computers with bits of files they all upload to you is very iffy anyway. It depends way too much on what I already know to be an unstable thing, the connections of OTHER people. Play any online game and you'll eventually get that idiot who "puts up" with their own slow connection, not realizing you have to too. Or, in XBLive, you get the idiot that "hacked his 56k with a special program and an ethernet adapter to use XBox live on narrowband". Oh yeah, GREAT JOB GENIUS!

Basically whether or not I even get the file at ALL is subject to the random flowing of the winds. I mean, what motivation do the others even have to "seed" files they recieved? I know the second I got that file, I didn't keep that bittorrent application up and running, I shut it down immediatly due to the strict "only the RAM you need" rule I have in effect on my PC.

I admit I don't know if there are more stable sources or anything like that, and I admit a lack of experience, but every time I've used this application, it has been far FAR slower than any other download I will engage in online. Is this about average expectancy in the P2P realm? I have no issues with P2P as a concept mind you, it's great, but if this is the price, it's time has not yet truly come I'd say.

Anyway, any thoughts on exactly why bittorrent seems to suck so very bad? Oh yes, the application does seem to yell at me for even having a fire wall. I'm... sorry? What do you expect? Do they actually expect me to unlock the door? Now, I'm not exactly wireless secure. I don't see the need. It's nice for people that come over to log right in without having to ask for a WEP key. Plus, I highly doubt there are any hackers physically perched outside my domacile trying to destroy me. However, I've used Blackice as my old Firewall solution (pre-router, router being the best firewall really because it will protect all my devices like my XBox, which sends certain data I want to keep secret), and it let me see exactly how many intrusion attempts it had detected. At first, nothing, but by the time I moved on to a router based fire wall, there were about 5 or so attacks a day. I'm not opening myself up to something like that. I also have some issues even opening a single port. I mean, if I pick the "standard" port, don't the hackers already know exactly what ports popular applications open? Won't that be the most likely hack target?

WinMX. Morpheus. - EdenMaster - 16th November 2005

Well, seeding allows others to get it faster. Thus, your impatience will result in many future downloads of that file to share your frustration. I hope you realize you've made the world a worse place to live :D.

With many seeders, a bittorrent download can go incredibly fast. I downloaded an hour-long epiode of CSI yesterday, I'll use it as an example. I started the download before I went to work and it was done by the time I got home 8 hours later. Now, I had found this through a popular bittorrent tracking site, so it had many seeders, and thus it went quickly. Yeah, with only one or two seeders (or treacherous leechers, who simply take the file and leave ;)) a BT download can crawl. It's not well-suited for all situations, but for some, it's the clear winner.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Dark Jaguar - 16th November 2005

If I lose patience with a download, why should I keep going with it? I just cancelled it, deleted what there was, and moved on. Also, I really am not in this whole thing to have some social obligation to other people. That's the other problem with this whole bit torrent thing. If I download some preview file, I'm suddenly obligated to keep that file on my computer for a while and keep that program running? That could cause a barely noticable frame rate dip in a game I'm playing, which I value more than that. I also have a large amount of trepedation regarding getting random bits of data from untrusted sources. Potentially, the data could have been altered. What if I was getting an executable?

No matter really... I've only even used that odd technology a couple of times anyway. I see too many problems for it to really be "the future of downloading". I think they should stick with just making faster servers, as it won't waste resources on such a global scale that way.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Great Rumbler - 16th November 2005

If you have a fast connection you can download off bittorrent AND surf the internet. It's amazing really.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Dark Jaguar - 16th November 2005

And exactly what issue I listed is that supposed to address?

WinMX. Morpheus. - Great Rumbler - 16th November 2005

Your "lost patience with downloads" point. You don't have to sit in front of your computer and watch it download, you can go do something else or even surf the internet. I've had bittorrent downloads that have taken several days, but it didn't bother me very much.

WinMX. Morpheus. - A Black Falcon - 16th November 2005

My college cripples download speeds in filesharing programs, including bittorent -- even legal bittorrent. Not normal downloads from the web, though, so bittorrent isn't exactly the best way to get anything here... I stopped using filesharing programs for the most part a year and a half ago, but there have been a few legal downloads I've tried since then via bittorrent and the "1kbps? wow its going fast!" problem is still in full force.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Darunia - 16th November 2005

Well what made the other two just arbitrarily stop working, and how do I know Limewire won't do the same thing?

WinMX. Morpheus. - Dark Jaguar - 16th November 2005

Sorry, but when I get something in general I want it pretty quick. I might as well have waited for the actual game to come out. Just because I can go and do something else while waiting doesn't mean it's not annoying. And, the entire time I'm downloading it, I can't interrupt the download. So, perhaps I have some processor intensive process such as calculating Pi or something, I can't run it optimally with that thing there taking up just a smidgen of speed. Further, I can't exactly shut off my computer. Sure it will wait for me, but that whole time I'm no longer downloading anything, plus when I turn it back on, I will be lucky to find a so called "seed" within an hour. By the time I get the file, I may have already seen it on some other game site.

The entire reason I got broadband is so I DON'T have to wait for days. If the "well you can do something else" argument was to have any validity, I would have just stuck with narrowband.

Sorry, that doesn't solve my problem. That's just a way for me to ignore it.

Edit: Darunia, there are three options. The first is that both of those programs run off the same network and that network is down for whatever reason you might imagine. The second is you have just had some bad luck and all the songs you've been looking for lately have been on some very limited or maxed connections. The third is you broke your own computer without realizing it. The third is a LOT more likely than the lay person cares to admit to themselves. You must consider that some random "harmless" application you downloaded, possibly to see what the tempurature outside is at any given time, is what screwed it up.

To narrow down these possibilities, I would suggest trying to download on another computer and then gauging the results.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Great Rumbler - 16th November 2005

I'm think that WinMX and Morpheus got shut down.

As for everything else, DJ, all I can say is that are a very strange person and just leave it at that.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Dark Jaguar - 16th November 2005

And what does my character have to do with how much merit my arguments have?

WinMX. Morpheus. - Great Rumbler - 16th November 2005


WinMX. Morpheus. - Darunia - 16th November 2005

Today I downloaded Limewire.

Today I downloaded one (1) Rod Stewart song.

Today Limewire ceased to work.

Now everytime I go to download a song, every song comes up as "Need more Sources." Every time, without fail. Come on, you guys are supposed to be smart computer nerds, how come you can't solve this.

My computer runs fine.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Dark Jaguar - 16th November 2005

Because we don't have enough information?

Did you attempt to try these programs on another computer? I need to narrow down the possible explanations. I thought you were someone who liked what science has done for us. A proper understanding of how it works would be most prudent.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Darunia - 17th November 2005

You have all the information that you require.. these programs don't fucking work. Of course if I did them on another computer they'd work, but thats not the problem.

Nothing? No hunches, guesses, indications... :clap:

WinMX. Morpheus. - Great Rumbler - 17th November 2005

I don't use those programs, so I have no idea what to tell you.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Dark Jaguar - 17th November 2005

Darunia, you seem to lack sense here. No, I do not have all the information I require. If I did, you would have an answer. Look, do you go to a doctor and just refuse to answer his questions because your initial complaints should be "all he needs to know, just FIX ME!"? That's illogical.

Now then, you tell me that "of course it would work on another computer". So, am I to take it you tested it on another computer? Was that computer hooked up to the same network? A different one?

You see, in order for me to figure out what is wrong, I need a LOT of information. I need to ask you a lot of questions to narrow this down. If I just give you a blank suggestion, it may not apply and could make it worse. Consider medication meant to have a certain effect, but ONLY when a certain condition actually exists in the body. When that condition is absent, it actually does harm. A doctor needs to eliminate as many possibilities as reasonably possible in order to get down to the nitty gritty. Diagnosing a computer is no different. And also, I'm sick of giving this speech. (No not here...) I could go on about how silly it is to just expect a random solution when we have no idea of the specifics of the situation other than a generic "it just doesn't work!". I'm helping YOU here, work with me!

Back to the business at hand, how many applications do you usually have running as background processes? More than that, have you either updated any constantly running applications (including your operating system) or installed any new ones recently?

Sorry, this IS going to take a while to work through, so be a little more patient.

WinMX. Morpheus. - EdenMaster - 18th November 2005

Dark Jaguar Wrote:Sorry, this IS going to take a while to work through this, so be a little more patient.


You DO realize this is Darunia, right? Patience is not one of his strong suits.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Dark Jaguar - 18th November 2005

Also note that I am not going to be rude and ask questions the lay person wouldn't understand. I have a good understanding of what the average person's knowledge of computer terms is, and I'll only be asking you questions that I have a reasonable expectation for you to know the answer to. If I confuse you, I'll try and rephrase it or ask another question. I'll work with you on this.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Darunia - 18th November 2005

You guys are shitty computer doctors. You're all FIE-YAHED!

WinMX. Morpheus. - Great Rumbler - 18th November 2005

No, YOU'RE fired!

WinMX. Morpheus. - Dark Jaguar - 18th November 2005

Look Darunia, if you don't work with us how the hell are we supposed to help you? I mean, what do you expect from us? I have calmy explained exactly what we need from you and you don't do a thing about it.

We can't examine your computer ourselves you know. You need to help us here. Why do you refuse to acknowledge this objective reality?

WinMX. Morpheus. - Weltall - 18th November 2005

Quote:Why do you refuse to acknowledge this objective reality?

This is a man who gleefully lives a pervading fantasy of being the emperor of a race of rock-eating people. Acknowledging reality isn't high on the list of his character traits.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Dark Jaguar - 18th November 2005

That king costume will be MINE! Sand off the corporate logos and you have yourself something awesome!

WinMX. Morpheus. - Darunia - 20th November 2005

*Goron troops smash into Weltall's shack, armed with MP-40s. They riddle his computer with bullets, and brutally beat him for thirty minutes, before he recants his statements... but just to be safe, they cut off both his feet.*

Now THATS Goron justice.

WinMX. Morpheus. - Great Rumbler - 20th November 2005

He's at it again!

WinMX. Morpheus. - EdenMaster - 20th November 2005

What do you mean "at it again"? That assumes there was a period of time when he WASN'T at it!

WinMX. Morpheus. - Great Rumbler - 21st November 2005

I guess you're right!

WinMX. Morpheus. - Darunia - 21st November 2005
