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Where is your God now?! - Printable Version

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Where is your God now?! - Great Rumbler - 6th November 2005

[Image: shadow-the-hedgehog-20051103050647389.jpg]

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[Image: shadow-the-hedgehog-20051103050652904.jpg]

[Image: shadow-the-hedgehog-20051103050656092.jpg]

[Image: shadow-the-hedgehog-20051103050649139.jpg]

[Image: shadow-the-hedgehog-20051103050646451.jpg]

[Image: shadow-the-hedgehog-20051103050656670.jpg]

[Image: shadow-the-hedgehog-20051103050654185.jpg]

Dreamcast-Era graphics? Check.
Realistic guns? Check.
Motorcycles? Check.
Raping a classic franchise? Check.

What happened to you, Sega?

Where is your God now?! - Dark Jaguar - 6th November 2005

Is he flying that new flying mount in the Outlands of WOW?

Next there will be dancing!



Where is your God now?! - A Black Falcon - 6th November 2005

Real cars and motorcycles too? What happened to the good days of Genesis Sonic... :(

Where is your God now?! - Dark Jaguar - 6th November 2005

Well they did have real stuff in the other Adventure games. Only in the human cities, but still.

Anyway, yeah in the old Sonic the world had exxagerated and whimsical technology strewn about.

I mean, the most serious Mario has ever been is in SMRPG, and you really couldn't call that serious so much as a parody of being serious. I certainly hope this is all an attempt at irony.

Where is your God now?! - Great Rumbler - 6th November 2005

The Sega we all knew and loved is gone. That's all there is to it.

Where is your God now?! - Dark Jaguar - 6th November 2005

Whatever your thougts, the fact is this started back with Sonic Adventure 1. When human cities were made realistic instead of some sort of neo metropolis with glowing energy bridges spiraling around crystal skyscrappers, it was all downhill from there.

And Luigi with a shotgun is close, but a better parody would be Wario with a shotgun.

Where is your God now?! - A Black Falcon - 6th November 2005

Yes, it did start in Sonic Adventure 1, and I thought it was a mistake then too... Mario has always maintained a distinction from the real world (the closest I can think of is the plane that they travel to Isle Delfino in in Sunshine, and that wasn't so bad really...)... it's fantasy, not the real world.

How will this game end up? It looks okay, actually... compared to the Sonic Adventure/Sonic Heroes games. Doesn't look much worse than they were... but of course they were flawed, so that's not exactly a strong recomendation there. Of course the gun is stupid... but if the gameplay is Sonic Adventure for the most part, it'd still be worth playing. (not sure if it'd be worth BUYING, though... the Sonic Adventure games were very, very short, and another game that length would not be worth full price.)

Where is your God now?! - Great Rumbler - 6th November 2005

Sonic Adventure 1 was still a fun game though, SA 2 was annoying though. I haven't played the other Sonic games that have been released lately, but I haven't heard much that's good about them. But this is definitely the bottom of the pit, or very close to it. Sega has officially gone mainstream. Tis a sad day indeed.

Where is your God now?! - Weltall - 6th November 2005


He's weeping tears of blood for us right now, for this abberation we have unleashed upon ourselves.

Where is your God now?! - EdenMaster - 6th November 2005


Where is your God now?! - Weltall - 6th November 2005

God also says that EdenMaster is too good for MSN

Where is your God now?! - Sacred Jellybean - 6th November 2005

I didn't read all of the posts in this thread, because I'm high and my friend is talking to me (talking about James Bond, so it's hard to concentrate), so I'm sorry if it's a little irrevelant. But seriously, y'all need to chill out.

This could actually be kinda fun, in a campy, Evil Dead (Army of Darkness, split Ash aka Bruce Campbells, you'll get the idea if you have any kind of horror movie culture at all) or fun, action popcorn movie kinda way. As long as there's no blood (can't remember if they distinguished it or not), I think there's promise in seeing Shadow the Hedgehog riding a fucking motorcycle with an uzi.

I mean come on, it's not like this is Solid Snake or anything.

Where is your God now?! - Weltall - 6th November 2005

You're right.

If I were really high right now, this game might look fun to me too.

Where is your God now?! - EdenMaster - 6th November 2005

Ryan Wrote:God also says that EdenMaster is too good for MSN

EdenMaster says that MSN is too good for...God.

So I've not been on. I have Soul Calibur III now, and such trivialities are now meaningless!

*Did I just create a word?*

Where is your God now?! - Sacred Jellybean - 6th November 2005

Quote: If I were really high right now, this game might look fun to me too.

Or, if you just have a good sense of humor. :D I would be devastated to see Mario do all this, but c'mon... it's the Sonic franchise. Sega tried to be badass back in the day, too, remember?

Where is your God now?! - Dark Jaguar - 6th November 2005

I do recall I mentioned the exact same thing. Sega hasn't "gone mainstream" so much as they are trying to go mainstream AGAIN. Perhaps you might recall that Sonic was CREATED to be a "to the EXTREME" answer to Mario? That was the entire point, he was faster, better, COOLER, than silly plumber boy. You seem to forget the console war of LEGEND. The one where the battle was about image, about who was 16 bit-er than the other, but mainly, and most amazingly, about who made the better games. An amazing concept these days, but the constant battle to outdo the competition via superior games resulted in what may be called the greatest generation EVARS, to some anyway.

I must obtain that king costume... Sand off the Burger King logo, replace the bling with some other sort of royal bling without a corporate logo on it, you got yourself a witch's brew going.

Where is your God now?! - Sacred Jellybean - 6th November 2005

Quote:I do recall I mentioned the exact same thing. Sega hasn't "gone mainstream" so much as they are trying to go mainstream AGAIN. Perhaps you might recall that Sonic was CREATED to be a "to the EXTREME" answer to Mario? That was the entire point, he was faster, better, COOLER, than silly plumber boy. You seem to forget the console war of LEGEND.

I haven't forgotten anything. And you're right, Sonic was made to pretty much be the opposite of Mario (if my mind is filling the blanks in correctly... I haven't been technically educated on all the ins and outs of the game industry at that time). But still... who cares if Sega is trying to go back mainstream? This may be the result of a corporate sellout, but at least it isn't as tragic as Mario.

Sonic was presented to us as fast, strong, and badass in a fantasy world. Well, honestly... how much can they innovate with Sonic while still attracting the old school gamers? They've tried with Sonic Adventures 1 and 2 (personally, I liked them) and with Sonic: Heroes (that's the right title, isn't it?). I haven't tried Sonic: Heroes, but from the feedback I heard of a sequel (unless they were the same game? Sorry, I didn't take much of an interest in it and my memory isn't perfect). From what I heard, though, feedback wasn't good.

So why not try to push the gameplay in new directions? Maybe Sonic's gameplay was never meant to be deep... just fun for a quick fix, opposite to Mario, where platforming skills must have more attention payed to them (of course, I never beat no Sonic game without my Genesis fucking up on me). So if it's a franchise with shallow gameplay, why shouldn't the image be fun and shallow, too? I feel like Mario is a better escape from reality into fantasy, anyway. So what's the big deal?

Quote:The one where the battle was about image, about who was 16 bit-er than the other, but mainly, and most amazingly, about who made the better games. An amazing concept these days, but the constant battle to outdo the competition via superior games resulted in what may be called the greatest generation EVARS, to some anyway.

Don't cater to nostalgia too much. Gets you nowhere. ;)

Where is your God now?! - Sacred Jellybean - 6th November 2005

Sorry if it seemed like I was arguing, by the way. Consciousness is altered a little, so you have to expect some drawback in reading comprehension.

At least it's not as bad as alcohol, though...

Where is your God now?! - lazyfatbum - 7th November 2005

fucking awesome

But yeah, like I said before this is Sega's attempt to start over. Sonic was always the bad ass and then he suddenly became a Chao-loving father figure who gets chased by girls. It wasn't SA that started the decline, it was his own popularity and a couple of meetings with demographics reports that started the slow descent in to the mouth of madness that leads us here. Seeing those screens just pisses me off... where's the 2.5-D Sonic with the REAL gameplay?

But it all makes sense, SA1 (directors cut) sold well on GC, as did 2 and the collection games as well. But the problem is that the sales of all of those combined dont even equal half the sales of Sonic 1 2 or 3 in the same span of time. Sega and Sonic just plain lost popularity and they're doing whatever they can to get it back. So it makes perfect sense.

Now the real fun starts when this game launches... i'm willing to bet it will do very well. And will see a multiplatform release within 6 months. I can hear the echoes of "dude it's ghetto sonic" and "gangsta sonic! let's all wear hidden drug related images on our shirts and buy 200 dollar plastic shoes cuz we attach ourselves to simplistic ideals easily without forethought all for the purpose of fueling our lack of confidence and our easily persuaded anti-personalities! *eats McDinner while fucking an XBox*

I cant believe modern society has evolved in to highly commercialized food biproducts and/or reinventing ways to repackage emotionless sex with the occasional yo'mama joke and of course some gaudy black man with too much interest in his hair threatening to shoot someone... and now in Hedgehog form. I'll tell you where my God is... he's putting the final touches on a meteor named "Fuck Earth" and sending it as hard and as fast as he can.

(but it wont hit until after the Revolution comes out... then it can cause mass death... and I want Animal Crossing: Wild World too.. yeah)

Where is your God now?! - Sacred Jellybean - 7th November 2005


(stupid insomnia)

Quote:Now the real fun starts when this game launches... i'm willing to bet it will do very well. And will see a multiplatform release within 6 months. I can hear the echoes of "dude it's ghetto sonic" and "gangsta sonic! let's all wear hidden drug related images on our shirts and buy 200 dollar plastic shoes cuz we attach ourselves to simplistic ideals easily without forethought all for the purpose of fueling our lack of confidence and our easily persuaded anti-personalities! *eats McDinner while fucking an XBox*

Stop creeping me out.

Quote:I cant believe modern society has evolved in to highly commercialized food biproducts and/or reinventing ways to repackage emotionless sex with the occasional yo'mama joke and of course some gaudy black man with too much interest in his hair threatening to shoot someone... and now in Hedgehog form. I'll tell you where my God is... he's putting the final touches on a meteor named "Fuck Earth" and sending it as hard and as fast as he can.

It may be sad, but at least people can still have fun with it. A good sense of humor is healthy, you know. :p

Maybe you need more of an appreciation for short-attention-span-ed...ness... *Dan created a new word* (It's MINE, you fools!)

*Everyone laughs at Beanjo*

*Beanjo cries and shaves off his hard shell and soft exterior with a carrot peeler*

Where is your God now?! - EdenMaster - 7th November 2005

Sacred Jellybean Wrote:WHO NEEDS SLEEP NOT DAN

Yeah, watching the Darunia video too many times will do that.

Where is your God now?! - lazyfatbum - 7th November 2005


Seriously i've had my fill with little black people/things running around in a Caddilac and shooting people. It was funny in the 90's, it works great in film (and if you give them a new york accent... look out!) but god dammit enough is enough. Hell atleast True Crime used an asian guy but then pow, attack of the corn rows and gold teeth. I mean what kind of idiot gets gold caps on their teeth? The kind with corn rows i'm betting.

Where is your God now?! - A Black Falcon - 7th November 2005

Quote:Sonic Adventure 1 was still a fun game though, SA 2 was annoying though. I haven't played the other Sonic games that have been released lately, but I haven't heard much that's good about them. But this is definitely the bottom of the pit, or very close to it. Sega has officially gone mainstream. Tis a sad day indeed.

SA2 was okay, gameplay-wise... sure the Knuckles/Rouge levels were kind of annoying, but it wasn't THAT awful. My main reason for discontent was how short it was. I beat it in a week... it's really a rental game, not a purchase game, even for less than full price. Some fun while it lasts but it doesn't last long... and it's not as fun as better games.

Quote:Or, if you just have a good sense of humor. I would be devastated to see Mario do all this, but c'mon... it's the Sonic franchise. Sega tried to be badass back in the day, too, remember?


Quote:So why not try to push the gameplay in new directions? Maybe Sonic's gameplay was never meant to be deep... just fun for a quick fix, opposite to Mario, where platforming skills must have more attention payed to them (of course, I never beat no Sonic game without my Genesis fucking up on me). So if it's a franchise with shallow gameplay, why shouldn't the image be fun and shallow, too? I feel like Mario is a better escape from reality into fantasy, anyway. So what's the big deal?

This is a point.. Sonic isn't as good as Mario, never has been. Even so, this is down from where Sonic was in the 2d days. New directions? Well... if they're good ideas... but how is 'let's make Sonic world be the real world and have him visit cities' a good idea? I mean, a biplane in Sonic 3 is one thing, but that's another... and then this... it's like taking the weaker aspect of the Sonic Adventure games -- the 'real-world' one -- and giving it even MORE prominence! Sure, once in a while a level with an urban setting is fun... but still... guns, cars, the other stuff they pull... not so much.

Now, as I said, I expect this game to not really be any worse than SA1 or 2 or Sonic Heroes, gameplaywise. But sometimes theme can be a problem of itsself... it's like Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within -- where does hard rock have a place in a game about ancient Persia?

Where is your God now?! - Sacred Jellybean - 7th November 2005

Quote:New directions? Well... if they're good ideas... but how is 'let's make Sonic world be the real world and have him visit cities' a good idea?

I agree in that throwing cuddly-but-in-your-face-animals into a ghetto type of environment a la GTA is a cheap cash-out, but maybe this could become fun in a ridiculous-plot-and-characters-in-an-ultraviolent-comic-book sorta way. Kind of like Conker's Bad Fur Day, only not clever or original (not that satires are that original, but you catch my drift).

Quote:it's like taking the weaker aspect of the Sonic Adventure games -- the 'real-world' one -- and giving it even MORE prominence! Sure, once in a while a level with an urban setting is fun... but still... guns, cars, the other stuff they pull... not so much.

Good point. I suppose all the disgruntled Sonic fans can always go back to SA 1 & 2 (I heard the die-hard fans loved 2 because it was so difficult), Heroes, the old sidescrollers, etc. Nostalgia's funny that way... if people get too caught up in it, they won't like change or growth (though I suppose you can't consider this new direction to be much of "growth" :S).

Where is your God now?! - Sacred Jellybean - 7th November 2005



Quote:Seriously i've had my fill with little black people/things running around in a Caddilac and shooting people. It was funny in the 90's, it works great in film (and if you give them a new york accent... look out!) but god dammit enough is enough. Hell atleast True Crime used an asian guy but then pow, attack of the corn rows and gold teeth. I mean what kind of idiot gets gold caps on their teeth? The kind with corn rows i'm betting.

Ugh, True Crime... biggest waste of 50 bucks I ever spent. *wipes ass with disc sleeve and sends it to the makers*

Where is your God now?! - Dark Jaguar - 7th November 2005

So you are actually basically saying there is a sort of merit to a "only pay attention to the now, just laugh while you can, enjoy things and just don't think too much" philosophy?

Don't try to be so wise. Don't cry because you're so right Don't something something (didn't really understand this part) because you'll just hate yourself in the end.

Where is your God now?! - Great Rumbler - 7th November 2005

I understand the concept of "take things for what they are and don't think too much about it", but I simply can't subscribe to it. Things that are stupid or obvious cash-ins [which is the case here] could be fun, however the very concept disgusts me and I don't want to have anything to do with it. Here we see Shadow the Hedgehog riding around a realistic city in a Dodge Neon with an AK-47, everything about that causes my brain to shreik in rage and disgust. I will likely never buy this game because of this, even if it has it's fun elements. You might consider it hypocritical of me to have every 3D GTA game [including the one on the PSP], but it really isn't. GTA is not a classic franchise that I grew up with that has suddenly been dragged kicking and screaming into a world it was never meant to be in.

Where is your God now?! - Sacred Jellybean - 7th November 2005

Quote:So you are actually basically saying there is a sort of merit to a "only pay attention to the now, just laugh while you can, enjoy things and just don't think too much" philosophy?

Don't try to be so wise. Don't cry because you're so right Don't something something (didn't really understand this part) because you'll just hate yourself in the end.

...is that directed towards me? If so, what are you talking about? I never said that nostalgia doesn't have its place. You just shouldn't let it interfere with trying something new. Who knows... you might just have some fun and end up hating yourself for it.

I honestly can't think of a better direction to take Sonic (and actually, don't care much), so this doesn't bother me.

All I'm saying is, just because it's an obvious cash-in doesn't mean there has to be drama about dooming the game into the fiery depths of gaming underworld (where Superman 64 and E.T. for atari all the NES Barbie games reside). At least wait until you play the game.

Where is your God now?! - Dark Jaguar - 7th November 2005

I had no real opinion on it. I was actually just stating objective facts.
