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Metroid Prime 3 - Great Rumbler - 4th August 2005

Quote:Clandestine website to the Metroid series Luminoth Temple has conducted an interview with a member of Retro Studios who has the first details of the upcoming threequel to the sublime First-Person Adventurey Shooter Metroid Prime.

The title will be the final game in the Metroid Prime trilogy, which means the plot will thicken as the "pulse-pounding conclusion of Samus' prime adventures come to an exhilerating close ... The plot of Prime 3 is about closure, told against the backdrop of an epic struggle."

As in Metroid Prime and it's sequel Echoes, Prime 3 will use the first-person view. This new title will however also use "the innovative Nintendo Revolution controls." What exactly this means, we're not sure, but the Retro Studios spokesman went on to say that they planned on taking advantage of "new features in the Revolution, including the controller." Mysterious.

The visuals in the game will apparently surpass anything in the series before it. It's worthwhile to point out the short clip of Samus supposedly from a Revolution Metroid game shown at E3 was running on Cube hardware, and was not part of this game.

Music and audio have yet to begin production, though famed composer Kenji Yamamoto who worked on the previous two titles in the series will be returning.

The game will be available in 2006, with the word on the street saying it will be a Revolution launch title... and online compatible.

We'll have more on this upcoming blockbuster title when we get it!

The Revolution launch is gonna be SWEET.


Metroid Prime 3 - Sacred Jellybean - 4th August 2005



Quote:The Revolution launch is gonna be SWEET.


Ahh, Metroid Prime 3 will be online. I suppose it'll contain the same types of multiplayer featured in Prime 2, only extended to cyberspace of teh intrawebs? They'll probably add more features, too.

God damn it, when will we find out more about the Rev. controller? Unfortunately, I'm still paranoid that Nintendo may let us down after all this hype that they're building up... even if it were just a new, generic controller that was basically the GameCube controller rearranged, technically, this statement would still be true:

Quote:This new title will however also use "the innovative Nintendo Revolution controls." ...the Retro Studios spokesman went on to say that they planned on taking advantage of "new features in the Revolution, including the controller."

Metroid Prime 3 - Darunia - 4th August 2005

But why decide to close the series at three games?

Metroid Prime 3 - Great Rumbler - 4th August 2005

Well...I guess the same reason why other people decide to end their series at 3. Dunno

Metroid Prime 3 - Sacred Jellybean - 4th August 2005

Trilogies are so catchy nowadays. The word "threequel" makes me want to puke up my late dinner of microwavable fried chicken, though.

Metroid Prime 3 - Weltall - 4th August 2005

Darunia Wrote:But why decide to close the series at three games?
Because otherwise we get the new Star Wars trilogy, that's why.

Metroid Prime 3 - dex - 5th August 2005

My guess is that Metroid Prime 3 will be months in the timeline before Metroid 2 Return of Samus at which point I think we'll see a remake of that game. I'm wondering if Retro is thinking of taking the series in to Zebes or reinventing another story which is probably closer to their plans.

Right now the full plot is:

Earth Colony is attacked by Space Pirates.

Orphaned girl Samus Aran is picked up by strange old man

(Chozo religion states that a savior will be found in the form of a child)

Old man revealed to be Chozo being, trains Samus

Metroid Zero Mission: Samus, now an adult, finds Space Pirate base on Zebes. Steals federation ship and infiltrates Zebes

Destroys living computer Mother Brain (1 of 3 known organic super computers used by the Space Pirates) and discovers animal called the Metroid used by the Space Pirates as a weapon

Metroid Prime: During her travels back from Zebes recieves a strange transmission from Tallon 4; Investigates to discover another Space Pirate base and their experimentation with a naturally occuring element called Phazon which under supervision and care can manipulate and mutate genetic material

Destroys Tallon 4 Space Pirate base and 'happy accident' Metroid Prime; A 'Tallon 4' Metroid (cloned imperfect Metroid) subjected to massive exposure to Phazon. This mutant created a hive towards the core of the planet where the most pure form of Phazon existed. In it's death throws it tries to survive by absorbing any phazon in the area incluing Samus Aran's Phazon suit.

During investigation of Tallon 4 learns that Space Pirates have many bases of operation including plans to reinstall on Zebes.

Metroid Prime Echoes: After leaving Tallon 4, crash lands on planet Aether. A defunct planet in a constant state of deminsional flux. Learns of a species that once was in close relations to the Chozo. Learns of a war that took place recently between the 'Luminoth' species and the alter deminsional beings called Ings. Samus is asked to fix the Luminoth's planet by powering generators which will destroy the alter deminsion created by the Luminoth

Space Pirates investigate Aether for it's possible Phazon desposits, Metroid Prime also is attacking the planet ripping it of any Phazon deposits, this incarnation of Metroid Prime takes on the form of Samus and it is using the alter deminsion to gain strength and use the Ing as its personal army

Samus kills Ing leader and shuts their deminsion out. Destroys Metroid Prime again and saves the Luminoth people (who now exist in a spiritual form)

Metroid Prime 3 ..... logic says that based on the last 2 Prime's is that is it will be a completely new planet so it's hard to make a prediction.

Metroid 2 Return of Samus: Finds Metroid homeworld planet SR388 and wipes out all Metroid. Discovers that Metroid is a larvae that if left alone will mutate and grow in to an adult. Wipes out all but one infant Metroid who finds Samus upon birth and doesn't attack her. (also learns that this planet was once the home to the Chozo)

Super Metroid: Samus takes the infant to the federation for experimentation to learn what and why it exists and if its energy syphoning ability can be produced to benefit mankind. General of the Space Pirates Ridley a man-made sentient monster who resembles a dragon with the brain of a genius steals the infant under orders from the remade Mother Brain who is reinstalled on Zebes. Samus leaves to investigate Zebes.

Destroys Space Pirate base on Zebes, and with the help of the infant Metroid the second Mother Brain and then evacuates the planet before its self-destruction.

Metroid Fusion: Now working for the federation of a bounty hunter Samus Aran recieves orders to investigate SR388 for a possible alien infestation. Discovers an animal called the X Parasite. This animal was once a natural predator to the Metroid, now that SR388 has been wiped out of Metroid the X have began to mutate and to attack any life forms and inanimate objects on the planet including Federation soldiers and Samus.

After her attack she is pronounced terminal though by introducing Metroid genetic material in to Samus could possibly negate the X Parasite infection. Her Chozo-made suit is so badly infected it must be removed until further study. Samus Aran's body has changed because of the Metroid genetic influences with in her. Learns that a Space Station orbiting SR388 has been infested with X Parasites; investigates.

New ship's computer 'Adam' guides Samus through Space Station and systematically destroys all X Parasites. Learns that the X Parasite are using Samus Aran's Chozo suit as a viable transportation off the Space Station. The station has every form of animal from SR388 including a creature that resembles Ridley and Metroid. The X Parasite infected suit called the SA-X is destroyed and the space station cannot be saved, everything on board it is also destroyed.

Metroid 5 .... Samus gets pregnant and grows a dick.

Metroid Prime 3 - Great Rumbler - 5th August 2005

After Metroid Prime 3, I think they should go back and cover Samus's origin. That's something that's never been touched upon more than briefly in any of the games and I think it could make a great game, one that should have a number of cinematics.

Metroid Prime 3 - Dark Jaguar - 5th August 2005

How so? I mean, she's already had her first mission. Exactly what sort of Metroid gameplay are we to expect from a powersuitless little girl? Maybe they could have "Kid Samus", the Zelda style game where you play as a little kid trying to save the eagle's eggs from being poached by evil, but stupid, space pirates? It starts out with her like, being taught about the harmony of the world and how every sperm is sacred, and then she runs off into the woods, sneaking away from chores, and finds a nest of eggs which she saves, in a dramatic sequence, from getting blown out of their nest by a wind, but she has to leave and she gets in trouble for wandering off, but "they don't understand". Then like the evil music plays and some idiot space pirates show up talking about how they can get some good money from those eagles, and they find the nest and hatch some odd plan, but Samus' animal buddies (she'll have animal buddies that she can talk to, the comedy relief) tell her what's happening and she tries to save them, but she gets caught, and then the REST of the plot of the movie "The Rescuers" plays out.

Metroid Prime 3 - Great Rumbler - 5th August 2005

I'm pretty sure they could make it so it wasn't INFANTILE.

Metroid Prime 3 - Dark Jaguar - 5th August 2005

But if the game STARS an infant, how exactly would they pull it off? No, it's best to just, you know, focus on making games where she could actually FIGHT. Without that power suit, she dies in one hit and that little toy gun is a joke.

Metroid Prime 3 - Great Rumbler - 5th August 2005

The Origin of Samus

Most of the events leading up to Samus being raised by the Chozo and some following that would probably be handled through cinematics. Her training, the events leading up to and following the take-over by Mother Brain would be the parts that the player had the most control. That would actually be a retread of the events in the first Metroid game, so they might not want to do that again, but it might be worth a try.

Metroid Prime 3 - lazyfatbum - 6th August 2005

lmao... sacred sperm

I think it would be neat if a Metroid game would occasionally dip in to a flashback where you play as a young Samus doing one of those training excersizes that make no sense but do in a weird kung-fu spiritual way like try to hear the grasshopper's heartbeat or stand on a log, etc

Metroid Prime 3 - A Black Falcon - 7th August 2005

Maybe it's the final Prime game because they were stretching credibility already by squeezing two games between the old games in the series the Prime games are between, much less three? :)