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Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Printable Version

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Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - cppcrusader - 30th May 2005

Just found this. Lucas and Spielberg have approved a script for Indiana Jones 4, but Ford still has to sign off on it. He hasn't read it yet. Lazy, I'd definitely say this is the project that Rob Coleman said they were planning and couldn't talk about.

Linky. http://comingsoon.net/news/topnews.php?id=9823

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Great Rumbler - 30th May 2005

I think it's pretty unlikely that Ford won't sign off on it. He's not getting any younger and it's pretty unlikely that he's going to be getting many more offfers for movies this big.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - The Former DMiller - 30th May 2005

About time they finally approved a script. They had better not screw this one up because I'd rather have it stay a trilogy than deal with a horrible fourth movie.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Great Rumbler - 30th May 2005

Lucas and Speilberg both seem to think it's good enough. That's something at least.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - A Black Falcon - 30th May 2005


Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Darunia - 19th June 2005

Lucas and Speilberg both seem to think it's good enough. That's something at least.

But Lucas also signed off on the prequels. And I heard rumors that Indy will have aged a lot, and he'll be fighting Soviets? Has anyone else heard this? I just think he'll be out of his element when he's not killing Nazis.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Great Rumbler - 19th June 2005

Quote:And I heard rumors that Indy will have aged a lot

Harrison Ford has aged a lot.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - A Black Falcon - 19th June 2005

Yeah, you could not plausibly say that only a year or two has passed, with how much older the actor looks... so it's got to be the Soviets.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Weltall - 19th June 2005

Quote:They had better not screw this one up because I'd rather have it stay a trilogy than deal with a horrible fourth movie.

I know I said that right before I saw Phantom Menace. I said it in a past tense after seeing it, too.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Darunia - 20th June 2005

I know I said that right before I saw Phantom Menace. I said it in a past tense after seeing it, too.

I for one prefer to think of Star Wars as being that campy, cool one that I grew up with. I associate the prequels entirely differently, almost as an alternate Star Wars, because the two trilogies are so non-compatible on virtually every level.

All of the Jones movies took place in the 1930's. One could place it in the 40's, making him a decade older... after all, if Indy was as old as River Phoenix was when he portrayed him in 1912, Indy must've been born about 1895, making him about 50 in 1945. That's plenty aged enough. The 50's was a different world, and mark my words from this very day, however good it may be for whatever reason, it will not be anywhere as good as the classics.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Great Rumbler - 20th June 2005

Indiana Jones has to stop the Soviets from finding Atlantis and using its advanced technology to conquer the west.

I can dream can't I?

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - A Black Falcon - 20th June 2005

Atlantis? No, he's already done that in Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis... and it's Nazis, not Soviets. :)

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Great Rumbler - 20th June 2005

Who cares if he already did it in a videogame? They can still make a mvoie about it!!

I forgot to add that the Soviets teamed up with voodoo witch-doctors to ressurect Hitler who then possessed Stalin and he transform Soviet Russia into a fascist Nazi state. From there he learns about Atlantis and sends his troops to the Mediterranean to find it and use its amazing power to conquer the world. And Indiana Jones is now a cyborg.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - A Black Falcon - 20th June 2005

Fate of Atlantis is a fantastic game you know, one of Lucasarts' best...

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Darunia - 20th June 2005

I forgot to add that the Soviets teamed up with voodoo witch-doctors to ressurect Hitler who then possessed Stalin and he transform Soviet Russia into a fascist Nazi state. From there he learns about Atlantis and sends his troops to the Mediterranean to find it and use its amazing power to conquer the world. And Indiana Jones is now a cyborg.

With my luck, that's actually what it'll be about.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Great Rumbler - 20th June 2005

Quote:Fate of Atlantis is a fantastic game you know, one of Lucasarts' best...

Yes, I know that. I've only heard that being said for YEARS. So they shouldn't make a movie based on it because of that? Actually it's a great reason to make a movie about it.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Darunia - 20th June 2005

I had Fate of Atlantis... my personally opinion of it wasn't that great. I didn't get that far... all I remember is that I got to a jungle somewhere, and everytime I tried to get into this old temple, an annoying guy with a British accent would walk out, saying "stop!", tell me to leave, and then go back into the temple.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - alien space marine - 20th June 2005

How about this , Its 1959 just before the cuban missle crisis Fidel Castro and his marxist rebels overthrow the corrupt dictator Bastidas and form a secret alliance with the Soviet union.

Indiana Jones is on a special covert mission with the CIA to find the lost city of gold Elderado , Has to deal with the pesky KGB and the Cuban Navy.

Has to find Elderado get the goverment to secure all that gold into Fort Knox before the Soviet union or Fidel Castro could use it to build their war machines and fuel their commie agendas.

Elderado is also boobie traped ,Lots of venomes snakes and deadly vicious animals, Plus a strange tribal blood cult.

The film would be like raiders of the lost arc meets the temple of Doom.

Docter Jones doesnt care about the gold but just wants to save one of his mentors and his daughter who happens to be Indiana Jones wife who was lossed in a expedition sent prior before the world turned to shit.

This Jones is old and retired , He had "marital trouble" because he was opposed to his wife going on the expedition but she was stubborn and head strong like Jones was and went anyway with her Father and his expedition regardless, Jones out of Concern came out of retirement and got the bells ringing with the feds for help.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - A Black Falcon - 21st June 2005

Quote:I had Fate of Atlantis... my personally opinion of it wasn't that great. I didn't get that far... all I remember is that I got to a jungle somewhere, and everytime I tried to get into this old temple, an annoying guy with a British accent would walk out, saying "stop!", tell me to leave, and then go back into the temple.

I remember that part... yeah, that puzzle was hard. But isn't hard puzzles what adventure game are about? :)

And don't just take my word for it, back in '98 (I think, it could have been '97...), Sam & Max was the top-finishing Lucasarts adventure, but Fate was second. ( I think Monkey Island showed up too, lower down.) Of course now Grim Fandango would be on that shortlist, but still, Fate is up there.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Darunia - 22nd June 2005

Alien Space Machine: eh that doesn't sound like the kind of Indy film I'd enjoy. That's far too commercialized and common of a script. It'd ruin Indy.

ABF, true, but I lost interest for some time at that pointed (the game hadn't caught my interest by then), and then we switched computers, the CD got lost, and the game fell into oblivion.

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - A Black Falcon - 22nd June 2005

I always hate it when I lose CDs... :( I don't lose many, but the few I have lost I really wish I hadn't. Actually, I lost Fate a couple of years ago... two or three years ago something happened and somewhere between four and six games (all in papersleeves, not CD cases) got lost. Fate of Atlantis I really wish I still had (I never finished it, actually... when we first got it I was younger and it's a pretty hard game.), and Micro Machines 2 and MechCommander Gold, but I don't care much at all about losing Worms Armageddon (Worms 2 is just as good, and I still have that).

Unfortunately at some point I also lost a folder with some codewheels and stuff in it, so I can't play Hardball III, Zool 2, TMNT (a port of the first NES game), Summer Challenge (by Accolade), or Keen 6 (Aliens ate my Babysitter; though I can easily play this one, as it's copy protection is "give the name for this picture of one of the enemies". And there are Keen websites out there with those images and names.). Oh well, those things happen...

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - Darunia - 22nd June 2005

Most of the old games I've lost were on floppies... so I couldn't use them on a modern computer even if I still had them. Ah yes, I remember the golden age of floppies... when computers came on 3 1/4 and 5 1/2" discs... memories...

Indiana Jones 4 script approved! - A Black Falcon - 23rd June 2005

Floppy games I haven't lost... I think we still have all of them, or close to it (okay, so most of the 5 1/4" disks are either broken or gone, but who cares about them... and I'm not sure if I had any games that only came on that size disks and not the 3 1/4" disks.

Yeah, there are still a couple of disk holders in the closet full of 3 1/2" games... all installed on my computer, of course (yeah, including the ones which I've lost the codewheels/codesheets for...)... or almost all; a couple aren't, such as SimEarth and SimCity (original, 2000 (we just have the floppy version) is installed.). But they most all are... because I like to have everything possible installed all at once. :)