Tendo City
Notice. - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Notice. (/showthread.php?tid=2749)

Pages: 1 2

Notice. - A Black Falcon - 10th April 2005

Qoute is a word too, you know!

Notice. - Geno - 11th April 2005

Dictionary.com begs to differ.

Notice. - geoboy - 11th April 2005

I don't have much. I've been working on my own archive as well. I have stuff from Tendocity 1.0, Rumble City, EZBoard and Ikonboard. All of it is pretty sparse. I've been putting off finishing it forever. Now I actually do have plenty of time and I suppose I'll get back to work and submit it here when I'm done.

Notice. - A Black Falcon - 11th April 2005

'not much' is better than nothing at all, for the ikonboard and ezboard...

Notice. - Dark Lord Neo - 13th April 2005

DMiller Wrote:I am the only non-admin of the old members? I guess you guys don't want the power to get to my head like it did when I was Shigeru.
You can always be like me and remember the passwords for admin's acounts, then if you ever want to abuse the powers you could (not that I have or would, it's just funny that some poeple use the same passwords 3-4 years later)

Notice. - Dark Jaguar - 13th April 2005

Haha, oh yeah the board still messes up now and again doesn't it? The last few times I haven't even been around to see that happen, but I've heard.

Notice. - Great Rumbler - 13th April 2005

Basically what happens is that, first posts start to mess up, like new posts don't show and then the whole forum just comes crashing down and you get that error message and then an email is sent to Ryan and then you keep refreshing, hoping that that will somehow make it work, and everytime it refreshes Ryan gets another email.

Notice. - A Black Falcon - 13th April 2005

Yup! Fun for him... :)

Notice. - The Former DMiller - 13th April 2005

Haha, next time TC is down I'll make sure to refresh as often as possible. :)

Notice. - Weltall - 13th April 2005

I blocked emails sent from my own address, therefore, I no longer get inundated like that. So waste your time if you feel you need to :D

Notice. - Smoke - 13th April 2005

Can somebody tell me why sometimes when I'm viewing a thread if I post or refresh all the names and avatars swich places? Most of the time people's names are above their avatar but sometimes they're below their avatar.

Notice. - Dark Jaguar - 13th April 2005

You see the code for tables isn't always "put the text right over here", but rather it gives it a list of stuff and a table and the browser is left to put it all together as it sees fit, so things can pop around. For example, Netscape and IE used to (not sure if this is still the case) handle tables so differently that the title segment in the code, coded exactly the same way, would be at the top of the table in one and the bottom in the other. For me, the name appears to the right of my avatar, but I'm using the new style layout.

Notice. - Smoke - 14th April 2005

Thank you! I can't get used to the new style layout it just doesn't seem right.

Also the latest style "Tendo City VIII" creates a horizontal scroll bar in 1024x768.

Notice. - Geno - 14th April 2005

I'm using Version VII. :)

Notice. - A Black Falcon - 14th April 2005

6.0 High Noon Edition Classic is the best.

Notice. - Great Rumbler - 14th April 2005

You're all wrong. "Tendo City: We're the whalers on the Moon!! VBulletin 3 Style" is clearly the superior version.

Notice. - A Black Falcon - 14th April 2005

If you meant "worst" by "best" then yes... :)

Notice. - Great Rumbler - 14th April 2005

I didn't say it was the "best", I said it was "clearly superior. Learn how to read, Falcon!

Notice. - A Black Falcon - 14th April 2005

If it's clearly superior to all the others, how exactly isn't it the best one? :)

Notice. - Great Rumbler - 14th April 2005

Because the one I came up with in my mind is the best.

Notice. - The Former DMiller - 14th April 2005

I agree with ABF. Version 6.0 High Noon rocks my socks.

Notice. - A Black Falcon - 14th April 2005

Classic (with any theme)! Sidebar beats topbar any day...

Notice. - The Former DMiller - 14th April 2005

I use classic on my desktop, but my lowly laptop that only has a max resolution of 800x600 needs the topbar.

Notice. - A Black Falcon - 14th April 2005

I think that classic is better in 800x600, actually. I use 800x600...

Notice. - Geno - 14th April 2005

I used to use 800x600, then I got too used to 1024x768. I forgot how, but I've used it eversince.

Notice. - geoboy - 14th April 2005

I use 1152x864, just because my video card will let me. Actually, I use that resolution because it's the highest I can go while maintaining a solid 85hz refresh rate on my monitor. I'd go up to 1280x960, but the refresh rate drops to 75hz and my eyes start to bleed. I wish I had an LCD monitor. :(

Notice. - Darunia - 14th April 2005

Oh no! We're getting closed down tomorrow! This is my last opportunity to tell you all that I love you guys! Except for Lazy.

Notice. - A Black Falcon - 14th April 2005

I have the refresh rate set to Optimal, so I don't know what it's using... and I've used 1024x768 some, but just don't like it as much.

Notice. - Smoke - 14th April 2005

Tendo City 6.0 Midnight CLASSIC Edition right here. I wish there were a Midnight Edition of Tendo City VIII. Preferably one that doesn't create a vertical scroll bar in 1024x768. :D

Notice. - A Black Falcon - 14th April 2005

Like black?

Notice. - Geno - 15th April 2005

I'm using the 6.0 High Noon Edition. I might switch to the 6.0 Midnight Edition though. They're both cool. :)

Notice. - Smoke - 15th April 2005

High Noon's a bit too bright for my taste. Midnight all the way.

Notice. - Darunia - 15th April 2005

High Noon is where it's at, foo! Don't you be DISSIN' on my boy, High Noon Edition!

Notice. - Smoke - 15th April 2005

Oh now it's on! Midnight Edition VS High Noon Edition fight!

Notice. - Geno - 15th April 2005

Ooo, it's on! It is ON! One of you is about to get effed in the ay!

Usually, I prefer dark colors over light ones, but I still think High Noon edition is cool.

Notice. - Smoke - 15th April 2005

You got served!

Notice. - A Black Falcon - 15th April 2005

I don't like VIII... I guess it's that background, I prefer a colored one, not mostly white (with the top an equally uninteresting cross-hatched design). Christmas Edition Alternate and High Noon CLASSIC are the best. :)

Notice. - Great Rumbler - 15th April 2005

vBulletin 3 is the foshiznitetastic...izzle...something. Anyway, it's really cool.

Notice. - Geno - 15th April 2005

Smoke-X Wrote:You got served!

*watches somebody dance better than I ever could and ends up going into a coma and having to be taken to the hospital*