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Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Printable Version

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Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 18th February 2005

According to jeux-france is it! http://www.jeux-france.com/news8581_zelda-ds--gamecube.html

Quote: In an Interview granted to Libération, Eiji Aonuma de Nintendo, which in particular took part in the development of many shutters of the Zelda series, reveals some very interesting information concerning next Zelda on GameCube and Nintendo DS.

Eiji Aonuma (Nintendo) 'There will be without any doubt Zelda for the DS. In fact, you appear that the reflexions which we developed around Four Swords largely contributed to the reflexion which we had to conceive the DS. The concepts with work in Four Swords formed part of the examples that we experienced while thinking on the possible plays for the DS and the advantages that the double screen allows. It was theoretical but today, it would be very a shame, and even ashamed, that one does not make the opposite demonstration: a truth good Zelda on DS. The next episode of Zelda conceived for GameCube is already completed but I can absolutely nothing say some moreover. You know the house: even the title and the topic are still secret. This next large Zelda, which makes continuation with the WindWaker episode chronologically, will leave to Japan at at the end of 2005. I am engaged to 200 % in his development and I can betray one secrecy of it: it will be very, very beautiful.'

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Holy fuck if true. Would Nintendo really wait until the end of the year to release it though? It would sell well no matter what time of the year it's released, but perhaps they don't have anything else for the holiday season? Although... if Mario 128 and Mario Kart Arcade get released for the GC by the holiday season, perhaps we'll be getting the new GC Zelda sooner than we expected! WOO!!!

Oh and notice that he said that this new Zelda takes places right after WW. That would be cool if true.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Geno - 18th February 2005

Sweet! I can't wait for the holiday season... though I'm going to have to wait a good ten months. I'll find ways to keep myself occupied until then!

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 18th February 2005

By masturbating?

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 18th February 2005

Looks like it was a bad translation! Stupid French!

Here's what Matt from IGN had to say:

Quote:Aonuma doesn't say the game is completed. He says it's coming.


Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 18th February 2005

I wonder how long it'll take us to get the new Zelda game...

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 18th February 2005

Fall, I imagine.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - A Black Falcon - 18th February 2005

Yeah, it wouldn't make sense for it to be finished if then he says that he's working 200% on its development... but anyway, it's good to hear that it's coming and that they are still saying that it's coming out this year. :)

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 18th February 2005

That would be great if it came out in fall, but it'll probably be closer to early winter. I just hope they don't delay it to early 2006. That would be too long to wait.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 18th February 2005

Early winter? Winter begins in December, you know. I doubt it'll be released later than November.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 18th February 2005

Nintendo's crazy like that sometimes...

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 18th February 2005

I'm betting they'll release it the week the XBox 2 launches, ala Majora's Mask.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 18th February 2005

That would hinge on whether or not the Xbox 2 is actually released this year, or in a time frame that Nintendo is able to release their game.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - A Black Falcon - 18th February 2005

Thanksgivingtime seems just about right for one of your console's biggest releases...

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 18th February 2005

The XB2 will definitely be released this year.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 18th February 2005

Like anyone can even know that, OB1!

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - A Black Falcon - 18th February 2005

OB1 does with his omnipitent powers!

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Geno - 19th February 2005

OB1 Wrote:By masturbating?

Yes... NO!

Right now, for example, I am working on an RPG with RPG Maker 2000. (I have RPG Maker 2003 now, but I began this RPG in RM2K, so I'm going to finish it in RM2K. I'll do my next RPG in RM2K3.)

I hope the new Zelda comes out this year. Majora's Mask came out two years after Ocarina of Time (1998, 2000), and Wind Waker came out in 2003, so to keep up the pattern of "direct sequals come out two years later", the new Zelda must come out before 2005 is over. :)

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - EdenMaster - 19th February 2005

Geno Wrote:Right now, for example, I am working on an RPG with RPG Maker 2000. (I have RPG Maker 2003 now, but I began this RPG in RM2K, so I'm going to finish it in RM2K. I'll do my next RPG in RM2K3.)

I'd be interested to see your work. I'm making an RPG too as you may have seen in an earlier thread in Ramble. Perhaps we could trade ideas and stuff.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 19th February 2005

Quote:Like anyone can even know that, OB1!
Quote:OB1 does with his omnipitent powers!

I am so certain, in fact, that I will bet you guys my pride that the XB2 will launch THIS year. But if I am RIGHT, then you do punks have to bow down to my majesty and admit utter defeat and incompetency.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - A Black Falcon - 19th February 2005

I know rumor says the X-Box 2 will launch this yea, but will it actually do so? I don't know... I can't see why Microsoft would want to launch the next generation so soon, really.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 19th February 2005

That is because you aren't that bright. :)

Wait and see!

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - A Black Falcon - 19th February 2005

It's only been four years, OB1... replacing a console only four years after launch is generally an admission that the console has not done as well as you wanted. Like the Gamecube replacing the N64. When consoles are successes they generally last longer than that.

Anyway, why would Microsoft think that being first would help them? It sure didn't help Sega with the Dreamcast! Or others, either... first isn't necessarially the winner of which does best.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 19th February 2005

Quote:I am so certain, in fact, that I will bet you guys my pride that the XB2 will launch THIS year. But if I am RIGHT, then you do punks have to bow down to my majesty and admit utter defeat and incompetency.


Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - A Black Falcon - 20th February 2005

Good answer, GR. :)

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 21st February 2005

You kids are so naive. Just wait and see, and yet AGAIN I will be proven right. I wonder how many times it's going to take before you two let go of your giant egos and admit defeat, though?

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - A Black Falcon - 21st February 2005

Give good reasons (that actually make sense) Microsoft would think it is a good idea to launch a new console this year, then...

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 21st February 2005

Really the only reason I'm oppposing you on this issue, OB1, is because DJ and ABF would start bugging me about how I'm always copying you and such like. I don't have a position one way or the other.


Just so you know.


Xbox in '06!!!

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - A Black Falcon - 21st February 2005

'06 just makes more sense.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 21st February 2005

MS might feel that if they launch it in late '05 they can get a jump on everyone else. Of course that isn't guaranteed, because that's what Sega did and they got destroyed by the PS2 when it finally came out. Maybe they think that they'll Nintendo and Sony will fight each other in mid-06 and leave the Xbox 360 relatively unscathed. That's really the only reason I can think of for wanting to release it early, or maybe they're trying to cash in on the holiday rush.

I couldn't say either way what they're planning to do, although I've heard some say that it's probably late '05 release. If that's what they're planning they'll more than likely have a lot more to show at E3 than Nintendo and Sony.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - A Black Falcon - 21st February 2005

Yeah, I know the thinking, like 'the early bird gets the worm', but as has been pointed out, in gaming that's often not true... did the Dreamcast win because of its early arrival? The 3D0? Etc. Sure, it's not always all bad... it probably helped the Genesis. But it's not a definite path to success and it can leave the system with an earlier end than the competition as with their later release dates they also have better technology and can win in the end... I don't understand why MS would think that release this year would be a big boost to their chances of upstaging Sony (which is what they care about). It doesn't usually seem to work that way.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 21st February 2005

How casual gamers will go is a hard thing to predict, but if MS markets their new system just right, they could get a large enough lead that they'll stay ahead of everyone else. Of course the chances of this not working are as big as the chance that it will, so I'm guessing that if they're planning on releasing it this year then they want to take a chance. Who know's what will happen though, it could give MS the boost they need.

Will probably know for sure what they're planning after E3.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 21st February 2005

Gee wiz, what's my reasoning behind this? Where should I start?

1) Sony plans to launch their system sometime in 2006. Microsoft said that they want to release their new system before Sony, and Sony commented back that Microsoft is trying to pull a Sega with the Dreamcast. Huh. I wonder what that means?

2) According to Matt Cassamasina, Chris Kohler, and dozens of other gaming site/mag editors, developers are talking about how excited they are about the upcoming XB2 launch and how upset they'd be if MS decided to NOT release the new system this year.

3) More developers are talking about X-Box 2 than any other system.

4) Nintendo said that they don't plan on releasing their system early like MS, but rather later like Sony.

If those four reasons aren't enough for you then you are an idiot. Just wait and see what happens, and prepare to be proven wrong. AGAIN.

Doesn't this get old for you guys, though? I mean I'm constantly proving you wrong left and right. It's starting to lose its appeal to me.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 21st February 2005

They could release it in the first half of '06 and it would probably still be released before the PS3 and whatever Nintendo is making. My point, though, was that releasing early is no guarantee of success, so if they're going to release it a lot earlier than the other two consoles they're taking a risk.

You've got realize, though, that companies change their plans all the time. Of course, they may just be me thinking about Nintendo, but unless they release something concrete, as in actually coming out and saying expect the Xbox 360 this year, you can't be 100% sure, though you can believe it as much as you want.

And in any case, it was never my contention that they WEREN'T going to release the Xbox 360 year, but that I don't see why they would consider it.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 21st February 2005

I'm not arguing whether or not it's a good business decision. I just know that Microsoft plans on releasing the XB2 this holiday season, and releasing it in early '06 would be a greatly missed opportunity. Especially since they have very few big XB games lined up for this year. No Halo 2, kids! Wait until E3 and you'll see that I'm right.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 21st February 2005

All I'm saying is that businesses change they're plans all the time, so you shouldn't get your hopes up too soon. If that's what you were doing.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - A Black Falcon - 21st February 2005

Quote:1) Sony plans to launch their system sometime in 2006. Microsoft said that they want to release their new system before Sony, and Sony commented back that Microsoft is trying to pull a Sega with the Dreamcast. Huh. I wonder what that means?

Microsoft hasn't been reading its recent history?

As for Sony, '2006' could mean anything. Fall/Holiday season, most likely. So 'before the PS3' doesn't necessarially mean '2005'... 'summer 2006' has just as good a chance of coming out before the PS3, I'd say.

Quote:2) According to Matt Cassamasina, Chris Kohler, and dozens of other gaming site/mag editors, developers are talking about how excited they are about the upcoming XB2 launch and how upset they'd be if MS decided to NOT release the new system this year.

3) More developers are talking about X-Box 2 than any other system.

Then Microsoft is stupid. :)

It just seems to me that this year is too early for the next gen systems...

Quote:4) Nintendo said that they don't plan on releasing their system early like MS, but rather later like Sony.

Then how about them rumors that Nintendo is also looking at 2005? Okay, I don't put much credence in them, but they ARE out there...

Quote:All I'm saying is that businesses change they're plans all the time, so you shouldn't get your hopes up too soon. If that's what you were doing.

Agreed. MS may be planning on releasing the X-Box 2 this year, but that depends on hardware, software, etc... there are many reasons why it could possibly not come out this year. The fact that we aren't hearing a lot about next-gen software, and are hearing about current-gen titles into next year, says something... we'll see at E3 how much emphasis there is on actual software, well along, for next-gen systems. That'll probably be the best time to gauge when these things will actually be ready...

I don't doubt that MS would like to get the system out first, given how many times we hear rumors about it. I'm just questioning the potential success of doing that and how much of a chance they actually have of releasing a system with decent software support this year. :) (yeah, plenty of times systems launch without adaquate software, and they could do that... but they shouldn't...)

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 21st February 2005

They'd need a big launch line-up and strong support in the following months if they want a chronological lead to amount to anything.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - OB1 - 21st February 2005

I'm not getting into another ten-page quote debate with you, ABF. Let's just wait until E3, where you can then proceed to admit defeat if you've grown some balls by that time. I expect to see many playable X-Box 2 games at the show, and a lot of almost-finished ones.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - A Black Falcon - 21st February 2005

The one thing I will admit to is that it's reasonably likely that MS will show more than Sony or Nintendo.

Zelda GC finished?? And more FS DS info - Great Rumbler - 21st February 2005

If they plan on releasing their console this year, then they will.