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A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Printable Version

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A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Darunia - 5th January 2005

...there are this kinds of pictures on a website, that I want to save (no, they're not porn, they're high school pictures)... and I open them up in Netscape, but it opens them in a dinky little window that says "click to close", so when I go to right-click, it closes it...thus, no save capability. My question to your computer jockeys is: how do I save these? There must be a way. Can't I snap a screenshot of my entire monitor, and it'll be on there and I can just cut and crop it? Tell me how!!!


A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Great Rumbler - 5th January 2005

You could try opening them in Internet Explorer. If that doesn't work, you should be able to use the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard to take a snapshot of what's on your screen.

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Geno - 5th January 2005

I use Netscape all the time and I've never experienced that kind of thing. But anyway, do one of the things GR suggested. If your Internet Explorer isn't working (like mine isn't) then you'll just have to do a Print Screen, then crop the picture.

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Darunia - 5th January 2005

Where does it go when I hit print screen? What directory? Do Num or scroll locks have to be on? Because internet explorer freezes all the time and I cannot at all use it. It says 'SysRq' on the key; does that mean it has to be specially configued... I tried to do it, and nothing happened. I searched for new picture files, and it turned up none anywhere. Does it save them as Jpeg? Someone help me!

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Laser Link - 5th January 2005

When you do print screen, it saves it into your clipboard (like if you copy something). So open up an image editor and paste. That should work for you.

I don't think the problem is with your browser, but my guess is that whoever made the website purposely disabled the normal right click options, and left you with an ability to close the window instead. I hate when people do stuff like that.

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Dark Jaguar - 5th January 2005

There is another way (I just held shift for a while while typing this and for some retarded reason it decided that meant I clicked the edit button for LL's post).

Simply put, every single page, every single item you ever see online is downloaded first. You can't just view it without your machine downloading it to your hard drive to begin with. This means there is a folder which holds all these internet files. This is the temporary internet folder. I'm not sure what it's called for Netscape, probably cache or something, but it's there. In other words, you don't need to "click to save" because it's technically already on your machine. All you need do is find the pic.

Here's how you do that. Now, I'm not sure if the window is coded to hide the toolbars for your browser of choice, so I'll explain how to get that back just in case. Whatever link you clicked to open the page with that picture on it, right click on it instead. There SHOULD be an option to "copy shortcut", which will store the web address the link or pic points to in your clip board. Open a new window, paste that into the window, and go there. That should get you a fully capable window.

Now that you have that, it's time to open the source code of it for viewing. Now in IE you can simply click on the "view" option at the top and select "source". Netscape should have a similar feature. This will let you view the source code even though this person disabled normal right click functions.

Now that you are in the source code, find the code for the image it's displaying. It should look something like this. [img src="image.jpg"] but with < > instead of [ ] Hopefully the file name is recognizable enough that you can find it. If it's a LOT of code, you can use the "find" option in whatever you are viewing it with to search for .jpg or .gif or .jpeg or whatever the image format is (most likely jpg). Once you find it, copy that name and open up windows search. It's in the start button. Make sure you search for "all files and folders". Now, type in the name of the file there. You MAY need to alter it a bit since browsers can often suffix file names to prevent two files from having the same name in the cache. Use the asterisk before and after the file name. The asterisk is a flag that tells the machine "anything", meaning, it'll look for files with that name and any number and type of characters before and after it (including zero, meaning JUST the file name). (A similar flag is $, which is like anything but it will only search for files with the same number of random characters as the number of $ you put in it. So, $$puppy will yield 11puppy but not 1puppy or 111puppy. While *puppy will yield puppy, 1puppy, 1111111puppy and anything else it finds with puppy at the very end.

Anyway, if you manage to find the file in the cache, just drag it into whatever folder you want and boom, you can easily find it now. If you can't seem to find it, the other option is to do a search for *.jpg for example, but that's messy because you will get every jpg in your cache. An easy way to get around that is to close your browser, clear your cache via browser options, open it, surf to that image, and THEN search for all the jpgs on your machine. That should net you only what you viewed on your way to that page since all other files have been deleted.

Anyway, good luck.

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - lazyfatbum - 5th January 2005

Darunia is looking at porn.

If it's over 18 porn, they dont want you to have it because it's a copyrighted image and they dont want other sites using it. if it's under 18 porn you cant take any of the pictures because it's an FBI sting site (and the pictures are usually photoshop phakes). If they find anything on your computer from that site you can be arrested.

And dont use Netscape, it's as bad as IE. Mozilla baby.

You should be able to drag and drop it in to MS paint or PSP (this will also work if you're copying your desktop). If not working then go in to the website's folder view and look at it's images. There are image grabbers that do this for you at downloads.com; they rip every image out of the website and d/l it to your hd.

If you're being honest and it's your "highschool pictures" and they are owned by a person who goes to your school then ask him for the pictures. If it's school property just email the school. You could also try emailing the webmaster and asking for a zip of the pictures.

But if it's porn you're after then surf FTP's or get a P2P program like Lime Wire. You sick fuck.

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - A Black Falcon - 5th January 2005

And Mozilla Mozilla, not Firefox. :)

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Dark Jaguar - 6th January 2005

Hmm, so they made apps that just let you save all images. Okay then, I guess...

Oh, one other option I guess would be to go to that page, switch to working offline, open the source, delete all that special right click code, save it, go back to the page, while still working offline so it loads the one you saved rather than going online to fetch it, then you can right click to your heart's content.

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Darunia - 6th January 2005

...Lazy, its NOT porn--all my porn is legal and legit and comes from http://www.thehun.com. These really are just high school pictures. And Print Screen did finally work, so all's well that ends well, says I.

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - OB1 - 6th January 2005

"Darunia my buddy... we know you're full of crap."

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Great Rumbler - 6th January 2005

THERE it is!

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - OB1 - 6th January 2005


A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Great Rumbler - 7th January 2005


A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Darunia - 7th January 2005

*Mobilizes Goron Scout Troop 62 for war, but then reconsiders, and has them demobilize*

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Dark Jaguar - 7th January 2005

So with that out of the way, weren't you going to list some computer problem that's actually challenging?

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Great Rumbler - 8th January 2005


A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Darunia - 8th January 2005

...that No-Save picture thing WAS challenging. Don't even say it wasn't--as I know that it was.

A Computer Problem to Challenge Even TC's Brightest... - Dark Jaguar - 8th January 2005

....Um no it wasn't, really. I just listed all those solutions right off the top of my head. Really it wasn't that hard. Keep in mind that though print screen was fine this time, if you happen to find a gif you want in the future you may need to use an alternative. Cache searching is pretty much standard for me, as I happen to save a lot of the flash animations I see online to disk.