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MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Printable Version

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MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Great Rumbler - 3rd January 2005

So did I...once. Believe me, it makes a difference when you have to drive in it.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 3rd January 2005

I live in Maine. Anyone who lives here (and could have left) who doesn't like snow is weird.

It's really about what climate you grow up in... I grew up here so I like snow and dislike hot weather (like, anything above the low 80s is probably too hot...). Makes much more sense to me than liking heat and hating cold. :)

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Great Rumbler - 3rd January 2005

Quote:anything above the low 80s is probably too hot

If that's the way you feel, you'd probably have a heat stroke if you ever came to Oklahoma in the summer.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Geno - 3rd January 2005

Yeah, it gets to be up to 100 degrees in Alabama during the summertime, sometimes hotter. (Hell, summer '04 was hot as hell, and didn't cool down until about November.)

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 3rd January 2005

I don't know if it has ever reached 100 degrees in Maine...

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Dark Jaguar - 3rd January 2005

Honestly the summers here SUCK. I much prefer winter to summer, because at least in winter you can easily dress yourself in a way as to completely neutralize the temp. In summer you have no alternatives...

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - OB1 - 3rd January 2005

Pfft, you weirdo Oklahomaninans like snow because you rarely ever see it, and you don't have to deal with THE FUCKING COLD-ASS WEATHER AND PAIN IN THE DICK DRIVING CONDITIONS!



MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 3rd January 2005

But once you stop driving it's so beautiful out... the hassle is well worth it.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - OB1 - 3rd January 2005

You don't drive, do you?

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 3rd January 2005

I have driven in snow, yes. And I stand by my statement.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Great Rumbler - 3rd January 2005


MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Geno - 4th January 2005

I don't see a lot of snow here, so I guess I prefer cold weather to hot weather. You can put on any number of clothes, but you can only take so many off. After that, you have to take off your skin or something. I don't think we've evolved in such a manner that we can do that yet.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - EdenMaster - 4th January 2005

We live right by Lake Erie, and the weather can change as quickly and drastically as Darunia's moods. We've had over a foot piled on us in the course of one night. I've never liked snow, even though I grew up with plenty of it. Then I learned to drive, and began to have a special, sacred kind of hatred for snow.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - lazyfatbum - 4th January 2005

That's right, boys. Just keep giving out clues of your where abouts so I can triangulate your positions and pounce on you with cat like tread.

I know one of those positions; ...doggy style.

Yes now.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Great Rumbler - 4th January 2005

Quote:That's right, boys. Just keep giving out clues of your where abouts so I can triangulate your positions and pounce on you with cat like tread.

I know one of those positions; ...doggy style.

Yes now.

I live in...*looks around*...CALIFORNIA...yes, that's right. I live in California.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - EdenMaster - 4th January 2005

Great Rumbler Wrote:I live in...*looks around*...CALIFORNIA...yes, that's right. I live in California.

If that is true, then who is your governor?? Nobody outside of California should know that!

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Dark Jaguar - 4th January 2005

Except everybody does. The TRUE mystery is who is Oklahoma's governor! Most people who actually LIVE here don't know the man's name, which really says more about the sad state of affairs in how completley closed to the outside world the average citizin of this state is than anything else...

Oklahoman: I don't care about that I have my life to live!

DJ: Yes.... die in obscurity.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Great Rumbler - 4th January 2005

It's Brad Henry.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - OB1 - 4th January 2005

A Black Falcon Wrote:I have driven in snow, yes. And I stand by my statement.

You've driven in snow before, meaning that you don't regularly drive. Idiot. Right now it's snowing like mad and it's going to take me half an hour to get home. Snow SUCKS and so does any adult who likes it!!

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 4th January 2005

If I didn't like snow I wouldn't have gone to college in Maine. I did. I think you can see the connection there. :)

Yes, I don't regularly drive in snow, and I know that it makes things take longer, but it's not THAT horrible... it's not really much worse than other weather systems like strong rain, I think...

On that note, I greatly prefer snow to rain. Rain isn't pleasant to be out in but snow is. :)

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - OB1 - 4th January 2005

Quote:but it's not THAT horrible... it's not really much worse than other weather systems like strong rain, I think...

Rain doesn't cause the streets to be as slippery as ice and cause massive traffic delays and accidents!!

You don't have a car, do you? I knew it. Naive fool.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - EdenMaster - 4th January 2005

A Black Falcon Wrote:On that note, I greatly prefer snow to rain. Rain isn't pleasant to be out in but snow is. :)

There's a common saying around here: You don't have to shovel rain.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 4th January 2005

Rain is unpleasant. It gets everything wet, it makes outside dreary... I don't like rain. Driving in rain isn't really fun either. But snow? Being outside when it is snowing is fine (unless it's a blizzard or something and there is also strong winds). Sure, you have to shovel it if there's a lot, but oh well... small price to pay...

And snow doesn't cause accidents. Ice does. And mostly with people who don't have much experience driving in cold weather, I think...

Driving? I don't drive much. I don't like driving at all. Snow or rain just makes an already unpleasant thing a bit less pleasant... but it's not that dramatic a difference really. You have to go slower, etc... and when I'm not driving I prefer snow to rain by a huge margin. Winter is one of my favorite times of the year, and winter without snow is pointless.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Darunia - 4th January 2005


MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Great Rumbler - 4th January 2005

Quote:it's not really much worse than other weather systems like strong rain

I've driven in heavy rain a hundred times and I've never had any problems. Snow, on the other hand...

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Geno - 4th January 2005

I've driven in rain a number of times. It's not that bad. Fortunately, I can say that I've never had to drive in snow, and I hope to never have to. I know the chances aren't likely, but still... I want a few more years experience before I have to drive on icy roads.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 4th January 2005

GR: see my comment on 'people inexperienced with real winters/snow/ice'...

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Fittisize - 4th January 2005

Driving on icy roads isn't that bad, you just have to keep off your brake as much as possible. I made that mistake not three months ago, where I was on an icy back-road and slammed on the brakes and slid right into the ditch (I have since learned how fun it is to slide around on ice, though. I love e-brakes).

I say, no more snow. We've had more than enough over here. I'm getting sick of shovelling the driveway every single day. Just keep up the -40 days so school will be canceled and everything will be all right again.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - EdenMaster - 5th January 2005

A Black Falcon Wrote:Rain is unpleasant. It gets everything wet, it makes outside dreary... I don't like rain. Driving in rain isn't really fun either. But snow? Being outside when it is snowing is fine (unless it's a blizzard or something and there is also strong winds). Sure, you have to shovel it if there's a lot, but oh well... small price to pay...

I find rain to be relaxing. Sure it gets everything wet, but so does snow, in a way. I don't think rain is dreary at all. I love watching thunderstorms. However, I think a landscape blanketed in an endless white sheet of snow...that is dreary.

A Black Falcon Wrote:And snow doesn't cause accidents. Ice does.

Oh, come on, stop getting all technical on me. Snow falls, it hits the roads, people drive over it, it melts and gets smashed down and becomes ice. The two are interchangeable in my mind.

What's so bad about driving in the rain? That's what windshield wipers are for. It also don't make the road nearly as perilous as snow (AND ICE) can. Sure, some large puddles can cause hydroplaning if you aren't careful, but other than that, you'd have to be a pretty poor driver to let a little rain seriously impede your driving.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 5th January 2005

I hate thunder... and while a blinding blizzard might not be great fun the result is beautiful. The result of a rainstorm is puddles and mud.

Sure, snow causes more accidents than rain. But if you're careful and are used to it it isn't that bad, it just makes you go a bit slower... the real problem is when it snows in places that don't get much snow, not when it snows in places which do. Yes, there are accidents because of snow. But relatively few.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Geno - 5th January 2005

I like seeing blankets of snow on the grass, probably because I'm not used to it. I also like being inside my house during a rain storm, especially at night, though I don't know why. Still, the only problem with that is when our golden retriever (who is almost 11 months old) decides that she needs to go potty, she plays in the rain. She dug a hole in our backyard, which becomes a muddy puddle during rain, and she likes to splash it all over herself. She is a pain in the ass to clean, and sometimes when she's muddy and wet, she refuses to come inside altogether. Of course, that's more of a problem with my dog than it is with the rain. Still, it makes things easier for us when it doesn't rain.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - OB1 - 5th January 2005

Quote:Rain is unpleasant. It gets everything wet, it makes outside dreary... I don't like rain. Driving in rain isn't really fun either. But snow? Being outside when it is snowing is fine (unless it's a blizzard or something and there is also strong winds). Sure, you have to shovel it if there's a lot, but oh well... small price to pay...

And snow doesn't cause accidents. Ice does. And mostly with people who don't have much experience driving in cold weather, I think...

Driving? I don't drive much. I don't like driving at all. Snow or rain just makes an already unpleasant thing a bit less pleasant... but it's not that dramatic a difference really. You have to go slower, etc... and when I'm not driving I prefer snow to rain by a huge margin. Winter is one of my favorite times of the year, and winter without snow is pointless.
That says it right there. You don't drive (can't afford a car since you don't have a job, right?), so you no nothing of what we're talking about.

How about this: When mommy and daddy finally buy you a car (or you get off your lazy butt and find a job) and you have to deal with the same shit that we do, THEN you can talk.

And there's nothing wrong with driving in the rain. It's quite nice, actually. Free car wash.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 5th January 2005

OB1, I like snow. Deal with it. Driving in it didn't change my opinion (actually, I was driving in snow pretty soon after I started to drive... driver's ed is during the school year after all and guess what takes up a lot of the school year? Yeah, winter...).

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Great Rumbler - 5th January 2005

Quote:I don't like driving at all.

I actually love to drive. The freedom of the open road and all that, plus it's calming to crank up the radio and cruise the interstate. Even driving in rain is fun in it's own way plus, as OB1 said, it's a free carwash. But, driving snow...ugh. It wasn't too bad at first until I realized just how little control I had over my car, especially when I needed it.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Geno - 5th January 2005

Yup, driving is fun, especially when there's not a lot of traffic. The interstate is great: high speed limit, plenty of space between cars most of the time, and not a lot of turns. You could just drive forever.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Great Rumbler - 5th January 2005


MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - OB1 - 5th January 2005

A Black Falcon Wrote:OB1, I like snow. Deal with it. Driving in it didn't change my opinion (actually, I was driving in snow pretty soon after I started to drive... driver's ed is during the school year after all and guess what takes up a lot of the school year? Yeah, winter...).

Hahaha, OooooOOOoh!!! You drove during---DRIVER'S ED??!!! OMG you totally have a ton of driving-in-snow experience!!!

I stand corrected!!

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 5th January 2005

My point was that I was driving in snow from pretty much the beginning of when I was driving and it hasn't made me dislike snow or winter.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Geno - 5th January 2005

I drove around a parking lot, and later on, down the countryside when I took driver's ed. I did go through a neighborhood a little bit too, but for the most part, I didn't get much experience in. The class was mostly lecturing.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - OB1 - 5th January 2005

A Black Falcon Wrote:My point was that I was driving in snow from pretty much the beginning of when I was driving and it hasn't made me dislike snow or winter.

Yeah and you drive how often again? Every day to work and school?

Didn't think so!

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 5th January 2005

I don't drive much because I don't like to drive, mainly. The fact I don't have many places to go also factors in, but if I wanted to drive I could a lot more than I do... the point is that I would just consider snow a nusiance. Definitely not something that makes me dislike driving a lot more than I do when it isn't snowing.

And as I keep saying, there's so much more to snow than what it does to driving conditions!

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - OB1 - 6th January 2005

I'll repeat myself one more time: Until you get a car (not just borrow daddy's car) and have to drive through crappy snow every day to work and/or school, your opinion on this matter is as worthless as Darunia's opinions on women.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Laser Link - 6th January 2005

I don't mind driving in snow, but I am always late and it's miserable for the first 10 minutes until the heater gets going. It's really not a problem if you drive slow and leave enough room in front of you. You can't get away with speeding and tailgating, but there are still a lot of idiots who think because they have SUVs or trucks they can do whatever they want. I only rarely slide, and that almost always comes when I accelerate because my Celica likes to go hard, which is bad in the snow. Occasionally you can feel a slip, but it's not a problem if you, everyone say it together, "Drive slow and Leave plenty of room". It's actually kind of fun. Sometimes I'll stomp on the brakes when the road is clear to try to get a little slide, but even then it's hard to skid.

Now the thing that drives me crazy is the people who think all the rules went out the window just because there is white stuff on the ground. You still have to stop at red lights and just because you can't see the white lines doesn't mean it's one big lane. And for goodness sake don't drive 10 mph.

Now having said all that, I will admit that I loved the snow a lot more when I could play in it all day instead of only driving through it in the dark.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Geno - 6th January 2005

Tailgaters suck. Just want to say that first and foremost.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - OB1 - 6th January 2005

Laser Link Wrote:I don't mind driving in snow, but I am always late and it's miserable for the first 10 minutes until the heater gets going. It's really not a problem if you drive slow and leave enough room in front of you. You can't get away with speeding and tailgating, but there are still a lot of idiots who think because they have SUVs or trucks they can do whatever they want. I only rarely slide, and that almost always comes when I accelerate because my Celica likes to go hard, which is bad in the snow. Occasionally you can feel a slip, but it's not a problem if you, everyone say it together, "Drive slow and Leave plenty of room". It's actually kind of fun. Sometimes I'll stomp on the brakes when the road is clear to try to get a little slide, but even then it's hard to skid.

Now the thing that drives me crazy is the people who think all the rules went out the window just because there is white stuff on the ground. You still have to stop at red lights and just because you can't see the white lines doesn't mean it's one big lane. And for goodness sake don't drive 10 mph.

Now having said all that, I will admit that I loved the snow a lot more when I could play in it all day instead of only driving through it in the dark.

Haha LL, those are the very same reasons that I hate driving in the snow (people disregarding laws, stupid SUVs, the cold, having to drive real slow). It's okay to be upset sometimes, you know. ;) Perhaps it's more annoying for me since I have to drive around 30 miles total each day.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Great Rumbler - 6th January 2005

I had to drive about 20 miles to get into town to buy some college books one day when we had a lot of snow, it took me forever to get there and there were several million people driving around in town [it was a few days before Christmas] and that certainly didn't make things any better. And it turned out that the campus bookstore closed early that day and I didn't even get what I came for...

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 6th January 2005

This is really weird. I say "I like snow" so you think of snowstorms. Snowstorms are just one part of snow! And a small one -- you'll have snow falling maybe a couple times a week while the snow is on the GROUND all the time for several months! I like snow on the ground. I like the grass covered... it's awful in winter when there is so little snow that you can see the grass... makes for a poor winter no matter the temperatures, I would say. I also like, every once in a while, cross-country skiing... haven't done that this winter, though, with the minimal amounts of snow we've been getting...

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Darunia - 6th January 2005

I just like the beauty of winter---like small-town rural American towns, covered in snow on a gray, sunless evening. It's just peaceful and meditative.

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - OB1 - 6th January 2005

Yes the snow certainly makes things pretty, but I'll take hotter weather and better driving conditions any day of the week. And for those of us who like to go outside... snow sucks! Unless you go skiing all of the time...

MERRY CHRISMUNAKKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A Black Falcon - 6th January 2005

Sorry OB1, but you won't convince me. Winter is still my favorite season. :)

And winter without snow -- and I mean snow that lasts and is on the ground most of the time for several months, not a storm or two that dry up by tomorrow -- isn't winter.