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The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Printable Version

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The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - EdenMaster - 10th October 2004

It's been a while since we've had a good old-fashioned TendoCity countdown. So, let's count down to the release date of the DS!


42 Days!

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - big guy - 10th October 2004


The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Great Rumbler - 10th October 2004

Woo! 42 days! I need some friggen' money! Yay!

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Great Rumbler - 10th October 2004

[Image: ndsadbig.jpg]

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - lazyfatbum - 10th October 2004

I saw all that hoopla over the poor textures of DS games. But I dont get it, there are games that show beautiful textures that are leaps and bounds over the N64. I think it just comes down to time and marketing; a constant in the Nintendo business is to hide your cards as long as possible. I mean the DS can handle things like "fur" with no problem (albiet with a lack of detailed/interactive backgrounds)


[Image: 229018059.jpg]

[Image: 229018057.jpg]

That's pretty top notch texture mapping for this generation and possibly next, considering the context. Notice also that the DS, while basically a pumped up N64, has no anti-alias filter. I think this is causing alot of the 'shine' problems that people are talking about. (an anomaly where sharp polygonal lines intersect and create the effect of distortion). Anti-aliasing blurred the edges of polygons and fixed that... and made everything look like it was dipped in vasoline. So I for one am happy with the change.

The resolution seems to differ per game as most of the games i've seen are low res, which makes since because there's very little to do with textures in most of them. But I imagine the DS is capable of running quality resolutions to the point of giving us the look of a Dreamcast res on a larger screen I.e. no pixelation as seen with the GBA Player. I hope anyway.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - OB1 - 11th October 2004

Those pics are broken.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - EdenMaster - 11th October 2004

41 Days!

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - OB1 - 11th October 2004

[Image: cdilink.gif]

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Great Rumbler - 11th October 2004


The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - EdenMaster - 12th October 2004

40 Days!

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Dark Jaguar - 12th October 2004

Your pics a splode.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Nick Burns - 12th October 2004

I can't wait for the DS. Im gonna laugh at anyone who thinks the psp is gonna be good...

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Dark Jaguar - 12th October 2004

It very well could be, I give it the chance.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - buckey_lasek - 13th October 2004

who knows, we'll find out soon enough though.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Great Rumbler - 13th October 2004

40 days! I'm gonna get the DS and Mario 64 DS for only $100, by buying a bunch of 4 dollar DVDs at the local pawn shop and then taking them to Blockbuster where I can get 8 dollars each DVD in store credit. Boo-ya!

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - EdenMaster - 13th October 2004

39 Days!

I'm not going to count out the PSP just yet. Sure, it's facing the biggest name in handheld gaming, and it has an embarrassing battery life and price, but Nintendo hasn't got it in the bag yet, I think.

The DS is unusual, and it has the Nintendo name on it, which is seen as "not cool" in the casual gamer scene.

I don't know. The PSP definitely has potential, but the DS has my support behind it.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Great Rumbler - 13th October 2004

PSP = teh suck

DS = The Grand Mastah

Seriously though, I'd consider getting a PSP, but $300 for a handheld system [even one as powerful and versitile as the PSP] is just way too much for me.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - lazyfatbum - 13th October 2004

Here's those piccies that decided not to work.

[Image: 9.jpg]

[Image: 6.jpg]

So, like I was saying; Pretty intense textures for a handheld that is getting known for its inability to do them.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - lazyfatbum - 13th October 2004

Use a viewer on these jpegs so you can zoom in, too. The polys have sharp edges (no anti-alias), but the textures are pretty.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Dark Jaguar - 13th October 2004

Hey! It's Petz 6!

Not cool isn't exactly it, especially now, it's "not attention grabbing". Nintendo is seen as just fine to most people these days, but no one cares is all. Nintendo just isn't grabbing people by their shirt collar and yelling at them in a loud voice that occasionally cracks into high pitched mode, where you know Nintendo internally is kinda embarressed, but is totally hiding it by yelling even louder, and you snicker because you know Nintendo is going to probably do that again pretty soon. Also, at the end Nintendo beats you with some blunt object. You know, some crate labelled "12 of them" on it, so you know whatever is in there, there's 12 of them. That's what the people want, what they NEED. It's what MS and Sony gives them every single night.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - OB1 - 13th October 2004

lazyfatbum Wrote:Here's those piccies that decided not to work.

[Image: 9.jpg]

[Image: 6.jpg]

So, like I was saying; Pretty intense textures for a handheld that is getting known for its inability to do them.

Yes Nintendogs looks nice, but remember that only those three models are being drawn in each scene. There aren't even backgrounds.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - lazyfatbum - 14th October 2004

lazyfatbum Wrote:I mean the DS can handle things like "fur" with no problem (albiet with a lack of detailed/interactive backgrounds)

^_^ But it IS capable of high quality textures. I mean, the hardware is there to show them, so it's possible to see Dreamcast/PS2 (low compression) textures on the DS.

DJ/ I think that game looks pretty interesting, my wife took a real liking to it as well; maybe Nintendo's trying to reach a female market? Apparently you can also talk to them with the built in mic on the DS, too.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Dark Jaguar - 14th October 2004

Perhaps a quote is what I should have posted between comments. I was responding, rather quickly, to a post of someone saying "people don't think Nintendo is cool".

It does resemble a game from the Petz series though, a LOT. Wait, I just realized what I thought was a cat is a dog. Nuts, seems you can only raise dogs. Well what GOOD is it?

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - OB1 - 14th October 2004

Quote:^_^ But it IS capable of high quality textures. I mean, the hardware is there to show them, so it's possible to see Dreamcast/PS2 (low compression) textures on the DS.

DJ/ I think that game looks pretty interesting, my wife took a real liking to it as well; maybe Nintendo's trying to reach a female market? Apparently you can also talk to them with the built in mic on the DS, too.

Yeah, I know it's capable of generating good textures and if you've seen the screens for that Nanowhatever game, they can look very good. It's just that all of the videos I've seen have shown huge problems with shimmering, far worse than what was seen on the PSX. But perhaps that was because of the quality of the vids (though they were official Nintendo ones). Still screens look great, but in motion...

Hopefully it won't look nearly that bad in person.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - A Black Falcon - 15th October 2004

DJ, the game's name is "Nintendogs", so yes, I expect that you can only raise dogs. :)

It does look like Petz, doesn't it... we have one of the (earlier) versions of Catz. 2d of course, not 3d like that, but it was entertaining for a few minuites...

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Dark Jaguar - 15th October 2004

Nintendogs eh? Didn't catch the name...

Oh well, I've had enough Tamagotchi to last a long time, so honestly I'm not that interested in this. I still have Petz 2 (when both Catz and Dogz of a certain release are installed, they are combined into a single executible called "Petz", so your various cats and dogs can play with each other), and while certainly no graphical showcase, honestly I really don't need an upgrade to something like that. If I want the full experience of raising a pet with all the nuances, I HAVE my cats.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Great Rumbler - 15th October 2004

Actually, it's not called Nintendogs anymore. They changed the name to Puppy Times.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Dark Jaguar - 15th October 2004

Oh... okay...

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - lazyfatbum - 16th October 2004

And they just changed it to 'Red Rocket Riders: Poppycock & Lipstick III'

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - EdenMaster - 16th October 2004

Nobody is counting down, damnit!

36 Days!

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - big guy - 17th October 2004


The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Great Rumbler - 17th October 2004

Yay! Only 36 days!!

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - lazyfatbum - 17th October 2004

Nintendo is better than sex. I say that in full confidence and frontal nudity. Nintendo starts with an 'N' - Nudity starts with an 'N'. It's a fact. Let them bring their PSP'S and other such things of oddity, for I will not kare. Care, but with a K. It's profound... like Ben and Jerry's except less Vermont. I hate Vermont. I wont play with anyone online from Vermont, because I hate them. Die Vermont. Double die, with death sauce, and extra die on the side; Chocolate covered death, with whip cream and crunchy, bavarian nutty death. But mostly death. (I dont know where Vermont is)

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Dark Jaguar - 18th October 2004

Relax lazy, Vermont doesn't even exist. Think about it, have you ever MET anyone from Vermont?

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - OB1 - 18th October 2004

Crap I should probably pre-order a DS...

I wonder if those punks at Gamestop are going to do the stupid bundle thing again though.

"If you want a DS you're gonna have to buy three games and a bunch of crappy third-party peripherals!"

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - A Black Falcon - 18th October 2004

Quote:Relax lazy, Vermont doesn't even exist. Think about it, have you ever MET anyone from Vermont?

Well I have, anyway...

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - OB1 - 18th October 2004

But you don't exist either.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - A Black Falcon - 18th October 2004

Oh, right, I forgot... Rolleyes

What about my cousins who live there?

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - OB1 - 18th October 2004

You don't exist, so naturally neither do your cousins.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - EdenMaster - 18th October 2004

This recent satellite photo answers any concerns anyone may have about Vermont.

<img src="http://tcforums.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1003&stc=1">

Sorry to tell you ABF, but your cousins might be in Connecticut or something. Not that that's any better...

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - OB1 - 18th October 2004


The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - EdenMaster - 18th October 2004

Shocking, huh? My bet is that Vermont knew too much and had to be disposed of.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - OB1 - 18th October 2004

Funny how ABF is the only person here that knows anyone from Vermont...

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Dark Jaguar - 18th October 2004

Shut up EM! "They" are listening! It's all a big coverup involving the diaper industry, boy bands, and a bunch of other stuff! Meet me behind the "dumpster" "downtown" to talk with "some weird guy who doesn't have a face" from the "Super Friends".

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - EdenMaster - 18th October 2004


I actually know someone who USED to live in Vermont. At least she said she did. She moved back a few months ago, though. She must have realized it didn't exist.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Great Rumbler - 18th October 2004

Vermont? What exactly is that? Is it a food? I like food. Don't you like food?



Platypi are funny. I wish my marshmallows were made of rainbows. Candy skies full of chocolate strawberries and pink bananas from Detroit.

*hits self in head*




Sorry about that. My mind control chip hasn't been working right today. I'd probably better go get it serviced tomorrow.

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - EdenMaster - 18th October 2004

In Vermont?

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Great Rumbler - 18th October 2004

No! Of course not! I've never even heard of that place before!




Okay, yes, in Vermont! Did you have to yell it out to everyone like that?!

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - EdenMaster - 18th October 2004

Hey, don't get mad at me because you're one of "them"!

The Official "Countdown to DS Release" Thread! - Great Rumbler - 18th October 2004

Well, you are too!




Wait...was I not supposed to tell you that?