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Oh for... - Printable Version

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Oh for... - UltraMarioMan - 10th September 2004


Oh for... - OB1 - 10th September 2004

Quote:I would highly recommend that anyone who professes themselves to be Christians, to NOT PLAY THIS GAME.

Rating: 0 out of 5 due to high levels of occult images and sounds, massive gore, and terrifying exposure to hell and demons.


Oh for... - alien space marine - 10th September 2004

I remeber once this christian reviewer said the Sims was a bad influience on people, All that sexy exposed skin and ability to comit adultery and prance around naked.

Oh for... - Great Rumbler - 10th September 2004

I think it should get higher on the Christian scale. You do fight demons and other hell-spawn afterall. I mean, that's vaguely Christian in a way, right?

Oh for... - Dark Jaguar - 10th September 2004

More like ENTIRELY Christian based. I mean, honestly, you FIGHT the demons, not worship them. If anything Christians should be forcing their kids to play it :D (no, that's horrible in it's own right, but you get what I mean).

So far though, I've heard nothing on Inuyasha... The kids love that show though. I see little kids reading the manga all over town lately. I know, "adult swim", but since when is a little warning going to stop parents? :D I have a feeling the second parents realize their kid's new idol has gone from an evil kid wizard at Satanwarts to the bastard son of satan and a human whore (as they will see it), they will condemn that show too, because it will inspire kids to "unleash their demonic side" or something...

Also, somewhere, somehow, some idiot hillbilly kid is going to pull out a dog's tooth and call it a sword and get Adult Swim in trouble...

Oh for... - OB1 - 11th September 2004

Man, you guys should read some of those other reviews as well. Just about anything with magic in it is seen as occultist and evil. Except, surprisingly, for Lord of the Rings. They're not even consistent there.

The idiots even criticized the intro to BG&E because "At the start of the game we see Jade in deep meditation, Buddhist style.". .... WTF??!! Oh no, she's meditating.... kinda Buddhist-style!!! Shield your eyes!!!

Oh for... - UltraMarioMan - 11th September 2004

Quote:I have a feeling the second parents realize their kid's new idol has gone from an evil kid wizard at Satanwarts to the bastard son of satan and a human whore (as they will see it),they will condemn that show too, because it will inspire kids to "unleash their demonic side" or something...
Yeah your right. Parents are getting dumber. I'm Christian but I'm well aware that the Christian (And the slight variations) concept of a demon and the Japanese concept of a demon are diffrent.

Oh for... - A Black Falcon - 11th September 2004

Christian people haven't noticed anime yet, thankfully. It's full of all KINDS of things they'd hate, so it's probably better that it says that way... I doubt that such people would listen much to excuses about how Japanese culture is totally different or any such silly things. :)

Oh for... - Great Rumbler - 11th September 2004

A lot of animes have a tendecy to, on some level or another, bash religion or they'll use religions quotes and such to mean something totally different. I doesn't really bother me though, it's just entertainment. They're not trying to change my mind about anything.

Oh for... - Dark Jaguar - 11th September 2004

Actually, I'm surprised how similar the demons in Japan are to a lot of old world (Europe) ideas of what demons are like. I mean, they roam the earth, have an underworld thing going on, they delite in hurting humans, are ridiculously powerful and immortal, and oh yes, they HATE doing good deeds without SOME sort of compensation. There's even the whole posession and "making deals that horribly backfire" angle to it all, plus all their demons are weak against holy power, with priests and monks constantly doing excorcisms and purifications. The only diff so far is Japanese demons tend to be corruptions of all manner of things from nature, and they have no common leader they serve, but are in a number of distinct clans feuding with each other. I think that reflects the culture of Japan at the time though.

Meanwhile, a lot of anime does seem to have a lot of Christian symbolism. Sometimes it's to make a point about control, but a lot of the time it seems to be a pro-Christian message... Seems that lovely "plague" has infected them quite well :D.

Oh for... - Geno - 11th September 2004

As a Christian, I can safely say that I have a high dislike for Christian groups that go around deciding what we can and can't watch. I see this kind of shit on the South Park BBS all the time. What, do they expect Comedy Central to show quality Christian programming? Yes, Satan is portrayed as a sensitive, caring homosexual on South Park as opposed to the prince of darkness and king of all evil... it's not that the creators expect their viewers to actually believe it, it's called a joke.