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Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Printable Version

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Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Great Rumbler - 25th July 2004

Quote:In the latest issue of V-Jump magazine, Square Enix revealed that besides Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (video) and Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis (mobile phone), there is another massive project surrounding the Final Fantasy VII, which will be revealed soon;

If it's not a PS2 or PSP game then I think that the entire universe will probably explode in a massive fireball.

The Magic Box

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Dark Jaguar - 25th July 2004

A bit too much FFVII as of late, though from what I've seen I'm sure it'll do well enough to expand the story. Seems they picked this game out of all the other million sellers in the series as the one to focus on. I think next time they should pick FFIV. Thinking about it, VI would be interesting. I actually am starting to think a world rebuilding from the brink of destruction after magic itself is destroyed forever would be a very nice setting for a new adventure...

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - A Black Falcon - 25th July 2004

No magic? We'll never see THAT game again... :)

I would say that they do seem to be pushing FFVII quite a lot. Understandable given that it's the most popular title, but they should branch out as well...

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Geno - 25th July 2004

As much as I like the idea of expanding upon FF7, I don't want them to sell out on the franchise, like George Lucas has done with Star Wars. Still, I shall give this new project a look-see.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Dark Jaguar - 25th July 2004

Don't worry ABF, there are more than enough non-magical skills in the FF6 world to keep it interesting. Besides, a "magic revival" plot might occur, though honestly considering it was originally created as a weapon of war it might be best that it was left alone...

Hmm, remnants of magic might be surfacing around the world (allowing a battle system using magic), but the whole story involves finding the source and eventually removing these last remnants for good, or something...

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - A Black Falcon - 25th July 2004

I might have been driven away by the random combat, but FF6 has a great setting that definitely would be cool to have in more games...

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Dark Jaguar - 25th July 2004

Yeah, great story.

Magic essentially being a weapon of war made by the gods long ago in their great war for power, ending when three goddesses finally make a truce realizing how stupid the fighting was, and turn themselves to stone forever. Magic is rediscovered during this world's industrial revolution, and as a consequence, great mechanical weapons that are fueled by magic are created and an empire tries to take over the world. Meanwhile, a young girl with a mysterious link to the espers (ancient beings of pure magic created during the war, eventually sealing themselves away in a world of magic) shows up possessed by a slave crown.

And that's just the introduction, hence why I didn't spoiler tag it. Seriously ABF, if you could just get past the random encounters, you would find a VERY fun game not just in story but in gameplay. I was hooked from the start, but I understand some people find the beginning of the game, up until the "choose your scenario" part, to be slow. Just don't go into it being afraid to battle and I think it'll be easy enough to get past it. Oh yes, don't let people fool you. Some people mistakingly manage to think that FF6 "has no main character", that "everyone is represented equally", but that's not really true. There are a chunk of characters that barely have any real story at all. Strago, aside from his token role in Relm and Shadow's story, is sorta a stereotypical character. Mog, Umaro, and Gogo have NO real story at all, (well, Mog has a bit of a story, sorta). As for the rest, they do all have some very well done stories, but even though they ARE developed, two characters happen to have the MOST developed stories of the bunch, they being so important all the other characters are only in this because of them. The first is obvious from the start, Terra. The second only really takes center stage after "the event" where the whole world pretty much changes, Celes, but she becomes a VITAL character at that point (and before then she gets pretty well developed too). I'd say that the game has two major characters, Terra before "the event", and Celes after. I don't think describing their importance spoiled anything, I hope. Also, the character names are right in the booklet, so I don't think saying the names was a spoiler... Anyway, I should hope you get back into that game eventually. It'd be a waste to have it sitting on your shelf somewhere forgotten like some college student's bean bag chair.

FF7 also has a very good story and an interesting system. It almost ties with FF6, except I played 6 first, so that's likely why it wins. Maybe I'd like 4 first if I had played that first, it IS pretty good, but in the end 6 is my favorite.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Dark Jaguar - 1st August 2004

Hey ABF, should you get back into FF6 again, let me give you a link to all the algorithms used in battle.


There, in case it's too frustrating figuring it out yourself, now you can know the exact formulas used in the game. Keep in mind there MAY be some spoilers in there, so maybe you should only go as far as the battle related formulas.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Geno - 2nd August 2004

FF6 was awesome from the start in my opinion. My girlfriend got bored before she even got very far into the game. I really need to get her to play farther. I loved FF6 almost as much as FF7, but like you said, since I played FF7 first, I kinda like it more.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Bubsy_the_Bobcat - 2nd September 2004

Geno Wrote:FF6 was awesome from the start in my opinion. My girlfriend got bored before she even got very far into the game. I really need to get her to play farther. I loved FF6 almost as much as FF7, but like you said, since I played FF7 first, I kinda like it more.

FF6 was the best FF game, in my humble opinion. Your girlfriend must be shallow if she couldn't even manage to play it far without getting annoyed by it. No offense, dude. Whatever

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Private Hudson - 2nd September 2004


..his girlfriend isn't keen on that style of game..?

No, no.. you're right, she's shallow. You're just tops.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Bubsy_the_Bobcat - 2nd September 2004

She's supposedly a big RPG gamer, but perhaps you're right. I'll just buzz off now.

*buzzes off*


Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Geno - 3rd September 2004

Nah, actually, she just recently got into RPGs, like a year ago. I got her into them. Before, she mostly played Nintendo and Sega games, and she stuck around the Mario universe. I don't know how far she played into FF6, but it certainly gets better as it goes on. Hell, I didn't even think the beginning was that boring. FF7's beginning was a lot slower.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Bubsy_the_Bobcat - 4th September 2004

I tooted. Carrot

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Great Rumbler - 4th September 2004

How informative. Banana

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Geno - 4th September 2004

I farted once on the set of Blue Lagoon.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Bubsy_the_Bobcat - 4th September 2004

................ *slaps Geno*:meat:

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Great Rumbler - 5th September 2004

*slaps Bubsy* What?! He likes it!

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Private Hudson - 5th September 2004

I thought both beginnings were quite good..

../looks sideways

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Bubsy_the_Bobcat - 5th September 2004

Geno Wrote:I farted once on the set of Blue Lagoon.

Just in case you didn't know...

This is a reference to a movie. A woman says that she farted on the set of Blue Lagoon, and she's slapped for being such a dummy. Banana

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Private Hudson - 5th September 2004

To make the joke even funnier than THAT, it turns out that this woman was Brooke Shields, and ACTOR who ACTED in a movie called BLUE LAGOON.


Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Bubsy_the_Bobcat - 6th September 2004

Yes, I am well aware of that. Terrance slapped Brooke Shields. I just used the term "woman" because I didn't want to confuse any people out there who haven't seen the South Park Movie, which I have seen several hundred times.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Geno - 6th September 2004

Yes, and everyone here should know by now that I'm a hardcore South Park fan, considering I've had several South Park avatars, including Kenny, Tweek, Stan, and Stan with Wendy.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Bubsy_the_Bobcat - 7th September 2004

Yes. South Park is the shiznit.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Geno - 7th September 2004

South Park and Family Guy have got to be two of the greatest shows in the history of television.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Great Rumbler - 7th September 2004

I'd have to put Aqua Teen Hunger Force above both of those...and maybe Space Ghost too.




And that would have to be AMERICAN television. Ya gotta love anime and those crazy Britcoms.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - UltraMarioMan - 14th September 2004

South Park is stupid almost all there jokes revolve around swearing alot. Shows like ATHF and Sealab altho having some swearing have some clever jokes. (Carl's head on an eyeball body!)

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Geno - 14th September 2004

The majority of South Park's jokes don't revolve around swearing. Each episode contains political humor, satire based around everyday life, celebrity-bashing, sexual humor (hey, there's nothing wrong with that), and an insightful moral. The swearing is excessive, but that's not really the show's bread and better like some overconcerned parents may say.

But whatever. To each his own. I find South Park to be a rather intellectual show (with random moments of stupidity), but I can't change your mind, so... I'm not even going to try.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Great Rumbler - 14th September 2004

I'd probably watch South Park if I had Comedy Central.

Last Sunday's episode of ATHF was awesome.

*Carl's house has burned down*

Meatwad: The lesson is definitely DON'T play with matches...or definitely PLAY with matches.

Carl: Well, it's definitely one or the other.

Meatwad: ...

Carl: ...

Meatwad: Which one is it Carl?

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Dark Jaguar - 15th September 2004

Carl's house is always getting totally destroyed in sudden ways, and the pure drasticness of it all is hilarious enough.

And also his car...

Frylock: What the hell is that thing?

Shake: Ugh, it's just the latest tripped out engine!

Frylock: That's a jet engine isn't it?!

*some stuff I forget the lines, but Frylock went back inside*

Shake: Okay, turn it on!

*jet engine, installed on back of wrecked car, turns on, and you hear a horrible noise, then the camera moves and you see Carl's new car being sucked into the engine, which totally trashes both the car and the engine in a horrible noise, then INSTANTLY*

Carl *coming outside*: What the hell was that noise?! Wait, what is this? Where is my car?

Shake: Woah there Carl, you need to keep better track of your-

Carl: I just frickin' got that this morning!


So, South Park has "political humor" you say? You know what that means, boring arse topical humor with stupid "messages" at the end. They probably say something like "I've learned something important today", only without something hilarious to follow it like with Meatwad.

Meatwad: I did it! I brought joy and happiness to us all! *rainbow suddenly sucks up carl's house, ripping it from the foundation*

Carl: Ohhhhhh good...

Comedy can't try to bring a message every single time if it wants to stay funny. Look at sitcoms that try to promote family values. Also, topical humor sucks.

Murphy: blah blah blah blah blah blah Tipper Gore *hahahahahaha*
Someone else on that show, I never did see it, just this parody on Family Guy: Murphy, you can't blah blah blah blah blah the Iyatola! *hahahahahahah*

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Geno - 15th September 2004

South Park's "I learned something today" scenes aren't usually funny, but sometimes they are. But they're usually followed by something comical that contradicts the very moral of the episode. (I.e. Saddam building weapons of mass destruction in heaven.) It doesn't hurt to take a small break from the humor to deliver a message, as long as enough hilarity ensues before then. (Which it often does in the first three seasons. The latest five, in a few episodes, have gotten just a little too preachy. I preferred when the show had original plots rather than leeching off of current events.

Nitpicking aside, the show's bread and butter is being funny, which I would say it does well (agree, disagree, do what you will), and that should outweigh any flaws that one can find in a series. Though just as a side note, I find it very annoying when someone bashes a show by comparing it to another show. But hey, at least you're not comparing it to the staleness that is The Simpsons. I would have to decapitate you then simply for your unoriginality.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Great Rumbler - 15th September 2004

Futurama [or even Family Guy] should've been the next Simpsons. Stupid, Fox.

Just in case you're not satisfied with the movie and cell phone game... - Dark Jaguar - 15th September 2004

Carl *sitting down behind the couch with all the lights off*: Oh please, why... just... just stop it, just gotta end it all...

Frylock: *knocks on door* Carl?

Carl: Ugh... just frickin... *knock knock knock* WHAT?! *gets up to answer the door* What do you want?!

Frylock: I was just wanting to ask you...

Carl: Can't I just live here in peace and quiet without having to occasionally deal, with you ANIMALS?!

Frylock: Well, yeah, it is your house and... here look what I just added to it!

Carl: What is this?

Frylock: This is the latest in sanitary disposel! Do you know how much water is wasted each time you flush?

Carl: I give... what?

Frylock: 3 - gallons!

Carl: Oh no... the poor children...

Frylock: So go ahead try it out.

Carl: Oh yeah, right here in the front lawn. Why don't we just, you know, send out a news letter so everyone knows that I'm going to be out here with my pants down about 4 or 5 times a day, depending on how much I've been drinking...

Frylock: Oh, no no, you see this button here activates a cloaking device!

Carl: So I can be invisible, like in Predator, only instead of hunting people, I'll be, you know, taking a dump...

Frylock: Sure, or Farscape, you pick your science fiction fantasy! You'll be living it each time you go to the bathroom!

Carl: Oh... okay...

Frylock: So, try it out.

Carl: ......................... I don't gotta go now....

Frylock: Oh, okay, no problem. Here, I prepaired a gift basket for your new journey. It's got some hemmoroid creams, some suppositories. Have you tried dipping the prunes in the stool softener? It... it's delicious.

Carl: LEAVE!