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Advertising IN a game... - Printable Version

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Advertising IN a game... - Fittisize - 12th April 2004

Quote:In fact, if they add a feature to a game, like they have with DVDs, where you can (optionally, of course) select to view the previews and ads on the menu, I won't be bothered then either.

They already do. It's called "EA Sports"

Advertising IN a game... - Dark Jaguar - 12th April 2004

Final Fantasy and Zelda for instance shouldn't ever have ads. Even the very TITLE SCREEN should have purity of form AND essence, devoid of... you know... moron stuff.

lazy, I'm not so sure Nintendo is so far above repute as that. Remember how many "you can only unlock this feature, WHICH IS ALREADY IN THE GAME, if you have a copy of some other game" things they've done? Don't get me wrong, I don't think anyone's so close as that article would claim. I'm just saying Nintendo isn't holy.

Advertising IN a game... - Geno - 12th April 2004

Yeah, Pokémon Red and Blue do come to mind.

And Yellow.

And Gold and Silver.

And Crystal.

And Ruby and Sapphire.

The Pokémon team sure does know how to market to little kids. Too bad Nintendo has a hard time marketing otherwise.

Advertising IN a game... - Dark Jaguar - 12th April 2004

You forgot the Japan-only Green :D (well, there's a whole thing about that that's the ACTUAL truth, but no I won't confuse you all again) :D.

In all fairness, Red/Blue/Green/Yellow may have been 4 versions of the same game, but Gold/Silver/Crystal was a brand new game (with 3 versions), and Ruby/Sapphire is also a seperate game. So, it's 3 games with many versions, not just 1. Still, while red/blue was innovative at the time, really I had hoped Nintendo would be kind to it's customers and from that point on just release all the new games as ONE game. There could be a sort of random selection of what monsters don't appear so you have to still find friends to get them all. Also, no more Yellow/Crystal style remakes on the SAME system being sold. Then again, Nintendo isn't alone. Square-Enix, and Konami, have released many updated versions of their games, namely on the PS2.

If you want to see a game that was really run into the ground though, look to the very beginning... (Yes, I know the Oddysey was the real first here...)


Behold, Pong was released like 3000 times IN A ROW before they finally gave it a rest and made something new.

Advertising IN a game... - lazyfatbum - 13th April 2004

That's why the features are never really all that great, just slight add-ons for the game. But when Nintendo says you can link up Metroid Fusion to Metroid Prime, it's safe to assume that if you own one, you'll own the other and Nintendo would never make a shit game just to load it with link-up options so you "have to" buy it. You buy it for the game period, link up stuff is just for surprise and replay value.

Also, remember Wario World? you got free downloads of Warioware Inc. for your GBA, which was a great promotion.

Advertising IN a game... - Dark Jaguar - 13th April 2004

I'm talking from MY perspective, not the company's. And from MY perspective, I'm missing out on features that are ALREADY INSIDE THE VERY GAME I'M PLAYING just because I haven't bought some other game, which while good or not, is ONLY a key to unlock it. With something like Pokemon to Pokemon Stadium, the link up actually provides data you can't get in the Stadium game. However, this is just stupid. I never bought Wario World by the way, because I just didn't enjoy it when I played it a while back. You saying I needed it to unlock some stuff in Wario Ware? Yeesh... I bet that's all already INSIDE Wario Ware too.

Advertising IN a game... - alien space marine - 13th April 2004

cat food ads will be appearing in all Sega games that will be released this summer, As a way to boost funds and help Sega stay out of bankruptcy.


Advertising IN a game... - lazyfatbum - 13th April 2004

No, i'm saying Wario World allowed you to download free mini-versions of Warioware on to your GBA after you collected certain treasures in the levels. You didn't need both games.

Pokemon was created with the idea of people linking up, Nintendo isn't telling you to go buy the other Pokemon games, they're telling you to buy one version and then find a friend to who has the other version.

Advertising IN a game... - Geno - 13th April 2004

I believe Pokémon Green in Japan was Pokémon Blue in North America. Though I do think that they later got a Blue Version that we didn't get. Something like that. (Or was it Fire Red and Leaf Green?)

Advertising IN a game... - Dark Jaguar - 13th April 2004

Okay Geno, since you started it I'll go into it. Yes, our blue is Japan's green. Then, Japan released a Blue we WOULD have got as Green, except NOA decided to skip it when Yellow was announced. Japan's blue (commonly called "Green" here just to prevent this very confusion) is basically yet another arrangement of monsters and new images and pokedex descriptions for the creatures. Nothing special beyond that. Essentially, it was made JUST for the purpose of having a game for Blastoise the other starting pokemon since there was already the "Charizard cart" and the "Venosaur cart" (replacing those monster names with the Japanese names for them).

Fire Red and Leaf Green... Considering Japan's original green became our blue, I wonder if Leaf Green will be called Water Blue when it's released here.

Now lazy, THAT'S the sort of GBA link-up that's NOT a total rip-off. Exactly like Animal Crossing, it's what makes link up a great thing.

Regarding Pokémon, yes you are correct. No one needs to buy EVERY version out there, just one and trade, so long as Nintendo just releases versions where the only difference is the monsters. Then, Nintendo released Yellow and Crystal. THOSE are the real problem makers if you ask me. They add whole gameplay features you can't just trade to get. It's not something other companies haven't done, and others have done it more often, but it's still VERY annoying to buy a game only to find that a few months later a better faster and uncut version that "is exactly like the creators originally intended" (as George Lucas would say, the rat bastard (yes, I said this purely to get OB1 to rant)).


Advertising IN a game... - OB1 - 13th April 2004

DJ, you are stupid.

That is all I will say.

Advertising IN a game... - Great Rumbler - 13th April 2004

I stopped buying Pokemon games on the GBA a long time ago.

Advertising IN a game... - Dark Jaguar - 13th April 2004

Considering that the only GBA Poke games I can think of are Ruby/Sapphire and the Pinball game, that's not saying much.

Advertising IN a game... - Great Rumbler - 13th April 2004

Pokemon games on the Gameboy systems, I mean.

Advertising IN a game... - Geno - 14th April 2004

I stopped with Silver, which I hardly played.

Advertising IN a game... - alien space marine - 14th April 2004

I was highly addicted to pokemon blue and red when I was a kid.I loss interest by the time Yellow pikachu edition came out.

Advertising IN a game... - geoboy - 14th April 2004

I too was addicted to Pokemon red and blue until I caught Mewtwo and saved the game only to find the my save somehow became corrupt. All the pokemon I had labored to catch vanished except for the 6 (or is it 5? i don't even remember anymore) that were with me. I was so pissed that I have never played a Pokemon gameboy game since.

It's funny how you could be playing the greatest and most addicting game in the world (not necessarily Pokemon) and then suddenly lose all interest when a game save goes bad or gets erased.

Advertising IN a game... - A Black Falcon - 14th April 2004

By the time Pokemon was around I was too old for its grade-school age group...

Oh, and I would be annoyed by game ads if they were like TV commercials, interrupting the game often. But when they're billboards in a game set in a city or something, that's fine... even if there is less variety of advertisers than there would be in a real city. :D (not mentioning the fact that Maine doesn't have billboards on highways and stuff...)

Advertising IN a game... - A Black Falcon - 14th April 2004

On this subject...


# Activision has paired up with ratings firm Nielsen Entertainment to create a measurement service that will provide advertisers with detailed information on "in-game ad exposure." The companies also announced the results of a survey entitled "Video-Game Habits: A Comprehensive Examination of Gamer Demographics and Behavior in U.S. Television Households." Among the findings from the February poll are that three-quarters of the surveyed households with a male between ages 8-34 own a game system; gaming doesn't impact TV viewing among male gamers ages 8-17; and one-third of those polled said that in-game ads "help them decide which products to buy."

Advertising IN a game... - lazyfatbum - 14th April 2004

Hahaha! yay for DEMOGRAPHICS!

Whenever my save file goes corrupt I end up staying up all night getting myself back to where I was. Which is a bitch with SSB:M

Advertising IN a game... - Great Rumbler - 14th April 2004

Quote:in-game ads "help them decide which products to buy."


Advertising IN a game... - A Black Falcon - 15th April 2004

I predict we will see even more ingame ads.

Advertising IN a game... - Great Rumbler - 15th April 2004

Oh joy.

Advertising IN a game... - Geno - 18th April 2004

I would've caught all the Pokémon (at least, the original 151) a long time ago if my save files didn't always disappear for no apparent reason. I guess that's what I get for using a Gameshark. (Hey, it's not like I have anyone to trade with, and the chances of me winning a Mew in one of Nintendo Power's contests are one in a million.) I remember my file on Chrono Trigger once went corrupt. After beating the game (thank God I at least got to do that), when I returned to the save file, my party was standing in the middle of the blackness outside the little gate at the End of Time. They could do walking/running motions if I tried to move them, but they only ran in place. There was nothing I could do to get anywhere. I tried everything humanly possible, including Zelda: Ocarina of Time's legendary crooked cartridge trick (some of you may've heard of it, some of you may've not). The crooked cartridge trick didn't work too well (c.c I didn't think it woudl anyway, but I was going crazy and used it as a last resort) and it ended up completely erasing that game file. It doesn't bother me though, since I've beaten the entire game from beginning to end several times thereafter anyway.

Advertising IN a game... - Dark Jaguar - 18th April 2004

Did you use a Game Genie on that game?

lazy, how often do your save files corrupt anyway? I've had the joy of never worrying about corrupt save files except the time I bought a mega memory card for my PS1. Don't use sharks, nor do I use memory cards that might just quit on me, nor do I hack my PC games, so I never have to worry about this sort of thing.

How do they determine ratings anyway? As a kid, after hearing about them, I thought TVs must send some sort of signal somewhere to inform some computer of what channel I'm watching. Now obviously that doesn't happen, so what do they do? What, do they find the most stereotypical "American viewers" possible and install some sort of box on their TVs and gather it from that?

Advertising IN a game... - Geno - 19th April 2004

They might form a consumer profile based on what games certain age groups/genders/etc. buy. I don't know how they'd make individual consumer profiles though. Perhaps they'll start implanting antennae into their systems that send a signal to a satellite high above the earth, which then transmits the information down to their super computers. Or maybe I'm just dreaming.

Advertising IN a game... - Dark Jaguar - 19th April 2004

They WOULD need to find out the age group and gender of whoever just BOUGHT the game. How they gonna do that?

Advertising IN a game... - lazyfatbum - 19th April 2004

it's the Nielsen Ratings Media group


Basically, a few thousand people chosen by dempgraphic and area are given a box for their TV. Whatever show they watch transmits the show's title and time they watched it back to Nielsen. I think they have the same operation for video games. That way they can tell you what type of people watch what type of show (or game they play) and at what time they watched/played it.

Oh and in the video games and home movie catagory, no one cares who actually buys it. They only worry about who watches it or plays it. If you make a 6 year old want something so bad he'll bitch about it for weeks, the parents will eventually buy it. It's how MCDonald's stays in business.

Advertising IN a game... - Dark Jaguar - 19th April 2004

Wow, no wonder so much junk ends up on TV! That's a TERRIBLE way for the system to work! Only a few thousand? Yeah, that'll show what everyone ELSE wants to watch... no it won't!

Advertising IN a game... - OB1 - 19th April 2004

I know, the system is incredibly retarded.

Advertising IN a game... - Great Rumbler - 19th April 2004

I wish networks would replace all their reality tv shows with anime and Asian movies.

Advertising IN a game... - OB1 - 19th April 2004

I wish butterflies were actually made out of butter, so that if I ever needed some butter for a piece of toast or somethine while on a picnic, I could just catch a butterfly and spread it on my toast.

Advertising IN a game... - Great Rumbler - 19th April 2004

Now that's not very nice...

Advertising IN a game... - OB1 - 19th April 2004

What's not nice? I seriously want that! I thought we were talking about wishes and stuff...

Advertising IN a game... - Great Rumbler - 19th April 2004

Wouldn't that be not nice to the butterflies?

Advertising IN a game... - OB1 - 19th April 2004

You kill other animals for food, don't you? And butterflies are just pretty moths!

Advertising IN a game... - lazyfatbum - 19th April 2004

While we're wishing... i'd like to have edible coffee mugs.

I always hear of some show being "Number 1!" but I never even heard of it and then when I do watch it, I dont find it interesting/funny at all. All of what i'm going to consider your huge 'fresh' (unorthodox) comedy and drama hits like Curb your Enthusiasm, Sopranos, Sex in the City, South Park, Beavis and Butthead, The Simpsons etc all gained enitial popularity by word of mouth and the Nilesen's didn't even know they existed until they talked to some normal people who couldn't stop talking about them. They think people love the WB network for Charmed and that Superman ripoff so of course there are more shows like that in production now. Joy.

When and if we all switch over to HD and use micro waves to transmit the data (obliterating the FCC :D) you'll probably see every TV transmiting the data back to the source. You might see internal ratings boards for each television broadcaster who would then report all of their findings to Neilsen. Same solution, higher numbers, more accurate perception of demographics. But it wont really matter, broadcast television will always suck. TLC, History Channel, Discovery, HBO etc, that's where the good stuff is right now. Unless you're like "OMG CHANDLER KISSED RATCHEL AND NOW JOEY LOST HIS BUTT CHEEK IN MONICA'S HAIR OMG OMG LAST 3 EPISODES OMG". I mean, if i'm going to waste my time in front of the boob tube doing something other than playing video games or watching a DVD it better have a good reason for me to watch it.

And now if you'll excuse me, I need to go dream about being on an episode of Monster House and beating the fuck out of that dillrod who kept using styrofoam on everything. They have to LIVE THERE dude, you cant MAKE furniture out of STYROFOAM, it doesn't work that way, idiot! *puts on tool belt and parades around the apartment yelling at inanimate objects*

And now i'm on Mythbusters! *uses JLo's ass as a floatation device... and drowns* Myth BUSTED! WOOOO!

Now i'm on the History Channel!

Col. Patton: We will invade the Machurian Dynasty when the sun greets the moon.

Alexander the Great: wtf! I thought I told you NEVER piss off the Manchurians! What if the Ottoman empire finds out!?

George Washington: Fuck em! *uses a rail gun to defeat Ajax (played by Brad Pitt)*

Brad Pitt: ....is there no one else...? *explodes*

Troy: *bombs*

The Alamo: *bombs*

King Arthur: *does moderately well opening weekend, then bombs*

Steven Spielberg: *jumps on the Tom Hanks band wagon* *money* I LIKE it!

Tom Hanks: *tries to compose the 37 different characters he's created in his head and then explodes after being asked if he would be the gorilla in the King Kong remake*

Mel Gibson: *face painted blue*I know what women want! they want FREEDOM! and JESUS! *shows prosthetic ass, wiggles prosthetic penis and nails Helen Hunt to a cross*

James Horner: How on Earth am i able to spend 6 months on a brand new film score and still not make anything original!?

Hans Zimmer: JA HET MIDI HOU VAN JE! *dur*

John Williams: *scores Episode 3 by recording the Return of the Jedi soundtrack backwards* Ha... this should keep the little bastards happy for another year.

George Lucas: I haven't had a good idea in 20 years! hey Cameron, let's make a 3-D version of Spy Kids!

James Cameron: Hold on! I'm almost done with my television special: "The Myth of the Disaster and the Truths of Titanic: The Undespitued and Completely Factual Rantings of Old People who Can Barely Talk 3!"

Jefferson Wodsworth Von Moneydouche, Deck C - Suite 227: well, Martha wanted a bloody mary and I had alot of money so I went to the bar and got drunk and cheated on my wife eleven times that night. Then I saw a spaceship poop out a big piece of ice in the shape of London and I thought 'Hey... it's a good thing i'm not Irish or poor.' And then everyone died.


Diaries of normal unimportant people who may have seen or even worked with important people at one time in their lives!

1876, June 5th 4:06 AM, Partly Cloudy with mild showers

The General asked me to take my shoes off today and i did without talking back to him for fear of his using the horses on me again. He took my shoes and wore them on his head, proclaiming "I'm an elephant! I'm an elephant on safari with a bunch of negros! look at me mommy and daddy!". As soon as he wasn't looking, I shot him directly in the head with a bow and arrow. Hopefully, they'll think an indian did it and they wont come after me. I'll resurface in a few years after hiding out north of Little Big Horn since no one goes there. I just hope they dont look for the General too soon because I only burried half of him... I thought it looked funny that way and it made me feel good. I also have welts on my anus. I think the General put them there too.

Sgt. Frank F. Tuplington of the US 7th Calvary under General George A. Custer.

You know it's true!

Advertising IN a game... - Great Rumbler - 19th April 2004


Advertising IN a game... - etoven - 19th April 2004


hope they never have penis enlargement ads! I hate when I get those in my email box.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt1 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">I would much rather have william Hung lick honey off my niples then hear that again! </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
By Simon Cowell
Maybe that could be William Hungs next move after everyone gets board with him.
[indent]Not that I want Anything! to do with his Asian johnson.


Advertising IN a game... - Dark Jaguar - 19th April 2004


Horde General Persona: AAAAARRRGH! We're the Ottomans, and you're NOT!

Elderly old lady in neck brace Persona: Well that's just rude...

WW1 Pilot Persona: I tell ya, when the enemy's on your tail and you take a dive, greatest feeling in the world.

I LOVE Earnest!

Now to turn my house into a giant puppet!

DJ's House (using roof-on-hinge for mouth): Nobody better come in here, for I am DJ's house! Bring me a tool shed, for I am hungry!

Advertising IN a game... - Dark Jaguar - 19th April 2004

TV makes us lazy anyway. Make us HUNT for our entertainment I say! If that superman/seinfeld commercial taught me anything, it's that commercials just aren't long enough, and that they need to make it harder to view them! Yeah! That's a GREAT idea!

Hey lazy, ya know what? Lately, TLC and Discovery have teamed up to annoy me personally. They have gone... reality... *shudders*

Some guy making a motorcycle: Listen stupid! You just need to get it to work!
Other guy: Listen just shut up and wait a sec!

Where the hell is the remote?!

They still have good stuff, but the only Discovery channel that's ALMOST karp free at this point is the Science channel. They still do some stupid stuff now and again, but no reality shows, and NO shows where they try to prove that aliens built the pyramids...

Advertising IN a game... - Weltall - 19th April 2004

Weltall persona: ASS! ASS! omgomgomgomgomg ass... :(

Advertising IN a game... - Geno - 20th April 2004

This whole thread has gone to hell. Muddled

Advertising IN a game... - OB1 - 20th April 2004

Looks like you watched that Daily Show episode with Seinfeld, eh DJ? ;)

Advertising IN a game... - A Black Falcon - 20th April 2004

Ottomans? People, or footstools? :)

Advertising IN a game... - OB1 - 20th April 2004


Advertising IN a game... - Great Rumbler - 20th April 2004

Sherlock Holmes: This looks like a mystery for...someone else...because I'm only a fictional character!

Sir Arther Conan Doyle: I'm not though! *writes books*

Fred Jones: Let's split up, gang!

DJ: What's wrong with you?! You guys always split up and when you do you always get chased by monsters! And what's with the monsters always being some person in costume?! And how come you always think the monster is real? Haven't you learned that it's just someone in a costume by now?!

Scooby Doo: *licks DJ*

DJ: Yuck!!

GR: Now that's enterainment! *is eaten by a giant squid*

Mark Hamill: I directed a movie! *uses the Force to be in more movies*

Stephen Speilberg: No, E.T., you can't leave! I need more money!! *makes sequels*

George Lucas: Hey, there's nothing wrong with making sequels!

Everyone: ...

George Lucas: Well there isn't! Prequels are okay too.

Giant squid: *eats George Lucas*

Pecos Bill: Why is my name Pecos Bill?!

Steve: Why don't I have a last name? *is killed in the first five minutes of the movie*

Red Shirt: I don't even have a name!! *is killed in the first five seconds of the movie*

William Shatner: I'm William Shatner!

Capt. Kirk: I'm Captain Kirk!

William Shatner: You can't be Captain Kirk, because I'M Captain Kirk!

Capt. Kirk: What?! You said you were William Shatner!

Irony Man: *is on a smoke break*

Captain Spaz: *explodes*

Fanboy Man: Captain Spaz, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Mark Hamill: Hey, I'm in here twice!! *talks like the Joker*

Gary Owens: I was in Space Quest 4 and 6, you know. And Laugh-In.

Fanboy Man: *steals Gary Owens' shirt* Oh man, I can't believe I'm holding Gary Owens' shirt!!!

OB1: This thread is really going downhill...

GR: Yeah.

OB1: Right.

GR: *cough*

OB1: *clears throat*

*alarm goes off*

Everyone: Fire drill!

Advertising IN a game... - OB1 - 20th April 2004

*runs, trips over shoelace, smashes into everyone in Tendo City, creating a massive domino effect*

Advertising IN a game... - Great Rumbler - 20th April 2004


Advertising IN a game... - OB1 - 20th April 2004

All members of Tendo City are now lying on the ground, and cannot get up.