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Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 31st May 2003

Well we were talking about the game, FOR YOU, because you were saying that's why you think your version is better and haven't upgraded :D.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 31st May 2003

I haven't upgraded because I'm cheap and don't think those minor upgrades are worth the cost.

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 31st May 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
Cartoon Devil, play it again. All the chests are in the exact same places and contain the same things.

Incorrect. They've moved some keys to chests nearer the entrance (find them sooner) or in less obscure places (find them eaiser). If you want a specific example, then post a link to a GBC EMU and DX ROM as I never bought the DX, just borrowed from a friend. I'll spend 30 minutes playing, and list the specific examples.

Quote:Did you or didn't you actually play through DX?

Start to finish. It's easier, and consequently, much less attractive, despite the color visuals.

Quote:To make it clear, I played both games side by side to compair them...The ONLY gameplay changes are the dungeon and the photo gathering


Quote:Claims that chests and such have changed are false. [/B]

Again, incorrect.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 31st May 2003

CartoonDevil, you forget (or don't know?)... DJ doesn't believe in roms or emulation...

I do have LADX's rom, but don't know where to get it on the web...

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 31st May 2003

...CD, I guess we are at an impass then. Maybe you should try playing both games side by side (not roms, actually in the GBs) and find out the same way I did.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 31st May 2003

The roms and games have the same content... its just more fun in a real system. So checking there would be fine, I'd say, to check for changes...

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 31st May 2003

Do you not have a website you can host the ROM on for me to download? I'd really like to be able to post specific examples, so that I can show how incorrect some people are.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 31st May 2003

There's TC, but you'd need to ask Weltall... I don't have access to the part wehre you can add any files, I think. If I do I don't know how... :)

I don't have my own site.

Zelda news! - OB1 - 1st June 2003

Hey DJ, I think Devil here is trying to say that you're incorrect about all of this. Just a hunch.

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 1st June 2003

Some people includes you too OB1.

Zelda news! - EdenMaster - 1st June 2003

This must be TheBiggah. Who else would insist so adamantly incorrect information. The GBA version is a carbon copy of the SNES one. I have both (not roms, actual carts) and they're identical.

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 1st June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by EdenMaster
Who else would insist so adamantly incorrect information. The GBA version is a carbon copy of the SNES one. I have both (not roms, actual carts) and they're identical.

Apparently, <B>you</B> insist so adamantly about incorrect information. We're not talking about the GBA version or the SNES version of Zelda. We're talking about the gameplay differences between the original Link's Awakening and the GBC "deluxe" edition.

Next time, try reading the thread before trying to flame.

Zelda news! - EdenMaster - 1st June 2003

I don't flame, I inform. That being said...


Zelda news! - OB1 - 1st June 2003

You gotta admit, Devil here sure knows how to argue. I don't think I've ever seen anyone use the word "incorrect" as a rebuttal so many times. It's genius! He doesn't even have to follow-up on it! He just says "Incorrect.". It's amazing.

*bows down to Cartoon Devil*

I must learn from you, Master.


Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 1st June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by OB1
You gotta admit, Devil here sure knows how to argue. I don't think I've ever seen anyone use the word "incorrect" as a rebuttal so many times. It's genius! He doesn't even have to follow-up on it! He just says "Incorrect.". It's amazing.:

Doesn't follow up. Hmm. How more wrong could you be? You have admin powers, so why don't you host that ZeldaDX ROM A_Black_Falcon has on this server, so that I can download it and list the specific examples of how the game was changed?

If I'm wrong, you'll have proven it faster, and if I'm right, then you'll have to eat crow.

You can prove that you're really interested in the debate of ideas by helping me, or you can prove that you just enjoy having someone to harrass. What's it going to be?

Zelda news! - OB1 - 1st June 2003

I'm talking about your amazing rebuttal techniques. For two of those replies all you wrote was "Incorrect" without explaining why.

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 1st June 2003

Nevermind. I managed to find the ROM online.

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 1st June 2003

...and by your complete failure to try and help me get my ROM, I can see that you don't really want to see if I'm right or not...you just want to argue.

I'm writing up a response to your post about my technique, but had to say this first, and in a separate post, so you'd be sure not to miss it.

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 1st June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by OB1
I'm talking about your amazing rebuttal techniques. For two of those replies all you wrote was "Incorrect" without explaining why.

That is because no further discussion was necessary.

Dark Jaguar made the statements:

Quote:Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
To make it clear, I played both games side by side to compair them...The ONLY gameplay changes are the dungeon and the photo gathering

That is an incorrect statement. My previous reply to an earlier statement was:

Quote:Incorrect. They've moved some keys to chests nearer the entrance (find them sooner) or in less obscure places (find them eaiser). If you want a specific example, then post a link to a GBC EMU and DX ROM as I never bought the DX, just borrowed from a friend. I'll spend 30 minutes playing, and list the specific examples.

Why should I type all of that over again, if the word <B>incorrect</B> would let him know that his statement about the ONLY gameplay changes are the dungeon and the photo gathering was wrong?

He stated SEVERAL things as fact that weren't true.

Quote:Claims that chests and such have changed are false.

I said Incorrect. Now, if he said that such claims are FALSE, then my reply of Incorrect would infer that such clames are TRUE...examples already given previously in the post. I assume that posters here can actually read that I had already proven the inaccuracy of his statement.


If you were to state that the sky is green, would I really need to say anything more than that you are incorrect, or could you maybe infer that you're incorrect because the sky is blue without me saying it's blue?

You're just looking to argue with me.

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 1st June 2003

ABF, I just realized something. Our debate is over! We ended at an agreement so we have no more reason to talk about it, so that's an actual reason for me to stop talking about it! Congrats, that has to be a rare thing here!

Cartoon Devil, I have one thing to say. You claim to be married and have kids, then you claim to be The Biggah, "not caring if we believe or not". Seeing as how TheBiggah is not in fact married with children, you are lying about either one, or the other, or as I suspect, both. That being said, I have no reason to debate such trivialties with a liar and a fraud. If you continue this silly charade of trollish behavior (it's very obvious that you say such things only to get a rise out of people) :troll: , I simply will not reply. If you admit that you are in fact lying about said stuff, then I will respond to you for then you will have grown up. That is all from me on this subject.

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 1st June 2003

Now then, I'll chat with EM regarding LTTP differences. In actuality, while all the chests and items are all in the same places, there are gameplay differences. I would list them, but I have found out an FAQ at GameFAQs has listed all the ones I found and then some in a differences FAQ. It's interesting reading for that stuff you may not have noticed.


Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 1st June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
[B]...then you claim to be The Biggah, "not caring if we believe or not".

When did I say that? I'm confused.

Quote:That being said, I have no reason to debate such trivialties with a liar and a fraud.

By trivialties, do you mean the differences between Original and DX versions of Link's Awakening? There are differences in the gameplay, and I'll post some specific examples this evening (just barely downloaded the DX ROM a little while ago).

You probably just don't want to admit that you're wrong.

Quote: If you continue this silly charade of trollish behavior (it's very obvious that you say such things only to get a rise out of people)

No, I'm not trolling. I'm expressing valid concerns and opinions. I don't care if you get angry or not (although that is not my goal), I'm just trying to educate you on the difference in the two games.

Is it so wrong to have a view contrary to yours?

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 1st June 2003

Quote:When did I say that? I'm confused.

In a thread a few days ago.

Quote:No, I'm not trolling. I'm expressing valid concerns and opinions. I don't care if you get angry or not (although that is not my goal), I'm just trying to educate you on the difference in the two games.

Is it so wrong to have a view contrary to yours?

No... but when ALL of your posts are about how people are wrong it does get kind of annoying...

As for this, I don't know. I'd need proof either way before I fully believe either you or DJ... I thought there were gameplay changes, but never have seen absolute proof of it...

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 1st June 2003

Quote:Originally posted by A Black Falcon
No... but when ALL of your posts are about how people are wrong it does get kind of annoying...[/B]

Sounds like OB1 ;)

Seriously, though, don't you and OB1 say each other are wrong in about 90% of your posts? How is that not trolling, but when I say something like that, it is?

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 1st June 2003

We do talk about other things in many posts... you don't seem to do that much...

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 1st June 2003

Well ABF, the one proof I can provide is circumstantial, but pretty strong I think. Read FAQs for DX where it gives chest locations and items, then FAQs for standard. In fact, most of the FAQs written for the first they only added a changes part and a guide to the extra dungeon and photo hunt, and some mentioning that there are extra owl statues, and they are still perfectly accurate. This should be evidence enough that no item locations were changed I would think.

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 1st June 2003

Dark Jaguar, using your own suggested idea, I decided to use FAQs to prove my point (since I won't have access to my original copy of Link's Awakening for a few more hours--it's in the car, and my wife is gone shopping).

Take a look at the picture I've attached, and look at the directions to where the map is located in the original version (the FAQ is for the original). It says the map is found in <B>5-F</B>

In the screenshot from the emulator, I'm standing in the room where the map is located in DX <B>(It would be 9-E by this authors method)</B>. The map was located closer to the entrance, easier to find, easier to play once you get the map.

So much for you "playing them side by side."

The game was changed, and made easier. I was right, you and OB1 were incorrect.


http://db.gamefaqs.com/portable/gameboy/file/legend_of_zelda_links_awakening.txt (you must copy and paste into a new browser)

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 1st June 2003

It said the picture was too big, I'm reducing the file size and will upload it shortly.

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 1st June 2003

I hope this works.

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 1st June 2003

Wow, except FAQs can and will be inaccurate. Read yet a different FAQ for the original version. Notice that it puts the map in the SAME place you are in your game, after killing all the enemies in the room. Indeed, it seems that fellow made a mistake in creating his FAQ.


Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 1st June 2003

I actually just had a thought. Back then, sometimes they would release "updated" versions of games with no real markings of the updates. This happened at least with Final Fantasy 6 (called 3 at the time) after they found out about the Relm Sketch Glitch. I personally don't think it so, but it's possible that a second version of standard LA was released soon after the first with changed item locations. Again, I don't think this is actually the case, but it's a small possibility.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 1st June 2003

I've never heard of multiple versions of LA, though. I doubt it...

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 1st June 2003

Me too... I was just thinking out loud really.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 1st June 2003

Well in LA original the map is on that same screen of Tail Cave. One up and one over from the enterance.

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 1st June 2003

Well that settles it. This pretty much prooves ONE chest is the same in both versions :D. Doesn't proove they all are, but I'm certain if ABF used a good DX guide for his game, he'd find the guide worked fine for the original, except one screen has a picture shop instead of an enemy.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 1st June 2003

Its one screen up and one screen over from the entrance... that's the same as DX, right?

Zelda news! - OB1 - 1st June 2003

ABF and I argue a lot, but it's more of a gentlemen's argument (most of the time). We respect each other's opinions (most of the time ;) ) and try out best to defend our arguments. But we also agree on lots of stuff.

You however, Mr. Devil, are trolling.

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 1st June 2003

Yes indeedly ABF, that's exactly where it is in DX. Just checked myself a bit ago.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 1st June 2003

He's not really trolling in this thread... he just appears to be wrong. :)

So, why make so many changes to LttP? That sure is a long list...

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 2nd June 2003

Not sure. Most aren't too major, though I really must fault Capcom with what they did to the Ice Dungeon. Changing a whole puzzle to make it easier was just EVIL of them!

Anyway, there is one thing to be mad about regarding differences in LA versions, but not DX and regular. The thing to be mad about is the various changes I've read over and over regarding changes between the Japanese version and the US version. Some were apparently good, such as letting you skip text in the US version (which sadly they didn't re-apply in the DX version), but some aren't that good. The biggest offender is the gameplay changes. They made some bosses harder (can't really complain about added challenge, it's the principle of the thing), made the boomerang's range longer (making it easier in this case, boo-urns!), and they put cracks in many walls where normally you would have to tap the wall with a sword to know it's bombable. They also had some censoring it seems. It seems the mermaid didn't loose her necklace... She actually seems to have lost her bra in the original, which I can imagine made the whole thing far more hilarious considering the reaction the fisherman had to have in the original...

It's possible that the DX Japanese version actually used all the US version gameplay changes but kept the graphics, but I doubt it. It's also possible these changes are in fact just made up by some punk and are just very wide spread, which I put some stock in, though changes like this between regional versions are very common. I choose not to think about it. I'll just say I wish translators would just translate and not add cute little things they think would make it better or censor stuff, as a point to all game translations really, not this specifically since it might not even be true.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 2nd June 2003

They make changes to "suit the game for the market". Unfortunately doing that angers fans... but they seem to think it'll help sales. I wish it didn't, but I bet in many cases it does...

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 5th June 2003

Just to update you on the Link's Awakening DX fiasco. I'm playing through both, until I get to Angler's cave (which is where I remember the specific occurance of the chests being changed). I'm busy with work, so this will take me a few more days to get both games to that point.

I haven't forgotten or conceded this point, as I'm still convinced that dungeon was changed to make it easier.