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Countdown to the new Zelda! - Printable Version

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Countdown to the new Zelda! - Sacred Jellybean - 3rd January 2005


Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 3rd January 2005

8 days!

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Great Rumbler - 3rd January 2005

Napolean Dynamite is a great movie.

8 days!

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Geno - 4th January 2005

I saw a Minnish Cap commercial last night on Adult Swim! w00t!

Countdown to the new Zelda! - EdenMaster - 4th January 2005

Great Rumbler Wrote:Napolean Dynamite is a great movie.

I second that notion. :clap:

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Dark Jaguar - 4th January 2005

I liked it when Courage would meet genuinly disturbing horrors. Like, when he kept having those nightmares and one of them was an image of some horribly mutated fetus in the womb (in CG) which suddenly said in a creepy voice "I am happiness". That'll send you into a coma :D.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Great Rumbler - 4th January 2005

Quote:I second that notion.


"You ever taken it off any sweet jumps?"

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Sacred Jellybean - 4th January 2005

"I already made, like, infinity of those at scout camp."

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Great Rumbler - 4th January 2005

"Pedro offers you his protection."

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 5th January 2005

6 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Geno - 5th January 2005

¡Seis días!

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 5th January 2005

I'm so excited!! New Zelda people, A NEW ZELDA!!! Who else is metaphorically(or literally... that's fine, too) pissing their pants right now?

I'll probably get RE4 as well, but I want MC sooo much more.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - big guy - 5th January 2005

i thought it was pee in my pants...then i realized i was hemorrhaging.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Great Rumbler - 5th January 2005

Quote:I'm so excited!! New Zelda people, A NEW ZELDA!!!

AGH! Someone peed in my pants!!

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Geno - 5th January 2005

Great Rumbler Wrote:AGH! Someone peed in my pants!!

You're so silly, Chris!

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Great Rumbler - 5th January 2005


Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 5th January 2005

Great Rumbler Wrote:AGH! Someone peed in my pants!!


That was Darunia!!

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 7th January 2005


Countdown to the new Zelda! - Geno - 7th January 2005

4 days! I can already taste it!

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Great Rumbler - 7th January 2005

It tastes like...MAGIC!

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Geno - 7th January 2005

And fairies!

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 7th January 2005


Countdown to the new Zelda! - Great Rumbler - 8th January 2005

And these guys: Carrot Banana

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 8th January 2005



Countdown to the new Zelda! - Great Rumbler - 8th January 2005




How long did it take you to do that?

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 8th January 2005

Like 30 seconds. It's easy in the post reply mode, where you just click on the buttons.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Geno - 8th January 2005


Countdown to the new Zelda! - Great Rumbler - 8th January 2005


Countdown to the new Zelda! - lazyfatbum - 9th January 2005

In 3 days, I will get my grubby little hands on Resident Evil 4 and Zelda: Minish Cap. And then, it's a short hop to Starfox Armada in Feb and then March with Legend of Zelda on cube. w00t.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Weltall - 9th January 2005

....there's a new Zelda?

....well, fuck me Freddy.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Geno - 9th January 2005

The new Cube Zelda comes out in March? Sweet, March is gonna rule. South Park Season 9 premieres, South Park Season 5 comes out on DVD, Team America comes out on DVD, and a new Zelda game comes to the Gamecube.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 9th January 2005

No, the new cube Zelda probably won't be out until next fall or winter.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 9th January 2005

2 MORE DAYS !!!!

Countdown to the new Zelda! - lazyfatbum - 9th January 2005

Yeah, it got pushed back. Most sites had it slated for March. Now it's 2nd quarter.

January 11, 2005 Resident Evil*

February 8, 2005 Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death

February 8, 2005 NBA Street V3

February 14, 2005 Star Fox Assault*

February 15, 2005 Mortal Kombat: Deception

February 28, 2005 Killer 7*

March 14, 2005 Donkey Kong Jungle Beat*

March 15, 2005 The Movies*

March 2005 Fight Night Round 2

March 2005 Robots

March 2005 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

The rest are TBA, but you have to figure that 2005 is probably the last full year for Gamecube, so these should come out this year:

Q1 2005 Need for Speed Underground 2

Q2 2005 Donkey Konga 2*

Q2 2005 Fire Emblem GC*

Q2 2005 Geist* (wasn't this cancelled?)

Q2 2005 Madagascar

Q2 2005 Medal of Honor: Dogs of War

Q2 2005 MVP Baseball 2005

Q2 2005 The Legend of Zelda (Working Title)*

Year 2005 Advance Wars: Under Fire*

Year 2005 Batman Begins

Year 2005 FIFA Street

Year 2005 Odama

Year 2005 TimeSplitters Future Perfect*

Year 2005 Mario 128*

Year 2005 Mario Baseball*

The games with asterix (*) are games I want. But there you have it. At e3 Nintendo and some 3rd parties will hopefully announce some titles for GC, otherwise this is probably the last GC games to be made.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Great Rumbler - 9th January 2005

Quote:Q2 2005 Geist* (wasn't this cancelled?)

No, it's still in production.

Quote:February 8, 2005 Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death

They're still making Judge Dredd games?

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 9th January 2005

There's no way Zelda will be released in q2. It won't even be shown off in playable form until q2. It's gonna be Nintendo's big holiday game.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 10th January 2005

1 MORE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Countdown to the new Zelda! - Geno - 10th January 2005



*every glass item within a 30-mile radius shatters to pieces*

Would anybody like an encore? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 10th January 2005

Circuit City won't have it until wednesday though... :( But it's worth it. It's only going to cost me $18.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Weltall - 11th January 2005

NFS underground 2 is already out. It has been for months.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Geno - 11th January 2005

I start school tomorrow, woe is me. But at least when I get off, I can reward myself with a trip to Wal*Mart (which isn't far from my school) and a purchase of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. And if Wal*Mart doesn't have it (I find that this Wal*Mart often takes its sweet time getting games in), I can always go to the EB Games just down the road from it... in the same shopping center.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 11th January 2005

Get it from Circuit City. $22 plus the $5 coupon from Best Buy (which they will accept) = cheap game.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - Geno - 11th January 2005

Alrighty then.

And while it has nothing to do with the situation, I have to post this pic somewhere:

[Image: l9mmaindrumkid.gif]

Countdown to the new Zelda! - A Black Falcon - 11th January 2005

School started yesterday. I wish the break had been longer. :)

As for Minish Cap, here's a review... pretty good.


Countdown to the new Zelda! - Geno - 11th January 2005

School starts tomorrow for me. You're right, the break wasn't long enough.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 11th January 2005

A Black Falcon Wrote:School started yesterday. I wish the break had been longer. :)

As for Minish Cap, here's a review... pretty good.


"pretty good"? It got a perfect score and a glowing review. What's wrong with you.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - A Black Falcon - 11th January 2005

Pretty good is praise, OB1...

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 11th January 2005

Pretty good is what you call their review of Luigi's Mansion. They gave Minish Cap high praise and called it one of "the top titles in the Zelda series, and by far one of the top games available for GBA".

You're so weird.

Countdown to the new Zelda! - A Black Falcon - 11th January 2005

I'd only call something 'great' if I really thought it was...

Countdown to the new Zelda! - OB1 - 11th January 2005


This is about what you think of the game (that you've never played), it's about what Gamespy thought of it. They gave it a 5/5 and a ton of praise.

You are so damn weird, Brian.