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News From the Goron Front - Printable Version

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News From the Goron Front - Weltall - 22nd April 2004

Humans, pretentious little creatures we are, are often convinced we know it all. Yet, we know some about our world, little about what's outside of it, and next to nothing about the universe it's all in. There are things out there that we have never seen, and probably could never imagine possible. We'll keep learning new things, and each time we do, people shout "NOW we know everything!"

But we don't. We are so far away from proving and quantifying everything that it isn't worth thinking about. There are many things humanity will never solve or prove, things that we will never find tangible physical evidence of. That doesn't mean at all that these things do not exist.

You call us ignorant, Darunia, because some of us do not believe that mankind is the highest form of existence. Yet, you pigeonhole yourself by refusing to open your mind. I will not say evolution is a sham, and I will not say that the universe was created in seven calendar days six thousand years ago. But I still believe that there is too much order to things for it all to be born out of random chaos. I believe a higher being, at the very least, had a hand in it.

Now you believe the exact opposite. That's okay with me, if you want to do so. But you could try to be tolerant of other people's beliefs. I wouldn't stand here and damn you to hell for being a heathen, if God wants to do that, it's His decision, not mine. I believe that you are wrong, but I wouldn't begin to tell you that you're an idiot or what not because you disagree with me. I can accept you for your beliefs. I think you ought to show the same consideration to us, because you seem to go out of your way to insult Christians every chance you get, and it's incredibly annoying.

News From the Goron Front - Laser Link - 22nd April 2004

Sorry guys, it's been a crazy week.

Obi, I didn't take any offense to anything you said. Don't worry about it. About Morocco: It's really not a big deal to be American there. Especially in Agadir, where I will be going, which is a huge tourist spot and very modern. Morocco as a whole is one of the most Western of Muslim countries, and in fact the previous king became a Christian and for a time allowed the people to have Bibles. But there was such a backlash from the other leaders of Muslim countries that he unfortunately backed down, and it is once again illegal to posess a Bible. That is the case in every Muslim county I have heard of, which intrigues me, since a lot of the research I've done lately says that Muslims accept the Bible as a word from God. But anyway, we are not going in on our own just for kicks- this is a very well planned and organized thing. We'll be working with residents and doing a lot of practical work, like helping to teach English in Universities. It's not as extreme as Iraq or Thailand, where some other groups from my church are going this summer.

Lazy, someday it would be good to talk about that and find out more about what you are saying. I've honestly never heard about that from anyone, and I don't live in a little Christian bubble (anymore). :) History, science, heck, even English professors at my school like to go out of their way to teach us the "truth" about the Bible and Jesus, and I've heard some pretty crazy stories! They usually just end up contradicting themselves anyway, but I've never heard about what you mentioned. So I would like to find out more someday. But I think you don't want to hash that out right now, and I don't either. It would be a much better thing to have a personal conversation about, because if nothing else I want to learn about what you guys think and how you view the world. I have heard all sorts of stuff, but never from people who I know and consider friends. Most of the friends I've had are Christians who live a lot like I do, becaus that's who I spend the most time with. I have some friends from school, but most of the time we are all too busy to spend time together outside of class and group projects. Programmers and engineers in general are not the most outgoing people (myself included), so I don't know anybody well enough to really talk with them. But we've been talking for something like almost 5 years, and I feel like you guys are all pretty cool people who I would be good friends with if I ever had the chance. And I know you guys could be honest with me and I could be honest with you without anybody getting pissed off or offended or anything like that. :) So someday.

News From the Goron Front - Laser Link - 22nd April 2004

Ah Darunia. I just want to mention that while it is true that Christianity is sort of the default religion in the US and a lot of Western countries, we can all agree that it is not places like Africa or Asia, right? But that is in fact where Christianity is spreading like crazy. I mentioned this before, but the largest church in the world for many years was in South Korea. I wasn't sure on how large exactly, but I just read that Yoida Full Gospel Church in Seoul had 750,000 in 1994.Now the largest churches now are in Africa. I've heard as much as millions of people coming to meetings. It's hard to know the exact numbers because they don't exactly do things the same as here. I don't think anyone can (or possibly could) keep track of how many people come, but it is a heapload. God is doing amazing things in these places.

Since 2000, 2/3 of Christians live outside of North America and Western Europe. It is estimated that 200 million Christians are currently being persecuted for their faith, which is obviously not happening here in the US. I found the specific details of that <a href="http://www.cephasministry.com/world_church_how_god_saved.html">here</a>, but I have heard this many times over from so many people. I just didn't remember specific numbers. So I think that effectively disproves your stance that people only believe in Jesus because they were raised that way. You can believe what you want, but now you need to find something new to complain about. :)

News From the Goron Front - Geno - 23rd April 2004

Laser Link Wrote:Release Animaniacs on DVD or else!

Welcome to the campaign. :D

News From the Goron Front - A Black Falcon - 23rd April 2004

Quote:It's called the Epic of Gilgamesh my friend. Read about it. The Hebrews adapted that as well as many other things during the Babylonian Exile.

It's all fables and stories passed down from generations and cultures.

I've read it, actually... :) Well, part of it.

Quote:In all seriousness, my opinion of religion is very similar to illusion's. Some people take it WAY too seriously or treat its documents and teachings as undisputible fact. Religion isn't bad. It's a wonderful part of human history and culture, and if religion helps you find your path or meaning in life, then go for it! However, I'm not sure if it really is possible to believe in a religion and at the same time think its teachings are mere folklore. That's probably why I don't follow or believe in any religions...

Yeah, it could be a problem... I also can't see how one folklore is any more "right" than any others. Christianity is just dominant, not intrinsically more "right" than the previous polytheistic beliefs... same for their religious texts, I think. Mixtures of truth and fiction, as with all legends and stories meant to inflate the greatness of their subjects...

Quote:As for the flood , You can say because the babylonians wrote it down and engraved the epic of gilgamesh and its the oldest written documents of the event, But you come to that conclusion by looking at this and that and say this happend this way and not that. But no one alive today was alive then,If you have faith in the bible you will believe that the flood happend and the event was passed down generation after generation from Noahs decendants who would later found civilizations like sumeria and babylon and of course overtime the story was changed as it passed from person to person oraly, it make sense since the first people to event writing were sumeria and Babylon they would be the first to write it down.But what is interesting is that the meso american Mayans and asians have the same stories on the other side of the world.I believe that god caused the event and the hebrew acount is the true one but thats a matter of faith, I cant physically prove it but thats why they call it faith.

Look, I'll begin to listen to you when you show that nearly every culture has a flood myth. But the Biblical one, as they said, is the Babylonian one, really. That one just got spread all around that region. Two flood stories does not a truth make. :)

Mayan flood story? I don't know anything about it so I can't comment.

Quote:Faith or blind...well, in your personal case, ignorance? Here it is, 2004. We have people in space, plans to go to Mars, six billion people, the internet...science and technology advancing so fast, and people STILL praise invisible gods, fear invisible demons! If any of you Christians---ANY one of you, had been raised in a non-christian family, you'd be so different. How can you not see that it's all in how one is raised to determines one's religion. If you were born in Iraq, you'd be saying the same truths about Allah, and denouncing everyone else; if you were born in--well, the rest of it goes without saying. It's ridiculous, and I've had enough of it. It's time for action.

I've wondered about this before, and I've written some lengthy posts about the subject before... I don't want (or have the time) to do that again now, however.

But I think that for prehistoric man "gods" were easily their best explanation for the question "Why?". Somehow that got burned into our culture and we can't let it go...

Oh, and the Communists tried to destroy religion. It didn't work. The problem of course was that the people already believed so they would not be shaken... you'd have to have people grow up with no religion at all around, with no concept of "gods" except as quaint historical myths of previous cultures (if that), for it to have any chance at all of working.

'Action' won't go anywhere, in short.

Quote:As for Darunia... yes, I realize that probably the main reason I'm a Christian is because I was raised that way and if I had been raised as an atheist I'd probably still be one. Could the same be said about you? If you had been raised in a Christian family (and for all I know, you could've been), don't you think you'd probably be a Christian too? I may've been born into a Christian family, but it was my own choice to stay a Christian this late in life, and I'd say I'm living a fairly good life because of it. I don't denounce anybody for having different religious views (including atheism) because everyone has their own reasons for the beliefs that they follow.

My parents... hmm, I don't know, actually. They might believe that there's some kind of spiritual force or something, I don't know... and I did grow up going to church, but it was Unitarian Universalism, if anyone here knows what that means. Just about the most liberal serious religious denomination around...

Oh, but it's not quite "believe anything you want". The Principles and Purposes (which I don't know, to be honest... you don't have to memorize them...) provide limitations... not saying what you must believe, but things like how being bad isn't good...

Quote:Ah Darunia. I just want to mention that while it is true that Christianity is sort of the default religion in the US and a lot of Western countries, we can all agree that it is not places like Africa or Asia, right? But that is in fact where Christianity is spreading like crazy. I mentioned this before, but the largest church in the world for many years was in South Korea. I wasn't sure on how large exactly, but I just read that Yoida Full Gospel Church in Seoul had 750,000 in 1994.Now the largest churches now are in Africa. I've heard as much as millions of people coming to meetings. It's hard to know the exact numbers because they don't exactly do things the same as here. I don't think anyone can (or possibly could) keep track of how many people come, but it is a heapload. God is doing amazing things in these places.

Since 2000, 2/3 of Christians live outside of North America and Western Europe. It is estimated that 200 million Christians are currently being persecuted for their faith, which is obviously not happening here in the US. I found the specific details of that here, but I have heard this many times over from so many people. I just didn't remember specific numbers. So I think that effectively disproves your stance that people only believe in Jesus because they were raised that way. You can believe what you want, but now you need to find something new to complain about.

You're partially right (and others who said it wasn't just learned from parents). It's not just that, obviously. Who knows why, maybe because of how long we believed that it MUST BE (for lack of any alternative), or because we wish there WAS something greater than ourselves guiding the universe, religion does have a tendency to stick around and grow and make people believers...

Why do people change from one religion to another? Who knows. The faith of believers turns them? They like how it differs from their current one? Their new religion is more popular now (this is a MAJOR factor, especially in the past -- witness how many nations convert (to whatever religion is gaining) so quickly after their kings did...)

Obviously, in my eyes the whole idea of "converting the unbelievers" is incredibly stupid. Unless they're worshipping death gods or something evil like that... but no one does that anymore, so we're pretty safe. ... well not really, since as long as there are different religions there will surely be conflict between them, but safer than we used to be...

The problem, of course, is as you say (or imply): My Religion Is Better Than Yours. Oh, you come up with "reasons", but overall, most any major modern religion must have some benefits to have lasted in relevance in modern times! But don't bother to reply to that, I'm sure that people like you would never see my point. What, do you also believe that anyone who dies not a Christian will burn in hell forever? Rolleyes

Quote:Darunia...you're far too concerned with what you see that you cannot allow yourself to accept something you can't see or prove. There are still many things science has yet to explain, yet are certainly real. For example, Spontaneous Human Combustion, it baffles scientists worldwide why it happens. They have theories of course, but no one can say for certain why it happens. But it happens.

I don't need an explanation to believe what I believe. The thought that when I die I simply cease to be is a very depressing prospect. Even if that might be the case when my time is up (which I don't believe it is), it's more comforting to think that there is eternal heaven waiting for me. Life would seem awfully futile and pointless if there is nothing to look forward to when it's over. People seek religion for comfort, for guidance, even for a reason to live. Whether or not we have physical proof is irrelevant, because we don't need it.

Long story short: I don't need a speck of evidence to believe what I believe, and all the arguments in the world won't change my mind. That may sound foolish to you, but hey, to each his own.

Ah, now we reach the heart of why people believe. The alternative is both scary and depressing. That, I think, is one of the main reasons... that and that impulse most people seem to have that says that they want there to me something greater than themselves out there, that they don't want to handle it all alone (oh sure it's often stated as 'it couldn't have happened this way all alone', but I'd say that that's what it really is...)... now, am I insulting people for following those lines of thought? Given how universal religion is in all human cultures, not really. By this point in history it's obviously normal, and as I've said in length before, very hard to do anything about despite the fact that so much has been debunked because of the fact that, at the center of most all religions, is the part that says 'you must take things on faith'...

Quote:Obi, I didn't take any offense to anything you said. Don't worry about it. About Morocco: It's really not a big deal to be American there. Especially in Agadir, where I will be going, which is a huge tourist spot and very modern. Morocco as a whole is one of the most Western of Muslim countries, and in fact the previous king became a Christian and for a time allowed the people to have Bibles. But there was such a backlash from the other leaders of Muslim countries that he unfortunately backed down, and it is once again illegal to posess a Bible. That is the case in every Muslim county I have heard of, which intrigues me, since a lot of the research I've done lately says that Muslims accept the Bible as a word from God. But anyway, we are not going in on our own just for kicks- this is a very well planned and organized thing. We'll be working with residents and doing a lot of practical work, like helping to teach English in Universities. It's not as extreme as Iraq or Thailand, where some other groups from my church are going this summer.

... So do the Gideons have to put Korans in the hotels?

Seriously, I can't remember if there were bibles in the hotels in Europe... last summer was too long ago to remember details like that... :D

But I don't think I've been in a hotel in the US without one. Wait, maybe once... but not much.

LL: How about my posts? That long one (with quotes) in particular...

News From the Goron Front - Great Rumbler - 23rd April 2004


News From the Goron Front - A Black Falcon - 23rd April 2004

Bwahaha! All evidence is gone!

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 23rd April 2004

[asm]If you werent raised by intolerant parents you wouldnt be a devout ass hole.

Who are you to claim to know my parents!? My mother is the nicest, most understanding, soft-hearted woman in the world, you fucking cocksucker! You just can't stand to accept that an atheist was brought into this world without his parents being Nazis or Bolsheviks!

Note below how our dear friend ASM calls me ignorant, and yet makes 16 spelling/grammatical errors in this one paragraph.

It is you who is you who are ignorant,There is there arepeople who are raised by achoholics alcoholics and drug abusers missing comma or semi-colon uncaring parents like my Grandfather improper capitalization who beat his kids and beat my grand ma spelling error because he was always drunk punctuation here if I had choice between that and parents who had moral standards as a christian inconsistency with your subject; "parents" would be "a christian" I choose the christian. what he's claimig is that all non-Christians are drunkards who bear their families. My father was raised by a athiest "an atheist" family but for some reason after his best freind sp died in a car accident he asked were where do we go when we die, whats "what's" the point of life? So he studied bible missing definitive article since he was curious about it. My dad always said if I didnt apostrophe believe in it I dont missing apostrophe have to be part of the religion. So I am a christian capitalize proper religions and ethnicities out of choice.

I'm ignorant for calling you wrong; but you lampoon all non-Christians as wife-beatin' drunks! :shake:

[geno]Apparently, Darunia would have no problem accepting that a person ceases to exist when they die, but not a lot of people have that same strength.

Where does this come from? Atheists, who don't believe in afterlives but rather eternal oblivion, are, according to you, happy with dying? Whereas religious people, who believe in perpetual happiness after death, fear it? What's wrong with you! People who actually know and understand death fear it, not those who welcome it as the gateway to bliss! I fear death ten fold more than you, I promise you that!

[gr]What's so great about being an athiest anyway?

Nothing--nothing at all, it's stark, comparatively sad, and miserable. Thusly unpopular. But doing things because they're pleasant, if not true, is no reason to be done.

[em]The thought that when I die I simply cease to be is a very depressing prospect. Even if that might be the case when my time is up (which I don't believe it is), it's more comforting to think that there is eternal heaven waiting for me.

I quite agree; it's the worst possible fate that one can imagine; eternal oblivion, yet it awaits us all. I'd love to believe in eternal salvation. Unfortunately, one cannot just choose to believe in something.

Life would seem awfully futile and pointless if there is nothing to look forward to when it's over. People seek religion for comfort, for guidance, even for a reason to live. Whether or not we have physical proof is irrelevant, because we don't need it.

You're quite right again; life IS indeed pointless. Produce; spread your seed, and then die. Do you want to know why we have no point? Because we weren't designed; we evolved from the simplest organic compounds, without direction.

[weltall]You call us ignorant, Darunia, because some of us do not believe that mankind is the highest form of existence.

Putting words in my mouth, Weltall. As far as we know, we are the highest intelligence; but the universe is unexplored, there could be highly developed aliens out there.

Yet, you pigeonhole yourself by refusing to open your mind. I will not say evolution is a sham, and I will not say that the universe was created in seven calendar days six thousand years ago. But I still believe that there is too much order to things for it all to be born out of random chaos. I believe a higher being, at the very least, had a hand in it.


News From the Goron Front - Undertow - 23rd April 2004

This thread is [Image: lollerskates.gif]

Long winded arguements about nothing. Rawk on!

News From the Goron Front - Great Rumbler - 23rd April 2004

Quote:Nothing--nothing at all, it's stark, comparatively sad, and miserable.

I think I'll stick to my belief that there's something better to look forward to.

News From the Goron Front - alien space marine - 23rd April 2004

Quote: I've wondered about this before, and I've written some lengthy posts about the subject before... I don't want (or have the time) to do that again now, however.

But I think that for prehistoric man "gods" were easily their best explanation for the question "Why?". Somehow that got burned into our culture and we can't let it go...

Oh, and the Communists tried to destroy religion. It didn't work. The problem of course was that the people already believed so they would not be shaken... you'd have to have people grow up with no religion at all around, with no concept of "gods" except as quaint historical myths of previous cultures (if that), for it to have any chance at all of working.

'Action' won't go anywhere, in short.

Soviet Russia quest to destroy religion was tyranical , They would grab hole families put them at gun point and say sign this papper stating that you dont believe in god and swear loyalty to the mother land, If they didnt want to give up their faith, They would take away their children and they would be orphaned and never see their parents again, The parents would be put away to siberia and they would be forced to work in a labour camp and have all their possesions ,families and freinds striped from them .Some would be even tortured to extract information. I studied all about this , Ive read and watched documentory films and books all about that. Some of the families never got to see each other untill 30 years after being seperated.

The Russian orthodox church was hard and trickier to break down, But those genius athiest had a wonderful idea , Lets replace christian orthodox traditions with communist party figures and engage in modern day Emperor worship, They had Lenin mummified and used him as the new Religion.So infact they tried to replace God with a Man.Russia became another example at how a dream of utopia can be twisted into horrible things.

The soviet union is history,Acording to bible chronology it was the king of the North after the Nazi reich as said in the book of Daneil (of course you have no idea what I am talking about :( )

Quote:Who are you to claim to know my parents!? My mother is the nicest, most understanding, soft-hearted woman in the world, you fucking cocksucker! You just can't stand to accept that an atheist was brought into this world without his parents being Nazis or Bolsheviks!

Note below how our dear friend ASM calls me ignorant, and yet makes 16 spelling/grammatical errors in this one paragraph.

I dont know your mother maybe she is a wonderful lady ,But why do you say my parents because they were religous brainwashed me from childhood into being a backward Superstitious dope?

I know that some people have put their opinions on you and maybe I have myself and for that I apologize. But you bash other peoples beliefs sadistically and treat us like were idiot Morons , You dont give a good impression of your upbringing, But I will assume its not your upbringing and its all yourself .

the Nazi and commie thing was a joke which started as a post april fools thing and I am sorry you were traumatized by it, so I got rid of it. :D

Quote:I'm ignorant for calling you wrong; but you lampoon all non-Christians as wife-beatin' drunks!

No I meant that my caring god fearing parents were better then what some people have.I never meant that anyone who waisnt was a wife beater.My grand father was a opinionated bitter old man who hurt the people around him and eventually paid in the last few years of his life spent in total loneliness counting his whealth,He always was defensive and eccentric fearing everyone wanted his money.If he had been a spiritual man I think he would have had a happier life.

Quote:Nothing--nothing at all, it's stark, comparatively sad, and miserable. Thusly unpopular. But doing things because they're pleasant, if not true, is no reason to be done.

Darunia I may not be the best person to say this , But you need to be more positive , If you think religion is non sense, Then why not study Confucism and other philosophies that dont have a god per say so you can get some guidance and purpose to your life.So you dont have to live in the cold dark closet and miss out.

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 24th April 2004

Darunia I may not be the best person to say this , But you need to be more positive , If you think religion is non sense, Then why not study Confucism and other philosophies that dont have a god per say so you can get some guidance and purpose to your life.So you dont have to live in the cold dark closet and miss out.

I have some purpose and guidance in my life. I seek to be rich and happy, and to have children so that a part of me will live, well, for at least as long as humanity does. I don't need religion to ease the misery of life, I take it as best I can.

and treat us like were idiot Morons ,.

Only an "idiot Moron" would say "idiot Moron."

News From the Goron Front - Great Rumbler - 24th April 2004

Quote:Only an "idiot Moron" would say "idiot Moron."

Well, only an "idiot moron" would call someone an "idiot moron" for saying "idiot moron"!

News From the Goron Front - Dark Jaguar - 24th April 2004

Just wanted to point out there is no REAL phenomenon of spontaneous combustion. The human body IS capable of burning to dust, including the bones, without charring much except maybe blackening a nearby TV screen. It's the wic effect. Take a large pig (which has a similar fat ratio to humans... take that as you will...) and set it ablaze. It'll take a while to get it started, but eventually it'll start a slow gradual burn. It won't be enough to catch most surrounding things on fire, but it'll torch the pig and even turn the bones to dust. All that will be left are the parts that are too low in fat to catch. In humans, those are the hands and feet, just like most cases tend to have left. Essentially, a few experiments like this one have shown a very easy explanation for it, except the time scale. It takes about 5 hours or so to complete. However, most cases really offer no proof of it being instant. No one's around during these things (because, after all, if someone catches fire like this, and someone else IS around, they will PUT THE PERSON OUT). How does the person not fight back if it takes a while? Generally, they aren't in a condition to do so. They have either seized up in cardiac arrest or something else has them medically unable to do anything. A stray cig or fallen candle is all that's needed after that. All these things make it a rare occurance, but not so rare as to make it completely improbable. These cases are rare anyway. Consider this, if it really was a concern, at least one of the time it happened someone would have seen it. The only other logical explanation is an evil wizard is teleporting around zapping people for fun.

News From the Goron Front - A Black Falcon - 25th April 2004

Quote:Putting words in my mouth, Weltall. As far as we know, we are the highest intelligence; but the universe is unexplored, there could be highly developed aliens out there.

I would say it is likely, actually. Look at the animals on the Earth! Oh, sure, none of them come close to us in intelligence... but the most intelligent apes are as smart as very young children. That should say that we aren't necessarially the smartest possible creatures in the universe...

But God is a different issue. Weltall doesn't just want something smarter than us, he wants it to have influence on us as well... something smarter but far away and unconnected to us doesn't solve the "problem".

It doesn't answer that (self-centered, and, IMO, not too logical) point religious people seem to have about how how everything couldn't have gotten to how it is without aid... how the universe it ordered and created just right for us, or something like that. That, to me, sounds just like in the Middle Ages when they said how we were in the center of the universe! Clearly because we exist we are perfect, the epitome of development...

Seriously, how self-centered can you get? Okay, so the universe is governed by rules that allow life. Why? No one knows, I'll give you that much. But taking that farther, to saying that somehow some greater being not only created the universe but that we are so special that something HAS to have helped us along... sheer ego. Nothing more.

Quote:Nothing--nothing at all, it's stark, comparatively sad, and miserable. Thusly unpopular. But doing things because they're pleasant, if not true, is no reason to be done.

As I have said many times.

Quote:You're quite right again; life IS indeed pointless. Produce; spread your seed, and then die. Do you want to know why we have no point? Because we weren't designed; we evolved from the simplest organic compounds, without direction.

Most people just would not be able to cope if they believed that there is no greater purpose, I think... it is a depressing thought, for sure, but as you say... deluding yourself for the purpose of happiness... I don't know. I don't like it. Religious people do, obviously, but I'd rather stay in the real world.

Is it harmful (to believe)? If you keep it to yourself, no, not really. As I've said, there are definite benefits... the problem is that that's impossible, it seems. Belief breeds unthinking, and unthinking breeds hatred of other beliefs... a cycle that leads to endless religious conflict... and nice helpful people showing up on your doorstep every so often with the good news that you can be saved if you join now! :)

Quote:Soviet Russia quest to destroy religion was tyranical , They would grab hole families put them at gun point and say sign this papper stating that you dont believe in god and swear loyalty to the mother land, If they didnt want to give up their faith, They would take away their children and they would be orphaned and never see their parents again, The parents would be put away to siberia and they would be forced to work in a labour camp and have all their possesions ,families and freinds striped from them .Some would be even tortured to extract information. I studied all about this , Ive read and watched documentory films and books all about that. Some of the families never got to see each other untill 30 years after being seperated.

The Russian orthodox church was hard and trickier to break down, But those genius athiest had a wonderful idea , Lets replace christian orthodox traditions with communist party figures and engage in modern day Emperor worship, They had Lenin mummified and used him as the new Religion.So infact they tried to replace God with a Man.Russia became another example at how a dream of utopia can be twisted into horrible things.

The soviet union is history,Acording to bible chronology it was the king of the North after the Nazi reich as said in the book of Daneil (of course you have no idea what I am talking about )

The Soviet regime was tyrannical in every way. It was just a new dictatorship from a renamed Czar... same thing really, just new names. Oh, and even MORE killing their own people... the Soviets killed tens of millions of people inside its own borders! So it shouldn't exactly be surprising that they used force to try to stop religion... or that that approach didn't work.

The Nazis were probably more successful at subverting religion, I think. They didn't try to get rid of it but tried to change it for their own ends... and seemed to do pretty well at getting people to believe.

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 25th April 2004

Here, here.

News From the Goron Front - -iLluSiON- - 25th April 2004

Darunia Wrote:[asm]If you werent raised by intolerant parents you wouldnt be a devout ass hole.

Who are you to claim to know my parents!? My mother is the nicest, most understanding, soft-hearted woman in the world, you fucking cocksucker! You just can't stand to accept that an atheist was brought into this world without his parents being Nazis or Bolsheviks!

What?! Your mom claims that I'm a drugdealer because I wore a black shirt and have long hair! She made that assumption without even knowing me? What's that say, huh? HUH? HUH!?

News From the Goron Front - lazyfatbum - 25th April 2004


...yeah... Rofl

News From the Goron Front - Fittisize - 25th April 2004

Quote:Originally Posted by Darunia
[asm]If you werent raised by intolerant parents you wouldnt be a devout ass hole.

Who are you to claim to know my parents!? My mother is the nicest, most understanding, soft-hearted woman in the world, you fucking cocksucker! You just can't stand to accept that an atheist was brought into this world without his parents being Nazis or Bolsheviks!

I find it hard to accept that a Nazi was brought into this world without his parents being one.

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 26th April 2004

Fittsize; two points:

1.) To suggest that no nazi could be wrought unto this world without his parents being nazis is kindergarten-level stupidity. Hitler's parents weren't nazis. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

2.) You had better not be calling me or my parents nazis, Fittisize. I'm not fucking around with you. I hope I misinterpreted what you wrote.

News From the Goron Front - A Black Falcon - 26th April 2004

Quote:1.) To suggest that no nazi could be wrought unto this world without his parents being nazis is kindergarten-level stupidity. Hitler's parents weren't nazis. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The egg, as we now know. :)

But Darunia, it is true that it's more common for people to hold beliefs because their parents did... not always, sure, but more common.

Now I don't know about 'Nazi', but you're certainly racist...

News From the Goron Front - lazyfatbum - 26th April 2004

I think Hitler's parents were divorced or seperated.

Children are sponges and it's not just the parents that help form their minds. Kids who bring a gun to school usually bring their parent's gun, this is true. But it's not because dad brought his gun to work and killed people. It's because they have no idea how to cope. If people are making your life miserable, kill them, problem solved. Complete lack of understanding. So it's what the parents didn't teach their kids that becomes the problem. All of the mass murderers in history had middle-class lifestyles growing up and hard working parents... that usually ignored their kids. Columbine is a good example of this. The more you put in to the child, the more that child will be as an adult; lower-class parents who dont work very hard and show lack of moral fiber will usually raise a child who is pretty akin to that lifestyle but statistically, lower-class families usually have a higher bonding factor and a closer family in general. If the kid feels loved, there's no problem.

News From the Goron Front - Weltall - 26th April 2004

Maybe not Nazis in name, as they obviously did not exist. But Nazi thinking has been around forever. Hitler gave it an eternal name and refined it into something truly terrifying, but he didn't invent the concept, not by a country mile.

News From the Goron Front - Geno - 26th April 2004

I didn't mean that religious people fear death more than atheists. I meant that some people aren't as willing to accept the idea that there's nothing but eternal oblivion after death. Since we're all going to die, we should make the best of life and not worry heavily about death, and the idea that death is not the end keeps some people from falling into despair and thinking that everything they work for in life will be wasted.

No matter what path each of us chooses though, we should all look forward to more of our lives, not to death.

News From the Goron Front - Fittisize - 26th April 2004

Quote:Fittsize; two points:

1.) To suggest that no nazi could be wrought unto this world without his parents being nazis is kindergarten-level stupidity. Hitler's parents weren't nazis. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

2.) You had better not be calling me or my parents nazis, Fittisize. I'm not fucking around with you. I hope I misinterpreted what you wrote.

1-Allow me to restate: I find it hard to believe that a Nazi in this day and age could be brought into this world without his parents being one.

2-Seeing as how your italics really scared me, Adolf, I'll quote my original message:
Quote:I find it hard to accept that a Nazi was brought into this world without his parents being one.

Catch the words in bold? For the most part, you did misinterpret what I wrote. Your parents aren't Nazis but you are. You're about as much of a Nazi as nickdaddyg. Rolleyes Cool down, you overreacting, um, I dunno, adjectives escape me. What's wrong with being a Nazi, anyways?? You get to be German, rule a whole country, your boss may be subpar however, but you get to fight lots of wars. You love wars!

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 26th April 2004

1.) I don't particularly like Germans as far as that goes.

2.) I Downright hate Nazis.

3.) I love Israel, and root for them in all of their accomplishments.

4.) I am pro-France (Germany's rival).

5.) I am not truly a racist, I merely enjoy being liberal with how I speak. I do resent Mexicans, Portuguese people, Spaniards---for invading our country, and putting their languages on my ATMs and my stereo instructions. I dislike the Japanese for their atrocities in WWII. The same with the Germans. I would not say that I hate either of the nationalities as they are today. I play wargames online, and on the computer; and enjoy a Napoleonic-war-mongering flare when I post here, but I am staunchly against anything that would get anyone killed.

If I'm a fucking Nazi, you shitworm, you're a cocksucking Charles Manson fan. You outrage me more than OB1 did over his Star Wars debates, or LazyFatFuck did four years ago when I first came to Tendo City. We have differing opinions on politics and religion, so you call me a Nazi. How the fuck dare you call me that. You've never met me in real life, and you never will. I hate Nazis, and my grandfather killed the fucking bastards in the war. I neither support Nazis nor their beliefs, any of them. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I am not in any way German, nor even Scandinavian in ancestry. I hate Schroeder. Hitler was the criminal of the century, and we should've more rigorously persecuted everyone who war a gray uniform between 1939 and 1945.

If you have ANY dignity, I want an apology from you, Fittisize.

News From the Goron Front - Fittisize - 26th April 2004

1.) What the hell? Did you not notice the : Rolleyes? SARCASM, YOU STUPID GERMAN SOCIALIST FUCK.

2.)Apology? I got something better: I'll give you a cyber tea-bagging, and you can realize how much of an idiot you are being.

3.)*places nuts on Darunia's chin*

4.) Idiot.

News From the Goron Front - EdenMaster - 26th April 2004

Darunia Wrote:I am not truly a racist...I do resent Mexicans, Portuguese people, Spaniards...I dislike the Japanese...the same with the Germans.

You've contradicted yourself Darunia. Saying you hate certain peoples such as the ones you mentioned is indeed a racist comment. I don't blame you and I respect your reasoning behind your dislake of the Japanese and Germans, but don't you think you should leave the past in the past?

I'll admit I'm not crazy about getting instruction manuals with 100 pages with 5 in English, but that's part of what made the USA what it is today: The greatest nation on Earth.

News From the Goron Front - Fittisize - 26th April 2004

The greatest melting pot on Earth.

News From the Goron Front - Weltall - 26th April 2004

Wait a second. I agree with him on the illegal hispanics issue. It is a huge problem in America, and people do resent them with good reason: These people come into America, reap many benefits from the government, in some states getting free healthcare and education that most citizens can't get, but pay no taxes in return. They are moochers, they are ticks sucking out the hard earned money you and I make. If that isn't bad enough, the fact that we're becoming LESS of a melting pot is. If these people come to America, they should adapt OUR language. Instead, people are increasingly being forced to become bilingual, because these criminals won't even bother learning the language. Us, the people who are legal citizens and taxpayers, have to adapt to their needs. That is wrong, on many levels. The liberals of America tell us that we should provide for these people, and in what is probably the one policy I dislike most from the president, Bush essentially opens the floodgates for them. We need to start solving this problem. Either start getting them documented, or start cutting off every single bit of aid and start making them not want to come here illegally. It's too late to start sending them back, the least we could do is to do whatever it takes to keep them from coming still.

Is that racism? I don't think so. It's a Hispanic problem, this is a fact and it is not racism to state it. We don't have nearly so large an immigration problem with any other ethnic group.

News From the Goron Front - Undertow - 26th April 2004

Fittisize Wrote:1.) What the hell? Did you not notice the : Rolleyes? SARCASM, YOU STUPID GERMAN SOCIALIST FUCK.

I think the word you're looking for is "fascist".

News From the Goron Front - Great Rumbler - 26th April 2004

Quote:It is a huge problem in America, and people do resent them with good reason: These people come into America, reap many benefits from the government, in some states getting free healthcare and education that most citizens can't get, but pay no taxes in return. They are moochers, they are ticks sucking out the hard earned money you and I make. If that isn't bad enough, the fact that we're becoming LESS of a melting pot is. If these people come to America, they should adapt OUR language. Instead, people are increasingly being forced to become bilingual, because these criminals won't even bother learning the language. Us, the people who are legal citizens and taxpayers, have to adapt to their needs. That is wrong, on many levels. The liberals of America tell us that we should provide for these people, and in what is probably the one policy I dislike most from the president, Bush essentially opens the floodgates for them. We need to start solving this problem. Either start getting them documented, or start cutting off every single bit of aid and start making them not want to come here illegally. It's too late to start sending them back, the least we could do is to do whatever it takes to keep them from coming still.

I've got nothing against people from Mexico immigrating here legally, but when they start crossing the border in the middle of the night, illegally, by the thousands then there starts to be a problem.

News From the Goron Front - Fittisize - 26th April 2004

I have no problem with Mexicans coming to America.

Quote:Instead, people are increasingly being forced to become bilingual, because these criminals won't even bother learning the language.

THE language? There's more than one language on this Earth. Learn to speak two languages, adapt, become a better citizen as a result. You might even meet some new Hispanic friends if you learn to speak Spanish.

News From the Goron Front - Weltall - 26th April 2004

Fittisize Wrote:I have no problem with Mexicans coming to America.

THE language? There's more than one language on this Earth. Learn to speak two languages, adapt, become a better citizen as a result. You might even meet some new Hispanic friends if you learn to speak Spanish.

Yes, THE language. As in, the one most LEGAL Americans speak.

Anyway, I believe the immigrants should learn our language, not the other way around. I can learn another language for fun or for whatever, but I shouldn't be forced to do so to communicate with people within my own country.

News From the Goron Front - -iLluSiON- - 26th April 2004

Fittsize may have never met you... but I have! MUAHAHAHA!

Darunia is somewhat of a racist. Loving Israel!? What's this about? Last I knew you told me that we should invade Israel for being in the Middle East!!

All in all, I think it's about time that the Darunia mocking stops. yes, I just did it above... but there's so much stuff said on this board that doesn't make sense from what I've heard or seen.
He has a very short temper (I'm sure you've noticed)... and will probably go insane if it persists. Thank you and goodnight.

News From the Goron Front - Filmmaker1237 - 26th April 2004

First off, I am laughing at what Illusion said becuase I know him and Darunia, and the whole thing is funny. However, I think we owe Darunia some respect for being pretty damn open about what he thinks about certain peoples, even if we dont agree. As for his atheism and stuff, him and Illusion are atheists, im Christian, and we all get along, so...all i hafta say is "kevin bowlby"

News From the Goron Front - Filmmaker1237 - 26th April 2004

and also stop mocking darunia, i agree..you guys dont really know him, so...he does have low self esteem and he does have a short temper, so please try and respect that

News From the Goron Front - Dark Jaguar - 26th April 2004

While peopel who are CURRENTLY doing bad things, like illegal immigrants, are one thing Darunia, why do you dislike current day Japan and Germany for the past? The current generation had NOTHING to do with the war! You are WRONG to dislike them because of their ancestors. Dislike them if you want, but not their children! Would you arrest a child because their father killed someone? No you would not, nor would you find the child in any way responsible or be able to dislike them. THAT is what you are doing here.

News From the Goron Front - lazyfatbum - 26th April 2004

Hey look, Filmmaker1237 is Darunia's dad. Or mom... or both. But anyway, we're sorry Darunia's parents; we didn't mean to offend the small minded piece of shit oxygen thieving wormy bastard fucktard ignorant waste of skin. He knows we love him*.

*(Love is a registered trademark of Emotional balances and Nervous Systems Inc. in distribution with Pheromones Systems International and is used with explicit permission. Love may or may not be real or sincere and should be taken moderately with caution. Not responsible for lost or misplaced heart strings or dignity, if cross breeding occurs, flush orifices immediately and consult your local Hallmark shop. Residents in Canada must stop breeding, all rights reserved 2004 Love™ Relationship© and Heart Icon owned by Human Societal needs for more information please visit http://www.fuckfest.org - Thank you for referring to Love, and btw Darunia; We all think very low of you. I'm dead serious. Fuck you in your asshole, dweeb)

News From the Goron Front - Geno - 27th April 2004

I don't know much about Germany, but I like what Japan has become today. But yes, I do hate what they were 60 years ago.

And yes, the illegal Mexican immigrant problem needs to stop. I'm learning Spanish just for the fun of having a second language, not to communicate with foreigners in my country. You don't see me going to Mexico and demanding that everyone learn English for me, do you?

As for instructions, I just look at the pictures. The English instructions are short and uninformative and the rest is French and Spanish.

News From the Goron Front - Filmmaker1237 - 27th April 2004

lazyfatbum - you are a jerkoff piece of shit - shut the fuck up

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 27th April 2004

Fittisize, Words cannot describe your stupidity. You're big-headed, arrogant, and downright fucking rude. I wanted an apology because you called me one of the most evil people ever born (a Nazi,) which is horribly out of line. Politicians' careers are lost over much less than that. You swore and called me a Nazi again in reply. I have nothing more to ever say to you. You are the worst person I know, in person or online, and I hate you.

You've contradicted yourself Darunia. Saying you hate certain peoples such as the ones you mentioned is indeed a racist comment. I don't blame you and I respect your reasoning behind your dislake of the Japanese and Germans, but don't you think you should leave the past in the past?

Aye; but note how I worded it: Dislike as opposed to hate. I was sure to word it as such. I hate German of WWII, and I hate the Imperial Japanese army for there part too. I DISLIKE contemporary Japan for the trade deficit; that's all. I dislike contemporary Germany for its anti-American status in Iraq; just as well as I dislike countries that I traditionall like, as in France and Russia, as well. I do note hate any nationalities on this Earth; only Fittisize, who in my opinion casts a very bad image on Canada as well. Between his callous rudeness and ignorance, and ASM's inability to form the simplest spelling or sentence in English or even French, well---

I'll admit I'm not crazy about getting instruction manuals with 100 pages with 5 in English, but that's part of what made the USA what it is today: The greatest nation on Earth.

We are the greatest nation on Earth for our openness, and how we help other countries. We are free and tolerant. Yes, we are made from immigrants---immigrants who came to America 100 years ago, and blended in. They learned English. You speak of a mixing pot---a mixing pot is when the added elements (i.e. immigrants) blend to become part of the whole---THEY'RE NOT BLENDING! They're refusing to blend, because liberals say they don't have to. To BLEND in the "american mixing/blending pot", you have to try and fit in. Thusly, we are not a mixing pot anymore, but a pot of differement ingredients that twirl around, separately; like grease and water...or alcohol...yes, thats it; grease, water and alcohol. Because they don't mix, you see? A clever analogy.

[fittisize]THE language? There's more than one language on this Earth. Learn to speak two languages, adapt, become a better citizen as a result. You might even meet some new Hispanic friends if you learn to speak Spanish.

Oh my fucking GOD! There are more than one language on this Earth, but not in this country! You learn to speak two languages when you go somewhere; not when they come to you. They choose to come to us; THEY should try and fit in! We shouldn't contour to them, going out of our way to make them feel at home. I'll meet some "Hispanic friends", as you called them you lameass pussy Barney liberal, when they become "American friends" by joining our community and learning English.

At this time, for the sake of the religious argument, I would like to cite that the smartest person ever to grace this planet was an atheist, and held religious people in poor esteem: ( http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/science/04/27/bc.einsteininsights.ap/index.html )
...Besides his politics, Fantova wrote of Einstein's popularity and how he tried to write back to strangers, some of whom tried to convert him to Christianity. He said, "All the maniacs in the world write to me," she wrote.

News From the Goron Front - Geno - 27th April 2004

It's funny... Mexicans come to the US because they don't like the way Mexico is, then they try to make the US more like Mexico. Erm

News From the Goron Front - lazyfatbum - 27th April 2004

filmmaker1237 -

News From the Goron Front - -iLluSiON- - 27th April 2004

Darunia, you have to stop the liberal bashing. You can't go blaming everything on the liberals. That's just not how it works. If you were a politician, you would have been assassinated by now. Instead of blaming other people with your petty generalizations (as you do in real life too), why not open up to things and accept them? After all, didn't you agree with me last week that political parties are irrelevant now? I remember IMing you telling you that I really don't care for political parties.

illusion (5:45:44 PM): i side with jesse ventura
darunia (5:45:46 PM): oh.
darunia (5:45:48 PM): hehehe.
illusion (5:45:53 PM): he's goign to run for president next time around
llusion (5:45:58 PM): with no political designation
darunia (5:46:27 PM): he has no hope then.
darunia (5:46:31 PM): just like nader
illusion (5:46:41 PM): still makes a point though
darunia (5:46:47 PM): a vain point.
illusion (5:46:48 PM): it's such a political war within the country
illusion (5:46:54 PM): the forefathers didn't want it like that
illusion (5:47:32 PM): whenever someone wants to speak out AGAINST the other party's propoganda acts, they're just propogating their own side
darunia (5:47:57 PM): very true.
darunia (5:48:07 PM): i'm not sure if we should even have parties.
illusion (5:48:13 PM): i don't think we should

With that being said, please do not say things like "you lameass pussy Barney liberal".

And about the whole melting pot thing... it's called cultural pride. The 'hispanics' and any other culture in America is proud about their heritage. Do you expect people of different backgrounds to blend in immediatley and forget where they came from? We can't force them to speak English. If they choose not to or if they aren't educated to speak English then that is their problem. Our society is driven by the English language and has dozens of cultures inside it. It would be impossible to have a country of our size and mixture to have everyone speak the same langauge... even if it's the set language. It's just not going to happen. I'd like to see YOU change it if you're so for it.

I haven't posted on this forum in a while but I had to come back when I heard you were causing yet another squabble. How come these little things follow you around? Have you not learned? It's almost like you have a stick in your ass sometimes...

News From the Goron Front - Geno - 27th April 2004

I have nothing against anyone speaking a non-English language in the United States, but anyone who comes here needs to learn how to communicate with the citizens in their own language. At home, they can speak Latin for all I care. I just don't want to have to learn another language in order to purchase fast food in my own country.

News From the Goron Front - Filmmaker1237 - 27th April 2004

I agree. Even if you have to learn friggin American sign language, I'd like you to know that "no lettuce" means exactly that.

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 27th April 2004

He IS a liberal! I hate him for his pro-Spanish stance, anti-English stance, and for being a goddamn cocksucker! Oh--did I just say cocksucker? Now am I going to get a spiel about how I should't call him a cocksucker?

If you suck cocks, you're a cocksucker!

If you drive a car, you're a car driver!

If you run around, you're a runner!

If you want your fucking ATMs in Espagnol, your murderers and criminals out of jail, if you want your babies dead rather than inconvenience their mothers, if you want Canada and Germany telling us how to run our coUntry, AND if you want every single fucking ethnicity BUT YOUR OWN to get into your local schools....YOU'RE A FUCKING LIBERAL!

News From the Goron Front - A Black Falcon - 27th April 2004

They will eventually learn more English and become more like the rest of the Americans. Like every other immigrant group that has ever come to the US, they will eventually. It'll just take a few generations... and given modern times I'd expect them to keep a definite sense of a different identity. But they will know English. You just can't expect first generation immigrants to do that! Second generation you could think should be more bilingual, and each generation after more English-speaking, but it isn't an instant process and it can't be.

Oh, and without immigrants the US would be nothing. A continual flow of immigrants is a huge part of what keeps our nation running. They do the bad jobs no one else wants, after all... you don't notice because here it's normal for us to have immigrants but in other countries, the lack of them is causing major, major problems. Just look at Spain, Italy, Denmark, Japan, etc... all those nations that have aging, shrinking populations and dropping birthrates but severely restrict immigration in an attempt to keep ethnic purity... foolish and shortsighted in both the short and long runs. America's policy of allowing immigrants is why we are great.

And, this is key, NOT just European immigrants from 100 years ago and more! Did you know that immigration is the reason that our population is growing? Without it, the US would be dropping just like those European nations (and Japan) I mentioned before. A dropping population causes problems, especially when coupled with more old people... it's becoming very serious in Europe. So few paying in to the healthcare systems and so many taking out! Immigration helps solve that, for one, as well as filling in many jobs that no one else really wants... fear for the recent immigrant group is a very old thing, but misguided.

Oh, and if you want to see how long-term I'm talking about here, did you know why the US Constitution doesn't have a clause saying "English is the official language"? It's because of the Pennsylvania "Dutch" (they're actually Germans, but the German word for "German" sounds a lot like 'Dutch'... Deutch, I think... or close to that...), mostly. As well as other groups like the Dutch (real Dutch that time. :D) in New York. By the 1790s they weren't speaking English yet, and there were a lot of them so a official language was intentionally left out. And it was a very, very good idea.

News From the Goron Front - Filmmaker1237 - 27th April 2004

lazyfatbum=ass clown