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Knights of the Old Republic - A Black Falcon - 18th July 2003

Quote:It's a lot like BG, but with only three people per party instead of six. It's easily the best battle system I've used in an RPG before.

I bet I'll still like BG more. More characters is better, after all... and somehow I doubt this game is half as long as BG games are. BG2 especially is absurdly long...

Knights of the Old Republic - OB1 - 18th July 2003

I like it a lot more than BG I or II.

Knights of the Old Republic - A Black Falcon - 18th July 2003

That's just your D&D-hate talking. BG1 and 2 are REALLY good games... not quite as good as Torment, but REALLY good.

Knights of the Old Republic - OB1 - 18th July 2003

Sure I hate the look of the games, but they're still fine RPGs.

One thing that I'm dissapointed with KOTOR is how linear the game is and how small the areas are. I was expecting something closer to Morrowind, where I'd be able to travel wherever I want to, whenever (almost) I want to, but that's not the case. And the areas are pretty small, definitely not as big as some screenshots made me think they were. There are some really nice-looking environments but they're not very big. I was hoping that I'd be able to walk around mountains and huge areas with great draw distances. I guess I'll have Fable for that (I hope).

But ah well, it's still a really fantastic game.

Knights of the Old Republic - A Black Falcon - 18th July 2003

BG games have fair amounts of territory to cover, but not huge, huge amounts. In BG1 you do spend a lot of time wandering around the wilderness, but in BG2 they tighten up the zones a lot... that's how the game is almost twice as long but actually has the same to fewer zones in the game -- less pointless wilderness... and you always have a place to do, and of course parts of the world are off limits until you get new skills. But it doesn't make you go there NOW -- you'll have to do all the main story elements in specific places in order, like usual, but there are lots of sidequests too...

Torment works differently -- the first half of the game is almost all sidequests. There are a few required quests in the first half of the game, but its a VERY few. It is so open and you can do so many varied quests... its really great. The second half is a lot more linear (with more combat, too), but that's okay because while it loses much of the open-endedness the story works perfectly with the game as it is. Storywise the second half wouldn't make much sense and would have to be very significantly larger and longer to be as open-ended as the first half... and they were trying to keep the game from being too long. So it is kind of odd that halfway through you get this path to follow, but IMO anyway it works great.

Oh... and how small is small? I know that comparing a 2d game to a 3d game is hard, but how would they compare to the size of BG zones? Or is that really not a valid comparison?

Knights of the Old Republic - OB1 - 18th July 2003

All of the areas put together are supposed to be a lot bigger than Morrowind's island, or so I heard. Each "zone" is comparable to most 3D games. I guess you could compare it to OoT's areas (the outdoor ones), although they're not that small. I'm only on the second planet though so it's difficult to judge it right now.

Knights of the Old Republic - A Black Falcon - 18th July 2003

Ah... not that bad then, but its just linear. Oh well, I don't really mind linearity in games.

Knights of the Old Republic - Great Rumbler - 18th July 2003

Yes! I finally got KOTOR!! But now I have to wait until my brother is done playing it! :(

KOTOR seems to be a very popular game. One place I went to got 10 copies in yesterday which sold out in an hour and 15 copies today which sold out in 30 minutes. Crazy.

Knights of the Old Republic - Great Rumbler - 19th July 2003

KOTOR is awesome. Very awesome. So far I've played it for nearly 4 hours and everything about it is awesome. That's really all I can say about it...

Knights of the Old Republic - OB1 - 19th July 2003

It becomes pretty non-linear once you get off the second planet in the game, then you can travel to several different planets and do things in just about any order.

Knights of the Old Republic - Darunia - 19th July 2003

That looks cool, but few things can match the awesomeness of STAR WARS GALAXIES! Hasn't anyone else here played it? I can't run it on my computer owing to my shitty modem, but I play it over my friend's...and every time I play it through to 9:00am! It's amazing!!

Knights of the Old Republic - A Black Falcon - 20th July 2003

I've heard Galaxies is, so far, lackluster... while KOTOR is great.

Knights of the Old Republic - OB1 - 20th July 2003

Well Galaxies will probably be good in about eight months when stupid-ass Sony puts in all of the stuff that was supposed to be there at launch, such as vehicles, homes, etc. They took out a lot of cool stuff just so that it woul make the June release date. The combat in the game sucks pretty badly, but I would love to go around and visit all of those worlds from Star Wars. However, there's no way I'm gonna pay $15 a month for a game.

Knights of the Old Republic - A Black Falcon - 20th July 2003

Yeah, the way they released it half done is very, very dissapointing. I was hoping it'd be a great game... it very clearly is not the way it is. Its just a average MMORPG, with Star Wars. :(

Knights of the Old Republic - OB1 - 20th July 2003

It may be unfinished, but I have heard that it's extremely addictive.

And after over 21 hours of playing KOTOR I think it's safe to say that this is by far the best Star Wars game I've ever played, and probably the best RPG I've ever played. It's crazy good.

Knights of the Old Republic - Great Rumbler - 20th July 2003

I've logged in about 11 hours and my brother has played it for about the same. As I said before, this is a very fun game.

My character has dual lightsabers. It's totally awesome.

Knights of the Old Republic - OB1 - 23rd July 2003

By the way, HK-47 is the funniest character in Star Wars history. I love that droid.

Knights of the Old Republic - Great Rumbler - 23rd July 2003

Yeah, he's so awesome! Well worth the 4000 credits I had to shell out for him!

I totally didn't see the one plot twist coming! C-RAZY!

Knights of the Old Republic - OB1 - 23rd July 2003

Haha, I got him for free by threatening to kill the shop owner. :evilha:

Knights of the Old Republic - Great Rumbler - 25th July 2003

I just beat KOTOR today! I've only had it for a week and I've already beat, I think that's a record for me. I just coulnd't stop playing it until I got to the end.

My totat logged time is about 25 hours.

Knights of the Old Republic - OB1 - 25th July 2003

Damn, did you do any sidequests? And did you get to the Unknown World?

Knights of the Old Republic - Great Rumbler - 25th July 2003

Actually I did a lot of sidequests.

And, no, I didn't find the Unknown World.

Knights of the Old Republic - Dark Jaguar - 25th July 2003

Remember, in order to use spoiler tags, merely type [ spoiler] and finish with [ /spoiler ] , but no spaces.

Knights of the Old Republic - OB1 - 25th July 2003

You missed a whole planet!

Knights of the Old Republic - Great Rumbler - 25th July 2003

Knights of the Old Republic - OB1 - 25th July 2003

Knights of the Old Republic - Great Rumbler - 25th July 2003

Knights of the Old Republic - OB1 - 26th July 2003

I was told by some people at the Bioware forum that you didn't have to go there.

Knights of the Old Republic - Great Rumbler - 26th July 2003