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Zelda news! - OB1 - 28th May 2003

Now if he really is The Biggah, which one is he? The one that ran away crying because he kept on losing arguments with everyone, or the imposter? Or was it the imposter that ran away crying? I forgot.

Zelda news! - EdenMaster - 28th May 2003

I'm a bit skeptical though. Ol' Biggah left us under no-so-rosy terms, even vowing never to use the name again, even shutting down his email address with included TheBiggah. Seems odd that after that much anger and such extreme circumstances, he'd use that little "-TheBiggah-" thing at the end of his post. Perhaps CD here has been rummaging through the older posts and found some of Biggahs stuff and decided they had a lot in common :).

NAH! He's TheBiggah!

Zelda news! - EdenMaster - 28th May 2003

Quote:Originally posted by OB1
Now if he really is The Biggah, which one is he? The one that ran away crying because he kept on losing arguments with everyone, or the imposter? Or was it the imposter that ran away crying? I forgot.

Actually he ran away crying because we put a Pikmin in his avatar (remember our little post count Pikmin? He didn't like the idea).

Zelda news! - EdenMaster - 28th May 2003

Anyone remember this :D

Quote:Originally posted by Great Rumbler
I wonder what The_Biggah would think...

*screen wavers*

The_Biggah: I think it sucks!! And do you know why? Becuase it has to do with Nintendo! And everyone who is smart knows that Nintendo is stupid and have no idea what they are doing and the Gamecube sucks, becuase it doesn't have Halo! If I was a hundred foot beast I would swim across the ocean and stop all over Nintendo's headquarters, but since I'm only average size I'll just have to settle with smashing a Gamecube!!! *proceeds to curse like a sailor and smash a GC* :cuss:

GC goes into Human Elimination Mode :evilcube:

The_Biggah: Holy mother of pearl!!! Eek

*screen wavers*

Hmm...not exactly what I was expecting. I wonder if I should maybe call an ambulance or something...

Zelda news! - OB1 - 28th May 2003

TC crashed so many times that it would be damn near impossible to find any of The Biggah's old posts.

But is CD really The Biggah? Let's see... both of them like that overrated POS Halo more than anything else, both of them are very immature, and uh... both of them are really bad at arguing. Hmm... but was The Biggah a homophobe?

Zelda news! - EdenMaster - 28th May 2003

Well, as much as I can remember about him, he hated anyone who was at all different from himself, so I guess so.

Zelda news! - OB1 - 28th May 2003

The funniest part about all this is that he's been trying to convince everyone that he's married and has a baby. Unless he's just some 16-year old that knocked up a girl and was forced to live in a trailer park, I don't believe him one bit.

Zelda news! - Great Rumbler - 28th May 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Darunia
I gave you your cherished buddy icon, Jellybean...and THIS is how you repay me! With this sarcastic treachery! Le trahison sarcastique!

Sorry, but rule #359 of "Backstabbing 101" clearly states that it isn't treachery if the other person deserved it. :)

Quote:Anyone remember this

I do!!

I'm kind of skeptical as to wether CD is really TheBiggah. As far as I know no one besides ABF has any contact with him and that was only in Starcraft/Warcraft 3.

Zelda news! - OB1 - 28th May 2003

How does he know about Biggah though?

Zelda news! - Great Rumbler - 28th May 2003

Hmm...there is that.

But why blatantly advertise the fact that he is TheBiggah for no apparent reason?

Zelda news! - OB1 - 28th May 2003

I have no clue.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 28th May 2003

If that's him I'd have expected him to say something to me about it before. He hasn't said anything about posting here since last spring. So I doubt it.

Anyway I thought he was trying to abandon that name oh, 6 months ago... he doesn't use it anywhere anymore as far as I know...

Oh, and we've mentioned him enough for this guy to get the idea who he is, I think...

And TheBiggah liked Rare. And Blizzard. :)

Zelda news! - Darunia - 28th May 2003

That was...nothing short of incredible...I respond to the new Zelda title with enthusiastic optimism, saying I look forward to it...and then I smugly chuckle and hope there won't be as many moblins. Within seconds, everyone reads it, but sees "MOBLINS MOBLINS MOBLINS MOBLINS TOO MANY; WIND WAKER SUCKS", and now...you've done it so well, I forgot what I really even said. I think this calls for a general state of war to be declared.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 28th May 2003


It sounded like that's what you meant. :)

Zelda news! - EdenMaster - 28th May 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Darunia
*Walk down a hallway, kill 10 moblins. Go up a ladder, four more moblins; smash a pot, find another one. Turn left, through the door... only three moblins in here. Fight the boss, then kill 12 more moblins, and exit temple.*

I don't care what you say, in no modern Zelda game have they so tactlessly done that. Using those little bats a lot in OoT is different; they're just little bats...but using big, identical moblins so goddamn often was just tasteless.

What part of that do you consider as a "smug chuckle"?

Zelda news! - Great Rumbler - 28th May 2003

And the hole is dug even deeper...

Zelda news! - OB1 - 28th May 2003

Poor, sad Darunia.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 28th May 2003

Poor, sad Great Rumbler. HE misspelled "hole"...

Zelda news! - Darunia - 29th May 2003

*Sigh*. Of course; I see your strategy now. I tell you that my first post was a cheerful, happy-to-see-new-Zelda one...so, to disprove me, you read one of the other posts.

Quote: Awesome...another Zelda, and just a year later too. I just hope they won't put Moblins in every fucking dungeon again...man was that lame.

That tiny tail end about Moblins started all this. From that, you gather that I hate Wind Waker. You dragged it out and long, and then I got mad, saying MOBLINS MOBLINS EVERYWHERE. For shame. If I see a single reply to this that refers to me or my stance in anything less than saintly virtue... it'll mean war.

Zelda news! - Great Rumbler - 29th May 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Darunia
*Sigh*. Of course; I see your strategy now. I tell you that my first post was a cheerful, happy-to-see-new-Zelda one...so, to disprove me, you read one of the other posts.

That tiny tail end about Moblins started all this. From that, you gather that I hate Wind Waker. You dragged it out and long, and then I got mad, saying MOBLINS MOBLINS EVERYWHERE. For shame. If I see a single reply to this that refers to me or my stance in anything less than saintly virtue... it'll mean war.

Should I? But, really, is there anyway after a post like that that I could stop myself from doing it even if I wanted to?





You dug the "HOLE" [that's for ABF ;)] yourself and getting mad at everyone isn't going to get you out of it. We all know that you HATED Wind Waker becuase of all the MOBLINS, but really there isn't any reason to keep going on about it so much. Just chill, dude. Cool



*puts on bulletproof bodyarmor*

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 29th May 2003



Zelda news! - Great Rumbler - 29th May 2003

Quote:Originally posted by CartoonDevil



Zelda news! - Darunia - 29th May 2003

Dude, don't you be telling me what I like and don't like. I was very disappointed in Wind Waker...it had lousy dungeons, and the enemies were too repetitive. On the whole, I liked it. I'm not being this forum's punching bag because I refuse to conform to the "Zelda is perfect" mentality.

*Declares Formal state of war*

*Assembles elements of the 2nd Goron Expeditionary Battalion; as well as the 10th and 18th auxiliar Goron Artillery brigade. This, totalling 50,100 troops, marches on Tendo City within hours.*

*Goron forces demand immediate apology and reparations from Great Rumbler, OB1 and ABD. ABD surrenders himself and is taken away in irons. Great Rumbler is captured trying to flee, and is likewise taken away at gunpoint. OB1 is captured, disembowled, drawn, quartered, beaten, stretched, racked, burnt, scalped and then forced to sit in the comfy chair.*

*End War*

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 29th May 2003

*spelling police arrest head Goron for chronic misspelling*

*army dissolves in confusion*

Now where were we... oh yes.

Your fixation on hating the game because of Moblins is strange.

Was it the best Zelda game ever? No way. It has problems... but using THAT as its main one? How strange...

Zelda news! - OB1 - 29th May 2003

Which Zelda game is your favorite? WW is mine, followed closely by LttP and then OoT. WW would be way ahead of LttP if it weren't for the low damage you took, but everything else about it made up for it, IMO (which is the best opinion, BTW :p ). It has the best combat system of any Zelda game, the greatest feeling of adventure, the most immersion, best graphics (not as important as the other points, but still important), best story (by faaar), and the best portrayal of all the main characters. The dungeons weren't the best in the series (LttP takes that crown), but they were still solid.

And yes we already know why some of you (babies) dislike WW so much, so that's not what I'm asking. I just want to know which Zelda game is your favorite and why.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 30th May 2003

Me? OoT, then LA and LttP... after that its hard. OoA, LoZ, and WW are all good... with OoS only being ahead of AoL and MM. :)

Hmm... why. It was just such an amazing game... sure, it was drastically different from what I'd played before of the series (LA and some of LoZ), but for the most part the changes were good... but its the best just because of the feeling I had while playing it... like it was just so amazing. Not graphic detail -- I've always had ... issues ... with the texture quality (since I got it in late '99, I'd played lots of better graphics games on PC...) -- but ... I don't know. It was just so great. The world was very, very cool and I loved the style of the game... brilliant. Its just so much fun to go around in that world... and it doesn't hurt that there's also a great game to play too. :)

About all I wish it had was a real overworld that had puzzles and challenges in it like the 2d games... the overworld was big, but so empty... oh well. It was still great.

Zelda news! - EdenMaster - 30th May 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Darunia
Dude, don't you be telling me what I like and don't like. I was very disappointed in Wind Waker...it had lousy dungeons, and the enemies were too repetitive. On the whole, I liked it. I'm not being this forum's punching bag because I refuse to conform to the "Zelda is perfect" mentality.

We're not making you our punching bag for not thinking WW is perfect. It wasn't. We're getting on your case for what odd flaws you found in it. Dungeons, yeah, they were a bit lacking, but hating it because of too many Moblins? Get a life.

Zelda news! - Great Rumbler - 30th May 2003

Quote:Originally posted by Darunia
Dude, don't you be telling me what I like and don't like. I was very disappointed in Wind Waker...it had lousy dungeons, and the enemies were too repetitive. On the whole, I liked it. I'm not being this forum's punching bag because I refuse to conform to the "Zelda is perfect" mentality.

I really hope you noticed my use of sarcasm because there was quite a bit of it and I thought that it was very blatant...MOBLINS!!!!!

Zelda news! - Darunia - 30th May 2003

Chronic misspelling...? That's a gross exaggeration...I'm an excellent speller. As for the issue of there being nothing but Moblins, though I do make it out to be a bigger case than you do, I actually feel that the sucky ending and the lousy dungeons were bigger issues.

My favorite is either OoT or WW...(go figure)...probably OoT, due to it's saturation in good nostalgia.

Zelda news! - OB1 - 30th May 2003

Waitaminute... all this time you've been complaining about how much you hate WW, and now you say that you only like OoT more because of nostalgia??!


Zelda news! - Darunia - 30th May 2003

I said I only prefer it over the excellent MM because it has the advantage of nostalgia. Stop looking for trouble. Rolleyes

Zelda news! - Great Rumbler - 30th May 2003

Quote:My favorite is either OoT or WW...(go figure)...probably OoT, due to it's saturation in good nostalgia.

I don't see anything about Majora's Mask in that statement.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 30th May 2003

Darunia's excellent spelling strikes again!

And there are plenty of reasons other than nostalgia and remembering how cool it was that I like OoT... though I will certainly admit that those are some pretty major ones. :)

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 30th May 2003

Favorite Zelda...

Hard to say really... For naustalgia, Zelda 1 of course is my fave. My favorite 2D outside that goes to Link's Awakening. Had I played LTTP before any other Zelda like LL, I'm sure that would end up being my fave, it's very close even without being the first Zelda I played, but in the end the awesome item combining system plus the very cool dungeon layout, the 20 or so forms of the final boss, and to top it all off the confusing yet cool story really did the trick in making that a fave. As a result I ended up getting DX even though I had the original twice over (counting the first copy that was stolen, which I do, since it's obviously still mine even if someone did steal it), and loved the additions to that as well. The Oracle games were also very nice, and out of those I have no set favorite (nor did I notice one favoring combat while the other favored puzzles, as I kinda sensed they had a decent balance), but in the end I wasn't nearly as obsessed with those as I was with LA, so LA wins.

For 3D (and due to the difference in the way they play, I rate them seperatly, plus it's a cop-out of having to give an actual opinion :D), I think I pick OOT. It's very close though. MM was just so well done that it's like RIGHT there in my opinion, but in the end OOT just beat it for me. Plus, they ended up releasing new dungeons for it and gave it away for free with Wind Waker, making me fall in love all over again with one of the best transitions to 3D ever. Wind Waker is also a very awesome game, but it just kinda fell short in the end compaired to OOT if you ask me. Um, that pun wasn't intended at all, though now that I realize it I don't intend to change how that last sentence was phrased. All 3 3D Zeldas have awesome story to them, though OOT is a bit more subtle and hinty about the depth of the story than WW or MM (I think it's very obvious what the inside of the moon is supposed to represent myself), so with them pretty much tieing as far as story, I went with sheer gaming goodness to decide.

As far as Zelda platformer/RPG/action/adventure games, the winner has to be Adventure of Link, because that's the only one of those kind of Zelda games :D. Sure it's different, but it was a good kind of different that was VERY fun indeed and presented great challenge. The only "fix" would be replacing experience points with specific challenges you need to do to attain strength, but since gaining experience isn't something I hate or enjoy per say, that's not really a problem, just something I would have enjoyed seeing a more Zelda-esqu twist on.

Hmm, now comes the tricky part... Which of all these do I like the most? Zelda 1 was the first, Zelda 2 was most different... I have played those more than any others, but likely that's due to them coming out first anyway so that doesn't count. Hmm... Then comes LA vs OOT... Again, so hard to decide because they are both such perfectly designed games within their own format... Any other combination has the same problem... Well then, I guess I have to live with having 4 favorite Zelda games, which no matter how I think of it I can't find a single flaw in doing :D.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 30th May 2003

Yes, big copout there DJ... four categories? Heh...

And I agree, LttP isn't as good as LA... though its not a popular opinion, really... since LttP seems to be the choice of most as the best 2d Zelda. And its great... but I just liked LA more. In interface, game world, story, and graphics.

And LA is better than LADX. Well not really... but I don't have DX so I'll say it anyway. Why? Well its not as brightly colored (everything is shades of red...) -- which can be good. I saw DX and thought that all those brightly colored roofs looked so odd... :) Oh, and its harder in some ways (it doesn't have all of DX's extra hints, or those other suits that make you more powerful), and easier in others (the stone statues that are alive are in a handy shade of green while immobile). All of those are good things. :)

Though I will admit the picture collecting and extra dungeon are cool.

Oh, Bomb-Arrows ROCK! They show how nice that item system is... much better than LttP's...

As for Oracles, Ages is way better... it was just so much more fun! And I liked how it was more puzzle-focused (as opposed to action-oriented Seasons).

Zelda news! - OB1 - 30th May 2003

I hold LA more close to my heart than any other Zelda game because of nostalgic reasons and the wonderful memories I have associated with it (mainly the incredible seaside vacations in Croatia), but I do prefer WW and ALttP over it.

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 31st May 2003

Um, ABF, you should actually PLAY DX before labelling it as worse, especially since the gameplay is identical.

First off, you can easily miss the tunics without even trying and just play to the end without them.

Second off, that color change making some enemies more apparent? That's only when you play the original on a GBC, which tells me you just tested that to see what colors would look like! That happens because the colorization method is in fact very simplistic on the GBC for GB games, just giving different "layers" of sprites varying colors. In the actual DX game, you can't tell via color. The colors also look pretty great. Everything is colored pretty much the same as in LTTP, and in fact many of the graphics are replaced to give a nicer look, like the grass tiles. If you want the original graphics, just play it in GB mode (using a GB or Super Game Boy for instance) and everything is in black and white using the old graphics. So, the colors are no reason to complain.

Third, what's with "all those extra hints" you keep talking about? They really didn't add much at all! They changed a few phrases here and there (kinda stupid changes if you ask me, like when the genie makes it more apparent on how to defeat it, when the first way it was said in the original pretty much told you what to do anyway pretty clearly), but that's it.

I think you are TRYING to find problems where none exist to justify not getting the DX version :D. I'm in your mind, ya can't deal with it can ya? I mean, you can COMPLETELY avoid the tunic without even trying (since you REALLY have to go out of your way to find the extra dungeon), so that's irrelevent, and the graphics don't make anything easier (like I said, that apparentness is only there if you play the original version on a GBC, which is totally different then actually playing DX, which is FULL color and actually designed for the GBC), and the text isn't really that different, so I see no reason to go around saying "it's worse" when you have never even played through it.

Copout eh? Well so be it. As I said, why should I HAVE to pick one?

As I said though, I couldn't see any change in focus between Seasons and Ages, both had puzzles and both had fighting. I think you read some reviews and got brainwashed, thus doing the classic counting only of the hits and not the misses to proove yourself right.

And now, I'll step out.

Zelda news! - CartoonDevil - 31st May 2003

In Link's Awakening DX, they put a few keys in easier to find chests. And those Owl statues told you the answers to puzzles before you even found the puzzle.

That 'extra' dungeon lasted about 15 minutes (to both figure out where it was located, and solve it).

DX was way too easy.

Give me the original, or give me death.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 31st May 2003

Yup. DJ, I didn't say that there weren't some cool extra features. The extra dungeon was a nice addition. Too easy and short, but a nice addition. The counter that shows how many heart pieces you have is a very nice thing to have in the interface too. And the pictures to find is a nice thing to keep you playing. Nice additions. But as CartoonDevil said, its too easy!

Quote:Third, what's with "all those extra hints" you keep talking about? They really didn't add much at all! They changed a few phrases here and there (kinda stupid changes if you ask me, like when the genie makes it more apparent on how to defeat it, when the first way it was said in the original pretty much told you what to do anyway pretty clearly), but that's it.

In LA, every dungeon has several stone tablets, sure, but they all say the same hint. In DX, there are more of them (now owl statues and a beak instead of a shard) and each one has a different hint. That significantly decreases dungeon difficulty -- which is a BAD thing! I don't want a lot more hints in dungeons telling me how to solve the puzzles... that's most of the fun of the game. One hint per dungeon is plenty.

The heartpiece and secret seashell location changes, which, as I've heard, make them easier to find, sure doesn't help either... changing locations just for change would be fine, but to make it easier? That's not right! Again, a change made to lower difficulty that doesn't help the game at all.

As for the tunics the point isn't if you use them. The point is that they make this easy version of LA even easier. Just what DX needed!

Oh, I'd forgotten about the text changes like the genie making his weakness obvious... thanks for reminding me! That's another bad change. I was talking about how there are so many more tablets, now with unique messages, in that last post.

Quote:Second off, that color change making some enemies more apparent? That's only when you play the original on a GBC, which tells me you just tested that to see what colors would look like! That happens because the colorization method is in fact very simplistic on the GBC for GB games, just giving different "layers" of sprites varying colors. In the actual DX game, you can't tell via color. The colors also look pretty great. Everything is colored pretty much the same as in LTTP, and in fact many of the graphics are replaced to give a nicer look, like the grass tiles. If you want the original graphics, just play it in GB mode (using a GB or Super Game Boy for instance) and everything is in black and white using the old graphics. So, the colors are no reason to complain.

I like how I can see which statues will come alive. Sure its cheap, but its fun... :D For Face Shrine, at least. :)

I just use the default colorscheme in GB games on GBC... I don't bother to change it. The default always looks good. "just tested that"? What do you mean? I've played through LA on the GBC a few times... its not like I use my GB anymore!

As for the color scheme, "Everything is colored pretty much the same as in LTTP" is exactly the problem! I liked it better before it was so gaudily colored... its good when you get used to it, but it sure does take some getting used to... all those bright colors...

As for making it look like LttP, IMO LttP's graphics are alright, but not anywhere near the best in the series... its so cartoony... I like most all of the other games' styles more than LttP. And LA has a great graphics style... it'd look better with a better color scheme than the one DX gives it. Oh well... not a huge issue or anything.

Though OoA/S do look nice... because those were planned from the start for color...

And there IS a gameplay difference between Ages and Seasons. I played both... Ages first. Ages was way, way more fun. And in the dungeons you DID do more puzzle solving and less combat than in Seasons' dungeons... maybe you don't remember it, but the difference IS there. Overworld too...

Remember, originally there were three games in the Oracles series? Power, Courage, and Wisdom, I think. Each focused more on some things... but I believe the Power one got cut and we ended up with Seasons (courage) and Ages (wisdom). And Farore just does the transfer stuff. :)

Zelda news! - Darunia - 31st May 2003

You're right Great Rumbler...I meant MM. I often write MM and mean WW or vice versa. Is it just me, or do MM and WW look every so slightly alike...? Perhaps even very much alike, only upside down. And BTW, ABF...that isn't a spelling error, it's a minor typo. Get off my back.

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 31st May 2003

Cartoon Devil, play it again. All the chests are in the exact same places and contain the same things. ABF, the locations of hearts and shells, AS I"VE TOLD YOU BEFORE (it's as though you thought I was mistaken and didn't believe me), are in the SAME places. As for text, that's the one valid point you have. However, as I said, what the genie says was obvious enough as it is. I note that you never actually dispute my claim you never played through the game, but just phrase everything to suggest that. Did you or didn't you actually play through DX?

Oh and, I think you misunderstood me when I was talking about the statue thing. What I read you saying was that you thought the DX version made seeing which statues would come to life easier to see. However, that's not in the DX version! In the DX version you can't tell just like in the original. The only way to see that is to play the original version on a GBC, in which case a small glitch reveals it. As I said, in the DX version, the DX VERSION, the DX version, you can't tell by looking because the colors are specially set so the two statues are the same colors.

And yes, the point of the tunics IS if you use them or not. They are so in the background that you can just choose not to use them. In fact, same goes for the changes in the hints. I just gathered the beaks as per usual and went about as normal. The game isn't easier after all if you don't use the thing that is supposed to make it easier. Sheesh, how on Earth is the POTENTIAL to get them something that ruins the game for YOU, the person who knows you can avoid them and have an identical play experience?

To make it clear, I played both games side by side to compair them. I saw all the differences, and the fact is, ALL the chests, heart pieces, shells, etc. are in the SAME places in the DX version, despite what you may have read elsewhere. The ONLY gameplay changes are the dungeon and the photo gathering, and in fact you don't even enable any of the photo ops if you never meet the rat to begin with so you can basically turn off that too to get the original play mode. The dungeon too can be avoided, and when it wasn't even there to begin with I can't see how it's being easy made the game EASIER when you never saw it to start with! I don't get your logic! Anyway, the last thing is the text. While I agree that they should have left that as is, you can just not read the statues and avoid it that way. It's the same as not reading them the first time through LA normal. In other words, your complaints are pointless. There is no reason for someone who has mastered the original not to get DX save money and availability. DX is identical except in areas that can be avoided VERY easily thus not counting at all. Claims that chests and such have changed are false.

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 31st May 2003

Of course they look alike, only upside down, but that's what determines what a letter is, position! A d, b, p, and q, are obviously different just by looking at them, but the reality is they are determined purely by orientation. Perhaps you are slightly dislexic :D.

Zelda news! - OB1 - 31st May 2003

DJ is correct. DX is better.

Zelda news! - Darunia - 31st May 2003

Hmm...well I'm not gonna get a better peace than that...so I'll just smile and nod and end this.:)

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 31st May 2003

Quote:Oh and, I think you misunderstood me when I was talking about the statue thing. What I read you saying was that you thought the DX version made seeing which statues would come to life easier to see. However, that's not in the DX version! In the DX version you can't tell just like in the original. The only way to see that is to play the original version on a GBC, in which case a small glitch reveals it. As I said, in the DX version, the DX VERSION, the DX version, you can't tell by looking because the colors are specially set so the two statues are the same colors.

What ARE you talking about? What I was saying was how LA in a GBC makes the statues that come to life green, making the Lower Face Shrine quite easy. Cheap, but easy. :)

Quote: As for text, that's the one valid point you have. However, as I said, what the genie says was obvious enough as it is. I note that you never actually dispute my claim you never played through the game, but just phrase everything to suggest that. Did you or didn't you actually play through DX?

I've played it a little. Enough to see what the graphic style was... i didn't se the heartpiece/shell locations though so I don't know if the locations are different or not. If you say they are then maybe they are...

But the text changes (which YOU mentioned first, not me... I make a difference between the tablets/owls and the things characters say...) are in some cases annoying. The ones that better explain the story are ok, but when it makes the game easier its not welcome...

And as you mentioned in MSN, its INCREDIBLY annoying in DX that you can't quit text messages by hitting B like you can in LA! That's a really annoying change...

As for the dungeon. Its nice to add it. But why make the prize a thing that makes the difficulty even easier? LA is a hard game! It should have been kept that way! Ways making it easier aren't welcome changes...

Zelda news! - Dark Jaguar - 31st May 2003

Well, as I said you can just not get it, so you can play it normally without changes if you want. Plus, the text changes are minimal anyway. One explains how to see how many heart pieces you have now, and the genie makes it more obvious how to beat it (that's annoying, but in the end he was making it way too obvious anyway. That's the VERY first thing I did when I first fought him the first time anyway so it's not like it actually made it easier). The stone hints are more this time, and yes, I wish they didn't do that. Fortunatly, you can totally ignore those and the game is the same.

In the end, DX is the superior game, though some things make it easier, you can avoid them and have the same challenge as before.

Zelda news! - OB1 - 31st May 2003

And a lot of the people that bought DX already beat LA, so it's not like the owl stuff makes any difference. The color certainly makes it more enjoyable to look at which is why I never play the original version anymore.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 31st May 2003

Sure, for me the owls are irrelevant. I ignore the tablets anyway. But for newbies... it makes the game a lot easier. Same for all the things I mentioned in that category... it makes the game so much easier for newbies to the game or the series. And I'd say that that's bad... games are too easy these days...

And as for the color, I just wish that it'd had a bit better color scheme. I find the LttP-style that it is just a bit off for what the Zelda series should look like...

Zelda news! - OB1 - 31st May 2003

Are you kidding?? ALttP is exactly what Zelda should look like.

Zelda news! - A Black Falcon - 31st May 2003

Oh boy... so do we go through "my issues with LttP" again now?