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E3! - A Black Falcon - 15th June 2010

Quote:The new Zelda seems interesting, but all I've heard are descriptions. No video of it over at Joystiq at least.

The show started with Miyamoto playing the game for like 10-15 minutes... you didn't watch?

E3! - Dark Jaguar - 15th June 2010

Watch? No, I pop in and out of the news reports on it.

E3! - A Black Falcon - 15th June 2010

... Why would you not want to watch Nintendo's E3 show? It was so good... Confused

E3! - Great Rumbler - 15th June 2010

There were some bad parts, including the live demo of Zelda [glitchy controls = not good], but there were some really interesting games and the 3DS sounds pretty awesome. Better than the Microsoft conference, that's for sure.

E3! - EdenMaster - 15th June 2010

A Black Falcon Wrote:... Why would you not want to watch Nintendo's E3 show? It was so good... Confused

Because I could watch a 2 hour conference, or watch highlight videos or read articles afterwards for 15-20 minutes.

E3! - A Black Falcon - 15th June 2010

It wasn't glitchy controls, it was interference... the game's playable, if there are any actual problems we will know very soon. It was a fantastic conference, Nintendo's best in years. And this when Sony and MS are trying to copy their lame conferences from years past... the difference really shows. :)

Quote:... Why would you not want to watch Nintendo's E3 show? It was so good...

Because I could watch a 2 hour conference, or watch highlight videos or read articles afterwards for 15-20 minutes.

Indeed, and who'd want to just watch highlights when you could watch the whole awesome live? I can't think of a reason, if there was any way at all I could watch the actual video!

E3! - Great Rumbler - 15th June 2010

I know it won't be like that when people actually play the game, but it still looked terrible when they were demoing it on stage.

E3! - EdenMaster - 15th June 2010

A Black Falcon Wrote:Indeed, and who'd want to just watch highlights when you could watch the whole awesome live? I can't think of a reason, if there was any way at all I could watch the actual video!

Does the information change between the conference and the reviews later? Does the footage or game line-up end up differently? I don't want to spend 2 hours watching a press conference when most of it doesn't interest me. If there's anything good I want to see (which there are a couple things), I can find out about them on Kotaku or elsewhere. I get what I want, and none of what I don't.

E3! - A Black Falcon - 15th June 2010

Absolutely, there's a difference seeing something live versus just reading about it. A big difference.

E3! - EdenMaster - 15th June 2010

So the reviews I read and the videos I watch will feature completely different games?

E3! - A Black Falcon - 15th June 2010

If you really, REALLY cannot imagine the difference between watching something, live, on video, with all the excitement of not knowing what they're going to show next and seeing it happen, versus reading impressions of certain things later, then there's really nothing I can say, because the difference is huge.

E3! - Dark Jaguar - 15th June 2010

It's not that I can't imagine the difference, it's that I don't care. I don't have two hours to sit around and just want "just the facts ma'am".

E3! - A Black Falcon - 15th June 2010

On that note, I don't think a Nintendo press conference has ever been two hours. This one, for instance, was maybe 1:15. Really not that long.

E3! - Dark Jaguar - 15th June 2010

Loving the 3DS, it seems around Gamecube power (making the Wii look even more outdated in the process). I also like that they are sticking with that clamshell design. That's always been the best way to protect a screen. The addition of a "home" button suggests a nicer interface, and I love that start and select are being placed in the traditional position right in the middle. That said, the position of the d-pad seems a bit awkward. I tried positioning my fingers that way on my DS Lite and it didn't feel particularly pleasant. The location of the power button so close to the start button also seems like a bad choice. I'd move it up on the top part next to the top screen myself.

E3! - Dark Jaguar - 15th June 2010

Woah! I just saw the new Zelda game, and I gotta say it looks awesome! They seem to have "mixed" the styles of Twilight Princess and Wind Waker to great effect, the end result just being a more lightly colored Twilight Princess. The whip looks cool too.

E3! - Unreadphilosophy - 15th June 2010

Wow! Sony's E3 was a dismal failure! There was nothing--and I mean nothing--spectacular at all. I mean, yeah, Portal 2 and FF14 look great. Other than that, however, there was nothing worth while. No Kingdom Hearts 3; no Versus; no Rising; and no Last Guardian. Wtf, Sony?

This year's E3 has been a real crap shoot.

E3! - A Black Falcon - 15th June 2010

First -- Nintendo's Press site makes no mention of The Last Story or Xenoblade. Not good, we need those games... Namco doesn't mention Tales of Graces either, but they already seem to have decided to pass on that one for absolutely no reason. Idiots.

Sony's conference was... generic Sony, I guess. Not bad, not good. Slickly produced, too long, and often boring. That PSP ad campaign thing is stupid, but all their ads are stupid so that one's nothing different.

Oh, as for the PSP, pretty lame lineup there, if you can even call it that... they've obviously got nothing to compete with the 3DS. I think Nintendo wrapped up the handheld market for the next several years. The PSP has been behind for a long time, and has been struggling to sell software outside of Japan for about as long, but the extremely impressive 3DS announcement really blows it away... and Sony really had nothing here to respond to it with.

On the PS3 front they were more successful, but I did notice that Sony had had very few exclusives outside of the first-party lineup in the presentation. Lots of multi-platform titles in the show, while Nintendo and Microsoft focused on exclusives. Also, as always Sony's show was overly long, at two hours long versus 1 and a half for MS and 1:15 for Nintendo. PS3 Twisted Metal was cool, for fans of that series (I've never really liked it), Little Big Planet looked great, and Sorcery looked fantastic (I want to play that game... :)), but other than that they didn't have much. I guess Killzone 3 looked good, for an FPS, but there are a few of those this gen... and no hardware other than Move.

Portal 2? It'll be amazing I'm sure, on the PC...

As for Move, pricing... hmm. $50 for the remote, $30 for the other part (what would be the Wii Nunchuck). Plus you also need a PlayStation Eye camera too, so add whatever that costs. There is a bundle, but it's $100 for the camera, a remote (NOT including a Nunchuck), and one game, the lame sports collection. A bit pricey overall, but less than the rumored Natal pricing... though you need a controller for each player, unlike Natal, of course. Wii controller pricing is high enough, but the other companies are charging even more. Expected... but at least Sony's is in parts, so people don't need to spend it all at once.


Microsoft showed it, did you really need to see it twice? I mean, some games were showed twice, like Dead Space 2 at both EA and Sony and that fitness game at both Microsoft and Ubisoft, but how much of that is really needed...

E3! - Unreadphilosophy - 15th June 2010

^Twisted Metal is fun, but there were so many other (fun) games that could have taken its place.

I know Rising was shown during the 360 conference, but I think they could have given us some more footage.

E3! - Dark Jaguar - 15th June 2010

I really was expecting Sony to have prepared something like a PSP2 announcement. The total lack of that is... off. There's still one more day though. I'm waiting until the end.

I think Nintendo and MS stole the show so far. Nintendo more so than MS. Sony's "motion" thing just comes off as "me too", and yeah, today they didn't have any great games. Twisted Metal really isn't a system seller. I love the 3DS and the new Zelda looks awesome, as usual.

Sorry lazy, no Wii2, but then again I wasn't expecting any such thing, unless they shock us tomorrow.

I can't believe they're porting Metal Gear Solid 3 to the 3DS. I have to wonder just how much storage space is on the 3DS cartridges. I think at this point carts have caught up with DVDs.

Star Fox 64 3D should be fun, though considering the 3DS is basically a portable Gamecube, I hope the visuals get massively upgraded from the N64 original. Was it officially stated that yes, the 3DS can play all DS games (including all the DSi store stuff)? If so, I have no reason left to get a DSi. I'll just wait for the 3DS.

E3! - Dark Jaguar - 15th June 2010

Here's Kid Icarus (I'm still amazed at how powerful the 3DS is).

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/a7detDcmMKY&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/a7detDcmMKY&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

And here's Zelda: Skyward Sword.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/alsWeDp_z0k&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/alsWeDp_z0k&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Ya know, with that art style Link would fit in in King's Quest 6.

E3! - A Black Falcon - 15th June 2010


Video Iwata Asks, a whole bunch of them! Great stuff...

E3! - Dark Jaguar - 15th June 2010


They promise specs but we don't know all the details there. Apparently the stylus is telescoping. They mention it has "wireless" but after the typical number, there's no letter. Is it G or N?

Oh and aside from porting Starfox 64 to it, they're also...


The game looks a little clearer, but is otherwise pretty much graphically the same (aside from the 3D)...

...Yeah I'll be getting it. I wonder how they'll handle c buttons? I suppose they could be mapped fairly well. I wonder if the Ocarina playback will be done via stylus?

E3! - A Black Falcon - 16th June 2010

Konami's ... Press ... Conference ...


... Seriously though, it was hilariously bad. The first half was pretty much a series of mediocre presentations by bizarre Japanese people, all trying to speak English... it was so weird... they had bad jokes -- I admit, I laughed to the joke where the guy "acted out" the action in the game, for that game where the guy can lose body parts... it was so crazy-weird... oh, and the (real!) Mexican wrestlers were entertaining too. They also had a guy from Def Jam, but that part was more "we think this game is so awesome and innovative" than ridiculous. But there was a lot more ridiculous there, such as the N3II guy with the crazy jacket who kept trying to hype up the crowd for his game, which is a sequel to a game mostly considered mediocre. And the DDR guy... uh, why are you two dancing to the screen when there is obviously no Natal (sorry, Kinect) there to play on... and that's not starting with everything else about him... Lol A whole chorus from some TV show "Glee" was there too, they replayed the same MGS Rising trailer from MS's conference and then followed it up with a long, somewhat boring section with the producer talking about the game (in Japanese, with a translator)... Oh, and the conference finished with name-drops, but NO VIDEO, of Konami's five upcoming 3DS games. Yeah, it was that kind of conference. Part painfully bad, part dull, all unforgettably bizarre.


I highly recommend anyone who wants an entertaining hour and a half to two hours watches it as soon as it shows up in full on Gametrailers, G4TV, or something like that! :D

As for the games... um... sorry, too hard to think...

I will say, though, that both Castlevania games, Iga's 2d downloadable title and the 3d action game, look pretty good. Lost in Shadow from Hudson looks fantastic as well. Some of the 3DS titles sound great. Some other games that weren't in the conference such as the downloadable Hard Corps title sound awesome. N3 II could be an entertaining hack and slash game, who knows. MGS Rising and Silent Hill were there too of course, for series fans (though Rising does look like it could be fun). So yeah, some decent stuff there. But really, not many people are going to watch this for the games. ... Lol Lol Sorry, just thinking about all the silliness of that conference is pretty amusing...

E3! - Weltall - 16th June 2010

I sat through that awful horse shit just for Silent Hill 8.

Worth it, though.

E3! - Dark Jaguar - 16th June 2010

I saw a few photos and was deeply confused as to what I was seeing. It looked like MTV, G4, Spike, and BET threw up all over my monitor.

Japanese comedians suck. There, I said it. It's not even a culture thing, or a language thing, their jokes are just plain not funny.

"We're here to show you a new monster!"

"Don't you mean new game?"

"Oh right."

*both bow*


On the other hand, Kirby's Epic Yarn looks hilarious, I take it all back.

Silent Hill 8? Really? Don't they need to make a Silent Hill 6 and 7 first?

E3! - A Black Falcon - 16th June 2010

Bad? Bad, Weltall? Really? No way, it was amazing... most brilliant conference ever! I've never seen anything like it before... makes me glad I decided to watch all of the conferences that were streamed this year. :D

Pics from GAF:
[Image: 1osufq.png]

[Image: 2vx1s78.jpg]
(Yup, he said that. And more.)

[Image: 2d6kuqa.jpg]

[Image: 2poo602.jpg]

[Image: 33ehdn6.jpg]

[Image: 21cwj2g.jpg]
(That is indeed what he was saying at that moment.)

[Image: 2mdzia.jpg]
(Note - There was no Natal there, just a video. He just wanted to dance to it anyway.)

E3! - Dark Jaguar - 16th June 2010

The horror... Admittedly it's so bad it's good.

E3! - Weltall - 16th June 2010

>Silent Hill 8? Really? Don't they need to make a Silent Hill 6 and 7 first?

It's just a working title. And, it is, literally, the eighth console Silent Hill game in that seven others preceded it.

E3! - Geno - 17th June 2010

When I first heard about Kirby's Epic Yarn, my first reaction was "More like Kirby's Epic Yawn!" However, after watching the video, it actually looks fun. I want it now. It's like a cross between Paper Mario and Little Big Planet.

Skyward Sword's graphics are somewhere halfway between those of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, a step down from the latter if you ask me. It seems the motion sensor will play a bigger part this time around too. The sword looks to me like it's even more motion-sensitive than in Twilight Princess. The way Link holds it in those preview videos looks awkward, as if he's mimicking the manner in which the player is holding the Wiimote, whereas he'd hold it casually in Twilight Princess and only swing it when the player jerked the Wiimote around.

Donkey Kong Country Returns looks decent. I'd like to see more of the gameplay though. Can Donkey Kong and Diddy be controlled separately? Will there be a 4-player mode like in New Super Mario Bros. on the Wii? (I envision four players being able to control the four Kongs of the SNES trilogy, though Kiddy Kong is so abhorred that I doubt he'd make another playable appearance.) I wonder how good this game will be without Rare at the helm. Whatever the case, I'm just happy to see that we'll finally be getting another Donkey Kong platformer after 11 years. I wasn't sure we'd ever see another one with Rare gone, seeing as Nintendo's been giving us nothing but junk from this franchise such as Donkey Konga and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.

3DS looks cool. I don't know if I should get that first or a PSP. I also want a PS3. Hmm...

E3! - Dark Jaguar - 17th June 2010

This basically sums it all up.

I thought Kiddy Kong was fun...

<img src="http://art.penny-arcade.com/photos/903426984_Tg2it-L.jpg">

I still hate Reggie.

E3! - Geno - 18th June 2010

Hey, I'm sold with Nintendo. Sports games don't interest me nor does PS3's lollipop. :)

E3! - Dark Jaguar - 18th June 2010

Lolipop? Yay! Strawberry from the looks of it.