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The Oscars - Printable Version

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The Oscars - Dark Jaguar - 27th March 2003

I certainly never agreed with the green party (why is it called green again? Mother Earth related by any chance?), but at least I supported the additional choice and anyone who would vote for them. I still think it's very childish to say that an extra option is a vote stealer when you really have no idea how those green voters may have voted otherwise. Maybe they would have voted Gore, maybe they wouldn't have voted at all, and maybe they indeed may have voted Bush, hard as it may be to believe (that's how my mom voted when she eventually decided not to vote for Nader).

The Oscars - alien space marine - 27th March 2003

3 parties add variety , The biggest complaint in the U.S is a lack of choices.(rage agiast the machine).

Some of Naders ideas seem promising , Reducing dependecy on crude Oil and opening for more enviromentaly freindly power sources which wont require dealing with middle east nations.

Naders believed that the U.S adminstration just keep shoving the power supply issue to the next adminstration and in the end nothing gets done.

But if Nader ran again in a new campaign he probaily would have to change alot of his policies regarding the U.S military infastructure , As he previously wanted to reduce the U.S militaries size. But in the light of 9/11 I doubt he would win any votes there.

The Oscars - A Black Falcon - 27th March 2003

I like a lot of Nader's policies (compared to Democratic policies), but not how he kept insisting that the two parties are the same and it doesn't matter who wins and he wouldn't hurt either other party because that is just not true... And DJ, I don't understand how you can say that the vast majority of Green Party voters who, had they not run, would still have voted wouldn't have voted Democrat... that's kind of odd given how obvious that is... so I am annoyed at Nader for defeating Gore.

But I'm a lot more annoyed at the morons in Florida (and the Supreme Court, though once it got to them I knew Bush would be annoited because there's a 4-3 conservative majority on it) who gave the election to the loser... idiots...

The Oscars - Great Rumbler - 27th March 2003

Quote:Originally posted by A Black Falcon
But I'm a lot more annoyed at the morons in Florida (and the Supreme Court, though once it got to them I knew Bush would be annoited because there's a 4-3 conservative majority on it) who gave the election to the loser... idiots...

They gave the election to Bush becuase he got the most votes. It never would have gone to the Supreme Court if Gore hadn't been such a whiny baby and taken back his concession after he found out that there was a way to weasel in a majority vote. But, a count of votes done after Bush was elected found that Bush did in fact recieve a majority vote in Florida.

The Oscars - A Black Falcon - 27th March 2003

Bush got the most votes? Oh, please... he did not, not in the country and not in Florida... if they'd done that recount as Gore wanted he would have ended up the victor because more people in Florida voted for Gore than Bush. The Supreme Court didn't want that so they appointed the loser to "win".

The Oscars - Weltall - 28th March 2003

Quote:Originally posted by A Black Falcon
Bush got the most votes? Oh, please... he did not, not in the country and not in Florida... if they'd done that recount as Gore wanted he would have ended up the victor because more people in Florida voted for Gore than Bush. The Supreme Court didn't want that so they appointed the loser to "win".

They did multiple recounts. Bush won by roughly 600 votes, thus winning the state, and the single electoral vote he needed to get in office.

Maybe if those dimpled chad things were counted, maybe Gore would have won. Blame the Miami-Dade voters for being too stupid to correctly operate a punch card. As it stands, ballots with multiple selections are void. The state Supreme Court only validated the results.

The Oscars - A Black Falcon - 28th March 2003

More people tried to vote for Gore than Bush in Florida... that was pretty well proven... but between the courts and the extremely close vote that made those usually not too important messed up votes extremely important, that didn't matter...

The Oscars - Weltall - 28th March 2003

Quote:Originally posted by A Black Falcon
More people tried to vote for Gore than Bush in Florida... that was pretty well proven... but between the courts and the extremely close vote that made those usually not too important messed up votes extremely important, that didn't matter...

Okay, look, I've voted in elections for three years now, and Virginia's ballots are nearly identical to Florida's. If you try to vote and you screw it up, you seriously have to posess the mental capacity of a doorknob.

So Gore lost the race because his constituents are stupid? Tough titty said the kitty. The only way voter intent could truly be determined is on a properly-used ballot.

Why are we even arguing this point, anyway? It's been almost three years, and the results will never change.

The Oscars - A Black Falcon - 28th March 2003

Because it is still relevant... Bush is in office after all...

As for those butterfly ballots, I don't see why they were so super-confusing, but if you could be confused by a ballot that's the one... normal ballots (like the ones we have where you fill in a arrow with a pen) are much less confusing...

Oh, and I've voted in 3 elections now too... that one in 2000 was the first one after I turned 18...

The Oscars - Dark Lord Neo - 30th March 2003

:edit:I find it disgusting that they would boo Mr. Moor but they would cheer when that perv who isn't even alowed in the US won best director or whatever award it was he won:end edit:.
Two parties isn't much of a choice but you wouldn't want a situation like the one in Isreal, Turkey or even Germany where the governemnt is made up of several coalitions.
In Canada it's starting to get bad, the Liberals have about 56% of the seats in the parliment, the next closest party has around 20-30% of the seats
The Progressive Conservative party which is the only other party to have ever formed a government in Canada has less that 1% of the seats in parliment, but they have around 20% of the popular vote, and the NDP have around 30% of the popular vote but only one more seat than the PC's.
Meanwhile the official oposition that has aroudn 30% fo the seats only has about 10-15% of the popular vote

The Oscars - OB1 - 30th March 2003

Quote:I find it disgusting that they would boo Mr. Moor but they would cheer when that perv who isn't even alowed in the US.

Hmm, indeed.

The Oscars - Dark Lord Neo - 30th March 2003

I fixed what I wrote

The Oscars - OB1 - 30th March 2003

Oh I didn't notice that grammatical error. I agree with that statement.

The Oscars - Dark Lord Neo - 30th March 2003

that's what I thought, but when I saw what I wrote again I decided to make it more clear

The Oscars - Weltall - 31st March 2003

The moment I first saw this thread I knew that the topic would shift from movie awards to the babbling rants of the Thinder Chunky White Liberal.

That's after I checked it, anyway... the FIRST thing I saw was that ABF started the thread, so I half expected that to be the topic to begin with :D

The Oscars - A Black Falcon - 31st March 2003

But when I started it Moore hadn't spoken yet... I started it right after they began because those were the first two awards...

The Oscars - Weltall - 31st March 2003

Yeah, but I didn't get to see it until after the show was over, so I didn't know how early you started it.

The Oscars - A Black Falcon - 31st March 2003
