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Geometry Wars PC! - Printable Version

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Geometry Wars PC! - EdenMaster - 16th July 2007

I've not played in a little while, but I believe I got somewhere in the vicinity of 270,000.

Geometry Wars PC! - A Black Falcon - 18th October 2007

New high score: 398,390 ... I'm still not very good.

Geometry Wars PC! - A Black Falcon - 30th October 2007


Geometry Wars PC! - EdenMaster - 30th October 2007


I haven't played recently. Been too caught up in other games. Also, the music is glitched. It's choppy, like a half second playes, the next half second is removed, and the next half second plays. It makes the music very distracting and, since that is one of my favorite parts of the game, has dissuaded me from playing.

And Geometry Wars in silence? Go back to Russia.

Geometry Wars PC! - A Black Falcon - 30th October 2007

Huh, the music is fine for me (on PC)... I do have some issues with the game, though. They really, REALLY should have made it a single-screen game. Robotron 2084, Smash TV, Llamatron 2112... they all were single-screen-per-area games. Geometry Wars scrolls a bit, so part of the area is offscreen. Would it really have been so hard to fit it into one screen? It's not that much larger than a screen...

I also have issues with the controls. You can't remap the 'activate in menus' button, which is quite annoying because of the layout of the Saitek p880 -- "1" is the top-right button of the upper row. I want it on the first row right button, "3"... and this isn't the game's fault, but aiming with the p880's right stick isn't great sometimes thanks probably to the square-well stick of the gamepad. The fact that you have to press the stick to fire is also a bit annoying. They should have taken the Llamatron style and had autofire, so when you're not pressing a fire direction you automatically shoot forward (that would help this game SO MUCH... I really loved that feature in Llamatron. All dual-stick shooters should do the same...), but they didn't...

Anyway, I guess that while I think it's an awesome game, I feel like I should be able to do better at it... people get way better scores than this in the game. Oh well, I'm not THAT bad. The secret (going by videos of people with high scores) seems to be going in large circles all the time, but that's easier said than done...

That is, it's hard and frustrating. :)

Geometry Wars PC! - EdenMaster - 30th October 2007

Well the key is the multipliers, obviously. I mean, manage to get up to a 5x or higher multiplier and wait for a mass appearance of diamonds from the corners. If you got a decent weapon, well then, it's time for some fun. The first 10,000 points goes so slowly, then it seems like you get that much in 10 seconds :D.

I hate it when 20 snakes spawn all around you and you barely have time to react before you slam into one of them. I've learned to be less stingy with my bombs than I used to be, but stuff like that still gets me because, frankly, I don't respond that quickly!