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The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Printable Version

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The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - EdenMaster - 3rd February 2007

How did Nintendo "lie"?

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Dark Jaguar - 3rd February 2007

Check earlier. Really it doesn't matter but GR just seems to keep changing the subject as though I'm making some other statement.

Anyway, basically Nintendo is saying that it is impossible to fix the memory card issue, and that's the lie. Maybe the person who said that wasn't a technical person, but if that's the case they weren't qualified to make the statement.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Great Rumbler - 3rd February 2007

Does anyone have a link to where Nintendo actually says they don't have Controller Pak emulation because it's impossible to make it work?

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - A Black Falcon - 3rd February 2007

Here's the source:


Quote:No fix coming for Mario Kart on Wii Virtual Console
By James Orry - 31/01/2007 - 3:11pm GMT

Nintendo has today revealed that there will be no fix for the Virtual Console release of Mario Kart 64.

The release of Mario Kart 64 on the Wii Virtual Console has been greeted with great pleasure by gamers the world over, but a problem with the memory pack emulation left it impossible to save time trial ghost data.

Ghost data enables time trialists to save their best lap times as a racing ghost, giving you something to race against next time you load up the game - thus making it easier to better your previous best time. Unfortunately the Wii Virtual Console version does not support this feature, with the game insisting that no memory pack is inserted.

Pro-G contacted Nintendo to see if there are plans to address the problem and it appears we're stuck with what we've got.

"Due to unavoidable technical reasons unfortunately it is not possible to save ghost data from Mario Kart 64's Time Trials in the Virtual Console version of the game," reads the statement issued to Pro-G.

For its part, Nintendo does say that it has "placed messages advising users about this before they download the game both when the Wii Shop Channel is first accessed and in the More Details tab on the individual game page."

It is, however, not the answer we were hoping for and raises doubt over Virtual Console compatibility with other N64 games that used/required a memory pack.

As DJ said, they lied.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Great Rumbler - 3rd February 2007

"Unavoidable technical reasons" = "We couldn't figure out a way to do it easy, so we didn't do it at all"

It's classic PR-speak.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - EdenMaster - 3rd February 2007

As I read this thread, two words have entered my mind a startling number of times:

"So what?"

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Dark Jaguar - 4th February 2007

Just because it's typical PR behavior doesn't make it right. That's all I'm saying. Nintendo needs to fire that guy and hire someone more honest, that's all, problem solved.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Great Rumbler - 4th February 2007

Ghost saves still wouldn't be there even if they did fire that guy...

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - lazyfatbum - 4th February 2007

It's like I said, Nintendo takes the minimalist approach, they dont have any specified teams for working on the VC games. So if a game needs work, or has an issue, it gets ignored. If the game is unplayable after the upload, it will get taken down, tweaked and reuploaded - but MK64 is playable and everything works except ghosts. But Nintendo already spent all the time and money on the hardware and the internal emulator software - They're not going to spend more money on tweaking the VC games.

Unless of course, it's a special re-working. Like releasing a Wii-Shop channel exclusive like Zelda: 4 Swords Online or the SNES version of Tetris attack with online modes. Stuff like that.

I dont think he lied, he's saying there's no way Nintendo is going to fix it, so accept it. If it means that much to you, dont worry MKWii will have ghosts.

Which makes me wonder what kind of MK we'll get on Wii. I know it will be just the wiimote so 4 players can play, (although its possible to have 8, 4 wiimotes, 4 wavebirds) but I wonder if they'll let you switch between excite truck's horizontal mote, then use the pointer to aim your shells or other attacks. I doubt it since that sounds very intrusive in to the whole racing aspect.

But i'm expecting something very different from MK64/DD. Look at the DS one, all the controls and aspects of DD, all the courses from every game and a huge assortment of vehicles. It was like a last horah, so I bet Wii will get a total overhaul with MK.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Great Rumbler - 4th February 2007

I'm thinking that Mario Kart Wii might use the nunchuck for steering, acceleration, and branking and use the Wiimote for items.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - EdenMaster - 6th February 2007

Another strong entry this week! Super Mario World!

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Great Rumbler - 6th February 2007

I want Super Mario RPG!

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - EdenMaster - 6th February 2007

As do I!

*just beat SMRPG again on SNES a couple weeks ago*

Geno for Brawl!

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - EdenMaster - 24th February 2007

This Monday, thousands of Wii Points will be spent around the world:


Feb. 23, 2007 - Every form of entertainment has its artistic pinnacles. On Monday, Nintendo will make <i>The Legend of Zelda®: Ocarina of Time</i> available for download in the Wii Shop Channel of the hot new Wii™ video game system. Originally released in November 1998 for the Nintendo 64® console, the game is widely considered by critics and industry observers to be one of the greatest video games of all time.

<i>The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time</i> inspired millions of players around the world with its in-depth game play, rich 3-D visuals and memorable adventures. It set the standard by which all other games have been judged. And now it’s available once again, both for veteran gamers to relive their gaming glory days and for younger players to discover it for the first time.

<i>The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time</i> will be available for 1,000 Wii Points™ when it goes live at 9 a.m. Pacific time on Feb. 26. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. The Wii Shop Channel now boasts more than 55 downloadable classic games, in addition to the dozens of new disc-based games available for Wii.

And there was much rejoicing.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - A Black Falcon - 24th February 2007

It's already playable on the Wii on either of the GC Zelda collection discs though, though since the GC and Wii don't have any good controller for it and the only reason to have one (Master Quest) isn't here, there isn't much point...

That is, the N64 version is better. Controllers matter!

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - EdenMaster - 24th February 2007


Must you put a negative spin on <i>EVERYTHING</i>?

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - A Black Falcon - 24th February 2007

Until Nintendo releases a decent controller for N64 (and six-button Genesis) games on the VC, they deserve every bit of it.

I got OoT/Master Quest a while back... having to play the game on the GC controller was so much worse than the game on the N64 controller that the main thing it did was get me to play the N64 version (which, of course, is the best console game ever made). This one would be no different.

The upcoming Japanese VC list is awesome, though (well, not the N64 list, they aren't releasing many N64 games on VC there either...), I just hope that most of those games come over here...

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Dark Jaguar - 24th February 2007

Well, he's right.

And what's wrong with telling your kids the story of Santa the same way, in the same tone as telling them the story of Jack and his beanstalk? That is to say, as fun and enjoyment but not once with the pretense that the story is true. I've known a few kids raised in exactly that fasion and they enjoyed Santa as much as any other kid, they just weren't tricked into thinking he was real at any point. It's not like not telling kids that he's real REQUIRES one to be a curmugeon that ruins dreamland.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - A Black Falcon - 24th February 2007

Quote:Must you put a negative spin on EVERYTHING?

It's what I do. :)

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Great Rumbler - 24th February 2007

Playing Ocarina of Time on the GC/Wii honestly isn't that much different from playing it on the N64.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - A Black Falcon - 24th February 2007

Haven't I said enough times how much having an utterly inadaquate controller hurts the game? It makes a huge, huge difference!

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Great Rumbler - 24th February 2007

Constantly repeating a statement does not make it any more true.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - A Black Falcon - 24th February 2007

It does when it was true from the beginning. Using the GC for N64 games stinks. Using the Classic Controller would be even worse. It's really pathetic that Nintendo not only failed to make a good controller, but they don't even care... "Trigger button as shoulder button? Missing buttons or analog-stick-as-buttons? Who cares?" is a really, really bad design policy, and stuff like this really shows why that is.

Playing the game with the GC controller feels substantively different (and worse) from playing it with the N64 controller, and it'd be even worse with the stupid CC controller... (good for SNES? Yes. But awful for N64.) The N64 has one of the best controllers ever designed, and trying to force games designed for its unique controller onto something else doesn't work well at all.

... I mean honestly, how can anyone say "Up on the right analog stick or Z is JUST FINE for one of the item buttons, and up on the right stick works great for the C-up button functions too!" That's so obviously false that the only real grounds for debate is "how much worse is it", not "is it worse"...

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Weltall - 24th February 2007

It's not as good, no, but it's hardly the apocalyptic event you make it to be, either.

After four years, I've played OOT more on the Cube than I did on the N64 anyway, so adaptation isn't even a concern.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - EdenMaster - 24th February 2007

Jesus, it's not that hard. I played OoT on the GC and enjoyed it thoroughly to the end, without even the mere thought of "wow, the controller really makes a difference in this game".

They rerouted the controls comfortably, and the problem is in your head and that's all. Granted, the N64 is the best possible controller to use for OoT simply because that was the controller the game was designed to use, and thus, fits perfectly. The GC controller adapted well to the adjustment, if you ask me. A and B are comparably placed, so there is little problem there. As for the C buttons, I used X, Y, and Z. Was it perfect? No. Did it suffice? Yes. It got the job done and it did it just fine. The game was as great as it always was.

Honestly, who thinks about the controller in your hands when you're playing a game? The game tells you what controls to use and, unless they're horrendous to the point of total unplayability (NOT the case here, ABF), you just play the damn game.

And by the way, I've had nary a single problem playing Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 with the GC controller. They both control wonderfully.

You think too much, ABF.

<i>P.S.: Changed the name of the thread since we're way past LttP now</i>

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Dark Jaguar - 6th March 2007

You know there's a whole category of games they need to make a few emulators for. Various arcade machines. The "arcade" catagory can include all Nintendo's arcade games, like Sherrif and the 4 level version of Donkey Kong, and also stuff from other companies. Let's face it, the arcade versions were traditionally superior stuff, so choice is good. Of course, being able to hit "insert quarter" infinitely may be a difficulty issue, but it's not any different than that rich kid who showed up with a bucket of quarters and just played the whole day. Now everyone's the rich kid.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - A Black Falcon - 6th March 2007

So Midway, Konami, Tecmo, Namco, et al can release all of the arcade games they've been releasing in $20 collections for the past five to eight years for $5 each on the VC like they're already doing (slowly) on the X360's Live Arcade? Sure, why not...

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Dark Jaguar - 6th March 2007

:D That's right! Of course the difference is on XBox Live Arcade, it's in higher resolution (sometimes, thought it's at least upscaled and then filtered which sometimes looks worse like in Double Dragon) and usually has some sort of online mode added if it had multiplayer.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - A Black Falcon - 6th March 2007

Really though, XBLA has better quality (high-resolution borders of cabinet artwork, online play, etc), VC has quantity (3-5 releases per week instead of 0-1)... I'd rather have both, but that would require Nintendo to put some actual effort into the VC thing and admit that people want online play modes worth using, things they are not going to do, so... :(

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - Dark Jaguar - 6th March 2007

Plus, MS will never have Nintendo's games. If Nintendo started working hard on online support and encouraged companies to not just emulate but add features to their old games, those would certainly be major bonuses to their downloadable games. As it stands, they have a great selection already and it is still a great service. However, for my money if there's a game coming out for both VC and Live Arcade (I expect we can see situations like that start to show up eventually), I know which version I'm getting.

The Virtual Console Thread (A.K.A. Link to the Past on VC) - A Black Falcon - 6th March 2007

There are some similar titles on the various networks already...

Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting - XBLA
Street Fighter II - VC

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - XBLA
Mortal Kombat 2 - PSN

As for which one to get presuming that you have all three consoles, features matters... VC obviously has quantity that the others don't, but for the stuff on XBLA, online play is a fantastic addition...