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I think Takahashi is just mad he didn't think of it. Seriously though, the man will probably end up becoming a footnote in the history of games. Katamari was a breakout hit and considered to be rather innovative, but the man hates games and the gamer community. He actually wants to design children's playgrounds instead of games.


The amount of alcohol needed to pull off such a thing might possibly cause the downfall of modern society.




I LOVES THAT GAME, AND LAZY DOES TOO! That is awesome'd! Also, if anyone ever managed to play that during the NES era, all 80 levels of it, and NOT love every single monotonous song filled moment of it, then they are WRONG.


AGREED!!!! *audible seizure*


Quote:I think Takahashi is just mad he didn't think of it. Seriously though, the man will probably end up becoming a footnote in the history of games. Katamari was a breakout hit and considered to be rather innovative, but the man hates games and the gamer community. He actually wants to design children's playgrounds instead of games.

Yeah, I don't think his opinion of Nintendo matters much, given those other facts...


lazyfatbum Wrote:well why didn't you say so!?



I even brought a saddle! *makes dolphin sounds*
Considering I just installed Firefox, that may be in the cards.


So was Katamari Damacy an ACCIDENT? Like, he intended on making an utterly boring game but accidently made a phenomenon?


I don't know, maybe. It's hard saying what his intentions were. He cared enough about it to do We Love Katamari, but that was only because they said they would only get someone else to do it if he didn't.


Okay girls this is the weekend countdown, we're on the 20th and Nintendo Power, EGM, the Game Informer website, and IGN all claim to be holding revolution screenshots and videos ripe for the uploading. It could litteraly be any day now, i'm guessing it will be the friday update (tomorrow) for a big weekend push. i donnt expect too much, but here's what I think we'll be getting:

1.) Alot of announced titles, mostly game descriptions.

2.) More screens and video from Ubisoft's Red Steel, NIBRIS Raid over the River and Sadness details, as well as some other third party stuff, expect Sega to keep quiet as well as Retro and probably Capcom. This is going to be a THQ, Ubisoft, EA and basically all the publishers and developers who ignored GC-unveiling.

3.) Full previews of games such as Red Steel from hands on experience as well as a plethora of third party titles. It's going to be like Spongebob from THQ (which was just demoed), and possibly Spiderman 3 (this is activision's big gun, expect them to quiet with spidey) and tony Hawk: Downhill Jam from Activision with in-depth looks.

dont expect to see Mario or Metroid Prime 3 or even Zelda TP news, this is basically going to be a mini E3 release of info for Nintendo's third parties with most first and close 2nd party news to be held until E3, though some people who are no longer under ND may spill some beans, dont expect offocial statements from Nini and the like.

if Nintendo's second parties were to release anything, it would probably be info about Animal Crossing Wild World 2 and Battalion Wars: Revolution and maybe some hints on the cooking game.
Spiderman 3 (preview, maybe a screenshot)
Pangya Golf (I expect alot of info here, its a launch game)
Tony Hawk: Downhill Jam (pics, movies)
Red Steel (pics movies)
Tomb Raider: Legend (announced, maybe pics)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals (really officially announced this time *maybe)
Possibly capcom info (doubtful, maybe Killer7 2 details)
Possibly sega info (doubtful, maybe sonic details, possibly more info about the virtual console)
Anything else that's been kept a secret up to now, such as Radical's projects (not free radical, though I believe they've been working with the dev kits too)
And finally, some current X360 games that are getting ported to rev, I think Tomb Raider is going to be the flasghip port and it may end up being one of the first games (if not THE first) to use the Revolution shell design to show off how a ported game will work flawlessly. If this is the case, expect Tomb raider Legends to have almost no revcon support except maybe that using the shell design, you can move the controller to change the camera or free-look in first person mode, nothing spectacular) i could also see Sega announcing that Monkey Ball Adventure will have rev functionality in the same way Zelda: TP is with the revcon.

but ultimately its up to the devs and sites if they want to release any info, what makes sense is that other than Red Steel no other third party company has been able to start hyping their games for Rev, so I think they'll be excited to get some info out before E3 in order to get people interested in thier projects and start their own hype machines. These are all theories and we could actually end up with nothing this weekend; Magic 8 Ball says all signs point to maybe.


April 20, 2006
Breaking: Sony Cuts PlayStation 2 Price To $129
Sony Computer Entertainment America has announced that it has dropped the suggested retail price of its PlayStation 2 console to $129.99 in American (and $139.99 CND in Canada), effective immediately, down from a U.S. price point of $149.99, following analyst predictions to that effect earlier this month.

The company commented that it "expects this latest price move to fuel consumer demand even further" for its current-gen device - the console sold almost 275,000 units in North America in March, ahead of all other game hardware, including the Xbox 360, which was continuing to suffer hardware shortages at the time.

Sony also updated on statistics, revealing that more than 101 million PlayStation 2 units and approximately one billion pieces of software for the PlayStation 2 have shipped worldwide, and that the PlayStation 2 has a 55.6 percent hardware units share in the U.S., more than double of any other console.

The company plans to support this new pricing initiative through marketing activities covering print and online advertising, and in-store merchandising support. Print advertising breaks on April 27th and will reach millions of readers nationwide through placements in a variety of daily newspapers including the Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times and Philadelphia Inquirer. Online advertising will also begin on April 27th on sites such as AOL.

"While we continue to innovate and design groundbreaking new products, we remain dedicated to our long-term vision for the PlayStation 2 platform," said Kaz Hirai, president and CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment America. "Now even more consumers, as well as casual gamers, can experience what the PlayStation 2 platform has to offer -- an unrivaled combination of the largest selection of software, a growing community for online gaming and one-of-a-kind accessories such as EyeToy -- at a new value price."


Okay i'm on drugs or something, i just saw (few weeks ago) the original bulkier PS2 at Toys R Us for $129.99. Am I losing my mind? Still, for a last-last gen system that's about half the power of the Dreamcast i expected a 100 or below price point with a pack-in but then i remembered, this is sony. A PS2 at the same cost of a brand new DS Lite? more expensive than a GC with a pack-in? that's some bullshit.


...I just realized something, why didn't anything from the Gameinformer interview with the Red Steel team mention rumble in the controller? either it has no rumble... oh, remember IGN saying the controllers had 'some formm of rumble' that Nintendo said was just a placeholder, it felt like a cellphone vibration. But no one at gameinformer mentions rumble.... hey..... hey......

if it turns out to be the 3-D gyroscopic 'push and pull' tension feedback i'm going to declare myself God of Speculation.


hey anyone here remember when IGN blatently came out and told everyone what the revolution controller was before Nintendo unveiled it, and did so without actually showing the Revolutiion controller?

unfortunately i cant find the article, but most of us remeember it. in it they showed 3 designs, an orb controller that you would move and rotate in 3-D, a classic controller design with a trackball, and something that looked like a remote for a TV. and we all laughed. Well my thinking is, IGN gets news, and they got info of the revcon, and couldn't spill the beans outright, so they released a speculative article litteraly showing us how it will work without letting the cat out of the bag.

still with me?

Check out IGN's newest article: http://revolution.ign.com/articles/702/702391p1.html

be sure to check out both pages, I believe that this article is a glimpse in to what we can expect with some BS for good measure between now and of course E3. i'll copy paste the highlights and post my thoughts in stars ***

Duck Hunt Launch Title
Call me a sucker for nostalgia, but Duck Hunt as a launch title would be freaking awesome. In fact, Nintendo would have a truly killer combination if they could package Duck Hunt with the Revolution. Nobody's launched with a pack-in since the SNES (unless I'm mistaken), and the throwback to old-school gamers would be sweet. It'd be pretty simple really: Throw in some new levels, unlock able Duck Hunt for Virtual Console and a few mini-games a la Point Blank. Who cares if it's smaller than most console titles? It's Duck Hunt dude!

*PLEASE LET ME SHOOT THE DOG, LET ME KILL HIM, PLEASE LET ME KILL HIM, I WANT TO KILL HIM, PLEASE ALLOW ME TO KILL THE DOG i actually just heard a rumor about a new duckhunt not too long ago. if nintendo remade duckhunt you would have instant nostalgia overload for all the 'casuals' who either dropped games around last generation or two or moved away from Nintendo.

Wireless Nunchuck Controller
I may not be the first one to have thought of this, but I'll be the loudest. Why in the hell would Nintendo create the Revmote, which promotes free movement and innovation and tether it to the player's second hand? C'mon baby… hit us with some wireless action! If I'm throwing punches in Fight Night or slashing baddies with Link I'll want all the free movement I can get. Cables are so 2005…

***hinting at wireless nunchuck? makes sense.

DS Interaction
"Bozon! Stop talking about DS interaction. We don't know anything about it yet!" Yeah, well who really cares. Point is, I want it. If Nintendo can find some sweet DS/Rev interaction I'll be a happy man. Let me use the Rev to transmit DS demos, maybe a bit of portable Virtual Console action (NES games at least?) and definitely some Four Swords. It may not happen, but that's why we made the wish list. Nintendo better hit bank with DS/Rev interaction in at least a few different ways. It's really a no-brainer.

***and it's no coincidence that the rev uses SD cardslots in the front that are exactly the same size as DS games.

Arcade Revival
I know I'm not the only one who wants SEGA to hit the House of the Dead and Virtual Cop series on Revolution. Let's get some sweet classic action for the Revmote - it's practically a light gun anyways. I'd personally love to see collection sets for The House of the Dead or Silent Scope. Aside from the light gun games, it would be great to see Nintendo go after arcade classics for the Virtual Console as well as console favorites. Who wouldn't want to mack on some Sunset Riders or Marvel Vs. Capcom? Whether it's a collection on disc or Virtual Console service we need to see an arcade revolution as well…

***never thought of that, alot of sega arcade games could be ported to rev at sega's liesure.

Boxing. Pure and Simple
Sports titles on the Revolution is a must-have genre. I'll drop my entire bankroll on some good ol' fashioned Punch Out or Fight Night. There's something amazingly satisfying about waxing my best friend with lightning quick hooks and jabs. Hell, if we're standing close enough to each other maybe I can "accidentally" grease him with a stray hook. Not only would it be worth the price of the console alone, it's simply priceless. Tyson…you're going down! I… I mean "Mr. Dream."

***IGN hinting at a new Punch Out? miyamoto's talk about 'Holding two controllers could be like punching gloves for a boxing game" starts to ring a little bell

Star Wars
Everyone's thinking it, so consider this a plea for the people. Nintendo…Lucas Arts…Whatever weak-sauce beef you have with each other (we've noticed the lack of love guys) you better work it out, Star Wars on Revolution is an absolute must. Interactive force powers, light saber duels, it really doesn't get much better. If this doesn't happen, consider the Revolution useless. I know it's extreme, but it's entirely true. This system was designed for FPS games, light gun games and swordplay. Nintendo really couldn't have made it any easier for a Star Wars revival on Revolution. We'd love to see something at E3, even if they have to pull a death star on us. "Sorry IGN… it isn't fully operational yet." No worries here… just get it done.

***Nintendo lost factor 5, but you know they're looking for a replacement. First Person Star Wars games are a must for revolution, again it looks like IGN is giving us a winkwink nudgenudge.

Collectors Controllers
This one may cause some hate mail, and I know Casamassina thinks I'm crazy, but I'd love to see Nintendo release a collectors series of Virtual Console controllers for NES, Super NES and N64. I in no way want these controllers to be mandatory, but they would be an amazing collectors item. I know I'd personally buy two of each, maybe even four of the N64 ones. If you're going to have a master system of retro love, why not make special edition collector controllers for each generation. Wireless control, retro look, a sweet instruction booklet, maybe a collectors tin? It's a total consumer whore move, but I admit I'd bite. You all know you would too. Nintendo's best play right now is to work the innovation angle as well as the retro scene. What better way is there?

***Nintendo releases a shell for rev that looks exactly like the N64 controller or a revcon painted up to look like the original NES controller. This is definitely going to happen.

Budget Games Series
Before you start shooting one down on the boards, hear me out. I'm certainly not saying every Revolution game should be basic little gimmicks. Revolution needs to prove it can hang with the big boys, but simple games would be a blast for a budget price. Who here could turn down high-quality genre games such as Ping Pong or Sports packs? Throw a few sweet games in a set like batting cages, three-point b-ball challenges and an addictive tennis game and people would surely bite. Seeing some solid show-off games at launch that give players a unique experience for $9.99-$19.99 would be sick. Buy them in-store or on Virtual Console… either way it'd sell systems. Simple can be good.

***No brainer,, nintendo already said that smaller d/l rev games will be available. I could also see 15 dollar budget games of tennis and the like at stores.

No Region Lock
I personally am an importing fanatic. I love playing import games, and with the pending popularity of the Revolution in Japan (we all know it's bound to happen, look at the DS) there are going to be tons of amazing Japanese games that I'll be dying to play. DS didn't have region lock and we've been in heaven with games like Ouendon, Band Brothers, Prince of Tennis, Eyeshield 21 and Cooking Mama. If Revolution allows importing, it'll be my pleasure to feature the top import titles for you all. Trust me, it really will be my pleasure…

*** this is also a no brainer imo.

New Retro
While the Virtual Console will be a great addition to the Revolution, allowing gamers to download classic titles from the best systems in history, I want to see some new legends created as well. There's something awesome about the concept of a "lost title" from GBA developers. Imagine the retro goodness that could be had with new Super NES games or NES titles. It would be awesome to see the best of the pocket world brought back to the big screen. I'd go crazy for retro sequels to Drill Dozer, Shantae, Golden Sun. Maybe a "lost version" of Mega Man, Castlevania or Final Fantasy? The possibilities are endless.

***entirely plausible and logical, wouldn't you spend 5 bucks for Zelda Extreme that uses the 8 bit graphics but has rediculously hard dungeons and new items? how abouut chrono trigger: Side story? same 16 bit grahpics, but a whole new adventure? i dunno about you guys, but i would d/l that without thinking.

Hard-drive support
Nintendo has touched upon this topic in interviews, but it has never elaborated on the specifics. What we do know is that Revolution will very likely be able to support external hard-drives through one or both of its USB 2.0 ports. But where Revolution is concerned, a solid, set-in-stone confirmation may as well be a myth. There are, of course, a number of questions still left unanswered. Microsoft supplies its own hard-drive for Xbox 360. Will Nintendo do something similar? My guess is no. I suspect that the Big N will instead leave it up to consumers to connect whichever hard-drive they desire to Revolution and call it a day.

***that means rev will not ship with a HDD and if you want one, buy one from any of the 11 million companies who make them or...

Hard-drive support makes my wish list because I've seen it grow from a bonus addition on Xbox to a necessary tool on Xbox 360. Revolution's virtual console download service is, in my mind, done a disservice by Nintendo's chosen storage format, which is an acceptable but hardly flexible 512 megabytes of internal flash RAM.

***there is, however, a rumor that Nintendo will be upping th internal RAM from an interview where Iwata said that nothing is set in stone until E3.

The Big N seems to think that if people want more space than that - and trust me, sooner or later they will - they can simply upgrade their storage capacity with additional SD Cards. Thing is, a 10 gigabyte hard-drive is actually cheaper than a 4 gigabyte SD Card. So why go with the latter?

With old and new games arriving on Revolution's virtual console, the space will eventually run out, but not if users have a decent-sized hard-drive to fall back upon. Plus, if the Big N ever decides to offer bonus content - movie trailers, Revolution game demos, etc. - on its service, the extra space a true hard-drive affords could prove invaluable.

***matt is either complaining or hinting that Nintendo is going to up its internal memory or is in talks with companies like Datel to release third party HDDs on the cheap. The SD card thing comes in to play later... or actually above. you d/l your NES and SNES and maybe even N64 games to the SD card and then play it on DS

Progressive-Scan, 16:9 and Dolby Digital Mandate
GameCube supports progressive-scan display and 16:9 widescreen games. Revolution offers roughly twice the horsepower. I therefore have no worries whatsoever that the technology will be there. What does concern me, though, is whether or not Nintendo will mandate that all developers run their games in all of the above. What I don't want to see are some titles that run in pro-scan and widescreen and others that don't. That's sloppy and there's no excuse for it. More and more people are buying 16:9, high-definition-ready televisions. Clearly, the Big N has no intention of jumping headfirst into the so-called "HD era." But neither should it turn its back on gamers who value enhanced visual presentations in their games. Fact is, progressive scan offers a clearer picture and widescreen modes are preferable to players with 16:9 televisions.

Dolby Digital support was a feature sorely missed on GameCube. Some developers like Factor 5 managed some wonderful aural feats in Pro Logic II, but it was never quite the same as real, true audio separation. Dolby Digital seems to be an obvious must on Revolution because the disc capacity is finally here for some crisp, clean soundtracks, dialogue and special effects, all without the compression commonplace on smaller GCN optical discs. The original Xbox pulled this off so there's no reason that Revolution shouldn't be able to do the same while retaining an affordable price point.

***No brainer; pro scan, wide screen and true surround sound will be the standard. there's no reason for it not to be. Especially with Nintendo touting immersion as its largest selling point, true surround and widescreen proscan are a must

The Return of Kid Icarus
It's time, Nintendo, and you know it. Last year, I asked Shigeru Miyamoto about a Revolution Kid Icarus sequel. He said that Nintendo had received a lot of interest in such a game. Then he asked me if I'd buy it, and I said yes. Miyamoto's response was surprising. He said, simply, "Okay, we'll get the Eggplant Wizard coming back." Was he joking? I really can't say. But whether Miyamoto is serious about the return of Kid Icarus or not, it's a franchise that is still known and loved by Nintendo fans and an obvious choice for a famous IP that can be re-launched and enjoyed by a new generation of players.

Icarus is also one of those rare Nintendo franchises that could be remade into something designed for adults. The Big N has a longstanding relationship with Capcom. I expect Shinji Mikami and crew could give the "kid" a facelift more befitting of today's style without sacrificing the tried-and-true core gameplay mechanics that made the franchise a winner to begin with.

***GUFAW! I WONDER WHY HE MENTIONS CAPCOM DEAD PHEONIX MAYBE This is a total hint, I expect to see it at E3.

Legend of Zelda Fighter
When Namco released Soul Calibur II starring Link of Zelda fame for GameCube, Nintendo fans rejoiced - and snapped up the fighter like crazy. Soul Calibur II sold better on GCN than on any other platform. So when Namco returned a year later with an exclusive sequel for PlayStation 2, just about everybody in the industry - Nintendo fan or not - was baffled. We suggested it then and I'll do it again: make an all-Zelda fighter for Revolution, Namco. It will be a guaranteed hit.

I personally envision a game that is part Soul Calibur, part Bushido Blade and all Zelda. Nintendo's acclaimed franchise has so many worthy fighters that coming up with a playable cast of characters is almost too easy. Link, Ganon, Goron, Zelda, and naturally, the whipping boy himself, Tingle. With base Soul Calibur fighting mechanics and the ability to control swordplay with the Revolution controller, I know a lot of Nintendo fans would go nuts. Which is why I'll continue to hold out for this pipedream, even if it is just that.

***wtf? Look at it logically, Namco announces support for revolution, says its a fighting game, we know this much for sure. What was namco's most successful outing on Nintendo hardware? SC with Link, this looks like another hint from IGN - a Zelda themed fighter on revolution.

A Clean, Organized, Intuitive Interface
In other words, don't make me enter friend codes to find my buddies on the virtual console. I realize that Nintendo is with Revolution going for something different than its competitors, but that doesn't change the fact that Xbox 360's Live interface is doing a lot right and very little wrong. Nintendo would be wise to use it as a starting point for its own service. Live is slickly organized, neat, and intuitive. I can easily find my friends, download demos, preview trailers, or buy arcade games. If Revolution's virtual console is going to be anything more than a compilation of classic downloadable titles - mind you, that's already pretty awesome - Nintendo needs to make every effort to ensure the interface is accessible and the options flexible.

The Xbox 360 enables users to download skins of their favorite games, which in turn change the look of the interface as a whole. It's one thing to download a FIFA skin. But imagine if you could modify the virtual console to look like a scene from Metroid Prime. As a big fan of Nintendo and its licenses - I've got a render of Samus as my desktop background on just about every computer I own -- few things would please me more. And this is only a miniscule example of the real customization possibilities on the virtual console.

***I completely agree, when i d/l final fantasy or Donkey kong country i want to have avatars, desktops, dashboards you name it with the characters drawn all over them. I'm willing to bet this is exactly what Nintendo is doing, mirroring the live service.

Something Shocking
I imagine this will be an opinion to which some people disagree, but I really want Nintendo to internally develop a game so unexpected - so fundamentally unlike it - that it alone makes people take notice. I don't know if it's right to suggest that the game be dark and gory, which seems to be the popular thing to do, but honestly, that would probably do it. People are so accustomed to a certain style of Nintendo games that something that lands firmly in "mature" territory would generate a lot of interest just because it's from the Big N. That might be enough to help change the perception that Nintendo caters to younger audiences. That noted, I am by no means stating that this is the only means for Nintendo to accomplish this goal. An epic new franchise with a complex, engaging storyline could just as easily pull it off.

I'm expecting the next Zelda. I'm looking forward to the next Metroid. But I will not be surprised when either franchise shows up at E3 2006. Something new and completely unanticipated - a game different from the Nintendo norm - might be just the thing to make me and others say wow.

*** .......how specific. remember that shot of 'Gumshoe'? rated M, had a shot of a body in the street? With George harrison's shadow over the projector? yunno, that pic was never confirmed as fake or not... nintendo had major success changing their image with Eternal Darkness, a mature Nintendo game developed with silicon knights, Nintendo could be poised to repeat that performance with a 100% nintendo-made mature game and offer a new IP (or one that's been dead for centuries, though the original gumshoe had nothing to do with detective work)

So there it is, IGN's rant and my thoughts. if this article was made with the same 'Lets let them in on it' mentality like that revolution controller article was, I think we're gonna shit our pants this E3.



reggie hearts allard.... hardcore


More from gameinformer intervew with Mr. George

You’ll see a mix of familiar franchises and new and unexpected (at E3)…We heard EA talking about having a few games that they were going to be showing at E3 and also are hoping to launch with…we’re still shooting for a worldwide launch before the end of the calendar year. I don’t know if it’s going to be even possible for it to be on the same day. We’ll have to see as we get after E3 and see how we feel things are coming along…(at) E3 you might not hear necessarily a hard launch date, or even a price point…(for E3) I think that we’ll have a wide variety of third party games in our booth. We would also like to have these games featured in the publishers’ booths as well…I think that there’s maybe more than one secret. I think that there will be new things revealed at E3…(speaking about third-parties) Nintendo, I think historically, until fairly recently, has been pretty closed. Not letting third parties get involved on our systems early, not letting them get going. For Revolution, that was a clear strategy change – get them involved early and you’re not talking about a large number, but a handful of the big successful publishers and developers around the world, get them involved early and let them have access to it…(speaking about Rockstar, makers of the GTA franchise) I know that we’ve been in discussions with them…(about beta kits) They’re pretty finished…(for E3) But there will be a large, large number of Revolution stations there at the show and a wide variety of games…(for launch) I think that it needs a big, franchise game. Whether that’s Mario or something else. But it does need a big, franchise game…(about platformers) I certainly think we can (sell 10 mil Mario games as an example)…(about virtual console game) They’ll be a staggered release…(about Iwata in general) Mr. Iwata has only been with the company for a fairly short time, but he came in at a point that we needed to find a different direction for Nintendo…”


Okay, combine Matt's thought with an unexpected Nintendo launch title and harrison's Rockstar quote, now think of what Rockstar is making for 360: table tennis, and yeah I dont need to explain anymore. It's very possible that GTA could be on revolution, whch is just too funny. I can see Iwata explaining the intuitive freehand controller style to kill hookers in ways never imagined before.

Interesting that george says we may nnot get a solid release date or price point... i smell a push.

side note - gameinformer's webupdate is up, anyone with a subscription needs to check it out and see if there's any red steel info!

Dragon Ball Z Announced For Revolution!
Posted by Tphi - Apr 21st 2006 00:57

Exclusively revealed in the latest issue of V-Jump, it has been revealed Bandai have a new Dragon Ball Z game in the works... for Revolution!

The latest issue of popular Japanese gaming publication V-Jump contains an interesting gam announcement from Bandai - a new game in the Dragon Ball series which will be released o Revolution and Playstation 2! Entitled Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! Neo, the magazine also included some screenshots of the game - but noted that they were from the PS2 version.

The title will be a 3D fighter, with over 100 characters to select and appears to be the sequel to the already released Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi. No news yet on when we'll hear more, but E3 would of course be a very good guess. The PS2 version is currently slated for release next October in Europe and the US, so it looks like the Revolution will see the title very soon after - maybe even at launch?


Very good news, in Japan one of the major reasons the PS2 is popular because it has oodles and oodles of anime games based on TV shows and what not, this and Naruto rumored rev games should spark interest from bandai and other publishers who release those types of games. Bandai already has some rev stuff in the works as well, so it's going to be a strong Japanese launch (not counting Mario and friends).

some other news is that brain Age is out and i've called everywhere in Orlando and everyone is sold out. there's ads everywhere that show Nintendo's new stance; I was watching discovery channel and they had a 5 minute blurb about brain age as if it were a tool for brain expansion, there's an ad in time magazine that shows off brain age like a gizmo to increase intelligence. Not once do they mention the word game anywhere. also, if you buy the game in canada, ap ercent of the prfoits go to alzheimers research. way to go Nintendo.

the new Nintendo power is out, and the cover story is the confirmation on the new castlevania game for DS callled Portrait of Ruin, but another headline on the cover is Tony hawk Revolution, so if anyone gets this mag, let us now if there's screens inside! Here's some info on the new castlevania:

You will be taking control of two seperate characters, vampire hunter Jonathan Morris, and a young magician named Charlotte Orlean. Their goal is to put a stop to the resurrection of Dracula (being brought on by two vampire sisters), all set to a World War II backdrop.

You will be able to switch between these characters on the fly, and will have to do so to solve certain puzzles/complete certain tasks. Both characters will allow you to summor demons to fight for you.

The vampire hunt will once again be a 2d platformer that we have come to love, and will be full of all kinds of weapons, including the magic skills of Chatlotte.


the new EGM is about to hit, and IGN farts out another teaser:

...there seems to be some solid stuff on the horizon and I'm happy to see that news is starting to hit. I really hope that Famitsu's rumor of a NiGHTS sequel turns out to be true. And the DBZ stuff is kind of neat. There will be more stuff to come -- mostly news announcements, but perhaps a handful of screens, too. That noted, I wouldn't expect too much where video footage is concerned until the week of E3 2006. I guess ou can trust me on that, or not


Again, IGN confirming that news and screens are going to hit any day now before E3. expect it this weekend or even by tonight.

in goofey news, I'm doing a speed run through Metroid Prime 1 and while in phendrana in the pirate labs I scanned an empty metroid tank which read "Metroid Hunter DS" and I found it funny, in the ha-ha kind of way. (for those of you who dont know, a Metroid Hunter is a young metroid that is sort of squid like and uses tentacles to sap energy as opposed to latching on to you with its mouth). one of those odd coincidences.


from IGN 2003

Missing in Action -- The Lost Games of GameCube: Dead Phoenix

Official Statement:
Capcom never officially confirmed that the title is cancelled. The official line is that the company had decided to focus its attention on other projects. Does this mean that the title is in limbo or that the Phoenix has died altogether? IGNcube turned to Capcom for answers. A Capcom North America spokesperson commented, "Currently, Dead Phoenix is still to be determined." This means that the project is officially in a state of purgatory, neither actively worked on nor actually canned. Officially, it's unknown whether this title will ever be finished.

Continued Investigation:
While our official statement wasn't all that helpful, it does support the hypothesis that Dead Phoenix is still in production. It wouldn't really hurt Capcom to announce that it's officially cancelled, which means Capcom must still have plans for the title. But, it most likely won't be the same Dead Phoenix unveiled over a year ago. The current rumor circulating the internet is that Dead Phoenix is slowly being molded into a new Kid Icarus.

For those unfamiliar with the NES, in Kid Icarus you played as an angelic boy fighting against hordes of mythical monsters so that you could finally confront Medusa. Dead Phoenix certainly could be turned into a 3D rendition of this classic title. With Capcom's continued support of the GameCube (Resident Evil 4) and Nintendo's current trend of licensing franchises to third parties, this could very well be a new Kid Icarus.
While it doesn't point to the Kid Icarus angle, some more evidence that Dead Phoenix is still in the works comes directly from the game's producer. The following is an excerpt from IGN's interview with Atsushi Inaba at the Tokyo Game Show 2003:
"What's the status of Dead Phoenix?

Inaba-san: [stalls] Project Dead Phoenix? Hmm.
[covers mouth and begins to mutter]
Actually, the project I was talking about is not Dead Phoenix, and when you asked me what happened with Dead Phoenix my mouth closed shut, and I couldn't speak anymore! [covers mouth and laughs] "

Inaba-san's abrupt dismissal of the topic hints that the fate of Dead Phoenix was not death, at least last October. From Inaba's tone, it sounded like there is a surprise in the works.

Case Status:

Dead Phoenix still exists... in one form or another. IGNcube is under the belief that it is quietly being worked on in Japan. Hopefully, we'll be hearing more on the title soon, whether it's resurrected as Dead Phoenix or the next Kid Icarus has yet to be determined.



2003 trailer for dead pheonix. i cant wait to see what it looks like now!


Okay, get your salt ready. There's a few things to nnote about these pics, one is that they are very high quality so someone spent alot of time making them. The Mario model as well as the Yoshi are not taken from websites or magazine scans, soo far they are completely original. The Mario in the second shot looks like the Mario used in the older games with his hands at his sides when he walks, while the first shot has Mario doing a corkscrew jump like in SMBW. The best part? well, if you put on 3-D glasses the images are in 3-D, you'll notice that the butterfly, smoke, Mushroom on the door as well as Mario himself are transparent so they would pop off the screen. On a side note, it's been revealed that the Nintendo On creator's countdown clock is also in 3-D when viewed through glasses. So here they are, fake or not:


Oh and just so you know, the countdown timer happenns to countdown to the day before E3.



Nintendorks posts.... a rumor? from a friend who knows a guy who has this friend?

Without naming names or companies, I got an e-mail this morning from an old-time Nintendork that doesn't visit the site as much (booo), but partly because he's working hard at a game developer (yaaaay). Being on the "inside" he hears things we don't, and while this falls in the "heard from a friend of a friend" realm, I thought I'd let his words do the talking:

The Revolution "nunchuck" attachment (the part with the joystick, which is held in the left hand in photos like this one) has *its own* accelerometer inside of it. This means that the Revolution is capable of detecting the motion and position of *both* pieces of the nunchucks.
I don't think this is something that anyone realized before. And at first it may not even make sense. But consider a "first-person sword-slasher" game that
played like this:

You move around (walk forward, strafe to the side) by using the joystick with your left hand.
You turn your character's "head" by turning and moving around the left nunchuck piece. You point it up, your view looks up; you point it left, your view
turns left.
You can swing a sword by swinging the "right nunchuck", i.e. the "remote control" piece.

I'm not saying that I've heard of a game being made that works that way; I'm just pointing out the extra capabilities which this could provide.
If this is true (and again, I believe this rumor is quite reliable), it's an additional level of depth in the Revolution controls which may not have been previously realized. Essentially you have dual 3D mice... which is pretty cool.


This makes perfect sense, it might also be why the nunchuck is tethered to the revcon. If you imagine Metroid prime 3, you would aim your arm cannon with the revcon, walk with the analog stick, and look around with the movement of the nunchuck, all entirely independent of eachother.


lazyfatbum Wrote:Okay, get your salt ready. There's a few things to nnote about these pics, one is that they are very high quality so someone spent alot of time making them. The Mario model as well as the Yoshi are not taken from websites or magazine scans, soo far they are completely original. The Mario in the second shot looks like the Mario used in the older games with his hands at his sides when he walks, while the first shot has Mario doing a corkscrew jump like in SMBW. The best part? well, if you put on 3-D glasses the images are in 3-D, you'll notice that the butterfly, smoke, Mushroom on the door as well as Mario himself are transparent so they would pop off the screen. On a side note, it's been revealed that the Nintendo On creator's countdown clock is also in 3-D when viewed through glasses. So here they are, fake or not:


Quote:Direi che fake

Quote:That is fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



Nintendo Global's forum seems to have the situation well in hand.


So many rumors, as usual, none of which I put much of any trust in...

Mario pics: Fake.
Gyroscopes in the analog stick part of the nunchuck: doubtful because I haven't heard it before, but maybe possible I guess
Dead Phoenix: dead dead dead, years ago (it's too bad, because it looked great, but these things happen...)
NiGHTS: Possible, but it's a pure rumor.


I'm almost 100% sure they're fake, but I cant help but look at the quality of the shots.

ABF/ Both the director and producers of Capcom's Resident Evil teams have stated that Dead Pheonix is not dead and that it is still in the works and Miyamoto has said that Kid Icarus is coming back soon. It's totally Kid Icarus, while the game wont be called Dead Pheonix it will be using the engine from it. Yuji Naka says he's interested in making a new Nights last year, Famitsu says it's in the works for Revolution, when Sega released Nights, Naka said that someday he hopes to create a truely 3-D controller to use with Nights; That's a little more substantial than a rumor. As far as the revolution's controller using motion sensing in both pieces I dunno, but it makes sense.


Donkey Kong Revolution in the works?
N-sider is reporting that Donkey Kong is coming back, and in a big way. They say that in an interview with Famitsu, none other then Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed that work on a Donkey Kong Revolution title is underway. Team members from Super Mario Sunshine and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat will be helming the project, which will have a completely new control scheme thanks to the Revmote. I really hope to hear a confirmation and more info on this title at E3.


Oh wow, the SMS and Junglebeat teams? There goes my theory of a strictly music game, it's now been put in to the catagory of bizarro platformer, however; it could be that Miyamoto has enrtrusted those teams to create the next Donkey Kong Country games (which Nintendo owns the rights to). the last 3-D DKC game didnt do too well because it was a major collectathon and you basically had to play as a bunch of characters and do the same thing over and over, but that was done by Rare. SMS is easily my favorite Mario game to date (I just wish it had M64's flying!) because of the super tight gameplay and sandbox play. junglebeat managed to not only bring a music game in to realm of platformers but also made a completely original game that's a blast to play (why no 2 player!!!), so combine both of these teams and the DK liscense and i'd say there's a pretty good chance of seeing Donkey Kong Country Revolution that will play like the SNES counterparts and may even end up sticking to 2-D just like Jungle Beat which actually felt alot like DKC... just completely different. :D


Dead Phoenix: That article is from 2003 and we haven't heard a word since. Dead. As for Kid Icarus, there have been a few vague mentions, but nothing that makes me think it's actually coming back... just like with NiGHTS, it's as much taking vague comments to mean substantiation of things people wish were real as much as it is anything else... developers talk about games they'd like to make all the time. Doesn't mean that they'll make them, much less make them soon...

Mario: Yeah the pics are nice, but there's no reason to think that they are real...

Donkey Kong Revolution? Umm... yes, of course there will be Revolution DK games... but who knows what kinds. A 2d or 3d platformer would be nice, and I'm sure that at some point the Revolution will get one or the other, or both. :)


Are you reading the news i'm posting at all?

if the answer is yes, I apoligize. Otherwise you need to read the news before you post.

Pead Pheonix: Capcom says its still in development as a project, Miyamoto says that Icarus IS IN DEVELOPMENT, the producer of resident Evil said that he would love to do a Kid icarus game, IGN throws out a hint that Kid icarus is in development and being made by capcom who, mysteriously pulled a planned game from their release lists for no reason and would not officially cancel it or give reason why, that game has a character with wings flying around roman-esque structures and described as a flying/platforming game which is exactly what Icarus was on NES. project Pheonix has NEVER BEEN CANCELLED, capcom still lists it as TBA. It doesn't take any imagination to realize that miyamoto and Nintendo wanted to put together an Icarus game and what better way to do it than use Capcom's Dead Pheonix. finally Capcom's lists of games to be shown at E3 have been released with the tagline 'one or two titles to be revealed while at E3'

DK: if you would have read what I posted, DK is in development by Miyamoto's SMS team and the Junglebeat team, two teams that focus on platformers, other news seems to suggest that DK will be a platformer from an interview recently, it would make sense that it's a 4th DKC (not counting DK64).

there is no point in trying to argue that dead pheonix is dead, no one will argue that; the idea is that dead pheonix is being retooled in to Kid Icarus just as Dinosaur Planet was retooled in to starfox adventures. So that capcom, under a joint venture with Nintendo, would release the next icarus game on revolution, using the dead Pheonix engine created by capcom. this is not difficult to figure out. there's a reason why multiple people 'in the know' who have played on revolution hardware and tested games, are gving hints to things like icarus and NiGHTs, especially when something like Famitsu mentions Nights and icarus in their rumor section which, according to many sites, has never been wrong.

As with NiGHTs, the entire rumor started because famitsu posted the info in their mag. if you follow famitsu at all, you would know that they have a section where they post rumblings with no details because they aren't allowed to or they were asked not to give up too much info on it, but their 'rumor section' has been correct every single time. they were the ones who broke the news of DS Lite (where nintendo gave a no-denial statement afterwards and released it 3 weeks later), they're extremely reliable. None of the stuff i'm posting is willy-nilly speculation, it's all from trusted sources unless noted.

The Nintendorks rumor of the analog controller adapter also having motion sensing is getting alot of momentum and has sparked some odd quotes, one of them from Matt at IGN who said 'sometimes when we played with the revolution controller, sometimes that little black bar was there and sometimes it wasn't, make of that what you will but it will be interesting to see how they use it". the little black bar is the developer's version of the signal pickup for the revcon or atleast that's whhat Nintendo said, it could turn out to be something very different. The 'final secret' of the rev's controller could very well be a dual motion sensing controller.


Sorry I don't believe your unsubstantiated rumors as facts, but I need more proof than that...


Quote:As with NiGHTs, the entire rumor started because famitsu posted the info in their mag. if you follow famitsu at all, you would know that they have a section where they post rumblings with no details because they aren't allowed to or they were asked not to give up too much info on it, but their 'rumor section' has been correct every single time. they were the ones who broke the news of DS Lite (where nintendo gave a no-denial statement afterwards and released it 3 weeks later), they're extremely reliable. None of the stuff i'm posting is willy-nilly speculation, it's all from trusted sources unless noted.

Sorry, but no rumor section is ever always right...

Quote:Dead Pheonix: Capcom says its still in development as a project, Miyamoto says that Icarus IS IN DEVELOPMENT, the producer of resident Evil said that he would love to do a Kid icarus game, IGN throws out a hint that Kid icarus is in development and being made by capcom who, mysteriously pulled a planned game from their release lists for no reason and would not officially cancel it or give reason why, that game has a character with wings flying around roman-esque structures and described as a flying/platforming game which is exactly what Icarus was on NES. project Pheonix has NEVER BEEN CANCELLED, capcom still lists it as TBA. It doesn't take any imagination to realize that miyamoto and Nintendo wanted to put together an Icarus game and what better way to do it than use Capcom's Dead Pheonix. finally Capcom's lists of games to be shown at E3 have been released with the tagline 'one or two titles to be revealed while at E3'

This one really seems like a paranoid person, taking a lot of "facts" together and calling it a conspiracy where in fact nothing exists... there's just absolutely no proof. Not just that, I'd say that there's better proof that it's fake... this game has been in development for over three years and no one even knows that it exists, really? Umm... no, I doubt that very much...

As for the first part, see, people saying 'we'd love to see this game' means nothing. So a few developers/media people/execs said that in some circumstances (varying from person to person) they would like to make a new Kid Icarus game. So? It doesn't mean that they are actually WORKING on one! It just means that in some situation they might like to make one! Nothing more! Developers don't choose which games get developed usually, marketing people do... I know this is Nintendo, but marketing... I mean, Kid Icarus? It's only a name with the hardcore Nintendo fans that can't support a game (saleswise) all on their own...

As for cancellation, that's often just a game. Some games spend years on the "TBA" list before the publishers give up on the projects or finally reassign their status to 'cancelled', or just put them on the back burner for a few years before starting the project over later (Too Human for instance)... but more often a reassignment to "TBA" means "Cancelled". Most often, actually.
Quote:The Nintendorks rumor of the analog controller adapter also having motion sensing is getting alot of momentum and has sparked some odd quotes, one of them from Matt at IGN who said 'sometimes when we played with the revolution controller, sometimes that little black bar was there and sometimes it wasn't, make of that what you will but it will be interesting to see how they use it". the little black bar is the developer's version of the signal pickup for the revcon or atleast that's whhat Nintendo said, it could turn out to be something very different. The 'final secret' of the rev's controller could very well be a dual motion sensing controller.

As I said, possible, but with no information I will withhold saying anything about it, it's pointless.


You've seemed to miss the boat on the idea of E3 and news gathering. I know the wait sucks but it's no reason to hate the news for not being concrete. Some sites are completely in the dark, some are in the know but cant disclose anything except through hints and blurbs, but I think there's other people here that are interested in hearing the rumblings going on; they're not as bitter as you are... yet. :D

This is fun in that ha-ha we know something you dont know kinda way, Sega has decided to hype E3 on their site. Now Sega's been in a weird place for a while - Sonic Adventure games and the like have gottten so-so reviews, in fact i've even ignored some titles because of the bad scores. But say what you will about Sonic Riders, Shadow the hedgehog, etc but these are extremely (hard!) well made games. In fact they're so hard, some sites gave them low scores just because of being difficult (obviously bitter). But as with all games, even th hardest out there, there is a way to win and the player has to find it and the players are givng games like Sonic Riders 9's and 10's. Super Monkey Ball Adventure is about to be released and since I love the first two and Jr. on GBA, and by love them I mean played them nonstop and broke a few blood vessels in my brain, i'm excited about the game. But it's not the only game planned, not by a long shot. Sega says they will announce a game at E3 starting tomorrow everyday upto E3 - that's 14 games. What the hell could they be? *pink panther theme*

From Sega of America:


Acquisitions of Western Content Prime SEGA for Growth

(SAN FRANCISCO & LONDON -- March 23, 2005) - SEGA of America, Inc. and SEGA, Europe Ltd. today announced an agreement to acquire and publish next-generation game content from Silicon Knights, the Ontario, Canada-based development team responsible for such hits as Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, and Eternal Darkness. The partnership brings SEGA more Western-developed content in preparation for high-growth opportunities presented by next-generation hardware platforms.

Under the terms of the worldwide exclusive deal, SEGA and Silicon Knights will collaborate on creating a new franchise for next generation console systems. This agreement, along with recent partnerships with publisher, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (project: The Matrix Online); developer, Monolith Productions (project: Condemned); and the acquisition of esteemed developer, The Creative Assembly (project: Spartan: Total Warrior) continues to highlight SEGA's emphasis on the Western market.

"We intend to establish SEGA as a leading publisher on the next generation of game hardware and only the highest possible quality of Western-developed content will get us there," said Simon Jeffery, President and COO, SEGA of America. "Silicon Knights has a rich history of developing great games that push hardware technology, so we expect this relationship will result in a powerful, new, and highly commercial franchise."

"Silicon Knights believes that the next generation systems will be the catalyst propelling video games as the dominant form of entertainment in this century," said Denis Dyack, President of Silicon Knights. "We are very excited to collaborate with SEGA on a next generation project because we share a vision - to take the medium of games to new heights and move people as never before."

SEGA will manage all marketing and distribution activities and work in hand with Silicon Knights to supervise ongoing game development. Both companies have decided not to release product, platform, or release details at this time.


This press release slipped right under everyone's noses. Now, Too Human is a 360 exclusive (I think) but SK is not an exclusive developer to 360, they could release on any platform they want, especially with Sega pushing right behind them with their hands in everyone's pockets. Here's what it boils down to, a side from Sega becoming the next EA-ish publishing mecha, we could very well see Silicon Knights on revolution. we've seen them get out-sourced before, making Twin Snakes for Gamecube, but look at the specific titles Sega mentions, blood Omen, twin snakes and eternal darkness; 3 titles that share one thing in common; M rated games. It seems pretty obvious that Sega is going to use SK to deliver M rated games for the western audiences but with Sega's hands in it, we could end up with a game with japanese oomph to give it a welcomed Japanese reception.

I'll just go ahead and speculate that SK and Sega are looking at sales figures, wondering what to go after. SK themselves said that ED wasn't gone and we should see it agan someday - what better way to do it than with Sega as a publisher on to Revolution and maybe even as a multi-console release. Kain and ED are arguably their best franchises, so just thinking logically, both of those franchises will appear at E3 in some form even if its just announced. But of course, depending on the level to which Sega is going to dictate the development of SK's games (if at all), we could see returning sega franchises or wholly original projects. Looking at SK's track record; huge expansive games, incredible art styles and detail, character driven stories... if there was a company outside Sega who could handle Shenmue 3, they'd be it. Much in the same way as Retro was given Metroid with heavy EAD overseeing, SK could be the out-source for sega's revival of shenmue.

Whatever the case might be with the actual content of the games, seeing SK on Nintendo again is not only plausible but viable with Sega having a huge relationship with Nintendo right now, I dont see Sega ignoring revolution when it comes to where to release SK's games. Now add to that, that the revolution could be ported to but would really shine if it got 1 on 1 game development, and you might just have an SK exclusive on revolution.


sega's "ROAD TO E3" website:



I've been watching this unfold for a few days now, it's a collection of rumors, one of them from a very funny message board fiasco where someone had their sister working at lucas arts and ... ahem 'pumped' the info out of them. this is 100% rumor, they even say that icarus is being developed by Retro which i could see happening but they've been knee-deep in Metroid Prime 3 and capcom has the dead pheonix engine ready and willing for the cross-over. but a side from that, it's a fanboy wishlist, if any of this comes true, i will a splode. It should be noted though, that some of these rumors are based in fact - such as nintendo's newly aqcuired relationship with Rockstar Studios and multiple sources are claiming that TP will look ALOT better at E3 than we;ve seen previously... that either means its even prettier on GC or its been moved to rev or there is a rev version... hurry up and die April!

From: http://www.4colorrebellion.com/archives/2006/04/23/rumor-roundup/#more-3186

Here’s the Rumor Roundup to finish your weekend. We have a huge list of rumours that have popped up recently. Let’s take a look at them. Some are very exciting… I would die to see a NiGHTS game for the Revolution. Keep in mind that none of this is confirmed, but with E3 literally right around the corner we should know more very soon.

This wrapup comes to us from Greg at the Eurogamer forums. Enjoy!

Word is that the DS lite will launch in Europe June 9th or 16th, with the Revolution getting released in Japan in June/July and the rest of the world in September/October. The Revolution will launch in white only, with black and other colors following soon after. The sensor bar that goes under the TV will match the color of your Revolution. And games on the Revolution’s Virtual Console should sell for 25$-30$. (he better be talking about NEW revolution games off the d/l network, and not 20 year old games)

Let’s talk games now.

Rumours surrounding Namco state that the original Soul Blade game for PSX will be remade for the DS and all the next gen consoles will have Soul Calibur 4 released on them. Tomb Raider will be released on the Revolution. And the DS and Cube version of Tomb Raider Legend will have some “extras” that aren’t in the other console versions.

Nights into Dreams is already 65% complete and his being directed by Yuji Naka. It will use the Revolution controller only, no attachments.

Retro Studio is giving Kid Icarus a complete makeover for its Revolution debut. The name of the game is Icarus.

A new Star Fox game is in development. It will rely solely on the Revolution controller for control.

There is a horse racing game in development aimed at the Japanese market.

Fight Night is in development by EA and will use 2 controllers. A Burnout game is in development for the Revolution.

Peter Molyneux was planning on developing Black and White and The Movies for Revolution before Microsoft bought the company.

35 development kits were sent to Rockstar London/Take Two about a month ago. No info on what game(s) they are planning to do, but it seems unlikely that it’s going be a GTA game. (Maybe there new ping pong game?)

Ubisoft has 9 games in development, many of which are launch titles. Prince of Persia is being considered for Revolution.

Super Smash Bros. for the Revolution will be subtitled “Mayhem”.

Nintendo and Valve were in talks during in March about bringing an exclusive new version of Counter Strike to the Revolution.

The Revolution controller in Zelda: Twilight Princess will be used in combination with the shell. Its use will be limited, for example, using it in situations where you are in First Person View. However, the rumors also say that there will be an exclusive dungeon that exploits the new features of the controller with a new item. Rumours are rumbling about the graphics of Zelda: Twilight Princess, they say that we will be greatly surprise at E3 when we see new screenshots/gameplay of the game.

Pikmin 3 is completely finished. It will use the Revolution controller exclusively. (We all knew Pikmin would come out on the Revolution, I mean the controller is made for this type of game)

There will be online launch titles from both Nintendo and 3rd parties. Sega games on the Virtual Console will be available for download on day one.

Midway is developing three exclusives for the Revolution.

Two Rpgs and some new/weird games will be shown at E3.

Developers have known the new name of the console since January.

We must keep our eyes on Zoonami. (I’ve heard the name of the company lots of time, but I’ve never seen a game released by them).

Capcom will show 2 titles for Revolution at E3.

Red Steel will not be the only game revealed prior to E3, although Nintendo will not show anything till then.


woooo!!! I'd fucking die if this turns out to be anywhere near the truth.


It would be nice if all that turned about to be true..


Nunchaku Controller Feature Revealed
April 25, 2006

by: Phillip Levin

CONFIRMED: Sources close to Nintendo confirm for AMN that the rumors are true. Details inside.

Last week, a rumor hit the net claiming that the Nintendo Revolution’s nunchaku controller features a built-in acellerometer allowing it to sense it being tilted left or right, or being moved up, down, left, right and in a number of other directions as well.

Today, AMN has confirmed through a developer incredibly close to Nintendo that this rumor is in fact true. The nunchaku peripheral does feature this secondary function. However, we were also told that the nunchaku controller does not feature the same pointing and motion sensing abilities that allow the Revolution free-hand controller to be used like a “pointer” or “wand.”

One example we’ve come up to describe how this function will be useful in future software involves a first-person shooter, in which you use the free-hand controller to look around and aim, while you use the nunchaku controllers analog stick to move around and strafe. Most importantly, you’d be able to tilt the nunchaku controller to the left or right to reload your weapon.

More intriguing than all this, perhaps, our source told us that this “feature” of the nunchaku controller has been in their development kits since they first received them over six months ago. This raises the question, of course, is this the second big secret function of the Revolution controller? It could be. However, it’s odd that developers have had access to the feature and information all along, without ever being told to keep the information under wraps.

Nintendo Revolution will be in full playable form during the Electronic Entertainment Expo., which kicks off May 9, 2006 with Nintendo’s annual press briefing. AMN will be on hand at the event with full coverage.


It has motion sensing, but it doesnt have a lens.It makes so much sense. I just woke up so i'll get the rest of the news and then comment on this later, but i just held my mouse and my empty coffee cup; the mouse i held as if it were a gun, (pointing at the dog). Then my empty coffee cup was held in my left hand which i kept close to the mouse (we've seen this setup in multiple videos). i decided my 'gun' is a shotgun, each time I fired a round, I would 'cock' the coffee cup, pulling it back and pushing it forward making a 'chuckchuck' reloading sound. it feels awesome, BLAM, chuckchuck, BLAM, chuckchuck. If this is what we can look forward to (i'm now getting flooded with ideas) then it's going to fucking rock.


hey look, confirmation that needs to be confirmed! i love the french language, even people who speak french cant translate the french language. anyway, important stuff:

Rev Controller Has Force Feedback, Launch Period

During an interview conducted on Canadian internet radio station Radio-Talbot, a Nintendo of Canada representative may have revealed that the Nintendo Revolution's innovative new controller will include force feedback capabilities.

In the interview, Nintendo of Canada's Director of Marketing, Pierre-Paul Trepanier, was asked whether the Revolution's motion sensing controller had force feedback and he answered "Yes, there is forcefeedback in it." Due to the interview being conducted in French there are issues as to whether he was actually referring to force feedback or merely to a simple rumble feature, his words literally translate into English as "force feedback", so we will assume that is what he meant.

The interview was jockeyed by Denis Talbot, very popular in Canada's entertainment industry. He is on staff on Music Plus, a music channel on Canadian television, and he also runs his own video game focused show called Monsieur Net. In his interview with Mr. Trepanier they touch upon many Nintendo related issues including the Revolution's controller and the Nintendo DS Lite, here's some interesting tidbits from the transcript:

NoC = Nintendo of Canada
R-T = Radio-Talbot


NoC: "It looks like a small television remote, very easy to use, very small and wireless."

R-T: "Is there any force feedback in it?"

NoC: "Yes there's feedback in it even though it is wireless, we will show more at E3. Before in our wireless controllers, we didn't put feedback because of battery life problems but now we have found a way to do it without lowering the battery life of the remote."

R-T: "Everyone who talked with me at Radio-Talbot said it was an amazing controller. For example if we want to fly a plane, we could put it upside down and use it like a joystick"

NoC: "Exactly! There's plenty of possibilities and we will see much more of them at e3. We measure a lot of things with the revmote. For example the axis X, Y and the distance with the screen. Also it measures angle, so if you twist the controller, the information is sent to the system. Even before pressing any buttons, the system already has an idea of what the player will do"

R-T: "So that means there will be some sort of thing to place on the tv?"

NoC: "It is to be confirmed, but I'm pretty sure it (the revolution) needs some sensors near the television. This way the revolution will know where the remote is"

NoC: "Everytime the player makes a movement, the controller then sends the information to the system and it calculates everything, for the hardcore gamer it really immerses them into the game"

R-T: "I guess you can't talk about how many games there will be at launch, or you don't have that information? Or you simply can't talk about it?"

NoC: "I can't really say anything about this, I can only repeat what George Harrison from Nintendo of America said to Game Informer magazine, we will have around 20 games for the launch this Autumn"


R-T: "So when will the DS Lite be released in the USA"

NoC: "We will confirm this in 1 or 2 weeks, it really depends on the japaness market,..."

*some conversation*

NoC: "We are simply waiting for the demand to stop over there so we can gather enough stock from there to launch it here"

A very interesting interview indeed, there are many things to take in. As you can see the reason for the DS Lite not reaching American shores yet is because of the intense demand for the system over in Japan, the Nintendo Revolution's controller may have force feedback features or at the very least, "rumble" capabilities and there will be approximately 20 Revolution games available during the launch window of the system. This is all important news but I will repeat the most unmissable news (in case you missed it)...the Revolution will launch in the Fall! That narrows it down to 3 months, according to Nintendo of Canada, Nintendo's next console will be released sometime during August, September or October this year. This would put it head to head with the Playstation 3's launch.

Thankyou to Moz La Punk forum member Axelferis who broke the story on our own forums and a huge thankyou to Moz La Punk editor Maarch for researching the story and for the translations.


Launching earlier than november?? This rumor has come up alot, with some sites rumoring a June release, but August would be just as good in my book - especially if Sony is able to keep on track for November and not push to 2007 (which is highly likely). The forcefeedback talk has me pinpointing one particular line: "Before in our wireless controllers, we didn't put feedback because of battery life problems but now we have found a way to do it without lowering the battery life of the remote". He's talking specifically about the Wavebird and making a reference to the GGC rumble meaning that the revcon could be using the old rumble technology and not gyros that give the feeling of weight or movement. But he actually uses the term force feedback, not rumble. I'll bring up the IGN article when they played revolution last year and felt the controller vibrate like a cellphone, when they asked if this was the type of rumble th controllers would have, nintendo replied that it was there as a placeholder - not the final version.

When you think of the revcon and what it can do, it's very obvious that force feedback is important, so you know when you hit something while moving in 3-D, when your swords strike, etc. And immersion is the name of the game. nintendo got a rumble pak down to the size of a GBA cart, now since the revcon is about 4 inches long this doesn't leave alot of room for gyros (like in the GC controller's rumble) and i'm thinking it may turn out to be cell-phone like - the plus side to this is that it wont kill batteries, it allows for diversity of strengths and can activate faster than the gyros opf the GC controller..

playing Metroid Prime you'll notice that when you charge up, the rumble will feel different each time, you can see this in jumping too. Sometimes a little weaker, sometimes a little stronger, it's because of the positions of the internal gyros which also makes it more difficult to have an immeadiate full stregnth burst. with a cellphone-like rumble, it can be set to its highest setting instantly. i'm also thinking that both parts will have rumble, the revcon and stick attachment. while playing zelda you might be able to control the shield with the stick attachment or rumored/confirmed (:D) motion sensing and feel a hit on your shield independently of the revcon (which would be the sword). other great uses would be like in metroid while walking through rough that the stick attachment will rumble low-pitch with each step or rumble while jumping/landing while the revcon will rumble only when firing your gun.

This would be fantastic but i'm still crossing my fingers for weight displacing gyros, which are the same as the GC's gyros just weighted evenly on both sides and spun faster, then can change direction depending on the direction of push or pull the gameplayer should be recieving. gyroscopes are large, the revcon is not.






The last link takes the idea to extremes, creating 40 pounds of pressure in the resistence, its also very loud. Imagine this smaller, exerting a full pound or two of resistance, and around an inch wide. The motors tell the gryo what direction to rotate in 2 directions; backwards or forwards. i dont see the need for more than two directions (pushing and pulling), but resistence from something pushing down on the controller (holding a heavy gun?) might be a fun experience. So let's give it 4 directions: back, forward, up and down. thus can be accomplished by two micro-motors which is what the GC uses. one controls forwards and backwards, the other controls up and down. you pull back on your bow string, and the gyro starts spinning away from you, giving you resistence as you try to pull the revcon (bowstring) back.

it's a sound idea that can be done cheaply, the question is how cheap. but at the very least, we can expect some kind of rumble feature in the revolution controller which has been a subject of debate.

DS Lite in May, you know it, i know it, the world knows it.

So to sum up; I hate the french.


Summing up all the rumors so we don't have to find them ourselves... it is helpful, but darnit, now you make me wish that some of them are actually true... :)

I will make one comment though... force feedback. Real force feedback, or rumble? I don't know of any console controller that has had force feedback, just rumble vibration... there's a significant difference. It'd be nice to see consoles finally start to catch up to the PC tech (consoles have better adoptability (that is, more console games use rumble than pc games use force), but the pc has the better tech)...

Gyroscopes in the nunchuck is also interesting, and seems like a simple thing to do, so that's plausible.


turns out that force feedback thing was a mistranslation. they meant rumble. though who knows what'll be shown at e3


Yeah, this time of year I don't really believe anything until I see it at E3. The "megaton" announcement was really what made me stop believing all of this stuff, but it is always fun to speculate isn't it?


To which megaton do you speak of? :D

here's the low down on NDA's: they're almost entirely gone if not all done. The vast majority expired the 21st at midnight (I think) and it was thought that it was all going to explode; instead it's a slow trickle which makes the most sense but is far less fun. hindur dur info bork bork bork:

Konami's First Revolution Title Revealed
Famitsu gets the first word on Elebits. Details inside.
by IGN Staff

April 26, 2006 - Japan's Weekly Famitsu was promising a big Revolution scoop this week, and this appears to be it. The magazine is home to first details on Konami's first Revolution game, the all original Elebits. Shingo Mukaitouge, known for his work on the Guitar Freaks and Drum Mania series, is serving as producer.

The magazine was able to reveal only a few specifics on the new title. In Elebits, players move around a game world, attempting to find and collect Elebit creatures. Elebits are small and cute like Pikmin, but they actually serve as the energy source that makes the game's world move. The "Ele" in the name appears to stand for Electricity, with the "Bits" reflecting that the characters are tiny.
As you find Elebits, the game world will slowly evolve. The game will offer a feel of "hunting," suggesting that perhaps the Elebits won't just be sitting around waiting to get caught.

Specifics, including genre and gameplay systems, will have to wait until a future update, although Mukaitouge was able to add a few more details in an interview with the magazine.

The Elebits game design stems from three concepts, Mukaitouge revealed: letting the player feel like they're actually touching the inside of the screen; finding stuff by moving things; and Konami's creation of a new character, the Elebits themselves.

The first two areas are of particular interest due to their dependence on the Revolution's controller. Konami wanted to be sure and create something that could not be replicated on an existing controller. While not going into specifics on how exactly players will use the controller, Mukaitouge suggested the image of real time movements of on-screen objects based on movements of the controller.

With the cute Elebit characters, Elebits may seem like it targets casual users. The game will include some stages that can be played in under 10 minutes, but core gamers will also find lots of secret content. Network functionality is also being considered, although this is an area that will get Konami's attention only once the single player experience has been fully developed.

Further details on Elebits are expected at E3. The game is currently without a release date.


say it with me: fucking KONAMI SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!! the game sounds odd, like an adventure puzzle game. I'm imagining a gameplay scenario like you have nets and the like to catch the Elebits while they'll try to flee and hide - then you'll use tools such as hammers to break open objects to find the Elebits, or even dangle 'food' to bait them out. With the producer of well known music games at the helm, I exect to see something with music, maybe like playing a tune to hypnotize the Elebits in to coming out of their hiding places. Sounds very awesome but very weird, if th gameplay is super tight we'll basically have an easter egg hunt on our hands which could be alot of fun.



New Controller Revolutionizes Ways to Have Fun with AiAi and the Super Monkey Ball Gang

SAN FRANCISCO & LONDON (April 26, 2006) - SEGA® of America, Inc. and SEGA Europe Ltd. today announced Super Monkey Ball™: Banana Blitz developed by SEGA Studios for the Nintendo Revolution system. AiAi and all his friends have rolled their way onto Nintendo's new console with new mind-blowing puzzle levels and a wealth of new and exciting Party Games specifically designed to fully exploit the innovative Nintendo Revolution controller. Other titles will have a difficult time matching the multitude of possible variations in game control as presented in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz.

"The Nintendo Revolution presents a totally unique avenue for our developers to explore the art of game design," said Scott A. Steinberg, Vice President of Marketing, SEGA of America, Inc. "Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz will present a mind-boggling array of gameplay innovations that will excite and challenge gamers while pushing the boundaries of imagination forward."

The single-player puzzle levels in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz have been innovatively designed to challenge gamers' skills like never before. For the first time in the Super Monkey Ball franchise, AiAi and his friends will have the ability to jump when players flick the Nintendo Revolution controller in an upward motion. The ability to jump has given game designers another dimension in which to expand the Super Monkey Ball gameplay experience and allows gamers a whole new way to interact with the franchise; this time in true three-dimensional fashion.

The Party Games, for which the Super Monkey Ball franchise is famous, return with more variety than ever. An abundance of new Party Games have been creatively designed to take advantage of the Revolution controller in a multitude of ways. Gamers will find themselves competing in a traditional game of ring toss, or even smacking pesky moles in a game of "Whack-a-Mole." Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz's large library of Party Games is sure to inspire friendly competition anytime.

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz is currently being developed by SEGA Studios. For screenshots and artwork, please visit the SEGA FTP site at: http://segapr.segaamerica.com.

SEGA's E3 booth will be located in the South Hall, #946, at the Los Angeles Convention Center.


1UP: How challenging has it been on the development side to adapt an existing game like Monkey Ball to the Revolution's controller?

TN: It was easy for me to imagine how it would feel playing with the Revolution controller. So I tried it right away, and the result was just as I expected. I think I was able to create the perfect operational feeling smoothly.

1UP: Given that this is a next-generation game, does it take a much larger staff to make the game than it has with previous Monkey Ball games?

TN: No, not at all. Really.

1UP: Are you using a new graphics engine for the game, or is it based on the previous games?

TN: It's a customized version based on the previous engine. We've been able to exploit it in ways that I'm sure will make players happy.

[So are we controlling him or is he controlling us? Something weird is going on here.]

1UP: Why do you think Revolution is a good home for the Monkey Ball series?

TN: It is because the operational feeling matches the gaming system directly. It almost feels like the Revolution was created for Monkey Ball to be played on.

1UP: What kinds of mini-games can we expect to see in the game? How are you planning to use the Revolution controller in unique ways for these mini-games?

TN: Of all the series, this title contains the largest number of unique mini-games ever. Of course, the controller system has been changed a lot and gameplay experiences which we weren't able to accomplish in the previous games can be experienced in this title.

1UP: Have you given any thought to letting players control the older GameCube Monkey Ball titles on the Revolution using the new Revolution control scheme?

TN: We have no plans for that, but if there are many demands from the users, it might be an interesting feature to think of. And I'm sure it will be a perfect match.

(read: They just confirmed, in a way, tht GC titles can be updated, probably through a d/l patch ffor use with the revcon)

we knew this was coming since Nintendo showed off the controller - I expect alot of gameplay changes here with Banana blitz and the updates will be logical. Monkey Ball Billiards will use the revcon like a pool cue and that's reason enough to buy the game. It will have rolling, flying, gravity tricks, and i'm even expecting a different gameplay model. In the original Monkey Ball games you moved the world to move the monkey ball, I think in Super Monkey Ball Adventure you do not move the world but just the ball (not known for sure yet) so i think BB will be exactly that. I'm thinking of springs and jumping that'll be sorta like the barrel levels in DKC - fast paced and crazy and all about timing. I'm hoping that they mess with the idea of turning gravity off or reversing it (play upside down) but we'll see. good news though, a game that will do well in Japan and here immeadiately and it's tailor-made for the revolution... and not a FPS. :D I wonder if Sega is thinking about porting Condemned? Also does anyone here remember th original Super Monkey Balll arcade setup? it was a banana joystick basically, and just realized something: how about a base that sits onn your coffee table and allows you to plug in the revcon to turn the entire thing in to an arcade stick? Revolution ADVANTAGE anyone?


Tecmo Golf Game to be Offline

The following news was reported by IGN. Their recent news article touches on Tecmos Revolution Golf title. Here's what they had to say;

Tecmo was one of the first Japanese publishers to announce support for the Revolution, with Skatto Golf Pangya Revolution seeming to come out of nowhere this past February. The latest issue of Famitsu has first details on the Revolution version of the crazy golf game, including an interview with Tecmo producer Keisuke Kikuchi.

Kikuchi revealed to the magazine that Tecmo is approaching the Revolution title as an original game, rather than a port of the PC version. Tecmo wants to create a new golf game standard with the game, focusing on three areas: enjoyment from moving the controller to play the game, providing a better defined world over the PC version, and allowing players to play a little bit every day for a long time.
The PC version made its name as an online title, but the Revolution version looks like it will be a strictly offline experience. The focus of the Revolution version will be on offline play, Kikuchi revealed to the magazine. Tecmo is not planning on including competitive online play, although Kikuchi hopes to have downloadable content.

Of course, the game's control scheme is likely to draw the most attention. Kikuchi feels that players will enjoy moving their bodies to play the game. On top of the Revolution worthy control scheme, Tecmo is also working on a fully button-based input system which allows for precise controls.

Tecmo is working on plenty of new content for the Revolution version. The game will include multiple characters, each with a storyline. As you work through the story, you'll earn new costumes.


bummer. no on line. But I think it's really cool that they let you choose between playing the game traditionally (using the buttons... shell?) or by actually standing up and swinging your golf club (revcon). having it offline will mean a great multiplayer experience because it will be contained and streamlined but also people will litteraly take turns to stand up and take their swings while we marvel at the anime panty shots and make fun of their form.


Madden Revolution – Throw, Kick, Shove

EA’s American Football just got interesting.

27th Apr 2006

Related Links Companies Electronic Arts
Link to This Article http://news.spong.com/article/9949

An innovative American Football game! Who would have thunk it? It’s just been reported that development of a Revolution version of EA's hugely popular American Football is being handled by a special Revo-focused team at EA's Burnaby, British Columbia studio, and not at the Orlando, Florida-based EA Tiburon studio.

This, in itself, you may think is not too interesting. What is very interesting is the fact that the game is going to make full use of use of the Revolution controller's motion-sensing capabilities. Which means that you will use the controllers to mimic throwing, catching, kicking and pushing huge dumb-ass jock quarterbacks out of your way.

Madden Revolution – not a finalised title – will be demonstrated in full at E3, but in the meantime here are the details we have so far on this title.

Gamespot reports on the following awesome sounding features EA is promising in Madden Revolution:

Players will hike the ball by mimicking a quarterback receiving the ball from the center, and then pass it to a receiver by making a throwing gesture with the free-hand controller. The faster the passing motion, the more of a bullet pass it becomes (in previous Madden editions, bullet passes were made by holding the passing button down longer).

Kicking the ball will be accomplished by sweeping the controller up as if it were a kicker's leg striking the ball. A fast, level swing will make for a hard, straight kick.

The Revolution controller will also come into play when running the ball, as jerking the controller left or right will make the ball-carrier juke to either side, while shoving it straight ahead will make him stiff-arm the opposition.

SPOnG thinks that you will agree that, even if you have previously had no or little interest in American Football games (we haven’t, we have to admit) this one sounds like its going to be a lot of fun.

GameSpot also spoke to John Schappert, previously head of EA Tiburon and now the top boy at EA Canada, who had a few interesting things to say about the game.

“We've built Madden for the Revolution. It fully maximizes the [Revolution's controller] to play Madden like never before. It's pretty cool. It's going to take you through a passing drill, a kicking drill… it's going to immerse you in the game,” Schappert said.

He went on to point out that: “We've created a separate group that we have in Canada here that's doing Madden and some other titles and they're just focused on Revolution. Their whole mantra is to create Revolution-specific versions of these games that are created just for the Revolution. So Madden Revolution will be very different from any other version of Madden you play. It'll be tailored just for the Revolution, which means we're spending a majority of our time making the control, which is very unique and different...specific for that machine.”

Wow! As well as actually making SPOnG very excited about titles to which we would previously have given a mere cursory nod , this guy also has the ability to drop the word Revolution into conversation more often than we do.

SPOnG will be sure to test out the throwing, kicking and passing gestures when we get our mitts on the game at E3. We hope that it doesn’t mimic the way that our Stefan throws a ball mind; a move which we like to refer to as a ‘lady throw’.

We will also make sure to find out more about the ‘other titles’ which John Schappert refers to above, and whilst he is fairly tight-lipped on which ones are currently in development he does say that, “...all the franchises we have in development [for Revolution] have very innovative control schemes as I've just described for Madden. They're maximizing the power of the machine: the control, the WiFi. What makes the Revolution unique is what our focus is for our Revolution group and the titles they're working on.”


yeah, take that sports fans. Take it and like it. I have never been interested in sports games, unless Mario's in it because then i'll know it will atleast have the nostalgic fun and solid gameplay, but dare I say it: I'm interested in an EA SPORTS title! EA seems very excited as well, strange that they focuced on football first, i would have thought basketball or of course baseball but they'll get here, for now we can dream about playing Revolution-style football. Now just throw in an eye-toy so we can actually tackle our friends god dammit!

Dan Hsu (EGM) excited for Revo
April 27th, 2006
Excerpt from Mr. Hsu’s blog…

We just finished our June issue (which will start shipping right when E3 starts). Our cover story? The Nintendo Revolution. After working on this article, I must say, I’ve gone from “excited” to “OMG super-psyched” for this machine. I can’t reveal anything right now, but I think the Revolution will put Nintendo back into the game for this next-gen console war. Forget GameCube and Nintendo 64. If Nintendo can get the right developers backing this system for a few years, it will be a winner. Stay tuned….


Lame. EGM's rev blow-out will ship may 8th. all the rumors were pointing to a end of april release but i guess EGM got a nicely writen threat from intendo not to release the mag before E3.


File this under 'No shit'

The forthcoming Tony Hawks' title for the Revolution has been confirmed to be exclusive to Nintendo! Details inside!

Some great news to report from the April edition of Nintendo Powe magazine - that the Tony Hawk's game for the Revolution, Downhill Jam will actually be exclusive to Nintendo - it will only be released on the Revolution and DS.

On the Revolution version of the game, the unique controller will be used to allow movement without pressing any buttons! Gamers will be able to skate aroud, tilting the remote to turn without the need for any other controls. Buttons will only be used to perform tricks.

The game, developed by Toys For Bob, will allow four player split-screen multiplay action and will feature at least eight brand new levels with a slew of new racers and a new boost meter which is filled up by pushing the controller forwards. Almost certainly to be available around launch, we'll bring you more at E3!


hudson's "flight game" is a tota no show, no interviews, no press releases beyond 'hey we're announcing a game' the only info known is that its a flight game and you can bomb things. dragon ball z for rev promises to let players mimic the moves of the characters including TWO HANDED MOVES like the famous dragon ball z fireball, i'll just chalk that up to the confirmed/rumor of revolution's controller having movement sensitity in both ends. Sega's road to E3 website proises a bunch more games, one of them is 'a game that has been shelved for 10 years'. Some say Rez, some say Nights, either way i'm happy.

the trickle continues as we approach E3, and here's a nice (fake) blurry small screenshot of metroid prime 3... maybe. God dammit, Nintendo is like the Loch ness Monster, UFO's and bigfoot at the sametime.


Well, I was going to post the Madden news but it seems since I had to spend all morning cleaning up my hard drive that I'm late to the party.

Well, here, have a link to Gamasutra anyway.


The most interesting part to me in the story is the fact that this is the first Madden to be done outside of Tiburon.


Quote:say it with me: fucking KONAMI SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!! the game sounds odd, like an adventure puzzle game. I'm imagining a gameplay scenario like you have nets and the like to catch the Elebits while they'll try to flee and hide - then you'll use tools such as hammers to break open objects to find the Elebits, or even dangle 'food' to bait them out. With the producer of well known music games at the helm, I exect to see something with music, maybe like playing a tune to hypnotize the Elebits in to coming out of their hiding places. Sounds very awesome but very weird, if th gameplay is super tight we'll basically have an easter egg hunt on our hands which could be alot of fun.

Konami supported the N64, but their Gamecube support has been seriously lacking...


Sounds perfect for the Revolution controller...

Quote:bummer. no on line. But I think it's really cool that they let you choose between playing the game traditionally (using the buttons... shell?) or by actually standing up and swinging your golf club (revcon). having it offline will mean a great multiplayer experience because it will be contained and streamlined but also people will litteraly take turns to stand up and take their swings while we marvel at the anime panty shots and make fun of their form.

Pangya... the PC game... Tecmo has nothing to do with it (it's made by a Korean developer; I think that Tecmo is just making the Revolution version...), but this is it... (the US version is called Albatross 18: Realms of PangYa) It's free, with payment for optional things (extra items, equipment, etc). I played it a few times several months ago (well before the GC announcement), but... well... it's golf. Fantasy-ish golf, but golf. Boring... :) It's still on my HDD though, but I don't play it...


Quote:The most interesting part to me in the story is the fact that this is the first Madden to be done outside of Tiburon.

Not counting the Game Boy titles, I assume...