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Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - Printable Version

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Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - Dark Jaguar - 22nd September 2005

Gattica was a good movie.

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - CoconutCommander - 22nd September 2005

[Image: 10126450.jpg]

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - Dark Jaguar - 22nd September 2005

It's basically like what Hitler wanted, only this time the nazis really ARE superior specimins.

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - A Black Falcon - 22nd September 2005

It's a very possible future... and that's part of why it's so good, it's quite possible, unlike a lot of scifi.

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - Dark Jaguar - 22nd September 2005

Yeah, right down to people assuming too much about the technology. For example, obviously the DNA didn't limit the main character THAT much, or he would not have been able to overcome it.

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - A Black Falcon - 22nd September 2005

Yes, it's got both technology and human nature down right, sadly. Well, sadly on the latter part, anyway...

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - Great Rumbler - 22nd September 2005

Quote:Ugh, Contact... that movie was TERRIBLE! So the main lesson of that movie is, if someone tells you an extremely unlikely story in place of a much more likely explanation in their defense, go with it because you MIGHT be wrong? Sure, I'll remember that next time a murderer wants to get off scott free because he was actually being posessed by a demon.

The main lesson was that science can't explain everything and sometime you just have to take things on faith. She knew what she saw despite all the evidence the panel produced to refute her claim but she couldn't back down because she believed so strongly it was true. And in the end it was revealed that there may have been some truth to her story.

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - CoconutCommander - 22nd September 2005

Gattaca is a story about will power, determination, following your dreams and overcoming whatever obstacles lay in your path. It is very inspiring. One of my favorites.

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - A Black Falcon - 22nd September 2005

The "and then you wake up... and turn your head and see something from the place you just were" ending. Common, and annoying every time you see it... though it's not quite as bad as "and then you wake up, the end." :)

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - CoconutCommander - 22nd September 2005

Ya, that ending was kinda gay.

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - Darunia - 22nd September 2005

More Arthur C. Clarke novels should be adapted into movies. Its my understanding that he wrote some really great stories.

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - CoconutCommander - 22nd September 2005

Not only is he an amazing author he is an amazing man. I recommend doing a little Googling and reading about this man's life.

Dar-eunuch, you should read some of his stories. They are amazingly addictive. He doesn't cloud the story with boring technical information about the sciences, he gives just enough to make the scenerio plausible. Easy reading, too.

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - Dark Jaguar - 22nd September 2005

GR, the impression I got was that for all we as the audience knew, she DID just have a delusion. They didn't offer the audience any evidence either. That may have been the point, but it all ends up very shallow in the end. It really does seem like she was just temporarily delusional, or less tham temporary, as she strangely changed her entire viewpoint on life. I guess all it takes is a dream about yo daddy to lose rational thought...

And science never claimed to know everything, last I checked.

Bush Advances Humanity, Despite Liberal Nay-Sayers - Great Rumbler - 23rd September 2005