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DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Printable Version

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DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Great Rumbler - 5th April 2005

If the DS can keep up a steady stream of decent to great games then I think it's chances of at least selling even with the PSP are pretty good. There are a lot of factors to consider here and I think when you put them all into play, the two consoles come out fairly evenly, all thing considered. However, if the DS can't maintain a steady stream of such games, then the balance turns to favor the PSP. Unfortunately, though, the DS doesn't seem like it's going have such games. The holiday season will be the real test about what people want, if the DS loses there then I think the won't be able to regain the top spot again, unless something drastically changes.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 5th April 2005

The PSP has been out an entire week in the U.S. and it already has three times the number of good games as the DS, which has been out since NOVEMBER.

So yeah, it's tough to not be a pessimist about the system's future.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Great Rumbler - 5th April 2005

If it can get its act together though...

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - A Black Falcon - 5th April 2005

DS is a Nintendo console. And it's unique. That means less games. But the quality will pick up, and there's some good game right now, so it's not THAT bad...

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 5th April 2005

The hardware is unique, but there are only a couple of good unique games out right now. Their flagship title was anything but unique, unless you meant in a bad way.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - A Black Falcon - 5th April 2005

I meant the hardware is unique, which makes making good unique games harder... but some have done that and more will come.

And as I've said, nothing REALLY matters until November... sure, the console with more momentum has an advantage, but that's the key period.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Great Rumbler - 5th April 2005

So far I've got four games and I'd say they're all worth the price. Mario 64 DS was good, not when compared to the original of course, but it wasn't like it was something horrible that no one would want to play ever. Then there's Wario Ware, which is incredibly fun [like the other games in the series] and it makes great use of the touchpad and in that same category is Feel the Magic, a little short perhaps, but plenty of fun. Yoshi's Touch and Go [should have left it as Catch! Touch! Yoshi!, in my opinion] while only having four modes that play out in one level is a good way to waste 20-30 minutes. It's simple, and yet very hard. They definitely need to release more games like those.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 5th April 2005

Mario 64 should have been much better, Feel the Magic and Yoshi are fun but don't last for a very long time, and Wario is great even if it is also short.

Kirby looks to be the first DS "killer-app", which is kind of sad if you think about it.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - N_A - 5th April 2005

As I said, its all a problem with the timing. Nintendo actually has a lot of stuff lined up, from Advanced Wars, to Metroid, to Animal Crossing, etc, BUT these games ALL should have launched last year and with online capability on day 1 if Nintendo wanted to assure that the PSP was DOA on launch date. But that never happened and so now Nintendo has to try to beat the PSP by luck, which when you evaluate Sony's strategy, you will see that they are leaving no rock unturned to beat Nintendo. With the current game schedule, the DS might as well have launched in Winter 2005.

There is too validity in the strategy of letting Sony drain its resources for example, but I don't know how much luxury of market share Nintendo has to spare to let this happen. From what I understand, Sony is still in the red and has been for a long time for overexpanding and overdoing it. One wonders how long they can keep it up while Nintendo despite having been last for a long time now, has always been the most profitable game company and was even lauded to be Japan's most well managed company ever.

Overall though, I do expect to see awesome games on the DS, I too, however, am saddened that it will take a while. Again, I still don't have a single game for my DS since none of the stuff out right now was compelling enough to buy.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Private Hudson - 6th April 2005

Where did you hear that Sony is in the red?

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Great Rumbler - 6th April 2005

Their entertainment division isn't making as much money as Nintendo is, but I don't know anything about the specifics.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 6th April 2005

Nintendo has always made the best profits.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Weltall - 6th April 2005

Well, I would prefer Nintendo take a loss and use that money to buy some real physical third-party support. I could honestly care less how rich they're getting.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 6th April 2005

Nintendo doesn't think that buying studios left and right like MS and Sony do is smart. They develop relationships with third-parties and get exclusives...


DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Great Rumbler - 6th April 2005


DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - A Black Falcon - 6th April 2005

Yeah, they get one exclusive, and Sony and MS get three PS2-and-X-Box games from the same developer...

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Private Hudson - 6th April 2005

And that exclusive ends up being ported over to the PS2 anyways.. ;)

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Great Rumbler - 6th April 2005

In some cases, yes.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - A Black Falcon - 6th April 2005

If it sells well.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Smoke - 6th April 2005

The GameCube is like a testing ground. If your game does well on the GameCube it gets to graduate to a grown up console! ;)

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 6th April 2005


DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - A Black Falcon - 6th April 2005

That's true for some games, but not most Cube exclusives... because most Cube exclusives are exclusive because they're Nintendo-liscenced. The Cube doesn't get many true third-party exclusive games, that's for sure.

And when we do, it's retail not-successes like Billy Hatcher (mediocre anyway) and P.N.03 (a good, misunderstood game).

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - N_A - 6th April 2005

Sony's been in the red for a while, every now and then I read an article criticizing their management and questioning how long they can keep up this "strategy" of beating the competition in the short run to ensure profits in the long run, but I don't remember any specifics references. I think the thing is Nintendo has picked up on this style of reckless business and is simply taking advantage of Sony. They'll "fake" weakness, take it easy so that Sony becomes complacent as well as committed in their strategy that has yet to kill the competition completely, burn themselves out in the long run after having failed at destroying the competition. Then Nintendo takes back the market in the "longer" run afterwards.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - lazyfatbum - 7th April 2005

I rub my asshole on PS3, I make XBox 2 lick my dog's penis and Gamecube only has mascots. I see exclusives and I want to vomit, the idea of peripherals and add-ons, unless really well thought out and actually USED give me a taste in my mouth like the inside of a fake leg. I can name 3 games on PS2 that I would actually buy (ICO, Silent Hill 3 and 4) and I cant think of any on XBox that I would even rent let alone wipe my ass with even if I was in the middle of a fucking cactus field littered with used syringes and Gamecube takes too long between releases.

I like hearing about how Nintendo is making money, I like hearing that "my team" is doing well. But dammit someone kick Nintendo in the shit hole and make them get some God forsaken third parties for Christ's sake.

I want Mario, Zelda and Metroid, Pikmin and Animal Crossing, all the weird little titles and all the flagship masterpieces AND I want AAA third parties too because i'm a picky bastard and i expect everything handed to me on a silver plate otherwise I will complain like a whiny ignorant child like every other console owner in existence.

Okay i'm done.

Oh and suck my shit Sony, suck my fucking shit. I hope you lose so much money on the PSP that you have to whore yourselves in the electronics district and sellout to fly-by-night Chinese entrepreneurial companies that were formed on a whim by BORED DIGNATARIES.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Smoke - 7th April 2005

lazyfatbum Wrote:I can name 3 games on PS2 that I would actually buy (ICO, Silent Hill 3 and 4) and I cant think of any on XBox that I would even rent let alone wipe my ass with even if I was in the middle of a fucking cactus field littered with used syringes

I think that if you were locked in a room with nothing but a TV, PS2, Xbox, and every game ever made for those systems thus far you'd change your opinion of them. There's a lot of great games for both systems that you probably just don't know about because they're on those systems and not on the GameCube.

Fanboyism is so 1999.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - A Black Falcon - 7th April 2005

The Silent Hill games are all available on PC. :)

Just Ico, then? :D

But yeah, I'm sure there are more exclusives than that worth getting... I just find enough on the GC to not care TOO much about that.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - lazyfatbum - 7th April 2005

Smoke i've played every big title on all 3 systems except for the new Splinter Cell. I make sure to try out every game that people talk about or say is worth playing.

And ABF the only PC games I play are emulated NES, my graphics card sucks. :D

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - A Black Falcon - 7th April 2005

Even worse than mine, then? :)

My video card is pretty bad for a pc gamer... it's 3 1/2 years old and wasn't great then... it's right on the edge for modern games. I'm finding some modern games (demos) won't work on my computer... either because I don't have a good enough videocard, or I don't have XP.

On that note... I don't get it, why are some games 2000/XP only... is it REALLY that hard to also make them ME compatible? It's annoying.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - A Black Falcon - 7th April 2005

Let's hope these rumors come true...

Quote:April 04 - 06/2005 - Spotlight
QOTU: "I'll just gnaw on this hand Nintendo sent me. It helps to pass the time."
Well, last month was a MONTH of Foreigner References. This month, the references are easier. So, here is some news for those who read us on a regular basis!

1. New columns from Hbomb and Don.

2. Nintendo Power made my day by excluding an * next to the US name for Another Code. The latest Nintendo Power Issue had a list of games that were coming out for the Nintendo DS. The list had an asterisk by each game NOT CURRENTLY SLATED for US release. Another Code was one of the games that did not have an asterisk beside it.. It also had a specific highlight on it and a picture of Ashley. While everyone raved on about Katamaru Damacy and all the other new games, Another Code was quietly confirmed.

3. Midway is set to announce about TEN DS titles at E3. So far, the names being tossed around are ports of Wipeout 64, Spy Hunter 2, and Gauntlet Legends: Dark Legacy. Arcade Treasures games, a Mortal Kombat game, and other titles are expected. We'll see at E3.

4. Nintendo is set to announce 10 new GBA games at E3 for release later this year. One of which is F-Zero 3, also it looks like Nintendo will be publishing Tales of Phantasia for GBA themselves. Awaiting confirmation on that myself, but considering Nintendo is publishing Soul Calibur for DS themselves, it looks like that will happen.

Quick side note for those who want to know, the April Fools jokes were the bit about Atlus and the bit about Majesco. Although, the Majesco one is grounded in a few interesting facts. The DS sales data is completely true. It also makes me wonder a bit on what games like NINTENDOGS, Electroplankton, and future titles like Pokemon Diamond/Pearl will do to the DS sales in Japan. If two new color variations do that for the unit, than the PSP does not have as strong a grip as Sony thinks. It looks like the online play in Diamond/Pearl, and solid games like Final Fantasy 3 could be enough to keep the Nintendo DS a high profile system in Japan for a long time. Oh, umm.. online play in Pearl/Diamond.. umm.. you didn't read that. That's it, there's begging, and THIS is silly. Later people! Comment? -PAW- Top?

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 7th April 2005

It was already pretty much confirmed for a U.S. release.

I want a new 3D FZero, by golly. I'd do anything for a graphically-updated FZX port with the 64DD level editor. Mmmmmm...

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - A Black Falcon - 7th April 2005

The F-Zero X Mission Editor... yeah, that'd be awesome...

Tales of Phantasia-GBA actually getting released over here would be fantastic as well, but I'll believe it when I see it.

And Another Code... it's probable, but not definite, so every bit of evidence which suggests that it will actually be coming out here is good.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Great Rumbler - 7th April 2005

I hope Another Code comes out pretty soon.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Dark Jaguar - 7th April 2005

But how long are you playing them, and what's your attitude?

Are you doing this:

"I'll show them I always give the evil stupid companies a chance! Okay, let's play this. This'll suck, but it'll shut them up if I just play it. Alright, to ensure my brain won't be polluted, I'll just start making fun of everything I can think of OUT LOUD while I play. Okay, that sucks! Haha, that's not a good thing there. This game sucks! Okay, I reached the first save point, that's enough. *breaks game*"

Okay, you aren't doing that, but maybe you are looking for flaws and not trying to really enjoy the game?

Have you played Katamari Damacy? How about Metal Gear? List some specific titles, how long you played them, and when you decided it sucked. Honestly, I want to know.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 7th April 2005

DJ, imagine trying to tell that to yourself, or one us, back in 1999. Lazy is the last of his kind, and we should try to preserve that for as long as possible. It's endearing. :)

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - lazyfatbum - 7th April 2005

You guys are so retarded. I cant believe it's 'cool' now to NOT have a favorite console.

"I'm hip, I dont have any favorites, I like everything, when I watch sports I root for both teams, someone fuck my mouth with a wire brush please."

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 7th April 2005

The GC is my favorite console, Nintendo is my favorite developer, but I'm no longer a biased fanboy like I used to be. :)

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Private Hudson - 7th April 2005



You're biased against Nintendo!!

Dirty PSP lover!

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 7th April 2005

You know it! Even though I'm like the only one here who really loves Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker...

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - jonsoh - 7th April 2005

Awww, I really love Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker...

Think about it, Mario Sunshine has the most awesome water effects of any mario game! How can you say no?

And Wind Waker, the first cel-shaded GC game...look at all the copycats on the market now...

Speaking of which, a GBA version of Tales of Phantasia would be awesome. I played the Japanese version for a while and it was awesome...and that's without me actually understanding much.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 7th April 2005

Welcome to the forum, jonsoh!

Look everyone, a new member!

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - lazyfatbum - 7th April 2005

The PSP is a marketing tool sold to depraived media whores who get off on Super Biowl Commercials. It might as well be a Nike shoe or a MLB hat or OB1's mom.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 7th April 2005

Yes indeed, nobody should buy a system with games like Lumines and Wipeout Pure. Only a idiot who knows nothing about games (read: isn't a blind Nintendo fanboy) would like to get a PSP, or any other non-Nintendo video game system for that matter..

Thank you for proving our point, lazy.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Private Hudson - 7th April 2005

But the games are great...!

Welcome Jonsoh!

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 7th April 2005

Dude, they're totally not great!

Shhh! Hudson, we can't let lazy find out about it! It would destroy his very being!!

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Private Hudson - 7th April 2005

Don't tell him about about all the neat features and beautiful wide screen!

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - OB1 - 7th April 2005

It's for WHORES!!!

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - N_A - 7th April 2005

Screw the handheld version of Tales of Phantasia... that was one of the best RPGs I've ever played, we need a sequel on the Revolution.

Speaking of Sony and M$, they're still evil as they were in 1999 in my mind. But I don't need to repeat myself, since I've established that belief.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - lazyfatbum - 8th April 2005

OB1 Wrote:It's for WHORES!!!

OB1 I said Media Whores.

Normal whores probably dont play video games.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - Dark Jaguar - 8th April 2005

Well, the difference is I like video games, and if it has good games, then it has more replay value than a deoderant stick commercial to me.

DS blows PSP out of the water in Japan [Finally] - lazyfatbum - 8th April 2005

You will soon come to realize your false view of this world.

Soon, I will gain enough momentum to destroy Sony and Microsoft. Companies that will forever be known as "The systems that made Grandpa play video games and DESTROY hardcore gaming" Yeah, tout your wishy washy princess fu-fu idealistic world where everyone can afford all systems and buy controllers, games, memory cards, peripherals etc for 3 major platforms. Only the rich and the 30 year old man-children have the time or money to do such a thing.

I am the last of my kind, I am the first of my kind, all you people bought in to the perpetual marketing campaign of the corporate monster and it's slowly sucking the life force out of you. Look at you.... going around saying that the PSP has good games or that the XBox "Just needs a chance to show it's quality titles" oh my GOD people! There's winged bears in the air, fire erputs from clouds IT IS THE END TIME... and you are all bringing it upon us.

Decades from now Dark Jaguar will post a thread titled "Blinx 4 is so awesome" and OB1 will post saying it's bojacksome and you will all dance and eat corporate fodder while the world cries. But not me man. Not me.

I will never sell out Nintendo like you people did.

Puh, "other systems" there are no "other systems". Only Nintendo systems. Sega is dead... the only other company with awesome first party stuff and YOU PEOPLE KILLED SEGA because you BOUGHT IN TO SONY'S BULLSHIT and now they're gone forever.... I practice tantric sex but it gets me nothing. And while I do, the hearts of billions cry out DEAR GOD WHERE IS OUR VIDEO GAMES and no one knows, look at them now, scrambling! Going from one game to the next, like a child in a library flipping through pages of books looking for pictures because "reading takes too long" and this mentality, dare I say... this way of life that YOU PEOPLE CREATED will destroy us all. Games 10 years from now.... will be nothing more than Dragon's Lair with real time graphics... and an anime character holding a desert eagle that you can play on your Microsoft I-Pod EXTREME Gaming system while the Nike logo actually IMPREGNATES YOU with its hell seed and makes you spend an entire pay check on shoes.

Mark my words ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Heed my warning, you think you are doing good by dismissing your DEEPEST DESIRES TO LOVE NINTENDO AND ONLY NINTENDO but in fact, by doing that, you are killing us all. Your poultry nonpartisan liberal bullshit facist nonesense, I'd cut your brake line in a god damn heart beat.

I pity you all.