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Terry Schiavo fiasco - Printable Version

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Terry Schiavo fiasco - A Black Falcon - 2nd April 2005

Quote:On the issue of the death penalty... to be honest, I think life in prison is a harsher punishment than a quick and painless death, but that's just me. I really don't feel too strongly either way about the death penalty except that innocent people sometimes get convicted.

I consider anything that results in death worse because then they're dead... and being dead is worse than living miserably.

Quote:and as for euthenasia, only if the case is similar to Schiavo's, and I believe in lethal injection, not starving the person to death.

Removing a feeding tube isn't considered euthenasia, though. Lethal injections are. So the lethal injections are illegal... double standard? Yes. But that's how it is.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Geno - 2nd April 2005

Right, of course... sometimes my English... um... farts like that. :confused2

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Geno - 2nd April 2005

...and I use elipses(sp?) way too much...

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Weltall - 2nd April 2005

EdenMaster Wrote:Ryan, these are the people who kill doctors to save unborn fetuses. Don't try to make any sense of them, they're nutjobs.

I don't get that, either.

This issue was certainly becoming political near the end, and I don't really like how either side handled it. Moreover, I don't think either side SHOULD have handled it.

As for the death penalty, I don't really care how much of a punishment it really is, that's not the point. I once suggested what I thought was a great alternative, one that would serve as a great punishment (the idea of hard forced labor), but failing that, the death penalty I believe serves less to punish the criminal than it does to remove their taint from the rest of society. When you attack a cancer, you don't do it to punish the tumor, you do it to heal the host. Left alive, a criminal is a constant burden on a society he has already wronged, for it costs a lot of money to keep someone alive and breathing for years and years. We, as law-abiding members of society, who pay our taxes and play by the rules, should not have to let our hard-earned money be used to feed some disgusting nutsack who wantonly steals someone's life. I believe that by taking someone else's life, you forfeit your own. They have already caused direct misery to someone, they should not be kept alive to further punish the rest of us by forcing us to pay to keep their worthless hearts beating.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Geno - 3rd April 2005

Well, it certainly wouldn't break my heart to see a murderer be put to death. It just sucks when someone innocent is put to death. I don't strongly oppose the death penalty though. Some people deserve to die.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - OB1 - 3rd April 2005

It's actually just Abbff, no "i". :D

Terry Schiavo fiasco - A Black Falcon - 3rd April 2005

I think killing is wrong, period... if it can be avoided it should be.

Quote:It's actually just Abbff, no "i".

That's an acronym, you say each letter seperately... :)

Terry Schiavo fiasco - EdenMaster - 3rd April 2005

You prefer to pay to keep them alive?

Terry Schiavo fiasco - A Black Falcon - 3rd April 2005

When you actually look at the costs, the death penalty isn't really cheaper.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Weltall - 3rd April 2005

It would be if it were done in a timely fashion.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - OB1 - 3rd April 2005

A Black Falcon Wrote:I think killing is wrong, period... if it can be avoided it should be.

That's an acronym, you say each letter seperately... :)

Make me!

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Weltall - 3rd April 2005


Terry Schiavo fiasco - A Black Falcon - 3rd April 2005

What, just start calling OB1 that? :)

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Weltall - 3rd April 2005


Boy, I like that.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - A Black Falcon - 3rd April 2005

Quote:It would be if it were done in a timely fashion.

Cut the appeals, you mean? What, and make sure even MORE innocent people get killed?

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Great Rumbler - 4th April 2005







That's what I do.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - A Black Falcon - 4th April 2005

If you're using the acronyms, yeah... well, except for OB1, obviously.

Except I use 'Weltall'. Yeah, I know, he doesn't use it anymore. Oh well. :)

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Weltall - 4th April 2005

A Black Falcon Wrote:Cut the appeals, you mean? What, and make sure even MORE innocent people get killed?

The amount of appeals a person gets is ridiculous. The whole process never accomplishes anything except drawing out the process. It's a delaying tactic. One should be enough, except in cases where there is a substantial doubt. For those whose guilt is not questionable in the least, or in instances where guilt is proven and a confession is provided, one and done should be the rule. I'm innocent of any crime, but the appeals process harms me as a taxpayer. Therefore, it should be modified to minimize the damage I suffer from it. I'm not the one who deserves punishment, after all.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - A Black Falcon - 4th April 2005

I just don't agree that the death penalty is ever a valid punishment. Yes, it's tempting to want to do that to some criminals, but it's just not right... 'eye for an eye' is outdated.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - OB1 - 4th April 2005

For DJ I say "deej" like they did on Full House.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Geno - 4th April 2005

So, am I GEE-noh or JEE-noh?

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Great Rumbler - 4th April 2005


Terry Schiavo fiasco - Dark Jaguar - 4th April 2005

What about my BRILLIANT organ farming plan?

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Great Rumbler - 4th April 2005

What about it? It's old hat.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Dark Jaguar - 4th April 2005

No way man! It's new... hat? What the heck is "old hat"?

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Weltall - 4th April 2005

A Black Falcon Wrote:I just don't agree that the death penalty is ever a valid punishment. Yes, it's tempting to want to do that to some criminals, but it's just not right... 'eye for an eye' is outdated.

As I said, I like the death penalty less as a punishment and more as a means of removing undesirable filth from our society. They don't deserve to live, and to keep them alive requires me paying for it, which I don't want to do. Therefore, justice is served, and at the same time, tax dollars are saved. If it worked the way it should.

Of course, the bleeding heart factions have made the process into one that takes decades and tremendous costs. Then those same people point out that the costs are so prohibitive, when that's really their whole intent in the first place. One appeal, then to the gallows they go.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Dark Jaguar - 4th April 2005

Here's something... There are a few people who are convicted wrongly. Why is that happening? The death penalty people aside, the question comes up how are innocent people getting convicted? There is supposed to be a presumption of innosence and the evidence must be shown for guilt, beyond resonable doubt. Basically, only when evidence is shown that makes it illogical to say they are innocent shows up does one get convicted.

Somewhere along the lines, I think the reign of science in the courts gave way to "fancy lawyer talk", and also silly people in positions they shouldn't be in.

For example, if in a trial sueing a "psychic" for swindling money from lots of people, a judge states "now it is this court's judgement that psychic powers DO in fact exist for the purposes of this case, so I forbid any arguments trying to prove that psychic abilities don't exist", then logic has failed in favor of silliness. The judge in such a case has already pretty much defeated the prosecution before the trial even began. All the prosecution can do is argue that THAT person doesn't have psychic abilities, and it's hard to do that accuratly under such conditions.

I say science really needs a much higher role in the processes of government. I'm not suggesting some "ivory tower of wizards" saying what should and shouldn't be. I'm suggesting that logic should prevail and that the scientific method should be one of the guiding factors in any policy making.
As for the death penalty, I say we should put on hold whether it's right or wrong for the guilty until we can reduce the odds of innocent convictions to being totally improbable. You know, I'd rather 1000 guilty go free than... chase after them... not sure how that goes but anyway I'm sure you get my pont.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - OB1 - 4th April 2005

Dark Jaguar Wrote:No way man! It's new... hat? What the heck is "old hat"?


Terry Schiavo fiasco - Dark Jaguar - 4th April 2005

Hey, GR said it.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - OB1 - 4th April 2005

You've never heard that expression before?

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Dark Jaguar - 4th April 2005

...no... What is that ghetto?

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Great Rumbler - 5th April 2005

From dictionary.com:

Quote:old hat

1. Behind the times; old-fashioned: Last year's styles will be old hat soon.
2. Overused; trite: That prank is old hat.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - OB1 - 5th April 2005

Dark Jaguar Wrote:...no... What is that ghetto?

Good Lord.


Terry Schiavo fiasco - Dark Jaguar - 5th April 2005

Oh sorry, "urban".

Terry Schiavo fiasco - OB1 - 5th April 2005

I just find it hilarious how you assume that everything you don't understand (including ancient expressions) is "ghetto" or "urban". Lol

Terry Schiavo fiasco - A Black Falcon - 5th April 2005

How in the world could someone never have heard such a common expression... odd.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Great Rumbler - 5th April 2005

Well, DJ's an odd sort of person.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - A Black Falcon - 5th April 2005

True (isn't everyone here in some way? :)), but even so, it's odd.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Dark Jaguar - 5th April 2005

OB1 that's the first time I've ever assumed something I never heard of was "ghetto", and I did it for comedic effect.

And um, how common could that phrase possibly be? Seriously, I have NEVER heard it before now, at ALL. It must be a regional thing.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - A Black Falcon - 5th April 2005

No, it's not.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - OB1 - 5th April 2005

How could it be a regional thing if GR lives in the same region as you do? Lol

I've heard that expression many times, and I've lived all over the place.

And you've called things "urban" (or something similar) when you've been confused before.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - A Black Falcon - 5th April 2005

Ob1=right, for once. :)

Terry Schiavo fiasco - OB1 - 5th April 2005

A Black Falcon Wrote:Ob1=right. for once, I can admit that. :)


Terry Schiavo fiasco - A Black Falcon - 5th April 2005


Terry Schiavo fiasco - Sacred Jellybean - 6th April 2005

I've never heard the term old hat, either. :S So DJ isn't entirely strange and insane... well, not for this reason alone.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - OB1 - 6th April 2005


[Image: ad3.gif]

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Great Rumbler - 6th April 2005

Hahaha! :D

Terry Schiavo fiasco - OB1 - 6th April 2005

It's even funnier if you know the context.

Franklin is great.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - EdenMaster - 6th April 2005

Haven't you watched any of the second season, GR? I thought you'd caught up with the DVDs. It's funnier to watch them all in sequence, but not necessary. I myself didn't get into the show until about the time Tobias was getting into the Blue Man Group.

Tobias: I could be called at anytime, so I blue myself in the morning.

Michael: There has to be a better way of saying that.

Terry Schiavo fiasco - Great Rumbler - 6th April 2005

Well, I'd already missed about half of the second season by the time I got the first season on DVD...and I keep forgetting what time it comes on.