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Story and Games - OB1 - 28th March 2005


Story and Games - Great Rumbler - 28th March 2005

Darn mainstreamers...

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 28th March 2005

Lucasarts doesn't remember the definition of "fan", I think... sure, selling units is good. It's a business. But not every companty is as relentless in search of profits as they are... after all, we still get some innovative or original titles. It's so sad that they've sunk so low.

Story and Games - Great Rumbler - 28th March 2005

Lucasarts did release Mercenaries, which I have yet to get, but would like to someday.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 28th March 2005

That's a third-person action game kind of like GTA-with-more-blowing-things-up. Perfect for mainstream gamers.

Story and Games - Great Rumbler - 28th March 2005

Perfect for people who like games that are insanely fun and simple, you mean.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 28th March 2005

Yes. A good mainstream title.

That's about as daring as you'll see from LA these days, I'm sure, though... which should depress everyone interested in gaming.

Story and Games - Great Rumbler - 28th March 2005

It still looks like a fun game.

Story and Games - OB1 - 28th March 2005

No one commented on Kojima and that Finnish guy listing Oldboy as their favorite movies.

Story and Games - Great Rumbler - 28th March 2005

I saw it.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 28th March 2005

No one commented when I said "Will this get anyone to get TLJ and consider getting Dreamfall", either, but I'm sure you saw it...

My point being, why do you need to make an issue of no one responding to your comment? They saw. They didn't think of anything to say in reply. Deal with it. :)

Story and Games - OB1 - 28th March 2005


Was that your idea of a witty insult or something? I'm puzzled.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 28th March 2005

It was statement of annoyance that no one pays attention when I post anything about Dreamfall.

Story and Games - OB1 - 28th March 2005


Story and Games - Private Hudson - 28th March 2005

Well I posted that ABF didn't like oral sex and no-one replied to it.. :(

Story and Games - OB1 - 28th March 2005


Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 28th March 2005

Such as this thread. Two replies. From Smoke, one of the few other PC gamers on the board.


Story and Games - big guy - 29th March 2005

Great Rumbler Wrote:Lucasarts did release Mercenaries, which I have yet to get, but would like to someday.

i think they should have called that game "terrorists" becuase the whole point is to blow up buildings and kill innocent people...or so the commercials led me to believe.

Private Hudson Wrote:Well I posted that ABF didn't like oral sex and no-one replied to it..

just because he doesn't like to recieve doesn't mean he doesn't like to give...

...i'm just saying!

Story and Games - Great Rumbler - 29th March 2005

Quote:i think they should have called that game "terrorists" becuase the whole point is to blow up buildings and kill innocent people...or so the commercials led me to believe.

There's certainly nothing wrong with that!


As long as you only do it in the game, I mean.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 29th March 2005

You're a mercenary, so you can work for the good guys too if you really want to... but I'm sure it's more fun to work for both sides. :)

Story and Games - Great Rumbler - 29th March 2005

The only side that a mercenary is on is the one with money, and sometimes that changes.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 29th March 2005

No, in lots of fiction the rogues (mercenaries, smugglers, theives, etc) are often unquestionably good, you know... maybe it's not particularly realistic, but it's a time-honored cliche. :)

Story and Games - lazyfatbum - 29th March 2005

Whoever says that facial reactions dont add to the story is a moron. And cliche's are needed only because it helps people identify what they're getting in to. If you see a game cover with a muscle bound character holding a sword with a human head on the end of it you know exactly what you're getting in to. If you see a movie poster with Nick Cage running from an explosion, or a monstrous hand peeking from a shadow or even a cute couple kissing you have an instant identification with the story. That's why cliche's are popular and that's why they're still being made; Because they sell.

But facial action and reaction is probably the number one priority in visual story telling a side from camera movement and shots. In RE4, we expect Leon to make an "oh shit!" face when he's being attacked, if he didn't make that face, it would be dull and unnatural. If Ada didn't smile when she gives Leon the keys to the jetski it would not have had the same level of emotional impact.

Mario should be sad when he dies and laugh happily when he finds a star, Link should yell and grimace as he shoves the sword through an enemy or awe in shock as he sees GANON's castle for the first time. It not only lets us in on who the character is, it tells us what's going on and it brings us further in to the game or movie. Even the most subdued expression, such as Samus Aran narrowing her eyes right before she's attacked or the simple animation of Link's eyes looking around his environment speak volumes to the game player.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 29th March 2005

That's true, and as they say in the article the fact that that now can be done advances some storytelling potential (or at least increases believability of what you are trying to do)... but more than enough good or great stories have been done without it to show that you can definitely make a great game (and a great story) without them. They just help...

Story and Games - OB1 - 29th March 2005

Quote:Whoever says that facial reactions dont add to the story is a moron.

Who said that?

Story and Games - Dark Jaguar - 29th March 2005

Ya know, I'd like to come up with my own expressions, on the spot, during a cinema. When Link sees the castle for the first time, I'd like to decide between stoic, shocked, or amused appearences. Like, "haha, that castle has a rainbow leading to it, Ganon is totally the opposite of heterosexual, because rainbows have sexual intercourse with each other".

Story and Games - OB1 - 29th March 2005

That would be cool.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 29th March 2005

That'd be nice... not something we've never seen in games, of course, but any addition of interactivity in an interactive medium is usually good.

Story and Games - OB1 - 29th March 2005

When has that been done before?

Story and Games - Great Rumbler - 29th March 2005

You see Ganon's castle. Do you:
A. Yell defiantly
B. Laugh courageously
C. Laugh hysterically
D. Shrug your shoulders
E. Yawn
F. Wet your pants

They should have stuff like that in the next Zelda game.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 29th March 2005

Plenty of RPGs and adventure games have choices in conversation that affect the progress of the game... somewhat different, yes, but along the same lines. That's what I meant.

Story and Games - OB1 - 29th March 2005

You can also do that in Zelda. DJ was talking about being able to control expressions during cinemas.

Story and Games - Dark Jaguar - 29th March 2005

Haha, OB1, those "choices" you speak of, what are they?

Do you refer to something like when someone explains something to you, and asks if you agree to do a quest, and you can select either yes or no? Yeah, REAL choice there. Last I checked, in ALL those instances, it just repeats over and over until you give the game the answer it wants to hear. That's hardly choice :D.

Story and Games - OB1 - 29th March 2005

Yup, that's what I mean. They of course don't affect the course of the game whatsoever, but they are different reactions that you choose from. Not exactly what ABF was referring to, but his example wasn't what you were talking about, either.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 29th March 2005

No, OB1, you cannot change the direction of where the story goes in a Zelda game with making choices. No Zelda game has multiple endings, for instance... I guess the closest it comes in MM, but there it's just about which sidequests you do and which you don't... but other than that, Zelda doesn't have it. Most console RPGs don't, but you'll find it in a bunch of PC RPGs and some adventure games.

Story and Games - OB1 - 29th March 2005

Thanks for listening.

Quote:They of course don't affect the course of the game whatsoever, but they are different reactions that you choose from.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 29th March 2005

I posted that before I saw that post of yours...

Quote:Yup, that's what I mean. They of course don't affect the course of the game whatsoever, but they are different reactions that you choose from. Not exactly what ABF was referring to, but his example wasn't what you were talking about, either.

Are you honestly trying to suggest that those Yes/No things are a GOOD thing? They ditched them in WW because Nintendo realized how stupid they were... either make the choices make a difference (even if that difference is just a different conversation that leads to the same conclusion) or don't bother.

Story and Games - OB1 - 29th March 2005

Actually no, I did not suggest that.


Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 29th March 2005

DJ said 'Do you mean those Yes/No things' and then you said 'Yes, that's exactly what I mean'...

Story and Games - OB1 - 29th March 2005


Yeah, that's correct. And please point out where in that answer of mine I say that it's a good thing.

[Image: ndlec117.jpg]

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 29th March 2005

Why would you even mention it in response to what I said unless you meant it as some kind of substantive thing? It's a weird thing to mention because it's a completely pointless "option" which I wouldn't say even counts as a choice.

Story and Games - Great Rumbler - 29th March 2005

You're so weird, ABF.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 29th March 2005

Really, why in the world would anyone mention those "Yes/No" boxes in response to someone asking about choices in story in games? They aren't. There's no question about it.

Story and Games - OB1 - 29th March 2005


Story and Games - OB1 - 29th March 2005

The best part about this is that ABF is completely unaware of the fact that his example had nothing to do with DJ's idea...

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 29th March 2005

Not true, OB1. What DJ suggests is basically what I described, except in images except in words...

Story and Games - Great Rumbler - 29th March 2005

DJ's idea is way cooler.

Story and Games - OB1 - 29th March 2005

DJ's idea was to enable the player to control expressions and such during cinemas. Then you, ABF, said that that would be nothing new, and listed some examples that were nothing like DJ's idea.

Story and Games - A Black Falcon - 29th March 2005

What DJ said is basically taking what already exists and using technology we now have to advance it potentially a step further, in some respects...

The closest thing I can think of to what DJ described is what Tornquist has described as how Dreamfall will play.

Story and Games - OB1 - 29th March 2005

No, what you described has very little to do with what DJ said. She said that it would be cool if you could control your expressions, as in facial expressions, on the spot during a cinema.

You really do have comprehension problems. Wow.