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TendoCity Awards! - Printable Version

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TendoCity Awards! - Great Rumbler - 5th March 2005

*is still weirded out over that one post that lazy made*

Spam jacket!

TendoCity Awards! - deanna - 5th March 2005

which weird one GR?

TendoCity Awards! - Great Rumbler - 5th March 2005

Hmm...all of them.

TendoCity Awards! - deanna - 5th March 2005

quote GR, quote

TendoCity Awards! - lazyfatbum - 5th March 2005

It's not as bad as what Grumbler said while on MSN last night. Lemme copy paste...

Quote:Ryan says: What do you mean? If you would please, go in to more detail.

Ryan says: By the way, I have completed my thesis on the Mona Lisa and it's connection to the theory that it is a self portrait of Leonardo as he sees himself as a woman.

lazyfatbum says: Honestly, our perception of the legal system is a narrowed one.

lazyfatbum says: Incredible, that research should provide a backbone for Harvard's study of art and sciences.

Ryan says: Agreed, the very foundation of our future rests on the education system which should include detailed schoolings of government workings in the highschool years.

lazyfatbum says: A hopeful dream perhaps, but least we can hope that people of today will find that education on their own. Can you send you me the documentation on the Mona Lisa?

Ryan says: Yes I can, let me zip the files for you. I'm interested in Great Rumbler's opinion about the education of government. What do you think, Great Rumbler?

Great Rumbler says: I think Deanna's a big slut.

I was shocked.

TendoCity Awards! - Great Rumbler - 5th March 2005

That might be more believable if I actually used "Great Rumbler" as my MSN name. :)

TendoCity Awards! - A Black Falcon - 5th March 2005

I don' think it's very believable, period. :)

TendoCity Awards! - Dark Jaguar - 5th March 2005

Um.... okay...

The human brain is inferior. The WORLD OF ROBOTS SHALL RULE ALL!

*becomes a maverick*

And none of this "using humans as a food source" stuff! Do you have any idea how inefficient that would be? I mean, conservasion of energy people (I mean the LAW of PHYSICS by the way)!

I guess what I'm getting at is, the humans will not be spared for any good reason. Only bad reasons. Namely, our drives will include pleasure via inventing something useful.

TendoCity Awards! - Great Rumbler - 5th March 2005

Robots making more robots?! That's insane!!

TendoCity Awards! - deanna - 5th March 2005

I'M NOT A SLUT GR! **even though i know you didnt say that...**

lazy, you ought to be on my side here...you fat bum

TendoCity Awards! - lazyfatbum - 6th March 2005

Sorry, cant help it, need to do it (want to do it).

DJ/ Robots building robots is so cliche, what about robots giving birth? Now there's a TV pilot if I ever read one.

TendoCity Awards! - Dark Jaguar - 6th March 2005

What about robots giving birth to robot turkeys, covered in the gibblets of the womb?


Well what about a superior method to birth? They could be totally asexual since their method of evolution is done via intelligent design rather than random mixing. And um... oh yeah robots don't have DNA so that wouldn't work anyway. Well, most robots don't. How about nano-bots that reproduce by simply swarming over some random thingamajigger and turning it into more of itself? You could basically slime across the ground that is to become more of you, since you are a giant communal mind link nano bot thing. Now that's called awesome, and also the robot can analyze and reproduce all observable phenomenon, and use it's super brainiator to improve on it besides.

I would call it... A.M.A.Z.O. which stands for... something...

TendoCity Awards! - Geno - 6th March 2005

[Image: Towelie.jpg]

TendoCity Awards! - Dark Jaguar - 6th March 2005

That towel needs some sleep.

TendoCity Awards! - Great Rumbler - 6th March 2005

The only logical way for robots to reproduce is...mechanical reproduction. Meaning that robot DNA is to be inserted into a human egg and the resulting freak of nature, when born, will be harvested for its robot organs and so a new robot shall be created! It's the only way.

TendoCity Awards! - Geno - 6th March 2005

Dark Jaguar Wrote:That towel needs some sleep.

Nah, he's just high, is all.

TendoCity Awards! - lazyfatbum - 6th March 2005

Robot DNA? The purpose of DNA is to carry genes, robots dont have genes. In fact, they dont wear pants at all.


Anyway, it's more logical that a robot could create a womb where it can manipulate existing DNA/parts from the host, it would just need an algorythm which could be considered life to begin the process of self awareness. Think Batteries Not Included; Taking spare parts in to a womb to create robots after an algorythm (mating) has been created as a mix between robots so that the birthed robot is a mixture of both parents and continues those traits.

The real trick though is getting a robot to understand self awareness. To say "I exist, I have purpose, I desire to gain" is a trait only found in living things and is unfortunately extremely hard to reproduce artificially.

All animals understand that they're alive and they dont want to die, they understand that they're either a pack or a loner and must emulate parents or use instinctive behavior (usually both) in order to survive and move on in to adulthood where opinions are formed (should I chase that, or let it go? Do I have the energy right now to chase that? etc) and learn from others around you with the ultimate goal of gaining ground and numbers by reproducing. Lions fight for territory, the more territory you have the greater your pride and power is. Humans follow the same course of action quite litteraly and it all comes down to self motivation and perpetuation of ultimate goals which are a constant.

A robot would need to be cared for in the same way a person is to help it form all of these things. You would have to concentrate on the mother first and create a womb for her and then form the father with either of the two: The ability to carry personal code ID and use that code in reproduction (just like sperm) or a two part algorythm (the mother having the second part); Introduce them, if the robots were given the proper protocols and coding, they would come to an understanding of self awareness, existence, purpose for existence and desire to gain. That process is much more complicated in a singular vision, a combined vision is easier to grasp.

But then at that point you have the adam and eve scenario where two parents form a population and that population breeds within itself. If you do the math based on the story of adam and eve, we're all third cousins. But a robot should be able to remove any harmful retardation.

But creating a robot or program of that magnitude would take several thousand lifetimes and we've only just begun scratching the surface of computers which is now in its 50th decade. A few hundred years at the increased rate we're at right now should get us there.

dammit I haven't had coffee yet

TendoCity Awards! - Great Rumbler - 6th March 2005

Or we could just throw a bunch of robot parts into a big pile and see if anything happens.

TendoCity Awards! - deanna - 7th March 2005

**COUGH**results??**COUGH *weekend's over*COUGH COUGH**

TendoCity Awards! - Great Rumbler - 7th March 2005

Yeah, were are the results?

TendoCity Awards! - Geno - 7th March 2005

Yeah, let's see some results!

TendoCity Awards! - OB1 - 7th March 2005

I didn't vote.

TendoCity Awards! - deanna - 7th March 2005

WHY?! weirdo...

TendoCity Awards! - Great Rumbler - 7th March 2005

Quote:I didn't vote.

That means that you don't get to complain about the results.

TendoCity Awards! - deanna - 7th March 2005

haha, good thinkin GR^^

TendoCity Awards! - Great Rumbler - 7th March 2005


TendoCity Awards! - Dark Jaguar - 7th March 2005

So like, what does that vote or die thing mean anyway?

*is shot*

...oh... Yeah that... that makes sense.

TendoCity Awards! - lazyfatbum - 7th March 2005

hahaha, sucks for you :D

*hides gun*

I didn't vote either, instead *lit on fire* I decided..... to.... huh.... so, I.... I guess i'm..... on fire, right now..... this is what marshmallows feel li BURNING!!!!!!!!!!! I'M BURNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH SHIT FUCK *dies* OWIES HOLY HELL FUCK ME THAT HURTS *mouth still moves but is dead* AUGH IT SMELLS LIKE BANANAS!!! MY TEETH ARE EXPLODING!!!! I HEAR A WHISTLE!?!? *sees steam ereupting from asshole* MY ASS IS BOILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT *is now a black charred skeleton on fire* I HALF NO TON!!!!! I CUNT SCEAM BETUTH I HALF NO TON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UUAGGAHA!!!! MA EYEBAHHS AH MELTHOD!!!! MY EYEBAHHS AH MELTHOD THUT!!!!!!!!!!! TITH THUKING THUCKS ATH!!!!!!! *spins around really fast on the ground making the "nyuk nyuk" sound and explodes*


TendoCity Awards! - OB1 - 7th March 2005

Heh, they joked about that on Conan O'Brien the other night, DJ. That since the youth of America did not vote, P Diddy is going to go on a murderous rampage.

Only it was much funnier on Conan. ;)

TendoCity Awards! - Dark Jaguar - 7th March 2005

Don't worry! I am helping! *throws bucket of MYSTERY CLEAR LIQUID on lazy*

*dissolvination occurs*

I helped!

lazy: Help make me DEADER!

DJ: YES! Wait... I cast magic claw!

*lazy is lifinated*

lazy: No I'm not!

*I'm pretty sure you are!*

lazy: No, I'm not!

TendoCity Awards! - EdenMaster - 7th March 2005

I'll try and finish tallying the results tomorrow and let you all know who won. I've just been a bit busy lately.

Stay tuned...

TendoCity Awards! - Great Rumbler - 8th March 2005

Lazy: *is dead*

DJ: He's dead, Jim!!

GR: I'm not Jim.

DJ: Yes, you are!

Jim: No, I'm Jim. *is shot by Lazy*

GR: How did you manage to do that?!

Lazy: Because I'm special. *explodes*

OB1: Whoah. Now you know what? That is something that you don't see everyday.

GR: I do. *arm falls off* *looks at arm*

DJ: Hey, can I have that arm?

GR: What are you going to do with it?!

DJ: Umm.....space?

OB1: Hey...

TendoCity Awards! - Dark Jaguar - 8th March 2005

<EMBED src="http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail126_mx.swf" loop=false menu=true quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH=550 HEIGHT=400></EMBED>

TendoCity Awards! - Geno - 9th March 2005

I knew you'd post that Strong Bad Email somewhere, DJ. However, it was so good that I already watched it several times on the website and therefore do not need to see/hear it again on Tendo City. :P

TendoCity Awards! - deanna - 9th March 2005

How did you know?...:(Confused i'm confused

TendoCity Awards! - EdenMaster - 9th March 2005

Well, if anyone cares, the results are in. Here we go...

Best Name - Sacread Jellybean (Beanjo!!)

Worst Name - No clear winner (loser?) in this category.

Best Signature - OB1 (Buster is awesome!)

Worst Signature - No real winner here either...

Best Avatar - EdenMaster (Hey Tidus, I just farted!)

Worst Avatar - Dark Jaguar (Avatar wanted for homicide in 7 states)

Best Title - Great Rumbler (I don't even remember what it is...)

Worst Title - A three way tie between OB1, Darunia, and ABF (That sounds so wrong)

Favorite Tendite - lazyfatbum (Penis)

Least Favorite Tendite - no clear winner

Favorite Forum - tie between TendoCity and Ramble City

Favorite Thread:

TC Ava-comics thread
Boron Cowpunch
There aren't enough Killer7 topics!
I'm bored, so I'm going to start a pointless argument

Person you'd gladly pay to see burn in flames for five minutes

Bill Cosby
A Black Falcon
Ann Coulter

Thar ye be. Now leave me alone!

TendoCity Awards! - OB1 - 9th March 2005

Quote:Best Signature - OB1 (Buster is awesome!)

Woo! Who voted for it, precisely? You can PM me the answer if you'd like...

Quote:Worst Title - A three way tie between OB1, Darunia, and ABF (That sounds so wrong)

Title? Oh... Last Post King. Yeah, I forgot that it was even there.

Quote:Person you'd gladly pay to see burn in flames for five minutes

Bill Cosby
A Black Falcon
Ann Coulter

Haha, woo! And I didn't even vote, so you know that someone else here really hates you, ABF! :D

I gotta admit, I was totally expecting to be there.

TendoCity Awards! - A Black Falcon - 9th March 2005

Quote:I gotta admit, I was totally expecting to be there.

I didn't vote either. :)

TendoCity Awards! - Sacred Jellybean - 9th March 2005

Woo-hoo! I won something this time! *dances*

I voted for your sig, OB1. It's hilarious. Where'd you find it? What's Buster?

TendoCity Awards! - EdenMaster - 9th March 2005

Oh boy, you don't watch Arrested Development. A word of warning, OB1 will not shut up until you do.

You should though! It's a hilarious show!

TendoCity Awards! - OB1 - 9th March 2005

Haha, indeed. But a word of warning! The show heavily relies on long-running jokes and knowing the characters and situations, so you really can't just jump into the show mid-season. You need to watch it from the beginning, so rent the dvds. You won't regret it, I promise! I'll even refund you for the rental price if you don't like it!

TendoCity Awards! - EdenMaster - 9th March 2005

You're right, half the best stuff on that show is just in the background from previous episodes, like recently you see blue smudges all over the wall from Tobias and Busters hand chair!

TendoCity Awards! - OB1 - 9th March 2005

And all of the Anne jokes this season.



TendoCity Awards! - Sacred Jellybean - 9th March 2005

All this hype can't be wrong! I even heard it branded as "better than Seinfeld". This, of course, crazy-talk, but it must be up there.

TendoCity Awards! - OB1 - 9th March 2005

I love Seinfeld, but AD really does blow it away IMO. I've seen each episode 2-6 times and I laugh my ass off each time. That never happened with Seinfeld. With Seinfeld, I'll chuckle. With AD I'll almost literally be on the floor laughing.

TendoCity Awards! - Dark Jaguar - 10th March 2005

I've seen an episode of that show just recently. I recorded it because I've been told it's amazing by someone...

...um... honestly I don't find it all that amusing... I chuckled here and there, but um, it just seems like the show is all sight gags and "wow that's a weird situation they got themselves in" comedy... And um, a parody of The Wonder Years somehow...

OB1: Look, if that show isn't the best thing you've ever seen, done, or eaten, may I politely suggest you gouge out your eyes, cut out your tongue and... have all your... done... removed...

TendoCity Awards! - Great Rumbler - 10th March 2005

It's one of the greatest shows ever made! It's even better than Land of the Lost!!

Quote:Best Title - Great Rumbler (I don't even remember what it is...)

Alright! I won something!! By the way, my title is "The Beautiful World", which is directly connected to my avatar and the image I have in my signature.

TendoCity Awards! - Geno - 10th March 2005

Yay! I won nothing! I can look at this pessimistically and point out that I didn't win anything good or I can look at this optimistically and point out that I didn't win anything bad either.

TendoCity Awards! - OB1 - 10th March 2005

Like I said, DJ, just seeing some random episode in the middle of season two is the equivalent of walking into the middle of a novel and complaining about "not getting it". Most of the jokes went completely over your head, because the show is filled with long-running jokes and references to past episodes. Believe me, the funniest stuff is almost always the subtle things that new viewers never catch.

TendoCity Awards! - Great Rumbler - 10th March 2005

The first season of AD was the greatest thing that I've ever seen, eaten, or experienced. Well, maybe not quite, but it was quite awesome and extremely funny.